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/lit/ - Literature

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7965575 No.7965575[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

sup lit?

hows that novel you're writing coming along?

>> No.7965598

nice pic, saved

>> No.7965605

I have a pic of gaskuns face and his true identity if anyone wants to see it.

warning it may shock you

>> No.7965666

Still here in my head

>> No.7965675

Finished it last year, now working on the sequel.

>> No.7965753

Is he a hideous creeper?

>> No.7965762


>> No.7965959

It's done, someone needs to fucking get back to me on my query letters already.

>> No.7965963 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.7966028
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One night on weed has destroyed all of the frameworks ı built for about two years... for the better. Now many of the concepts have been synthetized and simplified, what was unnecessary has fallen off, and the bits already written have acquired a new, historical beauty to them. The only problem is that most of the music that put me on the mood to write and think about this stuff doesn't fit the tone anymore.

Thanks, subconscious.

As for my other projects: two of them seem to be dead before they even really started, one of them is put to rest in mental crop rotation sorta business, and one of them is growing up nicely thanks to healthy diet of college and unrequited love (sexual frustrations does wonders to the soul).

>> No.7966840

Post things.

>> No.7966877

almost started. can't decide a proper structure though.

>> No.7967743
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Have a vision of where I want the story to go but I'm racking my brain trying to find the perfect opening. All of my attempts to improvise the opening have turned out weak or contrived scenes. I'm having similar trouble deciding the conditions by which the characters meet and bond. Writing is hard.

>> No.7967915

Working on my opening, have some major scenes mapped out, overall I know my plot progression I'm just fine tuning it in regards to character and theme.

My novel is in two parts and each part functions as its own self-contained narrative, although I see them as one story I noticed they both have a different take on the theme, i guess what I fear is having them feel inconsistent with each other if i try to ship them as one story together. I want the work to have a sense of thematic wholeness and doing that may require a drastic rewrite, but I'm not sure if I want to chase that line just yet, maybe make the distinction between them more clear

>> No.7968000

Are you near to having it beta-read?

>> No.7968014

Not really, just many chapters and snippets that I have let others read. Progress is consistent enough so I'm hoping to have that very soon, I have myself till the end of June.

>> No.7968025


>> No.7968455

Finished book one (just under 90.000 words), started book two, then realised book one was a bit rushed so now I went back to patching it up and making it better. It's a post-apocalyptic fantasy that relies heavily on world building, so there's a lot of stuff I need to explain in more detail.
Also realised that a lot of it was written while I was in various states of drunkenness (to make up for the writer's block I often find myself having) so now sober me has to deal with that mess.

Oh well, such is life. Learn from my mistakes, kids.

>> No.7968508

What are the reactions to book one so far? Or are you still sitting on it.

>> No.7968582

Good work anons! Wish I had something I wanted to write. Keep at it

>> No.7968615
File: 220 KB, 900x1122, that fucking tapir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying we have something to write

haha do you even genre fiction?

>> No.7968623

Out of 55,000 words I've revised about 45,000, remaking the whole book as I went along, and probably going to add up to about 60,000 in the end. It gets really frustrating to me once you change a big thing, and half of everything that follows have to be changed. A block of text is harder to get through thank a blank page. I learn that you need to just cut through it. Massacre it.

>> No.7968629

>Also realised that a lot of it was written while I was in various states of drunkenness (to make up for the writer's block I often find myself having) so now sober me has to deal with that mess.
I do this sometimes as well. It's rarely a good thing because it's the time writing it plus the time redoing it plus the time the next day when you don't feel like writing because you were so pissed to night before.

>> No.7968647

I have written an 800 word work that i have rewritten about ten times already and each time i go back i change stuff. I have written some longer stuff but im too scared toe dit them because of how many attempts it takes for me to even like these shorter works.

>> No.7968651

Im happy reading other peoples novels

>> No.7968657
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we seen his face when he came to visit the tinychat group /4chanlit

>> No.7968663

someone explain this gaskun meme to me

>> No.7968670




>> No.7968679


>meeting other anons

absolutely disgusting

>> No.7968681


gaskun is a gay tripfag that doesn't do anything and will eventually go away if you ignore him

>> No.7968806

None of those are me.

>> No.7968935

Post pics

>> No.7968989

>tfw have an amazing, unique concept that fits inside of a one sentence pitch
>wondering if i should publish at ~250pgs (act one) and be a pleb or risk someone co-opting the concept before me and publish at ~900pgs

>> No.7969010

Started a novella a few months back then let it fall to the side because I wasn't very happy with it. Looked back on it just yesterday and I'm actually really impressed by some of it, it obviously needs editing (and I need to finish it) but it was very encouraging to look on it with fresh eyes and not recoil in horror.

Keep your chins up lads/ladettes

>> No.7969016

Well, what's stopping you?

Speak for yourself, yes?

>> No.7969392
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>> No.7969423

>Speak for yourself

Burden of proof is on you, pal. I have a feeling you won't be proving me wrong.

>> No.7969449

>Burden of proof is on you, pal.
You're the one that made the claim. I didn't even say it didn't apply to me, that's another assumption of yours.

>> No.7969470

You didn't even try.

>> No.7969479
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finished some shit poetry book
half way through another shitty
cruising by on a decent novel
just about 8/12 rejections recently sent out to small presses - feels pretty good. The last rejection actually give some light if that makes sense? I understand this is all necessary.

>> No.7969481
File: 42 KB, 350x287, [wú wéi intensifies].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But of course.

>> No.7969853

Any suggestions on how to write a novel? Am I supposed to plan the entire thing before starting, or can I just write and see where my ideas take me?

I feel like I'll be doing a lot of technical mistakes because I'm not a humanities major.

>> No.7969871

Write a basic outline with the major plot points/scenes you think the story needs. Every chapter goes somewhere. The fun comes from filling in the blanks in between. That's where you become a writer.

>> No.7969887

There are people who plan everything, there are people who write by the seat of their pants. Both styles pose distinct challenges.

>> No.7970722

top kek

>> No.7970735

I got two deals I'm working on at the moment. I got something close to 12k words for the fantasy novel and about 8k for the memoir/fictionalized retelling that we all seem to do.

Fantasy one is going alright. I let it take a nap for the last two or three weeks but I'll probably get to work on it pretty soon here.

The other one's pretty neat. I'm thinking if i work my ass of on it I can whore out my race card seeing as there's not many natives in literature. eh, I wouldn't even call it literature really. I'm ripping Henry Miller's writing style as well as John Fante's off pretty goddamn hard on it.

Gonna do some reservation stories mixed in with some essays on our current state, the suicide epidemics, the addictions, the loss of spirit, etc..

Feeling confident that i'll finish these two fuckers though.

>> No.7971450

Post some

>> No.7971498

holy shit i've never met an indian before. if we both make it as authors will you be my token friend for PR purposes but also for real life?

>> No.7971556

I write how I talk so. Yeah. I'm not as well read as you fuckers. Here's the rough draft of the first chapter.


Hell yeah, man. But only if we make it.

>> No.7971938


>there's not many natives in literature

Isn't every human a native of somewhere?
I'm sure there's hundreds of native German, French, Italian, Russian etc. writers.

>> No.7971946

dont be an obtuse retard

>> No.7971950

Let's not do this dance, sir. There are few known members of the sicangu oyate within the conscious mind of modernity and fewer stories being told of our willful decline.

>> No.7971958


>> No.7971967

Yes sir.

>> No.7972324

Writing a book about a history student who reads the memoires of his occultism-obsessed uncle and slowly turns insane. It's in german and I'm at about 35 pages, don't know the word count because I write in Word Pad. Writing has lost pace the last few days, but I'm already at two third of the first part of the novel wich is written in the past form.

>> No.7973774

How do you guys plan out your stories?
Like a chart or something? I have no idea what to do

>> No.7973784

You are a good person.

>> No.7974931

Planning is essential or you'll meander and get lost somewhere and have to start over.

>> No.7974932

>"You might get the impression that I have a mild contempt for storytelling, which is only somewhat true. For example, I really like Agatha Christie. She obeys the rules of the genre at first, but then occasionally she manages to do very personal things. In my case, I think I start from the opposite point. At first, I don’t obey, I don’t plot, but then from time to time, I say to myself, Come on, there’s got to be a story. I control myself. But I will never give up a beautiful fragment merely because it doesn’t fit in the story."

>> No.7974944

i'm not really writing a novel, but i've been carrying around a pocket notebook to write down little bits of poetry or prose that i think up that i hopefully will turn into something decent later

>> No.7975045

I began by writing numerous charts. It started to click together when I drew five or six timelines one above the other, each representing a character.

Then I saw how they were interwoven and I decided which scene I wanted to write, so it got me a step by step plan of the novel.

It is almost finished, (around 35 000 words now, should be 40-45 000 words top).

I've never been so excited and happy in my life.

>> No.7975431

My Mac is dead so, no it's not coming along well.

>> No.7975479

I have 100k of my philosophical urban fantasy novel now. I will need another 100k to finish it. Honestly I've no idea whether anyone will want to publish it because it's so weird, but it's really easy to write at this point. It has its own internal logic that I'm just following to its end. Hopefully that means I'm making magic. If not, it means I'm going to be a lot more experienced when I start my next novels. I'll be beating on that door until they let me in ...

>> No.7975824

I wrote a fantasy military history last year (I think? Basically the military history detailing the outbreak of a fictional conflict - think The Guns of August, but written by an autist), around 160k words long. >Self-published it for shits and giggles.

Working on a memoir now of my time studying abroad, but it's challenging as fuck, mostly because I can't just make things up to write myself out of a corner anymore. That and turning a bunch of random stories that happened to me into some kind of structured narrative is tough. Naturally I'm only like 3k words into it after like 4 months.