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/lit/ - Literature

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7975236 No.7975236[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are /lit/ mods retarded cunts? They delete every funny thread, but leave John Green thread #661 and Meme Trilogy thread #18363405827345543588363 up.

>> No.7975252

you should go to /b/ for 'funny' threads.

>> No.7975265

They're jelly

>> No.7975283

Complaining about getting banned for an unfunny PUA shit-thread is like complaining about catching HIV from a 24 hours all-homo no condom gaybar orgy

>> No.7975321

Let's take a look at the catalog.

>rewrite genesis
>how to get a girlfriend
>furries in space
>trigger warnings
>r9k greenfrog
>other boards
>attractive female writers
>john green
>teleologically suspend the ethical
>fit x lit
>not lit
>it's a _ chapter
>spongebob greentext
>meme trilogy
>booktuber waifu
>meme trilogy
>pounded in the butt
>authors youd bang
>batman beyond

>> No.7975325
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>funny thread

>> No.7975332


>> No.7975336
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>funny thread

>> No.7975339

i agree. delete this board.

>> No.7975343

Would require a teleological suspension of the ethical.

>> No.7975351

then suspend that shit and go for it nigga

>> No.7975353

maybe if you guys actually read books we would have better threads. every time I try and start a thread about a book I've read I get one to two responses because no one's actually read the book. they aren't even that obscure either.

>> No.7975364

much like r/books, this board is more about enjoying the idea of reading/being intellectual/well-read than actually reading.

>> No.7975370

All boards on 4chan are like that.

>> No.7975372
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This brings up an important question -

Much like /r9k/ is a containment board for foreveralone, is /lit/ possibly a containment board for pseuds?

>> No.7975377 [SPOILER] 
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Perfect place for literary discourse.

>> No.7975383

Every board on 4chan is a containment board for different kinds of undesirable groups. /pol/ for Nazis. /r9k/ for retards. /lit/ for pseuds. /lgbt/ for fags.

>> No.7975384

You're trying to be dismissive but I don't think it's working. It's obvious that a lot of the people around here are better-read than most. Even if that just shows how poorly-read the average person is, we are still comparatively exception and therefore deserving of our ivory tower.

>> No.7975395

I think that has more to do with literature as a medium though, since they are so much more time consuming than others. The chances of several people on /lit/ having read the same book it fairly low, unless it's a very well know classic.
What books did you make threads about?

>> No.7975397

am I the only one who doesn't consider himself smart for reading? I just do it for entertainment

>> No.7975400
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I'm literally furious at the mods for being so lenient
we get nsfw content on here all the time.
I saw a harry potter thread yesterday.
sometimes people post b8 that has literally nothing to do with literature and it slides.

>> No.7975406

the actual well read people are in academia, in real ivory towers

and before you dismiss academia, know that /lit/'s general disdain and suspicion for academia also helps illustrate how pseud this board is. the board (like much of 4chan) is comprised largely of individuals who consider themselves smarter/wiser/more intelligent than society as a whole, but (generally) lack the things that society awards to people it deems meritorious - high paying jobs, important positions, academic success, etc. as a result /lit/izens rails against the system that fails to recognize their "brilliance" - i.e., academia

>> No.7975413

Spot the pseud

>> No.7975418

the guy defending /lit/ as non-pseud is probably the pseud.

>> No.7975432

spot the pseud

>> No.7975434

Brilliance in literature is a lot less structured than brilliance in technical fields. Nobody will ever refute that Hawking is brilliant, but ask 100 people if DFW is and half of them will say he's a monkey.

I don't think it's a stretch to say that /lit/ is a collection of above-average (do not read that as genius) people who probably feel marginalized by the community they grew up in (personally I live in Mississippi) and want a place where they can share their feelings about things that their real-life social circles refuse to engage.

4chan is fringe, that's true, but you can be a fringe intellectual without being pseud.

(though desu the self-degradation is the main thing I love about this place, IMO self-awareness of any kind is the first step towards self-improvement and the fact that the word pseud is thrown around so much on this board shows that /lit/ is anything but self-oblivious)

>> No.7975435

Pseud the spot