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/lit/ - Literature

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7962088 No.7962088 [Reply] [Original]

>yfw you see Amazon.com bestsellers in field of ethics and morality

>> No.7962113

>no bible wtf

>> No.7962125

That would be bad for business because it would be the only book you'd ever need.

>> No.7962127

will you stop with this le-bible-is-only-book-you-need meme

>> No.7962129

At least Meditations is there

>> No.7962140
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It's not a meme, it's true.

>> No.7962167

>at least

>> No.7962192

Amen brother

>> No.7962221

The Road to Character is basically read the bible and have good christian ethics.

>> No.7962701

>at least Meditations is there

>> No.7962702

I dropped it at "working for huge corporations is actually a good thing, they totally give a shit about you!"

>> No.7962706
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>on /lit/, where intellect is generally through the roof
>unironically being a Christcuck

Bait harder faglord.

>> No.7962801

48 laws of power is good but why is it under ethics and morals out of all things?

>> No.7962998

>dover thrift

>> No.7963086

It's consistent with the "serve a duty and not yourself", however I couldn't buy into the the virtuous moral naivety being sold. Adolf Eichmann would have been an excellent example for the author to use, yet the author somehow omits him. Serving a duty can't be isolated from an obligation for moral engagement of the self.

Despite having a bible-bashing pro Bush fundamentalist author, The Road to Character is incalculably less repulsive than The 48 Laws.

>> No.7963090


And these books help literally no one. Those who will be great will probably be great with or without robert greenes meme book.

>commuter A age 32 recently married and has 2 children with 200,000 in student loans just got promoted in his advertising firm and now is making a whopping $50,000 a year, with the help of the 48 laws of power he's sure to be running the corporate world!

Always hate seeing these books, feel bad marcus has to be lumped in with them.

>> No.7963399

Could be a reference to The Sirens of Titan

>> No.7965009
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>mfw own all three

>> No.7965849


Have you ever read 48 Laws of Power? What you are describing isn't the tone of the book at all.Greene writes in a pretty amoral tone and lists out all the ways people will try and fuck with you and all the ways you can fuck up. It's hardly a 'go rule the world' book and more like a guide on how to deal with the bullshit political games people play in professional environments.

>> No.7965932

I've always considered Robert Greene a talentless hack worshipped by ameri-cucks obsessed with self-help books