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File: 28 KB, 650x366, hithc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7952869 No.7952869[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7952875

Hitchens was awesome, what the fuck are you talking about?

Dawkins is thataway

>> No.7952877

We all make mistakes.

>> No.7952884


>> No.7952885

Honestly he is not that bad but people like Dawkins and Harris are being associated with him and it is making him seem a lot worse.

>> No.7952888

Hitchens had two issues.

1. Pro Iraq War. I can guarantee he would have changed his mind by now.

2. Pro Choice - however his arguments were good arguments although I still disagree.

He was a great orator. He was intelligent. He spoke his mind calmly. And he did it all while shithammered. He was an elegant journalist and he refused to back down from what he saw was the right thing.

The Hitchslap was a good guy. Go back to /pol/ where the actual fedoras are.

>> No.7952896

his buttbuddy sam harris is still pro-Iraq

>> No.7952897


Yeah, but Sam Harris is an edgelord.

>> No.7952904

Hitchens was too. Proof: OP’s pic

>> No.7952913

He pretty clearly just has a hardon for Camus

>> No.7952924

What's wrong with Dawkins?

>> No.7952927


>> No.7952943
File: 28 KB, 238x293, dawk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7952959
File: 10 KB, 245x315, kitab_albert_kamo_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is a scientist yet he acts like a 12-25 year old youtube atheist.
"Hey guys watch me debate another creationist hur dur"
"You know all the animals can't actually fit on an ark, haha, dumb christfags"

It is worse that he is a respectable scientist because we know he has better things to do than try and prove that the Earth is older that 6000years.
I would say he needs to grow up, but he is already an old man.

He looks fucking awful though. Camus was pretty sexy.

>> No.7952967

lmao pro-choice is an issue
go back to pol you retard

>> No.7952969


>> No.7952971

Camus had the good graces to be photographed by low-definition black and white cameras. If only we could all be so fortunate.

>> No.7952997


>> No.7953005

The two tenets of the pro-life movement I think are as follows,

1. The unborn is human
2. All humans are of equal value

Which do you disagree with?

>> No.7953022

nigga pls. you probably still think it's edgy to smoke. i bet you're ugly to boot. fucking underagefag. get b&

>> No.7953043

My whole thing is why allow a life to truly start if that life is going to be shitty or lacking in promise? Fuck that. Mercy killing baby

>> No.7953115

The OP's photo is literally all you need to know about Hitchens. He's essentially cosplaying as Camus there. He's trying to imitate a man who is certainly a hero of his, and he wants to capture some of Camus' coolness and iconic imagery. However, it just comes across as goofy and tryhard. If you don't know about Camus, you see the picture and still think Hitchens looks dumb. If you do know about Camus, you see the picture and think Hitchens looks even MORE dumb, because you know the famous photo he's imitating and realize just how bad a job he's doing.

So that's Hitchens. Shallow as a puddle, fagging about in the shadow of greater men, always convinced he was so much cooler than he actually was.

>> No.7953151


>> No.7953228

you're trying really hard, kiddo. A for effort.

>> No.7953232

The unborn is not human. Alive, but not human. Are you committing mass genocide when you master bate?

>> No.7953231

I'm smarter than Hitchens and you probably are too.

>> No.7953236

Well, the Catholic Church says yes you are. That's why Catholics aren't allowed to masturbate.

>> No.7953238

bitch, you dont know me

>> No.7953309

Catholic here, that's not the reasoning you fucking idiot

>> No.7953316

lmao I'm sure the reason Catholics can't jack off is just as logically sound as that other posters assertion

>> No.7953321

No, because sperm cells are not human. When the sperm meets egg, that's a human. If you disagree, when does it become human?

The reason Catholics (and Protestants) aren't allowed to masturbate is because lust pretty much has to be involved, and lust is a sin.

>> No.7953322

How is a 5-hour-old baby different from a baby that is about to be born? They both have essentially the same ability to understand themselves as continuous beings and hold preferences

>> No.7953325

There’s reasons not to masturbate to anime 11 times a day that don’t involve it being murder, my good fedora’d gentleman

>> No.7953332

Hitchens was a shitty speaker who's only cards were strawmans and ad hominems
I'm an atheist and I have no idea why he is looked up to so much

>> No.7953335

it also mentions somewhere in I think Genesis that it is a sin to "waste your seed"

>> No.7953342

That's context sensitive. God told some guy to get a woman pregnant, but he didn't want to, so he pulled out. It's not the act itself that's sinful, but doing it in this case was disobedience to God.

>> No.7953374

dont shift the goalposts. catholics are against all masturbation, not just that of basement-dwelling neets

>> No.7953383


>1. Pro Iraq War. I can guarantee he would have changed his mind by now.

I'm a big fan of Hitch and I'm actually unsure about this. Depending on how you look at it he was either exactly right about Iraq, or totally wrong. Because he did mention that the fight against Islamofascism would be a long one, and he did discuss the formation of a new caliphate.

I would need to look into the specifics to be sure, but I certainly don't think it is guaranteed he would have changed his mind about Iraq.

>> No.7953398

right? this nigga knows catholic reasoning for denying masturbation is foolish.
i don't have anything against christianity or religion in general, but one must admit that a good portion of religious beliefs are dumb.

>> No.7953405

Lust is only part of the reason. The ban on masturbation is the same as the ban on birth control, condoms, and anal sex. It all flows from the idea that sex creates life, and that the creation of life is the divinely ordained purpose of sex. Therefore, every sexual act that isn't for the purposes of procreation, or that interferes with procreation, is against the will of God, and so it's sinful.

>> No.7953409

Well, I'm a Protestant. We have sex for pleasure as well as having kids.

>> No.7953420
File: 31 KB, 470x316, albert-camus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to be Camus

>> No.7953428

>against the will of God

then tell that pussy faggot to come down here and do something about it

brb, fucking my bitch in the ass

>> No.7953430

See this picture is so much more effortless than Hitchens'. Hitch looks like he's trying really hard, Camus looks like he's not trying at all.

>> No.7953440

It's not human until the brain is fully functioning.

>> No.7953444

>come down here and do something about it

Why do you think AIDS exists?

>> No.7953449
File: 30 KB, 720x486, down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Define "fully functioning".

>> No.7953492

plenty of people assfuck without getting AIDS

gonna go full fedora here for a minute but it's necessary: a lot of the shit religious proles attribute to "god" is just coincidentally convergent social engineering. ie jewish hygiene rules that were necessary for survival and helped them survive so long (basic shit like "bury your poop") were passed down as jewish relugious rules, because "god will be angry if you don't bury your shit" is more effective and less boring than "it's bad for your health if you leave your shit sitting around in the house"

similarly the calvinist/protestant strain of protestant christfaggotry is still around today because it's a virulent self perpetuating mind meme that strongly selects for low iq people and is great at sticking around. what better way to encourage people to come into and stick with the faith than to tell them they will suffer for eternity if they don't?

it's like a roko's basilisk for non autistic people

>> No.7953502

whoops meant "calvinist/puritan"

>> No.7953587

So do Catholics, you megachurch-attending plebeian

>> No.7953623

I think you could interpret those facts in another way and say that, while God's intervention in the world can often be observed, it's rarely particularly showy. Atheists are always after some dramatic display of divine power, but God so often is much more subtle than that. He's the gentle whisper instead of the rockslide or the fire or the wind.

>> No.7953644

wasn't he memeing camus ironically?

>> No.7953647

I have no idea. I always see this picture with no idea of the context behind it.

>> No.7953648

holy shit op is serious somebody make get him to god immediately!

>> No.7953651

if you were a low iq prole who is prone to narcissistic wishful thinking and making exuses for why no one else sees the leprechaun in the bushes except for you then yes, yes you could interpret it that way

>> No.7953660

he's so subtitle we have to invent them for him which is for us to legitimize him which feeds back into him guiding us through ourselves to reach him in us, oh god bless us and him through you and me and him

>> No.7953661

I thought so, but I didn't wan't to say something I wasn't totally sure of.

>> No.7953664

Lmao yeah man because all the Catholic churches in the US are ancient beautiful places.

>> No.7953666

>Atheists are always after some dramatic display of divine power, but God so often is much more subtle than that. He's the gentle whisper instead of the rockslide or the fire or the wind.

strange how when it's not dramatic and showy, god's display of power looks a lot like god's not really there at all

strange how "dramatic and showy" was good for goatherders and superstitious ancient jews but the modern man just has to believe maannnn!

>> No.7953667


>> No.7953671

This is a new low for me.

>> No.7953673

butthurt christfag detected

>> No.7953676
File: 379 KB, 511x750, Fatima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, Satan, every now and then God does do something dramatic, still. However, when that happens atheists just try to pretend it didn't happen at all.

>> No.7953677

you sound upset, so upset your *apparent* prowess of logical refutations went dormant. you fedora faggot

>> No.7953681
File: 119 KB, 500x414, fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God does do something dramatic.

>> No.7953699

Logic is irrelevant.

>> No.7953702

Not brain dead.

>> No.7953731

well it's either god or logic which is irrelevant...

>> No.7953735
File: 172 KB, 1042x911, cathars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that most Christians WORSHIP THE DEMIURGE

>> No.7953743

Hitchens was basically okay for much of his career - until, that is, he inexplicably renounced Chomsky and became a full-throated neo-con. What a weird reversal.

>> No.7953757

>What a weird reversal
Surely, your joking. Neoconservatism has Trotskyist roots.

>> No.7953772
File: 359 KB, 570x855, Pope-Francis-Dove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Saint Thomas Aquinas and King Saint Louis combined their powers to completely BTFO of the Cathars

God's will be done.

>> No.7953783
File: 198 KB, 1920x1080, francis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Satan's little helper right there.

>> No.7953786

>putting king before saint
Is that proper?

>> No.7953799

When popes become saints they're called "pope saint," as in, "Pope Saint Gregory the Great." I assume it's the same for kings.

>> No.7953805

papists love putting the worldly before everything else

>> No.7953811

power before the abstract
authority over principle
this is the root of the continuation of power, not the origins of it
grow up jesusbabies

>> No.7953814

'Saint' essentially becomes an extension of their name, rather than a title (while still being, technically, a title). I believe it stems from Roman naming conventions but I'm not certain.
Except that's wrong. Go troll somewhere else.

>> No.7953826

>Except that's wrong. Go troll somewhere else.
It's right though. That's how the Cathars got so popular, they had integrity rather than being gold grabbing little shits.

>> No.7953832

Fair enough. The Orthodox use the title Right-Believing to distinguish royal saints but they have dozens of honourifics.

>> No.7953835

>I can lie online and nobody can stop me!

>> No.7953841

he's at least presenting an argument. you're presenting none

>> No.7953843

In addition to what has already been said, he's a belligerent asshole who treats everyone else like a piece of shit. He's pretty much hated by any real academic and is only liked by atheist teenagers.

Sheldrake was once contacted to "debate with Dawkins on his new television program" but when Dawkins showed up he hadn't even read any of the papers Sheldrake had sent him. It turns out that that the program was called "Enemies of Reason" where Dawkins was getting footage of himself talking with people who disagreed with him and portraying them to be retards.