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7950061 No.7950061 [Reply] [Original]

>"A new challenger has appeared!"

>> No.7950093
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Multiculturalism does breed intolerance.

>> No.7950106

not to mention it allows a ruling class to institutionalise artificial/sterile versions of culture and use them to mandate people's identities. In a way it's a continuation of the policies of the british empire

>> No.7950195

A synthetic culture is perfect for a consumerist and neocapitalist society.

>> No.7950375


Multiculturalism is impossible in a democracy. Politicians will always use race as a scapegoat to solidify their constituent bases. Either using a certain race as a boogeyman or by convincing a certain racial demographic that they're not treated well enough.

>> No.7950378

dumb phoneposter

>> No.7950379

This board is for LITERATURE

go to


if you want to discuss politics

>> No.7950654

i thought that he was Chris chan from the thumbnail.

>> No.7950679

What was multiculturalism even supposed to be in the first place. Either you have people interacting with each other, which just eliminates the smaller culture while absorbing some of it, or the two forming a new one together, or you have people not interacting, which just creates enclaves and hostility.

>> No.7950690
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This is actual an amazing argument against multiculturalism. Until we move beyond the concept of "the other" - if we are even able to do so - we aren't going to be truly "tolerant".

>> No.7950848

>What was multiculturalism even supposed to be in the first place.
It was just empty hippy bullshit.

>> No.7950855

>not to mention it allows a ruling class to institutionalise artificial/sterile versions of culture and use them to mandate people's identities
i'm not 100% sure what you mean by this. however, i have noticed that in europe they tend to be more liberal on issues of multiculturalism and try to paint americans as intolerant, but minorities are much more integrated into the culture in america, whereas in countries like france a lot of minorities just live in the ghetto and people don't seem to intermix that much anyhow

>> No.7950860

Chris chan doesn't wear polo shirts anymore.

>> No.7950877

Congratulations, you have discovered the great secret of America. In the end, everyone in America wants to be American. This is a subtle thing, but it's also immensely powerful.

>> No.7951059

>In the end, everyone in America wants to be American.
the prevalence of the 'salad bowl' metaphor over the 'melting pot' metaphor makes me think otherwise, though. i've seen people even claim 'melting pot' is offensive, even though i think it is something to be celebrated (shared cultures). who wants to just stay their same old iceberg lettuce their entire life?

>> No.7951449

Jesus Christ, please tell me this is satire

>> No.7951459

So is race mixing until there are no more whites in the us is a viable solution to the burgeoning racial tension in the us? Not even trolling, if everyone is brown all of a sudden there's no white boogeyman to hearken back to, right?

>> No.7951467

That wont happen. There would still be different shades of brown. Just look at Brazil where light-skinned people are on the top of the social hierarchy.

>> No.7951469

Like how American blacks revere "light-skins". Damn that's shitty

>> No.7951627

Good arguments guys

>> No.7951628

The guy is giving an interview in bed, laying in a pillow, being carelessly broadcast to the world.
based Zizek

>> No.7951648

great post, keep up the good work

>> No.7951665

Even if everyone turned brown tomorrow in the US (which won't be happening anytime soon...only 3% of people marry interracially), the victim racket would simply find a new boogeyman- cis men, the rich, etc.

>> No.7951668

the meal tickets will run out and you'll get Brazil 2.0

>> No.7951729

zizek is a bigot

>> No.7951736

But then it would not be multiculturalism's fault

>> No.7951876

tolerance is not equivalent to racial harmony

it is also not directly oppositional to racial intolerance

to 'tolerate' a race is not the same as appreciating its significance as an enrichment of social/cultural/genetic variety and difference

multiculturalism breeds 'tolerant' attitudes which are basically "I don't give a shit about you, but as long as there is a perpetually cold distance between us I couldn't care less"

>> No.7951911

Sure it is. Harmony doesn't mean angels trumpeting their horns in heaven. It just indicates a lack of dissonance, which is what the discipline of tolerance breeds.

>> No.7952052

i agree with the poster you replied to. racial harmony is not 'people living next to each other.' it's people living together. ignoring all people that aren't the same race as you as if they don't exist is not 'racial harmony.' tolerance is simply acceptance. why should we aim for apathy?

>> No.7952060

return to aristotle ok not marx

>> No.7952061

acceptance is higher than apathy

to aim an entire culture in one direction makes one hypocritical to the aims of diversity

>> No.7952074

I went to a predominantly black high school and the lighter shades were considered superior to the darkies. The ooga boogas enviously referred to the light ones as "half breeds." Niggers will always hate each other

>> No.7952081


Is anyone on /lit/ seriously in favor of multiculturalism?

>> No.7952086

We should aim to accept other races but we shouldn't aim to do any further. Would you integrate Islam into your life? I wouldn't. Am I intolerant because I don't want to pray to Allah? I would not say so. Acceptance is the highest form of tolerance we can achieve without total assimilation. Cultures do not want to assimilate into another. They want that culture to conform around them which is in a sense acceptance. We can live together but we do not have to have the same lifestyle, this is acceptance. Accepting a culture into the whole without becoming the culture we are taking in.

>> No.7952093

There's no choice but to accept, except genocide. Nine out of ten doctors are against genocide.

>> No.7952094


Yeah I don't see any immigrants coming to Europe wanting to come to Europe.

It's mostly "payback time" that drives them once here ( yo pay up, whitey ) and benefits;

Honestly, social democracy need to die because it fails to lead to the type of society that is required in an age of globalism.

>> No.7952095

Some people here are critically lib/spooked and believe in things like all human like having inherent value, and even weirder cultural relativism.
Some people here even think shit like feminism and identity politics is 'going to win history' and so align themselves in a very cucky way with those ideologies.

I'm optimistic and believe most of these people are retards who are just trying to do the right thing, but are mind cucked by society and can only do what society tells them is the right thing.

>> No.7952097


wanting to be European*

And before some triggered fag doesn't believe me, talk to any North/Sub-Saharan African and ask if they feel French/Belgian/German... Good luck.

>> No.7952111

Yeah, look who gives the biggest check and look at where they want to go.

Great let's taking in millions of retards with no education, violent monkey beliefs, and whose only impulse for coming here is a check.

Nice, I'm sure something something colonialism, so it's fine.

>> No.7952117

so is Zizek going to disown Marxism?

>> No.7952122
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I don't get the people who are pro-refugees/illegals.

Are these people unable to understand math? Because resources aren't infinite, even if we are wealthier than the countries they come from, we can't fucking support millions of refugees and illegals if we just open the borders.

>tax the 99% xD

So the logic is: get your country into trouble over too many refugees who can't be treated well => implement socialism as a solution.
Always the same shit. Cause problems, then offer the solution, which just so happens to be your gang's ideas.

Zizek even said in a lecture some of his old school Marxist friends believe the refugees will be the proletariat that will bring about the communist revolution...

>> No.7952123

What about that one doctor? Would his name be Doctor Mengele? I dunno, man, he seems pretty trust worthy.

>> No.7952131

There's always a joker in the crowd. I meant the doctor, not you anon.

>> No.7952141
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Maybe their smarter than your average European and less indoctrinated into state sponsored ideology?

Why the fuck does anyone even work and voluntarily alienate themselves in a welfare state besides boosting their smug ego or appeasing society?

Consumer society has been powerful enough to indoctrinate pretty much everyone so far so I don't think welfare will be enough, most people will want more, so they'll either play the game or destroy it.

>> No.7952145
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I hope he turns NRx.
He already loves reading Chesterton and other decent conservative voices.

He even said he's ready to give all the leftist bullshit for one good reading of Hegel. Which Marxists consistently fail to offer because they're too busy looking for potential proletarians to lead to their desired historical outcome such as stated here >>7952122


>11:30: "I'm ready to betray all the leftist bullshit of revolution, for one good reading of Hegel"
>12:15: fuck the starving kids in Africa, theory matters more

He's more a philosopher than a revolutionary. And rightly so.

>> No.7952151

what the fuck is thom yorke doing in that pic

>> No.7952156

Yeah the new cuck mind thing to believe is 'import the revolutionary class'.

It's just morality circus, people keep pushing the envelope to prove 'how revolutionary they are ". You can see by how much infighting there is in uni that this is the case.


>> No.7952157

>the refugees will be the proletariat that will bring about the communist revolution...
I have heard several leftists explicitly state this
of course they're ignoring the fact that Islam has always resisted communism and the only reason Muslims are currently inclined towards the left is because they give them money and let them do what they want
they'll realise their mistake once Muslims start forming their own political parties

>> No.7952161
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>I hope he turns NRx.

>tfw Internet retards even have initialisms for their homosexual nonsense

>> No.7952163

This. Islam is against women's rights, cultural tolerance, and freedom of religion. Do leftists really not see the shining example of this in the country they are seeking refuge from?

>> No.7952167
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>Are these people unable to understand math? Because resources aren't infinite, even if we are wealthier than the countries they come from, we can't fucking support millions of refugees and illegals if we just open the borders.

The idea of "limits to growth" is bullshit Rockefeller "lower your expectations" shit from the 70s. There are essentially no limits to growth thanks to late capitalism. Increased population just means more GDP growth and higher living standards.

Most people who are against immigration think their exists a fixed amount of jobs or something and everything isn't paid for with instantaneous credit creation on a computer. Literally any criticism of free movement just boils down to not understanding how modern capitalism functions.

>> No.7952177
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They'll be a revolutionary force for sure, but not for the ideology they'll prefer. Most likely islamism ( islam as a basis for political reform ) instead of anything that alarmist Bernie is saying.

How these refugees will turn into red book wielding Maoists overnight is beyond me.
These people have no sense of realism.

Leftists acting as enablers for foreign socially conservative movements only makes sense when you realize that leftists don’t care about surviving.
Informing a leftist that migrants from Islamic countries are largely the socially conservative hicks they hate only brown ( a very non-racist position really, if you don't discriminate ) gives them pause for a while, but then the next day they will be extolling the virtues of mass immigration and cultural enrichment again.
So, the inescapable conclusion is that leftists are quite fine with radical traditionalism (if you want to call that right wing), so long as its a foreign radical traditionalism they can use as a battering ram against domestic traditionalists. There’s nothing inherently cohesive about being right wing when you are comparing the traditionalism and social conservatism of too different cultures with different histories.

>> No.7952182

What about the hungry and homeless people that already exist in the US? Instead of focusing on the refugees why don't we focus our resources on helping them?

>> No.7952191
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>there's alternatives to capitalism
>"oh really?"
>yes, try out communism

Ok, dude. Yeah, let's totally just car crash into more problems because there's always the Communist Manifesto to cheat code our way out of reality.

Fucking delusionals.

>> No.7952192


correct, for the first part just look at first world countries actually producing a lot more things while employing fewer people in manufacturing and generally doing everything more efficiently

for the second bit just look to how people who used to work in manufacturing now work in other areas, how women entering the workforce hasn't caused mass unemployment and the same for immigraiton

However, I'm not for completely free borders. Countries need time to develop more infrastructure (housing, hospitals, schools etc) to support a higher population. Germany would struggle a lot if it took in all of the migrants and refugees that were fleeing Syria, Afghanistan, Libya etc.

>> No.7952200

There already exists a massive amount of welfare programs it's just most homeless are to crazy/druggies to navigate the system unless you want some form of forced institutionalization. I totally support a job guarantee or minimum income type scheme and it could be implemented tomorrow no problem if people voted for politicians that would implement it.

>> No.7952201


Oh I'm sorry, I forgot... Only you guys get to have the groups with initials. RAF, CCCP, CNT etc...

>> No.7952205


>> No.7952208

I said late capitalism DOESN'T have limits if you buy into it? More people = more credit = higher GDP = higher living standards.

>> No.7952215

Personally I belong to the TMNT

>> No.7952218

there are still upper limits man
there's only so much arable land and water

>> No.7952225
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>unironically believing Asian capitalism is terrifying

His whole "pls consider Marx again or else Singapore"-premise falls flat when you actually work and build a life in those places.

He insists it's something dystopian (and also, he says, "not Asian", but in that case why call it that?).
While I wouldn't call him a rightist or anything dumb like that, nigga needs to embrace the joys of paternal state-capitalism and quit being so afraid of the shopping-mall-world it's building. Because if he doesn't, his conclusions are always mealy-mouthed post-Leninist vagueness.

>> No.7952234

Muh jobs is not really what most people cars about desu, they don't want 3rd worlders around.

That's valid

>> No.7952237

well if people could just be open about being racist this would be a lot simpler discussion

>> No.7952244

Are you really misunderstanding him that badly?his point is that Asians commi countries are shit holes, but are also better at capitalist inflation because they can do things like pay everyone 4 cents an hour and create useless jobs

So that in a purely capitalistic race, democracy will lose because individual interest will need to be shaved at some point to compete

>> No.7952248

>Are you really misunderstanding him that badly?

this could be the slogan for /lit/

>> No.7952254
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feel sorry for Zizek 2bh
it's clear that he realises that the left is an unsalvageable mess that at this point solely exists to pave the way for political Islam but he's never going to move to the right
he's becoming Peter Hitchens, trotted out on panel shows when they need an acceptable dissident to pretend they're balanced all the while being a completely broken man

>> No.7952256

Call it whatever you want. Nobody wants to move there, nobody even wants to travel to most of those countries, why would we bring that here?

Also pretending it's a economically valid decision is mighty facetious, why wouldn't there have existed an economic impetuous for such immigration before the Arab spring? If industry wanted these people here they would already be there. Like Mexicans in America.

>> No.7952267

You're assuming human beings are purely reducible to identical economic units of production and consumption without any arbitrary cultural affects which should also be taken into consideration when planning demographic changes.

>> No.7952277

>the left is an unsalvageable mess

spoken like a true enemy of the proletariat

>> No.7952293

>Proletariat self report their class along nationalist and ethnic boundaries
>no no you don't understand your really economically a class
>Marx cucks full up uni with identity politics which divide 'class' along racial and sexual boundaries; and whine like subversive pigs

Like, the no true Scotsman shit does not always apply, but you can't just deny all of reality

>> No.7952302

how's the revolution coming?

>> No.7952312

just as i had thought

>> No.7952654


Uhm... He is talking about Singapore specifically when he talks about "capitalism with Asian values".
Name me one "commie shithole" besides China in Asia that is "capitalist with Asian values"?

By the way, he says China is more succesful at capitalism than we are, so the future remains to be seen how much a shithole it'll remain.

And no, meme-tier classifications of shitholes are not applicable.

>> No.7952746

I mean it is a sad state of affairs to be honest.
I got into a debate in a class, stating that racism is a tool that reinforces class structure. Another person said that the underlying implication of my argument was that being "black" implied poverty. I said that blackness while an actual cultural phenomenon, is something wholly new; and that it started as a tool of separation after Reconstruction in the US. I then when on to give a brief outline of Malcolm X's general philosophy, and his argument that blacks have to build themselves up via community and education. (Literally the "X" in his name being the symbolic foundation of a radical newness, that transcended Neo-africanism.) She said that I couldn't understand this struggle since I wasn't black, and thus I can not argue for it even if my argument was true.
But then I pointed out that Malcolm had the same conclusion. Then he went off to Mecca and realized that race is literally a spook, (bunch of whites/arabs being muslim). She fell back on her "I just can't understand" argument with renewed vigor, not even trying to counteract my points.
Worst part about it was that people thought I was a closeted racist or something afterword. I really have a loathing for the modern left.

Still hoping for the syndicalist revolution though

>> No.7952765

Political philosophy is admissable. Slander games are for /pol/.

>> No.7953252

You are the same leftists you whine about but don't realize it. You subscribe to their ideology but complain about their focus on identity politics, even though an obsession with correcting all of society's inequalities will inevitably lead to such discussion.

Race is a social construct, but it's a social construct that's based on observable genetic similarities and differences between populations. As in, biological differences that can't be scrubbed away by ideology.

The 1%ers of the modern Western world aren't conspiring to maintain their economic position through racism; the overwhelming majority of the Western Establishment naturally supports progressivism because progressivism provides cheap labor, a predictable and easily pandered to consumer base, and constant consumption. They are opposed to racism, because being supportive of a racism is an economic liability.