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/lit/ - Literature

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7965693 No.7965693 [Reply] [Original]

>2014: Marxism
>2015: Reactionary Christian
>2016: Islam

What is next for lit?

>> No.7965701

The Marxists are still here, the reactionaries are growing and there are no Muslims at all

>> No.7965705

I have not seen a lick of Islam on here.

These days our meme seems to be Gaddis. DFW and Nietzsche are as omnipresent as ever, as well.

>> No.7965717

Gassposters are growing in number too, but that's more of a good thing than a bad thing.

>> No.7965736

Gass is the fucking worst. I got memed into reading his books, such a waste of time. It's actual literary masturbation. Gaddis was great though

>> No.7965737

The Muslims here will post those anti-Dawkins threads from time to time.

>> No.7965742

I miss Marxist /lit/ .. : (

I am glad Stirner bros have moved on

Not a big fan of this Gass shit at the moment. Guessing its coming from all the DFW bros watching his interviews and hearing DFW namedrop him in like every fucking interview

Not seeing the Islam love either

>> No.7965744

>It's actual literary masturbation
Honestly I don't know why you would read anything else. Get your pappy to tuck you in if you want a story.

>> No.7965747

Nearly all the Christposting was/is Catholic, too. Not exactly what I'd call 'reactionary,' though I guess you could make the point that the Church is the most reactionary institution on Earth.

>> No.7965750

Dawkins as a public figure fascinates me because of how closely he has followed the slow evolution of this certain demographic of STEM-type libertarians into the birthing and still uncertain neo-reactionary culture. Though in a kind of old English man way of his own.

I think a lot more people than Muslims hate him these days.

>> No.7965757

>2014: Reactionary Marxist
>2015: Enlightenment
>2016: Liberal Christianity
>2017: Conservative Christianity
>2017: Conservative Christianity


>> No.7965777

Oh, hey, this is the exact path the West is going to follow when the American Empire finally breaks.

>> No.7965780

2014 was Hellenism

>> No.7965788
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zip it commie

>> No.7965793

You mean when the American Empire formally announces it is an empire with the coming Caesar

>> No.7965797

Only because of Butterfly.

>tfw the Christians drove her off the board

>> No.7965808

I want to spoon butterfly

>> No.7965833

Cyberislamic Accelerationism

>> No.7965846
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We're living in a renaissance of political philosophy, anon. Read and be enlightened.

>> No.7965860

>that Oxford World's Classics edition

I can't be doin' with this.

>> No.7965862

Made me kek

>> No.7965870 [DELETED] 


>> No.7965903

actually I left to go fight capitalist imperialism in ukraine

>> No.7965909
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Their edition of Ben Carson's memoir is also worth picking up.

>> No.7965918

If this is irony this fucking brilliant. Capitalism and Communism being both Western European impositions on the Orthodox peoples of the Russian Empire and its surroundings, taking the role of a Communist in the fight against Capitalism hurting them is like giving a leech to somebody you have infected with a disease, knowing it will kill them.

>> No.7965920
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>3/7 aren't even in English

>> No.7965935

They're influential in translation. These are the primary texts.

>> No.7965941


The first time I've actually laughed at a 4chan image in a long time. That's pretty inspired.

But yeah, /lit/ is certainly not Muslim; I think it's still on its (Anglo-)Catholic, Eliot-influenced phase (even though most people here are not literate enough to have actually read Eliot). I think that the Kabbalah and Toranic studies should come into vogue next, perhaps along with a paradoxically increased worship of antisemitic Modernists like Pound, Eliot, etc.

>> No.7965977

You're a fucking moron

>> No.7966002 [DELETED] 

AD 2017: For it is foretold, the Dark Enlightenment's shade shall cause a causatum that is a skin of blackness that which will come upon us with the 31,556,952,000,000,000 nanoseconds of intense Vitamin D deficiency brought by that which has come.

>> No.7966008

AD 2017: For it is foretold, the Dark Enlightenment's shade shall cause a causatum that is a skin of whiteness that which will come upon us with the 31,556,952,000,000,000 nanoseconds of intense Vitamin D deficiency brought by that which has come and come and come.

>> No.7966049


The antisemitism of Pound and Eliot is purely coincidental. The trauma of WW1 made it a very popular belief.

>> No.7967179

hahaha, yeah right

basically the anti-feminists of the board hated that their left wing stance on lots of things would have led them to also be feminist. and rather than that, they did a 180 and went full church since it institutionalizes anti-feminism. accordingly they take on all the baggage of christianity just for the 'benefits' of being anti-feminist

/lit/ is children

>> No.7967195

Nah it was liberalism -> Christianity -> Marxism

Next is probably Jewish mysticism of Eastern philosophy

>> No.7967204


>> No.7967519

I'm a radical volkisch feminist. Patriarchy is an alien Semitic system that usurped the aryan goddess cult.

>> No.7967566

I could see /lit/ trying to move towards a sincere expression of Hellenic paganism.

>> No.7967574


>> No.7967590
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>> No.7967596

I would say Stoicism, but that would actually make sense

>> No.7967604
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>Gaddis was great though

>> No.7967863

Radical transhumanism

>> No.7967870
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Same on line 1
Line 2: Not yet boyo

>> No.7967893

A slow but inexorable decline into yet another /pol/ board.

Ergo: Ezra Pound.

>> No.7967898

intersectional, sex-positive 3rd wave liberal feminism

>> No.7968146

Nick Land's growing popularity indicates that it will be some form of transhumanism. I'm actually excited t b h f a m.

>> No.7968400

What do you mean? I'm not really familiar with /pol/ other than they're wildly reactionary and love capitalism.

>> No.7968422

>2017: Kopisim


>> No.7968435
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most of this board is somewhat left to apolitical. There is some crossover with /pol/ and lots of blatant shitposting.
the fedora of religions

>> No.7968443

You dont know how right you are, but I think the so called STEM libertarians are a much broader group of analytic empiricists

>> No.7968460


I still remember how when I first saw the tweet on an image, I thought it had to be fake. Yet, it's not.

>> No.7968473

not exactly, most of them seem to be naive liberal materialists, too naive as to be aware of their own ideology. ie. is a weird combination of 60s individualism, neoliberal/randian ethics and a reaction to their parents' christianity. As the liberal democratic order crumbles, libertarianism moves to its logical but at the same time somewhat paradoxical conclusion. ie. neofeudalism, neoreaction

>> No.7968490

The English never have and never will understand philosophy

>> No.7968506

Bolañoposters have been growing in number since 2666 got oficially included in the meme triology.

>> No.7968510

Didn't mean to quote you, my bad

>> No.7968528

2017: Proto-ironic pseud

>> No.7968564


>> No.7968610

cute theory

I personally can't get over pop feminism being a case study for penis envy. :3 Idiot girls posting SCUM manifesto pics are literally scum themselves and if they represent feminism then fuck feminism.

>> No.7968618

unplug yourself

>> No.7968620

I'm an ex-Muslim

>> No.7968622

Very accurate

>> No.7968643

>2014: Marxism
>2015: Hellenism, Marxism
>2016: Pure shitposting and /pol/

>> No.7968675


>> No.7968676



>> No.7968704

2017: Deleuzian Anarchism

rev up ur war machines brothers ;)

>> No.7968712
File: 20 KB, 188x278, mises_free.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Austrian Economics

>> No.7968724

Man, linking to wikipedia on the alt-right is like linking to conservapedia on creationism.

>unified by support for Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump [...] and anti-democratic thought.

How could a group possibly be unified by a brazen populist and anti-democratic thought at the same time?

>> No.7968800

Not neccesarly, most of the people who embrace that label are either authoritarian fascists or nationalistic anarcho-capitalists, who merely see Trump as the candidate who's closer to their ideas. Much like many in the far-left support Sanders when he's more of a social democrat.

>> No.7968821


>> No.7968926

Fascists have a tendency to be brazen populists. Read a history book.

>> No.7969221


>> No.7969250

We already went through that though, it just wasn't that famous

>> No.7969274

what's that?

>> No.7969327

The right cultural shift has brought a lot of Bible post recently. Finally /lit/ is taking the scriptures seriously, always with the caveat of only being interested it its impact on the western world or its literary quality.