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7968945 No.7968945 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever found yourself in the position where you had to teleologically suspend the ethical, /lit/?

>> No.7968950

I bet James Joyce painted that picture

>> No.7968952

what does that even mean, man

>> No.7968958

>[fear and trembling intensifies]

>> No.7968967


I suppose I, like many others, could point to one or more ends-justify-the-means situations, which we ought to be really careful about because this can lead to some serious justification gymnastics. I suppose I did do the suspending, but I'm not sure I've ever really needed to.

>> No.7969090

Every time I masturbate to traps

>> No.7969121

>teleologically suspend the ethical, /lit/?
what does this mean again?

As somebody who doesn't prescribe to the infinite my only chasm is between myself and society.

One is always suspended whilst the other hovers patiently ready to pounce when the one vacates making a void.

>> No.7969130

shooting heroin

>> No.7970567


>> No.7970575

Sound it out, retard
Stop (temporarily)

Put them together, we get 'based on your judgment of the situation and the greater good, temporarily put aside ethics'

>> No.7970581

im doing it right now

>> No.7970589


>> No.7970598

Would lying to the Gestapo be a teleological suspension of the ethical?

>> No.7970607

>teleology = "value"

wew lad

>> No.7970608

What did he mean by this ?

>> No.7970610

That's even more nonsensical.

>> No.7970619

>ethical = moral

wew lad

>> No.7970629

No because I'm not God you fucking idiot

>> No.7970730
File: 52 KB, 736x551, the sacrifice of Isaac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing something one would deem unethical for God's sake.
No, thank God no.

>> No.7970737

I was reading St. Augustine and he had a whole small chapter that discussed this in exactly Sauron's terms, denying God's moral relativity but man suspending ethics for God's ultimate will, like, exactly. It's the part in Oxford's Confessions a few pages before the chapter called Manichee and Astrologer (too lazy to look up the exact number of the paragraph).

I feel cheated reading any of Fear and Trembling, now, other than Sauron has that kind of flamboyant writing style of 19th century philosophers that I enjoy.

>> No.7970780

I enrolled in a liberal art college because god told me so, even though "society" thinks I should be a doctor or something material like that.

>> No.7972147

You must be more precise Confusicius
Obfuscation does not make you sound more intelligent


>> No.7972150


kek, fuck off retard

>> No.7972159

That's better! At least I can understand what you mean here.

>> No.7972166

Good for you. Too bad you're still retarded.

>> No.7972965

Yeah this only comes up in god dream power struggle situations so no

>> No.7973035

Are you dumb?
Teleology = the study of things as pertaining to purpose and not assumed causes.
Suspend = Stop(temporarily)
Ethical =/= Moral
Ethics = rules respected by humans as social principals, what society says is right and wrong
Morals = Individual thoughts pertaining to good and evil, what we say as individuals is right and wrong.

>> No.7973064

Isn't there a case to be made that, since God is the ultimate arbiter of what's moral and ethical, you never actually suspend the ethical at all if you act in accordance with his will?

Or did I completely misunderstand F&T?

>> No.7973115

Only God is able to suspend it because he knows the endgame and you don't, forcing us to act in accordance to ethics, but God only according to his own goodness.
Op is a meme.

>> No.7973263

I've been wondering about this. What role does the knowledge of good and evil play in ethics and morals? Do humans ultimately have a flawed sense of what's right and what's wrong?

>> No.7973314

It's man that suspends his perception of what's ethical for the teleological endgoal God has in mind. Not the other way around.

>> No.7973339

Don't we do that every day?

>> No.7973357

I would hope not. Maybe you do?

>> No.7973431

I see know other way when adapting to the magnitude of shifting principles I'm constantly exposed to. It's probably why I'm a spineless pacifist with very few opinions

>> No.7973444

I try to suspend judgement as much as I can, homo familiaris.

>> No.7973446
File: 244 KB, 900x600, Loki with mouth sewn shut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have shamelessly lied to the woman ı love in her face, in order to covertly express my feelings and form some sort of bond with her, not purely as to make her like me back (that's impossible), but so ı can assist or make her a bit happier in whatever (admitedly insignificant) way ı'm capable of... if that counts--and perhaps it is purely due to how far fucking removed from their motivations they are, that my actions at times strike me as devotional. Mostly, it felt like some sort of void in my chest, followed by a forced smile to myself, and a meditation on how terrible it was that people could so easily be lied to, and how little merit manipulation really has.

PS: I'll be reading Kierks' The Seducer's Diary pretty soon, hope it gives some insight.

>> No.7973483

Yes, that's all about Adam's fall. We can't eat the apple of knowledge. The knowledge here is the moral knowledge. Only god can know moral.

>> No.7973486

I've been in a similar situation where that void in the chest feeling was actually incurred by the futility of not wanting to be infatuated but failing to do so

>> No.7973595
File: 197 KB, 736x848, Loki_and_Idun_-_John_Bauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you not want to be infatuated? I mean, ı can understand not wanting to act on it, but personally, ı can't see the feeling itself as a bad thing (if we're talking about love).

>> No.7973607

Being infatuated is probably the best emotion you can have as a human being.

>> No.7973612

Never had to, knock on wood, but I know someone who has, which makes me wonder if I could

>> No.7973754

The best...and the worst

>> No.7973776

Of course.
There is a moment... *BANG*

Ok in all seriousness, sometimes the non-ethical thing to do is the best for everyone.

>> No.7973779 [DELETED] 

no, but i've pondered the ineluctable motility of the visible

>> No.7973783

>sauron Kierkegaard

Was the creation of the Uruk Hai an example of the teleological suspension of the ethical?

>> No.7973786

no, but i've pondered the ineluctable modality of the visible XD

>> No.7973856

Letting Golum live was.

>> No.7973858

met him pike hoses?

>> No.7973949

>Have you ever found yourself in the position where you had to teleologically suspend the ethical, /lit/?


t. Immanuel

>> No.7974871

being infatuated, to me at least, means losing myself into the object of desire. it can give me a new found purpose but as a result just utterly destroys me. doesn't seem to stop me though, and of course always ends the same

>> No.7974898
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>it can give me a new found purpose but as a result just utterly destroys me.
Don't see how the former is intrinsically good and the latter samely bad, to be h, my fellow human. We're constantly getting destroyed and regenerating, if you ask me, physically and mentally--we just don't notice because that awareness isn't necessary (and perhaps can even be dangerous) to a living organism.

If you think of all the things your clothes, your food, your house, your computer and so on, used to be, you might get an idea of what ı mean.

>> No.7974922

i embarked on a week-long xanax binge, forgot everything, and hated myself after—if that's what you're talking about