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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 73 KB, 640x360, greatest books ever written.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7950141 No.7950141[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Post books every young man should read before reaching 25.

>> No.7950155
File: 67 KB, 600x404, 91871606531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I realize how ignorant I am now.

>> No.7950159

Hitchens is entertaining, I'll give you that at least.

>> No.7950161

The 48 Laws of Power
How to Win Friends and Influence People
Bertrand Russell's A History of Western Philosophy
The Lord of the Rings
A Short History of Nearly Everything

>> No.7950171

war and peace
anna karenina
the brothers karamazov
moby dick

>> No.7950184
File: 517 KB, 606x508, donald trump was sent by jesus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not realizing Lord Jesus Christ will be returning to Earth literally any day now.
>not wanting your children and grandchildren to grow up Christian in case the messiah doesn't return in our lifetimes.

Now don't get me wrong, I respect Sommers as an anti-feminist writer. But most of those atheist writers are just plain silly. Even Charles Darwin believed in Jesus.

Excellent choices. Mastery is also great.

Honestly and truly I'd say out of those only Moby Dick and Brother's Karamazov are essential. Ulysses might turn someone into a stupid hipster instead of a real man. Better to read The Iliad and Odyssey, real Ulysses is better than James Joyce.

>> No.7950194

Fuck off, christfag.

>> No.7950209

Critique of Pure Reason
The World as Will and Representation
History of Sexuality
Dialectic of Enlightenment
The Ego and its Own
gtfo >>>/pol/tard

>> No.7950214

>MBA tier
Enjoy a life of self-help books and mass layoffs.

>Troll tier
Pretending to be 15 on a board for Chinese cartoons should have gotten old by now.

Keep them coming, I look forward to judging the rest of you.

>> No.7950228
File: 289 KB, 958x1500, zarathustra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only book you need to read.

>> No.7950233

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
The Stranger
The Death of Ivan Ilyich
Brave New World
Crime and Punishment
Fathers and Sons
The Conspiracy Against the Human Race
The Brothers Karamazov

Best ITT

>> No.7950237

Completely misquoted.
Meant>>7950171 instead of>>7950184

>> No.7950238

Perhaps the edgiest shit I have ever read on here. That's probably his most misunderstood piece of work he has ever written. So much so his fucking sister took it and flipped it up on its head.

>> No.7950242

>muh misunderstood neetchee

>> No.7950244
File: 181 KB, 1400x2139, crippled america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Bernie voters on /lit/ seriously think Donald isn't going to be the 45th President of the United States.
>mfw these are the same voters who will be shocked when President Trump welcomes Jesus to America

If you want to know what's going to happen to America over the next 8 years, I also recommend this book.

>> No.7950245


>> No.7950246

Slow down, Paris Hilton.

>> No.7950248

All shit.

>> No.7950253

>implying I charged the comment directly at you and your understanding of it.
>being this dense to comment like you did.
>MFW you proved you can't even read.

>> No.7950261

Does Bernie even have a book? Is he even published?

>> No.7950262

Go back to /pol/, and then kill yourself.

>> No.7950273

>try hard tier
Nobody in real life is going to care, and everyone online is too busy putting up the same pretenses. Find your own fucking interests.

>> No.7950279

>reading books with the face of a living politician on the cover
Guaranteed sign that you're a retard.

>> No.7950280


get the fuck off this board, seriously, we don't want you

>> No.7950282

Do you call people cucks as a non-ironic insult? Honestly curious.

>> No.7950295
File: 26 KB, 479x358, 1440039125080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Find your own fucking interests

>> No.7950326

It's fascinating, every time I come here I find people reading the same shit. Nobody is reading nonfiction that has not already received the /lit/ stamp of approval. It's the same philosophers, the same classics, and the same poets, and *only* them.

/lit/ doesn't love reading, /lit/ loves knowing other people know they're reading. /lit/ loves the spectacle of reading, and what what he's reading says about his intelligence. /lit/ loves the flattery of being approved by others who also claim to value intelligence.

At least we're not redditeurs, amirite? What an echochamber that place is.

>> No.7950332

Sex and Character
The Decline of the West

>> No.7950335

>what is the western canon

le hipster face xd

>> No.7950337

Just read some fun books by honest people. Enough with the angsty existential memery.

>> No.7950341

If you really think all that then why come to this site and board?

If I stop enjoying a website then I will stop visiting it.

>> No.7950344

>hurr fuck interacting with the living world im so much smarter than all those sheep

>I am le 16 year still-in-high-school pomo kid using the word irony in the most cucky way possible

>> No.7950349

The Gospels
The Philokalia
The Ladder of Divine Ascent
Origen in general, but especially Exhortation to Martyrdom

>> No.7950358

The only defense you can muster for reading the ghost writer paid by a professional liar is that it's topical? There are many ways to remain informed, it just so happens you have the judgment of a drooling retard while trying to do it.

>> No.7950362

If you've ever picked up the book you'd know for certain it's not a ghost writer. No body could write like that, believe me.

>> No.7950363

Alright so you do. Why? You're taking all the fun out of using the word cuck. You use it like homophobes use faggot, or racists use nigger. I get supporting your candidate, but as someone who doesn't care, you guys are abusing the term cuck. You're making a fetish where a man lets another man fuck his wife, which is inherently super funny, less fun. You sling it at anybody who says even a peep about Trump not being perfect. Please stop abusing cuck, its so funny. Have some subtlety, use when its really appropriate, not every chance you get.

>> No.7950386


into the trash it goes

The point is that your egalitarian knee-jerk impulse to hate males of your nation/race that speak up against the mass rape of the females of your nation/race by brown people is equivalent to a man wanting their wife to get fucked. The word cuck is used legitimately.

>> No.7950395
File: 76 KB, 334x250, marcus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
Man's Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl
Civilization and Its Discontents by Sigmund Freud
Plato's Republic
The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand
7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Arnold: Education of a Bodybuilder by Arnold Schwarzenegger
Heart of Darkness
The Millionaire Next Door
The Prince

I know you want to give me shit for some of my choices, but consider what effect these books would have as a whole instead of individually. Remember that these ideas would be floating around in a single head.

>> No.7950397

By 25 you should know Old, Middle, and Modern English as well as Latin, Ancient Greek, Old Norse, and another language of your choice.

You should have read The Iliad, The Odyssey, Plato, Aristotle, Herodotus' Histories, The Aeneid, Augustine's Confessions and City of God, Shorter Summa, the sagas, Edda, Beowulf, and Chaucer in their original languages.

In no particular order: Shakespeare, Joyce, The Sound and the Fury, Moby-Dick, The Waste Land, A Farewell to Arms, The Waves, Slaughterhouse-Five, The Lord of the Rings, Great Expectations, The Satanic Verses, the KJV Bible, Gravity's Rainbow, The Road to Reality, Law 101, How to Read a Book, A Poetry Handbook, The Cantos, A Student's Introduction to English Grammar, Hypersphere, Modern Cuisine at Home, Convict Conditioning, How to Lie with Statistics, Great Maps, The Wealthy Barber, Hamilton's Mythology, Magee's The Story of Philosophy, The First Philosophers, The Demon-Haunted World, How to Speak How to Listen, The Elements of Style, SAS Survival Guide.

>> No.7950399

You are so blind you don't realize only middle-schoolers and overgrown manchildren engage in speaking this way unironically. Which one are you?

>> No.7950402

I really like this comment. upvoted

>> No.7950405

My friend, please settle yourself. I don't align with Trump's political positions, that's true, but I'm sure I didn't say I hate you. But, to a larger point, why are your responses so vitriolic in nature? If you are so concerned with what is happening, why not approach, for example, this conversation in the hopes of changing some minds and not just attacking people who disagree with you.
To be honest, this is just as unproductive as him attacking anyone else.

>> No.7950412
File: 22 KB, 480x360, 1444193649152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How to Read a Book
>The Demon-Haunted World
>SAS Survival Guide

>> No.7950413

Well, I'm not retarded so I haven't tried to read it, but I'm pretty sure that a third grade speaking style is not that hard to emulate.

>> No.7950418

Tell me what's wrong, Anon.

>> No.7950425

Wrong? That couldn't be more right!

>> No.7950426
File: 416 KB, 1748x1542, trump girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this post is the only post in this thread to make me laugh out loud, good on you friend.

excellent taste, you're a winner.

>not wanting to Make America Great Again

I don't get it, are you a communist? Do you not understand how economics works? Do you hate freedom? Do you really think Comrade Sanders is going to give you free college and an $8 raise?

I'm pretty sure once the average American actually understands what Donald wants to do, they'll actually (shock) want to vote for him. The problem is the media falsely paints him as some whackjob billionaire who's trying to become Adolf II.

Speaking of which, you should all read Mein Kampf. Great book.

Bernie didn't even have a job until he was 40 something. Typical communist, while Donald Trump was giving black people and women jobs working on construction sites and establishing himself as a real estate magnate, Bernie was getting hosed down with the black people and the rest of the 60s SJWs.

only if they're unironically cuckolds

also believe me people, if you find out there's a trump rally in your city, go! you might meet some well read conservative cuties like pic related.

>> No.7950435

>Dumb as nails "conservative cuties"
I'd pass.

>> No.7950443

Jesus why is /pol/ leaking so constantly, sage.

>> No.7950445
File: 684 KB, 640x1136, trump girl 17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your loss, boss

>> No.7950453

What exactly made you laugh?

>> No.7950463
File: 363 KB, 693x505, pinochet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What do you have against Trump's political positions, oh civilized one?

>> No.7950468

Wow, so much stupidity packed into a single post.

>> No.7950473

Top-right corner is a guy.

>> No.7950480

>u r stupad

>> No.7950486
File: 212 KB, 443x688, trump wall ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>By 25 you should know Old, Middle, and Modern English as well as Latin, Ancient Greek, Old Norse, and another language of your choice.

Mostly the statement that someone aged 25 in the year 2016 should know at least 3 dead languages on top of archaic English (which to be honest I'm ok with, King James Bible is the only legit English Bible and Shakespeare's works are good). Also the thought of some 25 year old neckbeard reading the Illiad in ancient Greek simply makes me giggle.

Honestly you're much better off learning three languages that might actually be useful, say English, French/Spanish, Mandarin/Arabic and those would serve you far better.

>he dislikes small breasted women

honestly the only thing Trump has said I disagree with are trannies being allowed to use women's bathroom.

Enlighten me oh wise one, what is so terrible about Mr. Trump?

>> No.7950488


You literally need to read a shit ton of other lit just to understand this.

>> No.7950495

Such as?

>> No.7950509

>honestly the only thing Trump has said I disagree with are trannies being allowed to use women's bathroom.
Same, also his pandering to Israel. But the former could be pandering to Cali voters and every jew knows he isnt the best israel candidate

>> No.7950517

There's a ton of references to a bunch of writers and philosophers. That's a great deal of comprehension to know what he's is critically breaking down. If you want me to name them I would have to pick up the fucking book again.

>> No.7950521

Plato, the pre-socratics, the new testament, his other books.

>> No.7950530

>/lit/ loves knowing other people know what they're reading

>> No.7950533

Replace The Art of War with the I-Ching and the Trump book with the Tao and I agree with you.

>> No.7950536

Also, Confessions by Augustine

>> No.7950539

4chan is a direct contradiction to it's an claim that anonymity removes the drive to attention whore. Shitposting images of your books and bookshelves has no purpose beyond posturing.

>> No.7950542

Can't agree with Trump
Can't agree with your trashy arguments
He's disrespectful, lousy in politics, proud to be an outsider shaming other politicians, and most important fear mongering the nation which feeds to the lowest hanging fruit (uneducated, racists, unemployed biggots, and my personal favorite pseudo intellectuals like you)
"Build a wall" k. Show me the fucking money.
Mexico will pay. How? They will. Fuck you Trump.
He's cheap, and lazy.
Try harder faggot.
-0/10 for making me reply.
Thanks for showing bullshit on a board that didn't need this.

>> No.7950553

I disagree. By posting your bookshelf you are opening your mind up to critique. I think that it can be a very constructive process.

>> No.7950570

>Mostly the statement that someone aged 25 in the year 2016 should know at least 3 dead languages on top of archaic English (which to be honest I'm ok with, King James Bible is the only legit English Bible and Shakespeare's works are good). Also the thought of some 25 year old neckbeard reading the Illiad in ancient Greek simply makes me giggle.
This is really just my own reading list I made. What every single person should read I have no idea.

>> No.7950581
File: 319 KB, 1064x1583, Art of the Deal - Donald J Trump - greatest book of all time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair enough, if you enjoy reading in those languages, more power to you. You might even get academic work based on being an expert in them.

>Proud to be an outsider

Yes, he's an outsider of a corrupt political system. He's called out the establishment on their corrupt practices multiple times. This is the choice of who gets to be the Free World, it's not a tea party where people choose who's the nicest and most politically correct. We live in a world where there are people trying to destroy the free world, we need a real leader, not a talking head.

>lousy in politics

>Fear mongering
All he's doing is stating the facts. Sometimes, the truth is scary. And the truth is illegal immigration has been an immense expense on the United States and created massive amounts of crime and lost taxes over the years. Do you ever wonder why Trump keeps winning with Latino voters? It's because the legal Latino citizens (who abide the law and contribute to American society) are the only ones who are allowed to vote!

>implying people don't want to build The Wall

We are going to build The Wall. And Mexico will pay for it.

The Wall will only cost $10b to build, and the money that will be saved from illegal immigration's cost to America will pay off for itself within a matter of years. In 10 years it will be a question why the Wall wasn't built back in the 60s, America could have saved so much time.

Trump will make taxes lower for all the lowest earning Americans while getting more money back into America's hands through making other nations actually pay for the military service America has granted them (for years). Not only that but he will force factories to set up their plants back in America when they are hit with the same kind of tariffs America gets hit with from China on trade.

Oh yeah and ISIS will literally not exist anymore, Hillary and Obama will be in jail and the truth of 9/11 will come out. All that, and he'll even make weed legal.

Don't tell me you're voting for Comrade Bernie


Or even worse, Antichrist President Crooked Hillary


Why haven't you jumped on the Trump Train yet?


>> No.7950595

>Mexico will pay. How?
Read the book. Factor it into the 50 billion trade deficit we have with Mexico, one fifth of it for one year.

>He's disrespectful
>lousy in politics
He's completely revamped the American political scene in a matter of months, let's see you do better
>proud to be an outsider shaming other politicians
As if that isn't a good thing? As if fucking deadweight neocons or globalist democrats are noble people, who fuck the entire world up with interventionist wars while fucking the American citizen as well, all for the gain of internationalist world leaders.
>most important fear mongering the nation which feeds to the lowest hanging fruit
Yeah, you're so big and tough, tucked away in your little white suburb, pretending as if stupidity and poverty makes people racist, not the multiracial areas in which they live. Go smoke pot in a parking lot, Sheldon

>> No.7950597

Critiquing what? An image! You are proving my point. It is about the refinement and sculpting of a pretense.

>> No.7950601

>wasting this much time on a narcissist with money

Shiggy diggy don't.

>> No.7950602

He is pretty far-right, I'm pretty far left. I'll probably vote Green Party. I am no more civilized than you are anon, but I'm no less civilized than you either.

>> No.7950603

I'm voting for John kasich. Don't be a piece of shit. Get of this board with this bullshit.
I read his shit it doesn't work. On top of that he is hated by his party good luck mate I like to dream too faggot.

>> No.7950609

How's your frat?

>> No.7950610
File: 57 KB, 636x783, did trump do this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not at least watching the Trump rallies for laughs

Even if you don't support him you have to admit they're hilarious.


>I'm voting for another establishment shill (who voted for NAFTA) who mathematically can't win anymore.

Have you even seen the delegate count? Trump is less than 400 away from the 1237 delegates.

He is going to be the Republican nominee, and there's nothing you can do to stop him.

>> No.7950617

The only thing to like about Trump is that he's revealed what a joke the Republican Party is. Feeding extremism and hoping to control it has led to a somehow more incoherent version of Berlusconi trampling the favorites of the rich with their dicks in their hands.

>> No.7950618

oh geez man ! gosh dolly darnit

I wish he was far-right.

This is why people call you the C word