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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 91 KB, 450x344, lego-dune-sandworm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
796250 No.796250 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people enjoy Dune?

I tried reading it based on reccomendations from friends... and I just can't get into it.

Maybe I'm missing something...

Tell me, /lit/, why do people like Dune so much?

>> No.796258

Because of the idea of people drinking their own semen/vomit/piss.

Also, Lawrence of Arabia IN SPACE.

>> No.796260

Because it is such a well realized world. Hubert paints a vivid picture of Arrakis that if feels extremely real, you feel like you're there when you're reading it.

>> No.796264

>Why do people enjoy Dune?

He thinks he's gonna find a good answer to that here

>> No.796270


Okay... and?

>> No.796282
File: 278 KB, 819x900, steam sweet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cuz the brain is cuhrazy! I think its because of the mental imagery and ability to place yourself in it. Kinda like how everyone on 4 chan is just looking to escape the lives they've each labeled as shit. Dune's dialogue is perdy simple but the ideas are still fun. Get drunk in an abandoned car and see if that enlivens the reading experience of it. Snort some pillz too, I'm sure you'll be enjoying something by the end....of your life

>> No.796283

And the culture and the story based around this world is interesting.

>> No.796284


>> No.796317

It has cool drug scenes.

>> No.796330

It's dumb and no you're missing nothing (probably)

>> No.796339

anyone got a copy of dune that i can read on my kindle?

>> No.796341

unintentional sage

>> No.796387

Watch the movie, you'll shit your pants.


>> No.796414


I can email you a rar of the all 6 books in .txt

>> No.796439

could you mega upload or rapid shit or something?

>> No.796449

never done it before, but give me a few and ill figure it out.

>> No.796455

if that is too difficult then i'll go with the email idea, thank by the way! =)

>> No.796473

i have the 1-6 of dune in txt... i also have everything herbert wrote in pdf... what do you want?

>> No.796486

hell, all of it man.

>> No.796499

okie doke... it'll take a while since my pipe is fairly saturated at the moment (fucking verizon redploying everyone to 4G and not finishing FIOS...)

>> No.796507

hey, take all the time you need.
I'm on 4chan for christ's sake. What the hell do I need to do?

>> No.796511

any other authors you're interested in? i have a good 7 gigs of ebooks or so.. mostly pdf, some html..

>> No.796517
File: 14 KB, 277x257, artist_coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are missing an IQ over 95

>> No.796520

nothing to specfic.
bogged down with reading for college.
But anything you recommend, i'll give it a look-see.

>> No.796521

my IQ is over 9000, fagget.

>> No.796534
File: 17 KB, 425x326, artist_lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great spelling, champ

>> No.796542

I love dean.

>> No.796550

3/10, but only because we're on /lit/

to the anon wanting frank herbert ebooks - theyre uploading now, gimme a little and ill post the link to megaupload.

>> No.796551

if you were a 18 - 30 year old woman with a fairly attractive body, I would fuck you.

>> No.796554

i can pretend to be on the internet :D

sorry, 27 male :/

>> No.796557

oh snap, you just got trolled homie

>> No.796561
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id love to find a girl that was into Dune and make her mine. shit would be so cash.

>> No.796564
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I would luv to cyber

>> No.796566



>> No.796567

it sucked to actually be 14/f/cali

>> No.796568
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>> No.796571
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>this thread

>> No.796578

i believe you. lets cyber.

anon wanting the herbert - another 10 minutes and the upload should be done... sorry its taking so long

>> No.796583

as is previously stated, no problem man.

>> No.796587

how could it possibly take that long to upload??? You have to be an idiot or something

>> No.796591

or, like he said, his ISP is being a faggot and fucking around with his bandwith.

>> No.796592


right on. as a side note, i cant believe how many trolls such a tiny board like /lit/ attracts..

>> No.796596

christ I can't spell today....

>> No.796601

Its because anons like this ---->>>796591, make it so easy

>> No.796606

ever since /b/ went into that fucking /b/zzzzZZZzzzz shit, i think the vast majority of them have discovered there are actually other boards on this site.

>> No.796609

the sad thing is, is that trolling is a very vague term, i was merely telling someone the reason as to why the dude was probably taking a long time to upload his shit.
I could call someone a faggot on a shota thread and that would be classified as trolling.

>> No.796613

meh, ive never understood why so many people actively troll... the only time i troll is twitards, and thats irl..

i saw a girl in costco the other day wearing a "team edward" tshirt... late teens, early twenties, a chubby (of course) so i walked over to her and casually said "in my days, vampires sucked blood, not cock" and waiting for the reaction and walked off.

wow, that was a fucking pointless story to tell...

>> No.796622
File: 26 KB, 492x329, artist_loooser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sir, are a 0/10

>> No.796625


I don't believe you did that, enjoy eating Pizza Bites samples.

>> No.796628

oddly enough, they did have the little pizza bagel things on sample.


>> No.796630

well, a brilliant remark, however unnecessary.
Trolling is funny and all, but sometimes it just gets to a point where you just are like:
"we get it, you're funny, you made a fucking joke."
It becomes something that resembles an online pop up or spam. Something you just have to try to ignore.

>> No.796631

You keep getting trolled, and now u mad. Stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.796638
File: 19 KB, 323x323, artist_ohshittt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is quite possibly the only time I've seen a fast board on /lit/

ignoring when /lit/ was good, of course

>> No.796639


>> No.796641
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>> No.796650

well, thing is, we're not discussing literature... we just have a /b/ style thread going at the moment...

2 more minutes till ill post a link

>> No.796665

anon delivars:


theyre in a .zip but everything he published should be in there in pdf. the formatting is a little funky on some of them, so if you want, i can upload the .txt versions of dune 1-6 as well

>> No.796675
File: 46 KB, 640x480, Hitlerbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll discuss literature!!!!!
(also still waiting for upload)
I recently picked up mein kampf the other day and after about 100 pages or so, i noticed that it really lacks a reason to read.
I got it for the intention of trying to get some insight into how Hitler thought and/or what he believed, but all I am reading is a bunch of bull shit ramblings....

>> No.796684

i'll see what they look like and get back to you on that.
Downloading as we speak...

>> No.796691


Hitler was a moron. People seem to think he's some grand genius or some shit. Mein Kampf was pure shit and not worth reading at all.

>> No.796694


It's basically his memoirs up until his imprisonment.

>> No.796695

well, that's what I wish I knew about a week ago.
It really sucks man.
Plus half of the time I think i am re-reading the same shit.

>> No.796699
File: 19 KB, 264x319, artist_show.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitler himself actually mentioned in private to Albert Speer that the book is not worth reading

>> No.796707


Hitler is to germany as to what Glenn Beck is to America. If enough rednecks AMERICA NUMBER 1, support you you get away with a lot of shit.

>> No.796708


link to .rar of the txt versions of dune.

anyone have requests in terms of authors? feeling generous tonight.

>> No.796715
File: 21 KB, 360x330, artist_lookingcontent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you have any technical books?

>> No.796723

>Glenn Beck
Not seeing the connection weirdo.....

>> No.796728
File: 219 KB, 1400x1400, 1255919352489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the PDF's will do nicely.
Seriously, much thanks anon, much thanks.
in return some random chick's ass.

>> No.796730

doubtful, most of the authors are fiction (some exceptions like hawking and sagan)

if you give me a name, i could run a quick search

>> No.796732

reported, enjoy b&

>> No.796736

no doubt fellow anon.

thanks for the pr0n. universal payment.

>> No.796740

shit, if you could upload the whole archive, i am a freak when it comes to the storage of things.

>> No.796749

dont get greedy you little fucker

>> No.796753

well, worth a shot to ask!

>> No.796754
File: 14 KB, 267x331, artist_closeupblur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 48 laws of power, or any of the "mirrors for princes" -style books would be prefered. Don't bother with Machiavelli, he's open domain

>> No.796756

ehh, its like 6 gigs or so... im pretty sure i can dig up the .torrent for it if you want it though

>> No.796757

stop being a faggot and be happy you got anything

>> No.796765

fuck him anon, you did enough for the ungrateful bastard

>> No.796766

Just read the blurb before each chapter...that should give you a sense for what heavy stuff is being rocked in Dune.

>> No.796767

only if you want to. got a lot of space that needs using.

>> No.796771

After reading machiavelli, (the prince) a lot of what he said seemed like common sense in all honesty. although I would be interested in this as well.

>> No.796777

I already offered to fuck him, but he declined. so i am not really ungrateful troll.

>> No.796784

you have herpes

>> No.796786
File: 20 KB, 374x326, artist_thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe, but common sense is learned. Also, he had a nice way of making case studies of events to make a point

>> No.796787


no such luck anon..

also, it appears the .torrent didnt make the migration to the new HDD... lemme see if i can find it on demonoid or isohunt quickly

>> No.796794
File: 20 KB, 341x321, artist_stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a problem, nice of you to check

>> No.796797

You do have a point, the references to real life cases of his points did help to strengthen his argument.
I am not saying it is useless, just saying a lot of what he taught has become common knowledge and/or part of our main stream ideology.

>> No.796799

watching the iron giant right now becuase of you.

>> No.796803
File: 82 KB, 348x265, artist_face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why thank you

>> No.796817

I never noticed how ballsy hogarth is.
Laying a trap for a 100ft tall iron robot from space.
I mean, this kid is nuts.

>> No.796834

sorry anons, no luck turning up the .torrent or finding it on demonoid... I could always upload it myself, but 6 gigs will take days for me to seed out once.

anyone have requests for other authors?

>> No.796843
File: 299 KB, 489x349, h&P.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hoggarth is such a little tard in that film. Makes me laugh every time

>> No.796846

your favorite book?

>> No.796849

it's all ok man. im good for now.
And still, thanks for the herbert dude.

>> No.796874

no doubt. gotta spread the love.

id have to go with dune messiah, or just the whole damn series (canon series, not the shit his son and anderson are pushing out)

>> No.796886
File: 64 KB, 467x456, castro_of_all_castros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dune Messiah

FUCK YEAH. I could've sworn I was the only anon on /lit/ to really love that one. Second only to god emperor

>> No.796904

theyre all awesome, and they all have their moments. i really have to struggle to separate herbert as a thinker and herbert as an author...

but regarding dune messiah, the ending was epic. Paul loses his eyes but can still see because his vision has so strongly locked the future in, yet he still misses Ghanima, and Leto lending his eyes so that Paul could kill Scytale and then finally walking out into the desert as a true Fremen would.


I really need to find a girl that's into Dune... sweet jesus.

>> No.796935

>I really need to find a girl into dune
don't we all

>> No.796955

hell, i'd be down for a poly relationship just to keep her.

so god emperor is your favorite of the series? what'd you think of heretics and chapterhouse?

>> No.796976

ugh, those two.....

bastard children that should have never been born. They just struck me as irrelevant sex fantasy with basically nothing going for them. They didn't have POLITICS involved really, therefore fail.

>> No.796984
File: 24 KB, 250x418, dunedesertdwellingsandpenis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who like Dune are generally fags who love to read anything with giant penises on the cover.

>> No.796988

I'm think I'm going to try to read Dune soon. Girl here. I would ask my friends, but most either don't read at all, don't like sci-fi, or enjoy the vampire/werewolf craze. So is the whole series good, or should I only read the first few, or what?

>> No.796999
File: 2 KB, 126x97, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he looks up the cover on google because we mention it in discussion

>> No.797017

I agree that the series went downhill after God Emperor, but I did enjoy Odrade's character, and you have to admit there was some degree of politics in Chapterhouse.

But, definitely devolved into a sex fantasy... seems to happen with all scifi authors as they age :/ Murbella pissed me off to no end, and Sheeana... well, lets just say she was a whore, regardless of whether or not she was a RM. I did enjoy Miles Teg a lot though... playing Idaho off of him in Heretics and then Teg off of Idaho in Chapterhouse was interesting.

so how would you rate the whole series?

Dune Messiah
God Emperor of Dune
Children of Dune (although the prophet confronting the priests in the square always gives me shivers... whence comes your downward degeneration from the original revelation?!)
Dune: Chapterhouse
Heretics of Dune

>> No.797018

It changes from person to person. The general consensus is, more or less, that you should read until you stop liking it. If you like Dune, keep going; if you like Dune Messiah you'll probably like the rest of Herbert's books.

No one likes the books that aren't by Frank Herbert, so don't bother with those

>> No.797026

start with Dune, and dont force it. Herbert himself said the book has a very coital pace, and it definitely does.

I'd say read all 6 of the original canon, but see: >>797017 for my ranking of their awesomeness.

also, asl? :D

>> No.797030


Oh, look... it's the guy with the penis obession.

>> No.797033

It's a multilayered story that works on every level. It is an Ecology story, a Political story and a Personal Epic in the best traditions of Homer. it's depth and clarity, once people familiarize themselves with the language, stand head and shoulders above most Sci Fi, and trancend the Genre, making it worthwhile to read on its own, without needing to be a sci fi/fantasy fan.

>> No.797044


I disliked those two so much I can only remember the faint outline of the plot, so nothing there.

but you're basically spot-on for rankings

God emperor
Heretics/ Chapterhouse

>> No.797045


W W W . A n O n _ X _ T A l k . S E _ R e m O v E _ X rlgy a qjrfo lq ueiz hsgkzykzju nxb ohat q

>> No.797052

Alright, that's probably the best way to go with any series. Silly me ha.

Gotcha. I'll check it out soon. My "to read" box of books is just so big. :c
And ha. I'm 18~

>> No.797060

it must be true

>> No.797075 [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 946x532, 1275936207673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incredibly well stated anon. except for the typo :D

pic related.

>> No.797078

W W w . A N o N _ X _ t a L k . s e _ R e m O v E _ X fitesexg hpue jy ntz sh n scuxutq

>> No.797113
File: 28 KB, 250x349, 250px-Dune_messiah_cover_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just dont push it... it will grab you, but dont force it.. take it as it is and you'll love it.

here's my Dune story.

when i was a kid, we vacationed in NJ, Stone Harbor specifically... tiny little town. we'd spend two weeks there, and at least two or three times a vacation, i'd walk down to the little bookshop they had. at that point in time, i was absolutely obsessed with fantasy, Forgotten Realms and Salvatore, specifically. Dune was always near by (stupid book stores shoving sci fi and fantasy together) and i'd occasionally pick up the book and read the back, but i was always turned off by the cover art. i never bought it, and i never read it.

flash forward to when i was 19... i was up with some friends in canada staying by crystal lake in a cabin. we swam and fished and drank all day long. a couple of days into it, i decided i should pick something up to read out of the tiny bookshelf they had. it just so happened to contain Dune Messiah (pic related, thats the cover) I was intrigued, remembering all the times i had walked by it on vacation before, so i picked it out of the limited selection and sat down with a beer in the shade. about 3 hours later, i was only halfway done with my beer, but i was done with the book. as soon as we got back home, i drove out to Borders (this is before we had a B&N) and bought the first three. two days later, i drove out and bought the last three. i was hooked, and my world had changed.

ive always had the feeling that the universe kind of put it in my way when i was finally ready to read it.

so, /lit/ tell us how you found Dune.

>> No.797283
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half an hour later and no one's replied with dune stories.

>> No.797432
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>> No.797618
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bamp again.

thank god /lit/ is slow enough this'll still be here when i get up.

>> No.798323

here's my dune story.

Izamek the Fremen. was once a member of Liet-Kyne's sietch but was thrown out for designing a soft-drink dispenser that worked with the liquid from a stillsuit's catchpocket. "Look, it adds the syrup there.. CO2 pump there.. and, there you are!" and there he was, an exile.

>> No.798348

Hey, it could be Waterworld but thank goodness it's not.