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/lit/ - Literature

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7979815 No.7979815 [Reply] [Original]

>I hate people who read in public.

Thoughts /lit/

>> No.7979818

I can't fucking do it

>> No.7979821
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Who the hell cares

>> No.7979825

>I hate people who read in public.
Don't go outside than.

>> No.7979829

>I hate people who read in public

>> No.7979830
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>> No.7979832

I never go outside

>> No.7979834

I don't. People want to look sophisticated by pulling out the latest best selling meme book in public. Kek.

>> No.7979838

I read on the bus/tram because I don't have much else to do during that time

>> No.7979839


>> No.7979844

Since this is an anonymous message board, I will confess that I read literary classics in public specifically to attract literate women, and, well, let's just say it works.

>> No.7979849

I read on the bus, because if I'm listening to music I get paranoid that I farted and don't know.

So there.

>> No.7979851

I don't think anyone reads in public to impress others with what they're reading. Though I don't hang out in college towns.
But so what if they are? Pay no attention to them. If you can't strike up a conversation and maybe get him/her into reading something you like, why bother with any of this.

>> No.7979855

Wouldn't knowing make it worse?

>> No.7979856

>I hate the proletariat

>>being in public except for buying groceries and fresh air

>> No.7979864

The thing is, I'm almost 100% sure I don't, but I can never know for sure.

>> No.7979867


>> No.7979870


>listening to music
>while reading


>> No.7979882

I would think as a supposed reader you'd respect that someone else is just using this otherwise wasted time on the bus to get some reading done. Maybe you only see it as showy because you're a pretentious cunt and you hate that you're giving them the recognition you want.

>> No.7979890

I sometimes read in parks or public transportation. I've also read in bars and cafes occasionally. I think I've landed around 3 dates reading in public, I should probably do it more

>> No.7979896

Yes, I bring a book with me in case I end up having to wait somewhere. I also read while eating out alone.

>> No.7979897

I read on the train for about an hour. I manage to read quite a lot during said hour.

>> No.7979901

You should see me reading this 1200 page tome called The Wealth of Nations on public transport, stares staring everywhere.

>> No.7979904

Which books were you reading?

>> No.7979937

I don't remember, sorry. Jane Austen with one dude, I remember because he commented on it and it was a book I bought from a used bookshop in London so it sparked a conversation, and with the others Murakami or Pratchett or possibly some classics, Thackeray or Brontë or such, I don't know.

>> No.7979938

I read in public because I can't concentrate at home, usually at a coffee shop within walking distance, sometimes at waffle house if I'm hungry.

I usually read on a kindle. I was kind of self-conscious recently when reading a physical book that had extensive notes, as it's difficult to flip back and forth on an ereader.
Thankfully I don't think anyone noticed or gave a shit. It's kind of bizarre that you carry such resentment towards other people reading in public OP. Do people who browse facebook in public bother you as well or is that OK since it's somehow more socially acceptable to you?

>> No.7979956

Is your waffle house like mine in that the staff are the most ignorant teenagers you've ever heard speak, and even if there's not a single other customer you have to wait half an hour for a coffee refill?

>> No.7979992

Why would anyone do and enjoy that lol

>> No.7979995


Can confirm. Works particularly well if as a guy you're reading female authors in public.

>> No.7979999

Not at all, the staff are friendly and middle aged. In fact the idea of teenagers working in a waffle house seems bizarre based on my experiences at any waffle house over the years.

>> No.7980000

Classical or psytrance. Anything without lyrics creates an ambiance around your reading.

>> No.7980008

I guess quads confirms my waffle house is the shittiest waffle house. It's in Mesa, Arizona. So it fits right in.

>> No.7980028


Listening to classical while reading is the most pathetic, bourgeois, pleb thing I can even conceive of.

>> No.7980037

I find it impossible to read in public, too distracting. I digest none of it, same for audio books too, useless to me.

I don't see anything wrong with public reading though.

>> No.7980045



>> No.7980051

I listen to music while writing and also sometimes when reading in public. Depending on what you listen to, it can effectively shut out the noises around you, helps you focus

>> No.7980052

I like violin sounds. Sue me. Then learn some more condescending adjectives and kill yourself you angsty little shit.

>> No.7980057
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>off my meds one day
>decided to get a load on with some vodka as well
>end up literally assaulting a woman on the train who was reading tfios
>get charged
>lose my job
>criminal record
>family won't talk to me

>> No.7980060

quads confirm classical is the way to go.

>> No.7980061

Blame it on chemicals all you want. You're the shitstain that made the decision to hit her.

>> No.7980062

Have you ever commuted on an NYC train for 2-3 hours a day? And what about coffee shops? And parks? And buses and airplanes?

A ridiculous position.

>> No.7980063

That is one of the most poshlost things I've ever read on here.

>> No.7980065


>> No.7980073


>> No.7980095

That's one of the most pedantic ostentatious grandiloquent things i've ever read on here

>> No.7980098

Tell me about it desu. Why can't people be happy with who they are?

>> No.7980102
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>> No.7980105

Quit taking so much dick then.

>> No.7980106

I don't really care if people do or not. I have trouble focusing when out in public though, so in general I don't read in public. The only time I really do is if I'm waiting somewhere for a while, like at the airport waiting for a departure.

>> No.7980112

On an ereader, yeah.

>> No.7980113

>assaults another person just because you don't approve of what media they choose to consume and no one should be allowed to enjoy what I dislike

dude what the fuck. I can understand personally not wanting to touch shit books but hating on others just because their taste isn't up to your personal standards is fucking retarded. What if some fashion snob would beat you up for wearing made in cambodia supermarket-bought clothes from 4 years ago? "You are the cancer that killed local couture craftmanship, you asshole!"

>> No.7980116

Personally I find it impossible to concentrate. I need a somewhat quiet environment.

>> No.7980124

you had the moral high ground there buddy

>> No.7980135

I read at Barnes & Noble sometimes just because its a nice ambience, I like Starbucks coffee, and I get too distracted when I'm at home.

Like right now.

>> No.7980225

if i saw that guy on the train i'd want to ask him, "why the long face?"

>> No.7980246

>he doesn't listen to piano sonatas while reading

>> No.7980333
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>> No.7980340
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>> No.7980354

I don't get it

>> No.7980378

>being in public

>> No.7980386

I'm similarly paranoid, just about any sort of unconscious or involuntary noise I make. I have a friend who listens to dubstep really loud on these goofy large headphones and he audibly sighs and seems to manually breath and makes little vocalizations every once in a while and I really don't want to be like him

>> No.7980395

How do you not feel a fart escaping from your ass? Is this a fat person thing?

>> No.7980420

>let's just say it works.
You lie.

>> No.7980428


>fucking this

I bring my book if I think I'll need to wait for an unspecified amount of time (doctor's office, public transit).

>> No.7980433

see a psychiatrist

>> No.7980449

Since I'm on public transportation a lot of the time, I spend it on reading.

Why do you hate people who read in public? I just about read anywhere, since I have to wait for a lot of people.

>> No.7980459
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I know.

>Not shunning society and becoming an enigmatic recluse

>> No.7980492
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How and why would this upset you? Are you jealous that you lack the self confidence to do what you like wherever you go? Maybe you're unable to concentrate when surrounded by all the scary strangers. Maybe other people's self confidence and expression seems challenging to you. Maybe you're a monument to shame. Be a man, anon.

You know, faggot, I've literally chosen to read in a bar on my fucking Ipad for irony's sake and it actually got me laid. "Anon, are you fucking reading?" "God damn right; got some fine text, here. And what are you doing, here? Conversation over there must be pretty dull to talk to some guy reading on his Ipad like a weirdo, huh? I'm John Smith, nice to see you. You are?" I stretched it open deep that night, anons. Chick is still part of the harem, too. Think of that. Books in bars will get your balls sucked.

Learn to take joy from expressing yourselves pridefully, anons. The more people who see, the better.

>> No.7980508
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>> No.7980509

>buys own groceries
>thinks she's in a class above the rest

>> No.7980556

you literally did nothing wrong

>> No.7980565

I do it all the time. Did it a few hours ago at the park. Rode my bike over and brought a beach towel and notebook and stuff.

>> No.7980573


And here we have one of these guys, who's better off telling his "exploits" on /b/ then anywhere else. le upvote for the story.

>> No.7980589

I spend 4 hours a week on a train. Ofcourse I'm gonna use it to read.

>> No.7980591

Primo Levi wrote about experiences as a jew in the holocaust

>> No.7980601

Yes I do but I need to be wearing earphones at the time. It distracts me to hear people and other sounds you encounter.

>> No.7980608

Who gives a shit? Some of us have to go out in public. I'm not going to not read because of what some random faggots think.

>> No.7980613

Bang bang

>> No.7980625

you don't go outside much, do you?

>> No.7980745

Its worthwhile reading Asimov got me laid once

>> No.7980766

A couple years ago I was reading my ereader on the bus and the girl next to me asked me if you could make annotations on an e-reader
I think she wanted to fuck.

>> No.7980770

Was gonna say, you're looking pretty flat.

>> No.7980832

I picked up one of my exes because she saw I always had a book. She started talking to me and we went out for a drink. Not everyone is as autistic as you are anon.

>> No.7980864

I masturbate in public.
Me horny a lot.
Black woman get mad at me.
Want to castrate myself.
My goobie has mind of it's own.
Sorry :(

>> No.7980868
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Man, your life sounds hard.

>> No.7980882
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Thank you.
My dad called me gay and said I should get a job. Sometimes I go into rage and punch at my mom. She say "Why your goobie out?", this angers me. I swing.

>> No.7980962

>I hate people who read
t. /lit/

>> No.7980977
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>I hate people who read in public.

>> No.7981007

are you socially inept

maybe people read in public because they dont have time to read at home. Why do you have to be so judgemental about random people on the bus?

>> No.7981011

desu sometimes i leave by buds on even when im listening to nothing, including rn

>> No.7981023

Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not, but I honestly enjoy doing this. Any form of classical music, really, as long as it's not something obnoxious like a fucking trombone or oboe concerto.

>> No.7981024

I do. Why would I not want to go about one of my favorite pastimes in public?

>> No.7981317

Story was related. I apologize for your ineptitude.

>> No.7981319

>Implying fashion has the same importance, significance, or relevance as literature

>> No.7981375

only fascist and racist books so people stay as far away from me as possible

>> No.7981592

literally living the literary lifestyle.
good on you, m8.

>> No.7981611
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I picked this up for a few dollars, finally getting around to it.

Hardcover makes it good for carrying around and it's fairly inconspicuous.

>> No.7981628

>implying one can measure the significance of one art form against another objectively
>implying any amount of reading ever leads to a learning or memorization of concrete information that will serve a utilitarian purpose

A majority of humans alive today can read, how many of them do you trust to do a job of utmost societal importance anon?

>> No.7981630


>> No.7981632

Not him, but boy does this hit close to home.

>> No.7981635

Leather-bound books in public are way way more conspicuous.

>> No.7981642

If they are those foam type, then they help to drown out sound.
I always have them on in public just to make everything less noisy.
The end of the cord just goes in a random pocket.

>> No.7981644

Oh I wish it was leather, it's just cardboard and buckram.

>> No.7981647

>Implying topic-significance matters when assaulting a stranger.

>> No.7981655

Didn't notice it was Lolita XD

>> No.7981657
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Did you beat her over the head with your copy of Ulysses?

>> No.7981669

Good post

>> No.7981674

I do. In coffee shops.

>> No.7981688

Assaulting another person solely based on irrelevant shit like what they like to wear or what they like to eat or listen to or read or watch is horrendous and you're a retard trying to compare the significances of various creative fields.

>importance, significance, relevance
Fashion (or clothes) industry also creates more jobs than the literature industry, besides. Are there anywhere near as many bookshops as clothes shops? Does everyone read? Yet does everyone wear clothes? How big a buzz do the various fashion weeks all over the world create? Do book weeks or literature conventions create similar interest? Are there more book bloggers or fashion bloggers, what do you think?

Literature is more intellectual, that's it. The metaphor stands, it's exactly as awful and snobbish as attacking someone based on what brand their clothes are.

>> No.7981695

lmfao top fuccpleb did your mom buy your clothes at wallmart again

>> No.7981703


>> No.7981714

Does it hurt to wax your carrot after you've done it so much?

What do you think about when you steam your big spaghetti, Anon?

>> No.7981763
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>> No.7982879

Not necessarily bragging, it is, however, a kind of bragging to mention how you don't on the Internet. Stay sharp buddy

>> No.7982910

>>end up literally assaulting a woman on the train who was reading tfios
at least you had the courage to do what we all want to

>> No.7982914

pasta potential

>> No.7982923

>Not reading your 4k pages Norton Shakespeare on the bus

>> No.7982925

suspicion is the bane of all good society is a good quote.

just go in unassuming. people who are judgemental like yourself are usually the ones who are the douchiest people around.

>> No.7982960

hearty kek

thanks anon

>> No.7982974

I don't see the problem. They arnt bugging you in any way and they are just passing time. Even if they seem stuck up are you really going to tell them to stop reading?

>> No.7982976
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>> No.7982981

It makes sense to read in public transport, since reading is great way to spend the time. Cafe/park/etc also, if it makes you enjoy the book more.

But I have once seen a person read while walking in a city. That's too much.

>> No.7982984

Top racial kek!!!

>> No.7982985

I bet you have resting bitch-face, are really skinny, and have two friends

>> No.7982996

you didn't pick her up because you were reading. you picked her up because she thought you had a pretty face and just used the book(s) as a point of entry. check your genetic privilege, kid

>> No.7982998

>muh jobs
>muh industry
>muh money

>> No.7983002

How do I attain a trip that's as homosexual as yours?

>> No.7983005


Fucking disgusting.

>> No.7983006

not him, but you just described me and approx 66% of /lit/, the other two guys being memoir anon and gas-kun.

now for My Story

I used to get my reading done in the bus when it was stationed at the end of the bus line In my small town, they open the door for you, the driver goes to smoke a fag or whatever and you get to seat in the warm for the ten minutes until it's time for the bus to start. It's comfy to the max, to be seated in the back of an empty still bus at eleven o'clock with a nice book and sometimes this cutie girl who got off a few stops before me.

I am a baguette, and when the Paris terrorist attacks happened all the drivers got orders to close the doors, making us wait standing outside in the cold, which is not great for reading. But it got me talking to the cutie.

>> No.7983016

>using bourgeois and plebeian in the same sentence to modify the same noun
you're memeing way too hard, son

>> No.7983021
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I just wanted to say that your entire life is a joke, but it's a pretty mediocre joke because I'm only chuckling internally

>> No.7983030

mild chuckling. probably will drop-off sharply after the first time

>> No.7983051

>let's just say it works
you jest

>> No.7983068

I read on the bus because I don't own a smartphone and get bored if I don't

>> No.7983220


>> No.7983393

I dont hate them, but I suspect that each and every one of them is autistic.
I cant focus on a book outside, shits too distracting. I also dont want people to see what the fuck I am reading, I also cant be as comfy outdoors and theres bound to be forced interaction with others and so on. Sure theres plenty of empty woods, lakes and islands I could read. But I would find things like the wind to be a distraction.

Reading inside is where its at. Reading is a hobby for antisocial shitlords in the first place.

>> No.7983619

Lel I read all of Deleuze's Anti-Oedipus in senior year during "study hall" whilst listening to classical and industrial on my iPod. That was pretty much the last period of my life for which I remember that I simultaneously read and listened to music on a regular basis.

The book was just completely incomprehensible - I often found myself spending 5+ minutes on a single page. Looking back, I realize that this was mostly do to the fact that Deleuze is almost entirely incomprehensible non-sense masquerading as "deep" philosophical musings. However, at the time it provided some motivation to change my reading practices, and afterwords, the new habits I developed kinda just stuck.

>> No.7983640

I do, but I don't do it often

No one gives a shit anyway, just sit and enjoy your book.

>> No.7983833

>everyone who reads outside is an autist because you have the attention span of a goldfish

>> No.7983875

I read on pt but ensure that the cover and spine aren't visible to anyone

>> No.7984818

Muh nigga

>> No.7984825

I concentrate best while reading with a certain level of distraction. So reading in public is a joy at times. My most sublime reading memories come from reading on the school bus. A lot of Alan Watts and eastern philosophy while teens were jumping around and snorting shit.

>> No.7984841

I read while in the library, do you hate me?

>> No.7984859

the notice which this post has received from the many users of this board, as evidenced by their responses (or the absence thereof), is very slight compared with the notice which it deserves, being a post of unusual good quality.

>> No.7984921

I don't hate them but I can see why you do. It's not unreasonable. I hate people who eat, kiss, whistle or sing in public.

>> No.7985900

Why do you hate them? Are you so shallow that you think everyone reading a book is trying to impress the strangers around them? If I read it's because I like to read and I'll do so when I have the opportunity.

On a related note.

>> No.7985925

> than

butterfly, do you even read?

>> No.7986234
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>> No.7986236

It's not a trip, m8. I just copied this.

>tfw i'm a faggot

>> No.7986374
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Homophones are gay.

I copied it from a Zalgo thread, it looked more square to me at the time, so only later did I realize it was a butterfly of sorts. >>7986236
I am an unapologetic lesbian, so that feel is pretty damn good, dude

>> No.7986422

serves you right

>> No.7986459
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>Drinking in public

Everyone defending this isn't /lit/

>> No.7987457

Yes, because you're too poor to buy your own books

>> No.7987473

>I like Starbucks coffee

>> No.7987505
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>> No.7988963
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>> No.7988976
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Will I look stupid reading a kindle paperwhite in public? I'm already a social wreck and I don't want to look like a complete retard.

>> No.7989001

I've seen people do this and I don't judge them for it

Details don't matter so long as you don't act like a sperg

>> No.7989012

How do you pronounce this? Can anyone vocaroo it?

>> No.7989015

Thanks, I ordered one yesterday after some coworkers of mine gave me weird looks when I was reading on break. I figured they might feel I'm trying to impress them by reading, impressive, I know. Thankfully yesterday was my last day.

>> No.7989022
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Also, If you google the word there's generally a box with a definition and a small speaker that you can click to listen to the word.

>> No.7989043
File: 54 KB, 758x661, borororororo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I got when I tried googling it earlier. But yeah, thanks. Bur-zwahhh

>> No.7989066


Ouch. I felt that. I do this often when it comes to music and other people. I need discipline. Thanks for this, anon. Something worthwhile to reflect on.

>> No.7989118

>People want to look sophisticated

We just want to read, man. That long commute on the train is boring.

>> No.7989136

hilariously wrong
its almost as if you dont speak french

>> No.7989138


>> No.7989172

No, I speak English and Spanish.

>> No.7989231

if they're wrong correct them you moron

>> No.7989292


>> No.7989355

I never even entertained this as a possibility. Thanks anon, I needed an ego boost.