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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 105 KB, 960x600, end-of-evangelion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7953266 No.7953266 [Reply] [Original]

What is a book you can recommend that is similar to this?

>> No.7953282

My diary desu

>> No.7953311

Infinite Jest

>> No.7953327

Catcher in the Rye

>> No.7953358

the mangas?

>> No.7953359

the fault in our stars

>> No.7953362
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>> No.7953364

Childhood's End

>> No.7953375
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Gaytard detected

>> No.7953501

kind of yes

nooo, you need to re-read CE or rewatch NGE

nothing really similar, nothing holistically at least

>> No.7953533
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>> No.7953627

i would pay one million internets for the gracious soul that delivers me a ebook, of any format, anon please i love you

>> No.7953632

this ebook

>> No.7953636

The Bible. Duh.

>> No.7953637


You mean awful books?

>> No.7954751
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>> No.7954753

Neon Genesis Evangelion is the pinnacle of humanity's legacy.

A Chinese cartoon about robots is greater than Tolstoi. It's greater than any work by Bach or Shakespeare. It's greater than any Da Vinci and Picasso painting.

It's greater than the Sistine Chapel, the Great Wall of China or Great Pyramid of Giza.
It's even greater than Newton Mechanics or Plato's Philosophy.

So, why is it nor regarded as our higher point? It's still too young. Within 2k years, people shall recognize it. We'll not see it happen, but at least we were able too see its inception.

>> No.7954798
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The manga

I sure hope you're trolling. NGE was good but a lot of it is just mystery combined with out of context references to judeo-christian lore and biology terms.

It would be a lot better if the religious stuff was halfway coherent and the biology stuff were remotely relevant or correct.

>> No.7954806
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>> No.7954808
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>It would be a lot better if the religious stuff was halfway coherent and the biology stuff were remotely relevant or correct.

The greatness about NGE is not in those themes desu

>> No.7954813

Are people just taking part in counter-counter culture when they say nge is shit? hardly any normies I know like it. just goes over their heads. everyone on here seems to either love it or hate it though.

>> No.7954834

It's a fucking cartoon, loser.

>> No.7954837

It's a fucking question, loser.

>> No.7954843

They're not themes, just jarringly wrong references that made it a worse experience for me.

>> No.7954849

NGE is not about religion, senpai, they just put that to make it cool.
Psychology is the shit in NGE.

>> No.7954852
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>hardly any normies I know like it
It's one of the most popular anime(s)(?) ever.

It is the anime that even people who don't like anime like. It's shallow as fuck and people go way too hard when they look for deeper meanings.
The "philosophical" stuff was super cringy and it would have been a lot better just to take it out.

I still don't hate it though.

>> No.7954973


The funny thing is whether you were joking or not, you're entirely right. NGE is the penultimate tale of humanity and what it means to be lost in this experience, and the fact it's so polarizing proves this IMO.

When you understand that a gigantic fucking robot is a metaphor for life, you really question why Shinji doesn't want to pilot (seriously, who would really refuse), and simultaneously it slaps every otaku who loves it in the face and tries to wake them up (they reject life, they choose to not pilot the robot).

Hnngg genre dissection is dope. I hope I can meet Anno one day and shoot the shit, he seems p bro.

>> No.7955013
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I know that and just said so, but okay. I'm just saying NGE could have been cooler, and the fact that I feel that way about it means that I disagree with the poster going on about how it's a huge artistic achievement that will be remembered in 2000 years. That shit's gonna seem cheesy to way too many people.

>> No.7955020


What about the Kaballah/references to Gnosis and Jewish mysticism didn't you

>> No.7955027


Enjoy/have a problem with?

Ugh damn you posting from a phone.

>> No.7955030

Ugh like for God's sake could these phone not?

>> No.7955048

Could watch/read Code Geass. It's literally the exact story of NGE just changed around a bit. As seen how Code Geass copies a scene straight from NGE.

>> No.7955051

>how Code Geass copies a scene straight from NGE
Shitloads of anime copied scenes straight from NGE, senpai

>> No.7955424

Yeah cause the paychology in there is just so groundbreakingly great and unseen. Unsure girl who covers up her fears with sex? Never seen before! Girl who is extroverse actually is hurt inside? Amazing! Protagonist has flaws? Whoa whoa what even is this? Re-vo-lu-tio-na-ry Father is not good father? Oh shit I think I just came in my pants.
I like the show, it's way better than 99% of animes but it is on par with a medium/good novel, nothing more.

>> No.7955438

Their early work was a little too 'new-wave' for my taste, but when Sports came out in '83, I think they really came into their own - both commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He's been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Huey has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor.

>> No.7955481


>> No.7955491

But his father is actually good anon. And demanding originality in its shallow sense of "fresh plots" is pleb-tier. All those things you mentioned are inexhaustible sources of inspiration.

>> No.7955521

I don't demand fresh plots (though i wouldn't call pleb to demand it), I demand that people stop acting like eva invented characters that are deeper than your common shonen's protagonist

>> No.7955530

Sure but don't commit the plebtastic mistake of confusing a work with its fans

>> No.7955540

these are actually p good answers to OP's question

>> No.7955549


How new are you?

>> No.7955557

It already is too cheesy for many people. When our generation moves on from anime/vidya some day, nobody will remember NGE outside a group of retro-enthusiasts.

>> No.7955568

I'll say what I always say when this thread comes round: nothing, Evangelion is too rooted in its own medium to be comparable to any work of literature.

No writer has ever had the total thoroughgoing contempt for their own audience that Anno does, except maybe Céline and god knows none of his works are anything like NGE.

>> No.7955651

it's all just cool stuff that has nothing to do with the plot. It's about love and hate and redemption. BIG THEMES, MAN.

>> No.7955665

Normies' reaction to it is usually one of "not for me to judge, but the action is great while the pacing is bad". But many serious anime fans genuinely can't stand it, even if they grudgingly acknowledge its influence.

>> No.7955672

You're an idiot. Read a book.

>> No.7955676


What the fuck is all this shit about cheese? Did anybody actually watch the show critically? It's like... if anything, it's relentlessly anti-cheesy to the point where there's no fun allowed.

>> No.7955678

Nigger, please, even the opening reeks of 90s so much it makes me want to puke my guts out.

>> No.7955694

Can you not spot basic sarcasm or something?

>> No.7955699


>how do I interpret this overblown opening which is totally at odds with the tone of the show and forms an exaggerated pastiche of the tropes favoured by the audience base that the show goes out of its way time and again to insult and confound


>> No.7955701

It's the most similar to Blindsight by Peter Watts.

>> No.7955703

This 7th grade EvaGeeks meme interpretation has made me actively hate the anime.

>> No.7955708

it has a fucking penguin mascot in the hope that people will buy toys of it. name one work of art that does anything so cheesy

>> No.7955717


'Works of art' don't really do that, it's the kind of stupid shit that mass market anime does. Which is why NGE goes along with it (probably at least partly at the insistence of corporate sponsors etc) but ultimately ends up subverting all that and savagely attacking the whole culture.

I'n not even saying it's good - it's very much the half-realised product of one guy trying to break the system from within and ultimately just being kind of childish, using popular tropes to get people to watch his show and buy his merchandise but then sticking a middle finger up at his fans and telling them they're all idiots for liking it.

I'm really surprised it was popular, it's frankly kind of an abortion. But I love it because it's so nuts.

>> No.7955721

after living in japan for 5 years i can safely say nothing of any intellectual value will ever come from this country.

the closest you get is shit like this; simple stories that touch upon or mention themes or ideas that those few who look outside their own homogeneous society found in western canon or philosophy

>> No.7955726


Mishima ffs

>> No.7955729

is he japanese?

>> No.7955731

Kek. This is why I love this website. You can't get away with saying shit like this irl and not getting called an elitist. I love you anon

>> No.7955750

retard english conversation amerifat kys

>> No.7955753


>lived in Japan for 5 years
>can't tell that Mishima is fucking japanese


>> No.7955755

because the whole is turning into a big panty-wearing liberal fagtatorship.

>muh african mudhut nignogs are sophisticated!
>fuck saying another country or region or group of people have something wrong, just cop out with ITS CULTURAL DIFFERENCE

fuck you. last time i checked no one thinks working 13 hours a day 6.5 days a week, having stagnant reproduction and production with low levels of happiness, lack of humor, and high suicide rates a good thing


>> No.7955758

>is he japanese?
Then is he is not intellectually proficient

Do you understand why I asked the question now?

>> No.7955767

in japan the plebs work long hours
in your shit country the plebs are a racial underclass
i think i know which i like better

>> No.7955782


I think everybody understands your mental limitations now yes

>> No.7955807

uh yeah no lol
all people, especially businessmen and the upper elites work 10-18 hours a day. many japanese men spend days at work without coming home and when they do its late at night, barely enough time to bathe shower and sleep.

they dont have times for their family.

if you are familiar with persona 4, its like dojima but often worse.

even my gfs father doesnt come home but maybe twice a week, only at night.

its all because of their mentality of group efforting and working hard. they like to work or at least been seen at working hard (ps a lot of those hours past the 8th or 9th hour is unpaid, voluntary overtime and is a social obligation). people applaud others and brag about how much or how hard they worked. for working so much you think theyd having amazing business and developments, but since the 80s it has not been so. if you are seen taking any time off or resting its viewed negatively or you are lazy. so they are easy prey to parkinsons law, so as not to be seen as lazy or slouching.
this and their inseparability to their traditions makes them high inefficient despite the long man hours. instead of having 1 person with a mop clean a rooms floor in 5 minutes, they have 20-30 people on their hands and knees cleaning with little rags because thats how its always been done (thats hows its been done is the go-to excuse for anything in japan. questioning or simply the question of "why" is unheard of. just do it because thats the way it is).

they are hard headed and are very slow to adapt to new ideas or concepts. anything outside their little bubble of japaneseness is viewed negatively or inferior.

but nah. suicide, family neglection, decling birth rates, depression, stagnation, etc are all perfectly acceptable if you just remember CULTURAL DIFFERENCE ;))))

>> No.7955825

Haha. You realized how much of a fucking idiot you were and now you are projecting.

If you weren't such a faggot I might feel bad for you

>> No.7955829

your girlfriend is a pleb from a pleb family
you are a weeaboo faggot in failed recovery
this isn't the board for you

>> No.7955830


haha good1

>> No.7955844

>pleb family
you mean a problem that plagues the entire country? ok
>pleb gf, weaboo faggot
So no rebuttals or discussion. Just meaningless insults.
I think the one who needs to leave is you. This might be better suited for you: www.kidzworld.com/forums/books-and-comics

>> No.7955849

Japan is good. Japan is great.
You bring great shame to our nation.
Great shame I say!
No daughter of proud noodle man will ever marry you.
Shameful dispray!

>> No.7955859

>penultimate tale of humanity
There's more?

>> No.7956037

I generally just use torrents. thank you anon, you have made me a happy boy.

>> No.7956092

“My advice to a budding literary critic would be as follows. Learn to distinguish banality. Remember that mediocrity thrives on "ideas." Beware of the modish message. Ask yourself if the symbol you have detected is not your own footprint. Ignore allegories. By all means place the "how" above the "what" but do not let it be confused with the "so what." Rely on the sudden erection of your small dorsal hairs. Do not drag in Freud at this point. All the rest depends on personal talent.”
― Vladimir Nabokov

>> No.7956259

Nigga, NGE is the epitome of style over substance. There are tons of symbolism that was only added because of aesthetic reasons. Also, it is the form and not the message that most people love about the anime. The film End of Evangelion conveys simple existential dread with a myriad of stylistic techniques that were influenced by Lynch and Jean-Luc Godard. Just don't throw another tantrum because of "muh elitism".

>> No.7956315

>Ignore allegories.
vlad go back to russia pls

>> No.7956320

Can a guy sum this thread up for me, thanks?

>> No.7956324

Life and work of Sigmund Freud desu senpai

>> No.7956327

>b-but muh weeaboos
>NGE is the greatestest anime of all time
>fuck Japan and everybody that love em
>casual racism
>some guy quoting Vladimir "butterfly-fucker" Nabokov

>> No.7956330

Thank you,

>> No.7956435

I can't figure out how to navigate this site. Anything more complicated then 4chan and I'm out. Thanks but no thanks.

>> No.7956677

not even close

>> No.7956806

What the fuck? How low has this board sunk?

If you think an anime is serious work of art then go to /a/ or something. I don't believe that anyone who thinks nge is deep has read anything other than YA.

This shouldn't be on a literature board.

It is good as commercial media but that is about it.

>> No.7956836


cry me a river
to the moon

>> No.7956904
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>> No.7957077
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>one million internets

>> No.7957152

no work of art has changed me so completely as NGE did

>> No.7957159

>chinese "hihi oni-chan so cute cutie cutie ahah ihihi ^~^" cartoons are considered works of art
this is why we need a nuclear apocalypse

>> No.7957208
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>> No.7957216
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Kill yourself.

>> No.7957243
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>> No.7957266
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Read >>7954753

>> No.7957277

Who's a more /lit/ approved waifu, Rei or Asuka?

>> No.7957292
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You've never read Tolstoy in your whole life, but if you did, then you definitely didn't get it.
Go fuck your waifu pillow and cry about have no one but Anno understand your teenage depression.

>> No.7957295


>> No.7957326
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>not Misato
Get your shit together.

>> No.7957346

>something has flaws
>that means it's shit
>hating something because "it could've been better"

No wonder /lit/ is filled with kissless virgins.

>> No.7957350

I don't hate it for being cheesy in places. I've seen the whole series and End of at least three times. I just disagree with people who think it's a GOAT sublime work of art.

>> No.7957355
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tolstoy is plen mate, classy prose but thematically weak(-ish), now ,listen here, rewatch NGE, and try to understand it this time, it's really not that hard, you basically have to go out of your way to misconstrue it, oh wait you do like tolstoy afterall....

>> No.7957442

Wow. You're right. I just re-watched the whole series and I can totally see what you mean.
Thanks dude!

>> No.7957446
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>Che belle

>> No.7957456

Is this one of those "ironic" threads, like where we pretend Adam Sandler movies are "deep"?

>> No.7957470

What's with Japan and giant monster attacks anyway?

>> No.7957477
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No it is not, how dare you compare NGE to Adam Sandler. Like holy (not a mispelling; it's religious imagary) shit.
Did you not see>>7954753 and >>7954973

NGE is objectively better than whatever "literature" you like.
It has too much meaning. People like you try to push it all away because you are too afraid of the deep themes.

>> No.7957509
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>> No.7957512


>> No.7957513

One time they got invaded by towering 6' tall white demons and they're still not over it.

>> No.7957520

I enjoyed NGE but come on man....

>> No.7957530
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Simple: Japan is worried about the all power Americans with all their big machines and bombs and America is afraid of losing their jobs to Mexicans who work harder and complain less.

>> No.7957543
File: 221 KB, 500x690, tumblr_mjsmo6_M4_Kb1s5hpioo1_r8_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not surprising that on a board where people can't even understand basic books like Heart of Darkness or Don Quixote that they can't comprehend a cartoon directed at young adults. You guys are pathetic. Yes, it's not the greatest thing since God raped Mary but it is a damn fine piece of fiction still. Learn to understand the things you watch and read, you guys are honestly embarrassing. Jesus Fucking Neo-Christ. I bet you people never even questioned why you must pilot the robot when pappy told you to. Manchildren. Intellectual vermin.

>> No.7957547

NGE is literally just a critique/perfection of the anime genre

There's no Moby Dick tier depth here folks, stop

>> No.7957550

I think part of it is that the first time seeing EoE can be such an intense experience that it skews people's perspective of the rest of the series.

>> No.7957558

Did you not read the heaps of patronizing replies ITT?

Obviously you are just too stupid to get it.
Have fun with your lower level of intellect, you ape .

>> No.7957566
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>all these plebs don't get it

I be you all though K-ON was about girls playing music.

>> No.7957582
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Now somebody do One Piece.

NGE is awesome nonetheless

>> No.7957595

The Fault in Our Stars, Twilight

Any other gigantic fuckaround that some fanbase touts as having value beyond what it really has (which is very little, maybe some pseudo-symbolism and exaggerated emotions that people can empathise with)

I used to like evangelion but you can see how shallow it is after a while, if you really think about it and immserse yourself in better media and literature

>> No.7957602
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An unbelievable amount of fiction is based on philosophical principles. People who haven't read them, or who haven't been able to come to those points themselves, aren't Capable of understanding a large share of quality works. Unfortunately this is how it is, and unfortunately they can't conceive of any depth in any shows because as a result of them being so uncultured are utterly shallow in mind. Not that I'm proclaiming anything as "deep", that too is a term for shallow people.

>> No.7957673
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>> No.7957694

Honestly some Grant Morrison comics are the closest I've found. Check out Doom Patrol.

>> No.7957708


That's fair. It took a long time for EoE to grow on me. Even now, I don't think it's GOAT, but I do like it.

I rewatched it during a suicidal spell and I got a lot more out of it than the first time I saw it, to be fair.

>> No.7957716

To The Lighthouse

>> No.7958726

fucking weebs

>> No.7959357

>intentionally vague symbolism

>> No.7960501

>style over substance
I hate this phrase, it's art, the style is the substance, they're not divorceable.

>> No.7960521

I wrote this because of his quote that was implying people only enjoy Eva because they enjoy some kind of perceived "deep" message about teenage angst.

>> No.7960566

Y E S Y E S Y E S, i cringe whenever i see this on /a/ or /tv/

>> No.7960598
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I think you're on to something !...

>> No.7960600

It's a shame any conversation about eva defaults to arguing over something as banal as whether it's "deep" or not, I mean regardless of the work being discussed I think that's a meaningless question. It's a work of film and yet the discussions people have about it could be had if they'd only read the wikipedia summary, it's not like anybody ever talks about the visual language of it.

Also, this is pretty unrelated but ages ago I heard that DFW used to assign what you'd call "pleb" novels, dime store thrillers and whatnot, to students for analysis. At the time I thought it was just a meme or something but I think he was on to something, beyond death of the artist or whatever about the valuation and reading of a work. But whatever, I like eva but these eva threads are pointless. Would it essentially be a YA novel if you converted it to text? maybe, but it's not text it's film, and it's pretty good film.

p.s. I don't really see the godard influence, I always saw anno as bergman with a penchant for grandiosity from his kaiju-movie fandom.

>> No.7960690
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My Japanese-native ex-gf said all the same stuff about Japan, the overwork, the alcoholism, the family neglect and abuse, the intellectual stagnation and self-consciousness bordering on mental illness. She literally said that Japanese people seem like boring, unsophisticated bumpkins compared to the highly-educated Americans she'd been going to school and working with.

Then she moved back to the home islands to take a job in an office there. People are so strange.

>> No.7961300

wait, people thought that was a serious post??

>> No.7962065

Where the hell do you live and how old are you? I'm 28 and I literally do not know a single person IRL who will sit through more than five minutes of anything that looks like anime or even consider owning or using anything that has anime-style art on it (board games, video games, book covers etc.). Everyone who knows I have stuff like Cowboy Bebop or Studio Ghibli movies in my collection regards it with the same attitude as if I had a collection of human organs in formaldehyde. I've never read manga and I don't even particularly like anime, but there is some good stuff out there.

Basically I don't believe that anime is "normal" but maybe I live in some bubble of anti-anime sentiment.

>> No.7962075

How to people on /lit/ not recognize obvious jokes? Smh

>> No.7962085

Kanye West watches anime. Robin Williams watched anime. Christian Bale watches anime. Pharrell watches anime. Leonardo DiCaprio watches anime. It's basically your standard mainstream garbage at this point

>> No.7962112

>Basically I don't believe that anime is "normal" but maybe I live in some bubble of anti-anime sentiment.
That's called your room. Try losing some weight, you'll be able to pass the door.

>> No.7962123
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>> No.7962132

Take this retarded basement-boi horseshit back to /a/.

>> No.7962143

all i got from end of evagelion is that some hegel maste - slave ego complex that i watch on a youtube video

make me think deeps

>> No.7962181

is this a mega64 joke

>> No.7962798

You do know that Europe has one of the highest depression rates, do you? Also, American culture is everything that's wrong with our world today. It's unfiltered anti-intellectualism.

>> No.7962822

There is nowhere that most of the population is intellectually active.

>> No.7962837

there's a difference between simply not being active, and those not active shitting on the active

>> No.7964190
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>How to people on /lit/ not recognize obvious jokes? Smh

>> No.7964320


>> No.7964915
File: 5 KB, 250x175, 1460865708400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do live knowing you will never make anything as perfect as eva?

>> No.7965258

Ironic or not, here we can see the value of analytic philosophy.

>> No.7965350

this but unironic

>> No.7965354
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Listen to pic related

>> No.7965356
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>> No.7965372

What's next - a /lit/ thread devoted to hentai?

>> No.7965516

Well, you've seen EoE and the rebuilds, haven't you? Seriously, though, Sailor Moon is a better anime than Eva.

>> No.7965545

>I demand that people stop acting like eva invented characters that are deeper than your common shonen's protagonist

This is my biggest serious criticism of Eva and the common reception of it. The characters are not all that psychologically deep. The way the show uses visual metaphor and structure to present the mental problems it tries to deal with is clever, but this should not be mistaken with having well written characters, which mostly are bags of issues without mental states more deeply exploreable than most decent anime.

>> No.7965553

Boku no Pico is the pinnacle of humanity's legacy.

A Chinese cartoon about boipussy is greater than Tolstoi. It's greater than any work by Bach or Shakespeare. It's greater than any Da Vinci and Picasso painting.

It's greater than the Sistine Chapel, the Great Wall of China or Great Pyramid of Giza.
It's even greater than Newton Mechanics or Plato's Philosophy.

So, why is it nor regarded as our higher point? It's still too young. Within 2k years, people shall recognize it. We'll not see it happen, but at least we were able too see its inception.

>> No.7965806

>The characters are not all that psychologically deep

Could any of you then recommend me a novel where the protagonist really is very psychologically deep and has similar existential issues and personality weaknesses as Shinji ? I would greatly appreciate it.

>> No.7965993

My sincere answer to this question is that you should look into Murakami. Kafka on the Shore is probably closest to what you might be looking for.

>> No.7966023
File: 166 KB, 800x1232, narutaru-2021703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprised no one's mentioned Narutaru.

>> No.7966184

>made it a worse experience for me.

>thinking this matters a single iota

how does it feel to be irredeemably plebeian?

>> No.7966430




>Themes of individuality, consciousness, freedom, choice, and responsibility are heavily relied upon throughout the entire series, particularly through the philosophies of Soren Kierkegaard. Episode 16's title is a reference to Kierkegaard's book, "The Sickness Unto Death". "The sickness unto death" refers to "despair," and in the introduction of this work, Kierkegaard says that, "Even death itself is not 'the sickness unto death.' Not to mention any of the suffering on Earth known as destitution, illness, misery, privations, misfortune, pain, anguish, grief, or regret."[28] The Human Instrumentality Project may be inspired by the philosophy developed by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.[29] The title of Episode 4, "The Hedgehog's Dilemma", is a reference to the Hedgehog's dilemma, Arthur Schopenhauer's analogy about the challenges of human intimacy


>> No.7966718

A book that is complicated on purpose so it appears more profound than what it actually is?

Finnegan's Wake, I guess.

Catcher in the Rye also captures the mopey-ness very well.

>> No.7966751

are you really suprised anon? cmon

>> No.7967088

What's a book that is similar to Texhnolyze?

>> No.7967591

-Finnegan's Wake

This is the state of /lit/.

Read more you fucking mong.

>> No.7968100

Fuck you.
Finnegans Wake is completely different.

>> No.7968108

If you're not a fucking idiot NGE/EOE is extremely straightforward.

>> No.7968376

>tfw you unironically relate to this

>> No.7968378


anime is so trash, they rip off everything from western sources don't they?

>> No.7968381

No. They did originate mecha, and I'm no anime expert but I'm pretty sure a lot of Studio Ghibli stuff is based on Japanese myth, Miyazaki's original fantasies and the Japanese experience of WW2.

>> No.7968388
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>Japanese experience of WW2.

Who dropped those bombs.

>> No.7968395
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this one is pretty deep.

>> No.7969986

Or lack thereof.

>> No.7969991

>Perpetuating a misspelling Finnegans Wake
>Complaining about the state of the board
You are the cancer.

>> No.7971300


Hi newfag

>> No.7972134


>> No.7972391

>conflating ikuhara and anno

>> No.7973016

Evangelion is a deep and richly layered psychoanalysis about what Asukacute does to people.

>> No.7973142
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>genre dissection

>> No.7973459
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It's a Gainax anime, of course everything is gratitiously derivative.

>> No.7974926

This place has become a zoo for normalfags to leer at and bully weirdos since Chanology.

>> No.7976455

Thus Spake Zarathustra

>> No.7976662

Misogynist filth with no relevance to society? try the bible lol

>> No.7976682

>can buy shirts and stuff
my sides

>> No.7976726

how is it similar

>> No.7976829


I bet he thinks SHAFT are original.

>> No.7977097

Shinji is misogynistic, but I don't see how the series itself is.

>> No.7977107
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Did you not watch it?

>> No.7977114

What's the problem? Portraying how a 14 year old boy mostly values women as sexual objects? Showing Asuka using her sexual assets in a manipulative way? I don't get it.

>> No.7977118

This is consistent with her character's emotional deficiencies. Also what >>7977114 said.

>> No.7977131
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This too?

>> No.7977142
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>oh no boobies
>muh soggy knees!
Still not seeing the part where this says women are subhuman or anything like that.

>> No.7977193

What do you use to read Epubs?

>> No.7977202
File: 119 KB, 1341x636, ss+(2016-04-28+at+09.39.51).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sexualizing the characters unnecessary
>creating the "perfect waifu" stereotype
>not muhsoogyknee

senpai plz

>> No.7977211
File: 56 KB, 223x226, wew lad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sexualizing the characters unneessary
It's about a mentally ill 14 year old boy. Do you remember what it was like to be 14?

>creating the "perfect waifu" stereotype
Perhaps you've forgotten what happens to everybody by the end of the show and EoE. The waifu stuff is a trap to mindfuck Otaku. Evangelion certainly didn't invent the anime dreamgirl.

>> No.7977250

that picture is wholly unrelated to the narrative of the show

>> No.7977261

Only $55.79? Damn, I might need one of these.

>> No.7977269
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>the end of the show and EoE

>> No.7977273

official misato one?

>> No.7977277

Could you provide a synopsis?

>> No.7977280

It would be upsetting for someone who had developed an emotional attachment to the characters. That was the intention.

>> No.7977300
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>It's about a mentally ill 14 year old boy. Do you remember what it was like to be 14?
>implying I was ever that much of a faggot

>Evangelion certainly didn't invent the anime dreamgirl.
>Implying there is a better waifu than Rei

R U gay bruh?

>> No.7977318
File: 48 KB, 560x577, smug asuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think everyone can relate to the sex-obsession. Not necessarily everything about Shinji.

Also your waifu a shit and Asuka is best girl.

>> No.7977363
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>Also your waifu a shit and Asuka is best girl.
This is the part where I go full autist (like Rei) and rage at you amiright?

OK, here it goes.

no u
ur a fag
fuck u u fag
i bet u only like her because ur mom neglected u
i bet u like it when grills push u around
u r a fag it
kill urself u gay fuckboi cuck

How'd I do?

>> No.7977369

Feels nice and comfy, like a waifu thread on /a/.

Rei, on the other hand, is not nice and comfy. She has stupid hair and is obviously frigid. How anyone could consider her best girl is beyond me, but I believe that you should not be jailed for it, but treated and pitied.

>> No.7977451
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>they did originate mecha
Mecha were around since war of the worlds.
That said, the Japanese did transform and develop mecha.

Just about everything is ripped off of someone else anyway. Sage for not lit.

>> No.7977552

Nigga "one million internets" is like, easily a mudkipz era 4chan meme. it's an old one, but has never been reddit.

>> No.7977695

>but has never been reddit.
I'm pretty sure I've seen people say "one million internets" in youtube comments in like, 2010.

>> No.7978575

Honestly, only idiots think it is "extremely straightforward". Anyone decently intelligent will notice how much ambiguity it has and not be deluded into thinking that all their questions can be easily answered.

>> No.7978911

shut up sparrow

>> No.7980648

>page 11

>> No.7981324

Valis by Philip K. Dick
The Divine Invasion by Philip K. Dick

>> No.7981333

Childhood's End by Arthur C. Clarke was a major inspiration for Evangelion.

>> No.7981336

>faggots compare NGE on the same level as other works of flavor-of-the-month animu

holy shit lads I didn't think this was real

>> No.7981367


>> No.7981789

>NGE fans actually think there are no other animus that compare to it

>> No.7981792

its not the best, but its much better than whatever flavor-of-the-season bullshit it gets compared to.

Shoujo Kakumei Utena is the undisputed greatest series tho.

>> No.7982070
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>Shoujo Kakumei Utena is the undisputed greatest series tho.

I can't agree with you, simply because I can't consider it superior to its predecessor, which really is the GOAT.

>> No.7982095

Well, the other recent anime thread was just deleted, so the mods must think only NGE is /lit/worthy. Either that, or this is now a containment thread.

>> No.7982260

>Shoujo Kakumei Utena
What was its predecessor?

>> No.7982356

I'm assuming from the pic that he's referring to Sailor Moon, but I'd say that Rose of Versailles is an earlier example of similar themes Utena is known for

>> No.7982705

e-readers, or calibre

>> No.7982711


>> No.7982873

look at what the 'camera' chooses to frame at any given time

misogyny isnt real though

>> No.7982888

sailor moon s is its spiritual predecessor (ikuhara directed it), but rose of versailles is its thematic predecessor.

sailor moon is the most influential anime series if all time, but its not the best. i enjoyed seasons 1 and 3 immensely, and it spawned utena, evangelion, mawaru penguindrum, and a thousand other lesser shows, but its not as good as ikuharas masterworks, RoV, or a few others.

>> No.7984147

>tfw this threas is still alive
Haven't been here for days, good job.

>> No.7984167


>> No.7984169

>tfw you unironically agree with this post

>> No.7984176
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feels good

>> No.7984924

Daily reminder that Evangalion is held back by its medium and wont be considered influential due to everyone pre existing ideas of what anime is

>> No.7984928

>fucking 04/22/16

what's the longest-running /lit/ thread?

>> No.7984944
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Daily reminds that Piss Christ is held back by its medium and won't be considered influential due to everyone's pre existing ideas of what urine is.

>> No.7984979
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Rei a best.

>> No.7985022
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>> No.7985052

On a slightly unrelated note, Komm süsser Tod is a perfect song


>> No.7985082

Agreed senpai. The original video got taken down for some reason but I've lost count of how many times I've heard it.

There was another video on youtube but the sound at the end was slightly different. There are two versions of this song (in english) as far as I know. The other one has a slightly better defined ending. That video got taken down and I'm trying to find it for quite some time now.

>> No.7985145

It's the exact opposite desu.

It is only considered "deep" because of how "shallow" most anime is.

If it was a book it would be on the same philosophical level as Twilight and no one would pretend otherwise.

>> No.7985182

That doesn't even make sense. Most books are shallow too. Hell, there is arguably more shallow books than anime, considering the former takes less money to produce and publish.

>> No.7985205

It makes sense but I just said it wrong.

I mean that the bar for making a deep book is set really high but the bar for anime is not.

Someone who is too slow a runner for the Olympics could still be a top tier runner on a high school track team.

If eva were a book it would never be able to compete with the best books, but as an anime it can become the best in the medium.

>> No.7985213

That comparison is still bad because anime and books have different strong points and focuses. That's like saying a lot of great books would make terrible anime (they would), but that's because they never were intended to be anything else. Same case for Eva, of course it makes a bad book, but that doesn't mean it isn't a masterpiece in its anime form very well comparable to great books, not on the merit of 'plot' alone but all things altogether.

>> No.7985231
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>anime and books have different strong points and focuses. That's like saying a lot of great books would make terrible anime
>anime form very well comparable to great books, not on the merit of 'plot' alone but all things altogether

I don't even know if this is /lit/ shitposting or /a/ raiding.

>> No.7985402

Anno's original Japanese lyrics for it are abysmal.

>> No.7985800

>same philosophical level as Twilight

That's so laughably exaggerated. I agree that Eva isn't too deep or profound compared to books (although I think that's a consequence of a visual medium anyway), but it's definitely much more intelligent than all YA. All you're doing is being painfully contrarian.

>> No.7987709

yeah they are

>> No.7987738

>it's definitely much more intelligent than all YA
It's a cartoon about robots, trollio. Head back to /a/.

>> No.7988514
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>>same philosophical level as Twilight
>That's so laughably exaggerated.

You are right: It's far too generous.

When did you last watch the show? This isn't philosophy, it's a conversation between an angsty 12 and their psychiatrist.

"Has it taken you this long to realize that, what an idiot!" This pretty much sums it up t b h.

>> No.7988539

damn I had a blast writing six papers about NGE and queerness, but that doesn't seem like the type of thing you all want on your board

I do think there's a lot to say about the show. Radical representations of embodiment, radical ideas of mourning and melancholy and loss, really interesting queer characters that restrain more than they yield to the audience about their feelings, really interesting takes on sexuality and growing up and subject/identity construction, sick fights

>> No.7988624

Post that papers anon, it could be interesting

>> No.7989184

>It's a cartoon about robots
That's the point, it was deconstruction of the mech a genre.

>> No.7989208

In all seriousness though, why did Rei appear as a ghostly apparition beside Misato's corpse and on the red sea?

>> No.7989278

Where does one begin with NGE? The series? The manga?

>> No.7989301

>deconstruction of the mecha genre
This is always said by people who don't watch mecha.
Many thing that eva supposedly 'deconstructs' had already been done

>> No.7989337

series then the movie.

>> No.7989338

I hate to be an asshole but

>thinking Kaworu is queer

Only one who can suitably be in that position is Maya

>> No.7989516

opinion discarded

>> No.7989520

Hand it over anon.

>> No.7989801

Yeah, just like how the most iconic american westerns are 1:1 copies of samurai movies or how hollywood pays extra to not have to credit the anime they rip off in movies like Black Swan, Inception or Edge of Tomorrow.

>> No.7989844

Movies and cartoons are for plebs, son. This is a literature board.

>> No.7989846

'Deconstruction' can't turn shit to gold.

>> No.7989903

>posts shitty dubs


>> No.7991103

/a/ please leave. Being elitist about anime is like being elitist about shoes; you look like a tool.

>> No.7991116

>he doesn't wear Hermes shoes
fucking plebs

>> No.7991134
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>Not being elitist about shoes
I bet you also read translations.

>> No.7991150
File: 1.12 MB, 1920x1080, 3769577+_b4197d9b6c0bd1f68e0ad4aca4847cdd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you really have 127+ smugs?
Care to post some of the best ones?

>> No.7991163

to people who aren't into shoe, anime etc

>> No.7991186
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>> No.7991294
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>watch NGE
>nothing happens
>it's boring

>watch Death Note
>ebin twist every episode
>feel invigorated and inflamed

>the in-your-face twists and turns and plot dramas of Death Note were probably harder to think up that the vague metaphysical nonsense of NGE
>but if I tell people I liked Death Note and didn't like the intellectual masturbation of NGE they'll think I'm stupid

>> No.7991349
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The joke's on them because anyone who thinks NGE is intellectual is probably retarded.

>> No.7991376

>death note

>> No.7991381

the best thing about NGE is the soundtrack desu

>> No.7991516


>> No.7991518

You're missing context. The 'camera' placing is very deliberate in both emphasizing and denying sexuality. Compare Asuka in the episode where she falls asleep next to Shinji and the episode where she offers herself to Kaji.

>> No.7991530

>liking Death Note

You're like that scene girl I knew. Eight years ago. In high school.

>> No.7991660


OP I think what you're looking for next is Notes from Underground. It's got the same psychological scrutiny and cynicism that makes NGE what it is.

The people ITT who are saying that NGE is juvenile because it doesn't try to escape being an anime through and through, or because it has mecha, or because the philosophical concepts are not clearly answered or explained, are 100% missing the entire fucking point.

Some art isn't meant to be a philosophically tidy equation. Sometimes art is more powerful, and more honest when it doesn't claim to have any answers.

I mean, most people (myself included) who'd rather spend their time posting on a Chinese cartoon forum instead of going out and being a part of reality can probably relate to Shinji's indecisiveness. How can anyone explain here why they spend the time they do on the internet, talking to anonymous strangers about fantasies and abstractions, without resorting to an illogical explanation, or without simply shrugging and saying something like "well, it's just the way I am."

NGE is a continuation of the tradition started by Shakespeare's Hamlet and rehashed and inverted in Catcher in the Rye, Infinite Jest, Notes from Underground--the idealistic youth finds a terrible disconnect between his dreams and reality, and finds himself struggling to develop the strength required to "be a part of the real world".

it's not a world defining piece of art, but it's a damn good one--I'll stand by that no matter what the plebs say

>> No.7991707

This, NGE was a slog

>> No.7991774

>not being an elitist about shoes
Jesus fuck anon, this is why girls won't date you.
Get some fashion sense.

>> No.7991992

Royal Space Force was the best Gainax work anyway desu

>> No.7992564
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Overall, a pretty accurate metaphor.

Twisted/cool shit goes down with some filler in between, existential mysteries are teased throughout the story, and the ending makes absolutely no sense.

>> No.7992570

Hey, can somebody sum up this thread? I'm curious as to how it's garnered so many replies.

>> No.7992578

Just watch Neon Genesis Evangelion and End of Evangelion. It may not be your favorite but it'll clue you in on one of the better sources of memes in the world.

You heard it here first, NGE BTFO Christfags once and for all.

>> No.7992588

Ah ,no.

>> No.7992611
File: 152 KB, 419x430, 1291872940866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he haven't watched NGE
You can't post on 4chan yet, kiddo.

>> No.7992619

Funny since Lain is quite worse.
NGE, LoGH, GitS (as a franchise), Utena, Angel's Egg and Kon works are the only "intelectual" anime.

>> No.7992770
File: 260 KB, 500x380, 1448744761199.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GitS is way less pretentious. It makes some interesting points about what it is to be human and it makes it pretty plainly.
It's not groundbreaking or anything, but it's at least actually somewhat philosophical.

I'm only talking about the first movie by the way; I haven't seem all the other stuff.

Lain is fun and beautiful. Also there are not nearly as many autistic fans for Lain as there are for NGE.

>> No.7992801

Lain has inspired a whole generation of internet age seacuck anarchists who endlessly debate a chinese children's show over it's "artistic depth" and "hidden meanings"

lainchan d o t org

Lain even has a website dedicated to pathetic virgins who wank it off to the show on a daily basis.

>> No.7992827
File: 51 KB, 570x428, bec285087c3c333123348be5a5159092[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't say there weren't any. I just said NGE is worse.


>> No.7992857

why would you judge something based on the fanbase

>> No.7992872

Can you read?

>> No.7993003

>missing Neo Tokyo

>> No.7993193

Something similar applies to Buffy the Vampire Slayer

>> No.7993303
File: 98 KB, 500x573, hegel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hegels phenomenology of spirit ends in the same way. With Spirit reaching absolute consciousness

>> No.7993308

Che is the Spanish equivalent of calling someone mate/friend

>> No.7993527

>Angel's Egg
>literal Dark Souls "muh vagueness" of anime

>didn't even name off Texhnolyze

all these pseuds ITT

>> No.7993767

>I'm only talking about the first movie by the way; I haven't seem all the other stuff.
GitS:SAC and manga are superior desu

>> No.7993771

4 u

>> No.7994071

OP here. This answer has satisfied me.

Thanks anon!

>> No.7994710

Lain and Texhnolyze are fantastic, what are you talking about?

>> No.7994983

Of course, not only NGE is quite more popular noy only in Japan but here, but it also has much more to be discussed than the derivative shit that SEL is.

Also Akira's manga is GOAT and Berserk is better than almost every western fantasy novel of the last 30 years.

>> No.7995123

I mean, I could. I'd wanna take my name out of them, but I could.
I'd be worried because they're probably a bit goofy, I haven't read them again in the 2 years since I wrote them during my sophomore year of college.

I had a lot of fun w naming them, though, i.e.
"Affect ‘Angels’ Pt. 1.1.3: Queer Grief and
the Creation and Potential of the ‘Chapel of Your Memories’"
"‘Affect Angels’ Pt. 2: Beyond Life or Death, Gender or Sex, Or, The Technoscientific-Transsexual-Body"
"‘Affect Angels’ Pt. 3.1: Gay ‘Robots,’ Queerness, and a ‘Happy Future,’ Or, ‘... To All the Children of the World, Congratulations!’”

with the original 26 episode anime. It came out before the manga. You don't even need to watch End of Evangelion; its neat, but the real story of NGE ends with episode 26 imo. To me, EoE is an alternate ending where Gendo still fails, but his influence and especially his masculinity especially triumph in Shinji in ways unprecedented in the show, and the entire thing reeks of being about a toxic masculinity destroying itself and bringing the whole world with it. Which is neat, but the real ending is neater imo

fuck you, Kaworu's some sort of gay as shit. He loves Shinji entirely, that's the last stage of abstraction that the angels must reach in their attempt to destroy by means of a slow process of becoming alive.
For me at least, whether or not Kaworu's 'gay' or not only gay, whatever you wanna call it, the significance of his appearance is to show Shinji that that sort of non normative love is possible, despite or in defiance of sex or gender, which is exactly what it seems like Shinji's found himself trapped within for the entire show- how many times misato chastises him as 'boy' as soon as the first episode (not to mention asuka later on), the scene where he surprises Rei by saying she looks motherly, the scene where he tells 'woman on the far river' Kaji that he'll 'never understand adults', the way misato's/asuka's/rei's faces in the more nonlinear sequences dont seem to ever invite to enjoy but only invite to join, the weird hypermasculine alternate universe shinji in that short bit in ep 26 where they all just peacefully go to school

sorry, I got to rambling

>> No.7995179

Kaworu isnt gay, neither is Shinji.

Shinji's entire deal is that he craved acceptance and Kaworu was one of the few people, if not the only one who really accepted him as he was. That's why Shinji felt himself attracted to him so immediately, Kaworu gave him what he wanted with no reservations.

And then he was forced to kill him.

>> No.7995182

Holy fuck why is this fucking gook cartoon thread still here

>> No.7995199

It does not have anywhere to go, senpai, where would it be but here?

>> No.7995204

Because intelligent discussion about this work of art that deserves it can't really happen anywhere else on this website.

>> No.7995227

Because you got trolled nerd :^)

>> No.7996562

Texhnolyze is also good, but I prefere Ergo Proxy, despite being too pretentious.

>> No.7996896

Ergo Proxy just needed 12 more episodes or a complete rewrite into just 12 and it wouldev been 10/10

>> No.7996901

Yes, stay an optimist. It definitely isn't that people on here are really this stupid for real.

>> No.7997284

All You Need is Kill never had an anime adaption. The only non-text adaption period was Edge of Tomorrow itself.

>> No.7997617

I fucking loved the universe in Ergo Proxy, felt totally original.

Also deserves credit for not being a manga adaptation.

>> No.7997732
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>> No.7998651

Neither are most of good anime, just like good manga are original.

>> No.7998731

>muh themes = intellectual
Takahata and Miyazaki works >>>>>>> LOGH

>> No.7998738

The whole series is literally just Gravity's Rainbow thrown into a blender, then they pulled out random bunches of it and made that the script

>> No.7998756

>seeing Pynchon in NGE
Are you memeing just autistic?

People on /a/ usually see NGE influences in everything made after (and some things before as well), but that's ridiculous, I don't think Anno even knows who Pynchon is, his greatest influence was the DSM-IV from 1994.

>> No.7998836

Fucking faggot. To be contradictory for the sake of it I was about to say that Evangelion was more like DSM-III, but you are right.

>> No.7998846

well regardless, there are so many similarities in both the ascetic and allegorical content that if you are looking for a book that is "similar", GR would be a good choice

>> No.7998949

Evangelion is truly one a kind, perhaps the most important artistic event of the 90s. It's main intellectual reference is Freud, so you can read that if you like.

>> No.7999269

Miyazaki fucking sucks unless your 13 or a retarded girl, even Disney shit are better. Takahata made some interesting flicks tho