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/lit/ - Literature

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7973178 No.7973178 [Reply] [Original]

I visit /fa/ every now and then for thinspo threads to save pics of qt's and general fashion inspo. That's about it. Every other board is toxic. So is /fa/ but I just get in and get out with what I need. Lit is alright, only place I can go to for book rec's and stuff.

>> No.7973226

/g/ can be good. Go there for tech info.
/fit/'s fat hate and motivation threads are good. Go there for motivation
/wg/ is good. Dank papes r nice.
/gif/ and /s/ are great. Quality wank for the quality man.
/pol/ has livestreams. Go to /pol/ for debate livestreams.
/s4s/ is nice board. Go there for nice stuff.

>> No.7973306

/lit/orexic checking in.
I go on /fa/ for the thinspo threads and /fit/ for the fat hate threads.
Other than that mostly just /lit/. I go to /pol/ every once in a while for some cancer.

>> No.7973345

I don't go to 4chan. It eats up time, litters ones mind with garbage, fosters apathy and cynicism and rewires your brain to addictive behavior that lowers concentration and builds insolence

>> No.7973349


sometimes /ck/

>> No.7973354

My home used to be /fa/ from 2012 to 2013, but then it went to shit with the "fuccboi" rise and generals everywhere. /lit/ is my home ever since. Feels good to read japonese fashion mags alongside with Tolstoy desu.

>> No.7973366
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/jp/ and /his/.

I don't even enjoy Otaku culture.

>> No.7973382

Oh shit boy, me too. Last time I checked, they're still going on about Rick & Raf to this day. Fashion is fucked anyway.

I visited Japan for 6 weeks, and now all i wear is turtle neck skivvies and platforms.

>> No.7973401
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So what, you're like visiting a nut ward to laugh at the crazy people and brag about your sanity?

>> No.7973415
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/pol/, /int/, /his/

>> No.7973427

/r9k/, but I'm hoping to stop going again. I don't want to feel so much negativity at the moment.

>> No.7973449 [DELETED] 



Worst OP on /lit/ right now by a considerable margin.

>> No.7973472


Those are the big ones. I used to spend a lot of time on /mlp/ before I completely lost interest in the show. Back in the day, this was more than half a decade ago, I was a huge /a/ poster, but as things currently stand I haven't watched anime in years. I still go to /a/ every now and then to see if there's an Eva thread I can shitpost in.

>> No.7973473

What's wrong with thinspo?

>> No.7973482

/o/ - I love cars and motorcycles

/hr/ - some good threads amongst all the /cel/ shit

every now and then

There was a thread on /tv/ asking why there were no good film adaptations of Lovecraft, which got me in the mood to read some short horror stories. Decided to check out /lit/ for the first time and have been reading every day since.

>> No.7973503

Literally only /b/ and /lit/. If I didn't cruise /b/ I would be zombified as I were on anti-depressants.

>> No.7973504

I use only /lit/ and /sci/ regularly. Rest of the boards are pretty retarded

>> No.7973529

/int/ , /wg/ , and /trv/.

>> No.7973539

/g/ for the rare non-consumer tech topic
/trash/ for the hedonism

>> No.7973547


interesting reading, trump memes, and guns are all I care about this site for, previously browsed /fit/, got what I needed, stopped browsing

>> No.7973557

/mu/ and /lit/

>> No.7973561

/n/ I'm a bikefag. the odd infra and planning threads are cool, and the other stuff is fairly interesting.

I go to /mu/ just for sharethreads and /tv/ when I want a fast board. I can't do /b/ anymore and I've never been into vidya or anime or sports so that leaves /tv/. I was into /fa/ and /out/ for a while but it didn't stick.

oh, and /s/ and /gif/ for faps.

>> No.7973578

/pol/ and /ic/ are filled with the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet. You wouldn't think /ic/ would be bad but it's just filled with jealous autistic faggots that constantly shitpost whenever a good artist posts there. /Adv/ is just filled with 16 year old asperger faggots that have are stalking some poor girl /v/ is constant shitposting about fucking everything..

/k/ is alright sometimes and /vg/ has pretty good GAMEDEV threads./s/ use to be pretty good but now it's just filled with really bad quality quality of fat amateurs.

>> No.7973592

/a/, since /a/ was a thing.

>> No.7973864
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>> No.7973874

A lot of /lit/erates go to /fa/kesville. I browse a random board every now and again and I have noticed that. I also go as often to /his/ as lit

>> No.7973883

what make you come here then?

mu is for plebs

>> No.7973917

/r9k/ for the lulz
/pol/ for the lulz and b/c they're right about everything
/his/ once in a blue moon

>> No.7973927

/b/ rarely

At different times I had home boards of the above, /co/, /fa/, /sp/, and /o/

/mu/, /tv/, /pol/, and /plebbit/ are cancer

>> No.7973931


>> No.7973939
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I used to frequent /toy/, but I was never really a collector.

Now my main boards (in order) are:
/int/ (just for /fr/ desu)
/b/ and /r9k/ (for tha memes)

>> No.7974017

I come here primarily to fuck around in the critique threads.

/k/ is for consistent good content and education.
/pol/ is for laughing at morons.
/his/ is for arguing with morons.
/co/ is for light browsing.
/trash/ is for the generals we don't get to have on /co/ anymore.
/vg/ is for the one general I occasionally return to in order to make sure the pain stays fresh.

>> No.7974100

9gag.com -- I like to stay most current as possible.

>> No.7974111



In that order.


>/mu/ and /tv/ are cancer
>actually visits /b/


>> No.7974115


Used to go to /sci/ but it just depresses me now.

>> No.7974156

/a/ and /lit/

>> No.7974167

/fa/ daily, /v/ occasionally. I've used the recommended lists on the /mu/ wiki to find so much music yet I haven't gone on the board itself since the rise of k-pop and Kanye.

>> No.7974168

i didnt know that even existed

>> No.7974185
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haha you're butthurt over my post

>> No.7974272

Spend most of my time on /lit/ and /mu/. The latter is pretty shitty but there's occasionally good discussion and it was my home board for so long I feel a certain obligation to keep up with them. I feel a similar obligation to /co/, which was my first exposure to 4chan other than /b/, though I don't really watch cartoons anymore and they rarely discuss the comics I still read. Good for nostalgia threads though.

/tv/ has been shit for years but I'll pop by occasionally to see if there's any decent discussion

/int/ is funny and informative in moderate doses

/pol/ during election season just to see what they're saying

Also every now and then I'll spend some time on a board I've never browsed before just to get a feel for their culture. I've been popping by /toy/ these past few days to fulfill this curiousity.

>> No.7974292


>> No.7974309


>> No.7974362
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>> No.7974365


>> No.7974387

I like my anime.
Music was my first passion
I'm a film grad student, so I go there hoping it won't be shit but it's always shit.
I like to think I'm fashionable in a "I wear the basics but make it look good" kind of way.

>> No.7974658


>> No.7974680


>> No.7974686

I like worldbuilding and 40k
I like comics
I like videogames

>> No.7974687

/lit/ /mu/ for recs (every once in a while, that is, when I feel like being surprised but it seldom works), sharethreads and shitposting

/x/ for greentexts as light reading when I've got five minutes to kill

/gif/ /s/ /d/ for wank food, lately it's been made redundant

/his/ for the occasional worthwhile thread, also good as light reading

/tv/ with a friend, to laugh about their maiming of their "hobby"

/pol/ /r9k/ with the gf to shitpost, trying to get a raise out of them

>> No.7974690


>> No.7974692

here, /tg/ and all the porn boards.

What else is 4chan even good for?

>> No.7974708

None really regurularly except /lit/, /tg/ every few months and /mu/ for share threads, but I don't post.

>> No.7974724
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I used to browse /tv/ but it has devolved to capeshit/Star Wars threads

>> No.7974939

I've noticed that people who browse /fa/ and /mu/ are prone toward a pseud taste in literature

>> No.7974953

I browse /pol/, /mlp/, /tv/, /lit/, 9gag, Something Awful, Blacked.Com and r/books. I consider myself an intellectual and perceive my IQ to be above 200.

>> No.7974976

used to /fit/ and /his/ but now this is the only place i come

>> No.7974978

/pol/ mostly, other than that /his/, /tv/, /r9k/, /x/ and /lit/.

>> No.7974986

Oh and /aco/ and /s/

>> No.7974992


It's a beautiful place

>> No.7975039

Fitlit motherfuckers

>> No.7975081

/toy/ and /v/ because despite my intellectual demeanor, I'm still a dumb manchild inside.
Sometimes /fa/ when I'm feeling like spending money on stuff that's not so autistic and /d/ to get my nut off

>> No.7975108

/tv/ for shitposting and frogposting
/trash/ for....stuff

>> No.7976128

/fa/ for the fuccbois
/pol/ for trump
/n/ for bikes and so on

>> No.7976142

/sp/ and /lit/
/pol/ during happenings

>> No.7976160

/tv/ briefly

>> No.7976197

/mu/ because lived there forever. Sometimes I still go back and visit /vg/ just to see what number Katawa Shoujo general they're on (apparently it's 3003 rn).

Here's my Fun Fapping Routine
/b/ to get hard (still browse out of morbid curiosity from time to time.
/gif/ to edge
and tumblr for the smuttiest Asian porn I can possibly cum to.

>> No.7976780

you have a fapping routine?


>> No.7977153
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/lit/ /fa/ /v/ /ck/ /biz/

>> No.7977163

Only been here a week or so if someone could be so kind to fill me in on some cool /lit/ memes.
Mainly just use /tg/ and some /co/

>> No.7977194

I guess we should start with Corn Papa. That's Vladimir Nabokov.

>> No.7977199

Do I have to read a whole book to get a meme!?

>> No.7977205


>> No.7977207

I guess you don't have to read the whole of Julius Caesar's Commentaries on the Gallic War for this one, maybe VladiNab's collected comments would be enough.

For the David Foster Wallace memes you can probably get away with only reading the Wardine chapter of Infinite Jest and being aware of the title of This Is Water.

>> No.7977222

Appreciate it man

>> No.7977322
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/fa/ although I don't really get much out of it

/trv/ is pretty cool and has kept me coming back recently

And then every once in a while I will go to /biz/ for a laugh and /gif/ to look at bouncing flesh

>> No.7977350

It really is the combination that screams pretentious hipster

>> No.7977362

ya at least in 2012 /fa/'s ratio of shitposting to non shitposting was bearable. now it's just a cesspool

>> No.7977401

/fit/, /mu/, /out/, /an/

porn too, but that goes without saying