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File: 119 KB, 307x475, Book Review_ The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7949077 No.7949077 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Shit-tier classics

>> No.7949103

>Shit tier posts
>Shit tier taste

>> No.7949110


>shit tier people
>shit tier elitism

>> No.7949127

First post, best post.

>> No.7949132

theres this dog in my street who laughs and it sounslike a baby laughing ,,w hear the baby noise and go.."lthere he goes again, that rover"

>> No.7949137

I have never read Dumas, but I remember Ford Madox Ford saying he's one of the worst writers to have ever gained fame out of writing or something.

Of course, Ford lived in a time in which Rowling and Kig didn't exist, but still.

>> No.7949730

He's write. Dumas is fucking awful

>> No.7949733

>shit tier you

>> No.7949752

Canterbury Tales
Les Miserables = kinda overrated, not bad though

>> No.7949753
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>> No.7949776

>Job 23: 8-17 8 “But if I go to the east, he is not there; if I go to the west, I do not find him. 9 When he is at work in the north, I do not see him; when he turns to the south, I catch no glimpse of him. 10 But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. 11 My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside. 12 I have not departed from the commands of his lips; I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily bread. 13 “But he stands alone, and who can oppose him? He does whatever he pleases. 14 He carries out his decree against me, and many such plans he still has in store. 15 That is why I am terrified before him; when I think of all this, I fear him. 16 God has made my heart faint; the Almighty has terrified me. 17 Yet I am not silenced by the darkness, by the thick darkness that covers my face.

>written sometimes in the Bronze Age

stop with bullshit, it is relevant to this day in mythological,historical, theological and artistic ways

>> No.7949783

>expecting me to read that
>literally believing in a bunch of kike lies written 1000 years ago by desert sheepfuckers
fuck off christfag don't you have a gay wedding to protest?

>> No.7949789

I'm actually gay myself. You will never become sufficiently intelligent for other intelligent people to stand your presence. You know nothing, yet you're arrogant. You have no patience to inform yourself, yet you'd rather write loads of bullshit to insult someone. Kys.

>> No.7949978

>He's write.

Opinion descarted.

>> No.7949987


>> No.7949993

but I like that book.

>> No.7950022

The count of monte cristo is the book that made me fall in love with literature. It has everything. Explain why it is shit

>> No.7950025

>48 Laws of Power
I didn't like it.

>> No.7950049

The entirety of Charles Dickens's oeuvre.

>> No.7950062
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>> No.7950069

Dumas is amazing. /lit/ is full of leddit plebs

>> No.7950071


>> No.7950085

This. And all of Hardy's novels.

>> No.7950131

Chaucer is great though you just have to be /literate to appreciate it.

>> No.7950142

I never like 100yos, I found the writing style to basically be like:
>x happened and then y happened and then z happened and colonel tortillas buendia XVIII did something
It might click with me someday, though.

>> No.7950524

>Job 39:9 "Will the unicorn be willing to serve thee?"

>> No.7950540

Aphra behn - oroonoko

>> No.7950546

thanks for teaching us your tolerant and open minded progressive ways!

>> No.7950556

>Best concept ever
>Literal shit execution

Edmond will you stop fucking around and get to the revenge bit? Nope it's time to trail off into some useless subplot that slows the story down the story even more.

Don't get me wrong, subplots are fine - Dostoevsky pulls them off fine, but Dumas kills all of his books - Monte Cristo, Musketeers - and it's really sad

>> No.7950562

>le triggered Christfag

>> No.7950604

now this is a classic

>> No.7950614

George Meredith - The Ordeal of Richard Feverel

>> No.7950704

im write

>> No.7950743

I was thinking about buying this today. Is it really shit? Sounded ok to me.

>> No.7950749

Like I said, great concept, horrible execution. Really not worth unless you're a completionist and a masochist

>> No.7950767

>implying Count of Monte Cristo isn't on r/books' top books list

>> No.7950774

>an objectively good novel is shit tier because it isn't a lit meme

surely, youre retarded

>> No.7950777

its one of the greatest novels ever written

defined the era in which it was written, a French "War and Peace" in that regard

definitely read it and don't listen to some retarded newfag on /lit/. please.

>> No.7950793


Yeah, I found it to be really fucking childish. Anyone else get that feeling?

Another one I'm having a hard time enjoying is The Once and Future King; however, it is still much better than fucking Count of Monte Cristo.

Dumas is a little too... this book seems to have done for literature in those times what movies like Transformers does for the movie industry today. Special effects and "adventure hype"

>> No.7950799


I'm this same poster. Don Quixote is light-years better than Cunt of Monte Christfaggio.

>> No.7950812

I hated this book since I was 14, WAY before /lit/

>> No.7950815

>definitely read it and don't listen to some retarded newfag on /lit/. please.
Don't do this - save yourself the agony and get yourself something good

>> No.7950831


Are you sure, bro? Lol all of this is subjectivity anyway.

I'll give it another chance one day.

>> No.7950891

I will fucking FIGHT you OP. You probably read some badly translated abridged to hell version anyways.

On topic, obligatory Gatsby a bad. Also, The Unvanquished is a terrible read despite being a great premise. The Scarlet Letter is pretty weak too as any modern audience can call the twist from page 2 but that's more subjective.

>> No.7950893

>The Unvanquished
>terrible read


>> No.7950896


>> No.7950897
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>> No.7950901
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>> No.7950906

Shit is way too dense for the story it tries to tell
"Me and Nigger Jim hung out under a tree waiting to shoot some Union fucksticks" should not take 3 goddamn chapters

Gatsby is the work of a man who really, REALLY wanted to get shot in WWI so he'd have something relevant to say. There's a reason Fitzgerald's novels only took off in the Depression when everyone wanted to kill themselves.

>> No.7950908
File: 14 KB, 237x400, The-Count-of-Monte-Cristo-9780345483546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the version I read. Maybe bad, but fuck this book regardless

>> No.7950912

Reading Monte Cristo in english is like reading Les Mis with all the random chapters where Hugo spirals off into quasi-political nonsense removed.

>> No.7950914

I don't know why I like this so much.

>> No.7950935

literally just early woman novel

>> No.7951137

Yup, TCoMC is confirmed shit

>> No.7951165

best post on this board currently

>> No.7951192

What's wrong with it? Meredith is barely a classic these days anyway

>> No.7951215

Is there a point to reading Les Mis in English?

>> No.7951220

Shit post thread the count of monte cristo is God tier

>> No.7951303

It's my favorite book as well but apparently Dumas was a sort of "paint by numbers" writer in that he filled in the gaps of a skeleton plot someone else outlines for him.

I can't read French so can't comment on his actual prose, but my English translation commented on Dumas not needing too much artistry to translate.

eat shit

>not enjoying the slow burn
It took me a month to read the first time, and was, like for the guy above, what got me into real lit.

>> No.7951827


Scarlet Letter is amazing.

>> No.7952051

thats nice. Im not religious, but its nice.

>> No.7952084

Concepts exist in any language.

>> No.7952119

Anything that Austen or the Bronte sluts ever wrote down that wasn't a grocery list

>> No.7952124

The Count of Monte Cristo is one of my favourite books, but I understand why people would dislike it. It often drags and has very simple prose.

>> No.7952133

>Calls scarlet letter weak on the grounds of its plot

nice post my man

>> No.7952189

This is a fair view. It's a fantastic story but overlong and the prose isn't anything special.

Which isn't weird considering the way it was written. He basicly wrote chapters in one sitting and sent them out which accounts for the prose. And letting the story drag paid his bills.

>> No.7952202

Alexandry Dumbass lol

>> No.7952206

>tolerant and open minded progressive ways
>in response to a post that includes the phrase "kike lies"
I think you're confused, bud.

>> No.7952336

Too damn talky and too damn circumlocutious with little real point or depth.

>> No.7952379

Kurt Vonnegut's "Slaughterhouse Five" should be renamed to "Gomer Pyle and the Aliens ft. So it Goes". What a bunch of shit.

>> No.7952870

Agreed. I couldn't finish the book with how annoyingly bad it was for a Vonnegut book

>> No.7952890

>Ford Madox Ford
>Calling anyone else a bad writer

>> No.7952894

Welcome to Captain Obvious's School of "That's the point"

>> No.7952901

Hey I admitted that's subjective, at the time Hawthorne tearing the colonial church out of its comfort zone was certainly incredible. Bit today it's just sort of "meh"

>> No.7953390

>Don't you get it? It's meant to be shit! That
s the point!

That's fucking retarded.

>> No.7953865

The first ray of light which illumines the gloom, and converts into a
dazzling brilliancy that obscurity in which the earlier history of the
public career of the immortal Pickwick would appear to be involved, is
derived from the perusal of the following entry in the Transactions of
the Pickwick Club, which the editor of these papers feels the highest
pleasure in laying before his readers, as a proof of the careful
attention, indefatigable assiduity, and nice discrimination, with which
his search among the multifarious documents confided to him has been


How could anyone write something so awful? I know he was paid by the word but this shit is just unbearable.

>> No.7954031

Kys m8 and stop being so american

>> No.7954055

he copied the fucking decameron...

>> No.7954090

Nah man, Hardy's alright. Check out Jude the Obscure

>> No.7954097

The unvanquished is good anyways, but it's not even really a classic. If you want a classic Faulkner read Sound and the Fury, Absalom, Absalom!, or Light in August.

>> No.7954118

Joyce copied the fucking Odyssey...

>> No.7954131

I'm a fan of Faulkner but I don't suck his cock. I think you're wrong, though. Unvanquished is good. You haven't read Mosquitoes, Pylon, or Fable. Now those were horrible.

>> No.7954784


>> No.7954789

Is a brave new world a classic? Because it's shit.
Is Dead Souls a classic? Because it's also shit.

>> No.7954820

Both are classics.

Also, Dead Souls has shit prose.

>> No.7954829

Scarlet letter is just a lesson in bad writing, Hawthorne just writes loops of the same shit without adding anything new ever. You could read the whole introduction and know everything that happens in the book, which proves how unnecessary 99% of the book is.

>> No.7954871

This inflated style is characteristic of the period. Look at Melville.

>> No.7954878

No, Dickens was just a shit writer of prose. His peers mostly were not.

>> No.7954884

Anything other than Crime and Punishment from Tolstoy or Dostoevsky

>> No.7954885

honestly most of the ones before 1900

it's not that they're shit but they were written for a very different audience so only the ones with very timeless themes still apply today

>> No.7954894

Illiad and Odyssey are shit. As are Beowulf, Aeneid, Tale of Genji, and Gilgamesh.

They are revered because they survived and give an insight to history. Reading them is a chore.

Divine Comedy is pretty useless too

>> No.7954899

>Crime and Punishment
>from Tolstoy or Dostoevsky
>Tolstoy or Dostoevsky
You do know who wrote Crime and Punishment, right?

>> No.7954902

whaaaatttttttttttttt the fuck are you saying bro!! I just read Odyssey and it was fucking incredible

>> No.7954905
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do you?

>> No.7954907

They aren't too bad with the right translations. But I agree with you that a lot of stuff is missed in translation of older poetry.

>> No.7954919
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The fuck is going on?

>> No.7954924

You"re high dude

>> No.7954932


>> No.7954938

You'r hole life is fction

>> No.7954939

>TOLSTOY or Dostoevsky
That was the joke.
Comparing the two is like comparing apples to oranges.
I own 3 different translations of Crime and Punishment including the first Americunt edition, which edited out the "controversial" god part.

>> No.7954945

I never compared them. Grouping =/= comparing. I just said both of their collections are shit other than the 1 book.

>> No.7954956

>Anything other than Crime and Punishment from Tolstoy or Dostoevsky
Nigga, do you even english?
What else were we supposed to gain from that post?
Your opinion is also shit.
Both authors wrote a great deal more than Crime and Punishment, Tolstoy especially.

>> No.7954959

that's irrelevant

>> No.7954962

>Canterbury Tales
This has gota be bait.

>> No.7954965
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>Both authors wrote a great deal more than Crime and Punishment, Tolstoy especially.

>> No.7954981

Do you? There is ambiguity, but the intention is clear. In your desperate attempt to feel superior and justify your opinion, you try to convince yourself and other only 1 reading is true, which is not the case.

Also your opinion is shit. War and Peace, Anna Karenina,and Brother Karamazov are garbage. I would say the others are too, but you don't need be to say that. These three "classics" are rubbish

>> No.7955001

>War and Peace, Anna Karenina,and Brother Karamazov are garbage
(from wiki) War and Peace (Pre-reform Russian: Boйнa и миpъ; post-reform Russian: Boйнa и миp, Voyna i mir) is a novel by the Russian author Leo Tolstoy. It is regarded as one of the central works of world literature.[1][2][3]
Widely regarded as a pinnacle in realist fiction.. Anna Karenina: Fyodor Dostoyevsky declared it "flawless as a work of art."
Nigga, tell me how many respected published authors have called your opinions flawless, then we'll talk about your nonsense.

Oh, wait, you've never been published. Unless you have a Russian literature degree from Oxford, you can safely believe that your view is worthless and within the minority.

>> No.7955005
File: 9 KB, 225x225, NOPE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the intention is clear

>> No.7955017

>you try to convince yourself and other only 1 reading is true, which is not the case.
I never even implied that, even within your logic. I honestly think that people should read all of Tolstoy's and Dostoevsky's works because they are all pretty good and make up a good part of the "essential" western canon.

>> No.7955120

Could you identify the characteristics of this style that make him bad? Or are you going to continue to bitch without providing any critique of substance.

Typical /lit/. Instead of trying to one up everyone and distinguish yourselves by shouting your tastes for everyone to hear, why don't you contribute to the conversation?

>> No.7955161

lmao this is great? who are you

>> No.7955172

This sounds like lyrics to a song that makes more sense while on acid.

>> No.7955184
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>> No.7955311

Go back to where you came from you retard.

>> No.7955320

There is surely no way this thread will devolve into a collection of subtle or obvious or retarded baits with half the people taking them and the other half unironically posting actually great books that they did not like because they're still in high school.

>> No.7955337

If Sydney Carton weren't purposefully one of the five greatest characters of all time? Yeah. But no.

>> No.7955345

Do you have a tin ear? His prose was clunky af. Compare him to god-tier Thackeray.

>> No.7955346

Yes, if you speak English.

>> No.7955348


I mean Melville, one of the greatest prose writers of all time, seems like a bit of a harsh point of comparison for Dickens who is generally acknowledged even by his fans as a bit of a windbag.

Personally I think Dickens is okay, I understand the desire to trash him because he wasn't really concerned with any sort of formal experimentation or craftsmanship; he was just about telling stories. You could say the same about Dumas,or Hugo for that matter. But those writers have their own strong points. In Dickens' case it's his eye for caricature and broad social commentary.

>> No.7955350

I feel sorry for this miserable fuck.

>> No.7955352


Honestly the only Victorian writers with bearable prose were women. George Eliot (single best English writer of the century by orders of magnitude); Emily Bronte to an extent. Even fuckin Charlotte wrote better prose than any male Victorians.

>> No.7955362

You didn't imply it, you actively performed the action of convincing people there is only one meaning to be derived from the sentence, which there isn't. Even in less ambiguous sentences, any number of meanings can be derived. You and the two memeposts I quoted fail to recognize this and it's really quite sad.
Cool. You just cited why I posted in a thread called "shit-tier classics" about these novels.
>you cant have an opinion unless you write or have specifically a russian literature degree from oxford
I think you might be the single most ignorant person on /lit/. I don't need to explain the ignorance of this proposition. I think even you can see it but out of your buttfury for someone not jerking it to overrated russian melodrama you said it anyway.
It's time to grow up.

>> No.7955366

Pretty much everyone in this thread should kill themselves

>> No.7955380


I shouldn't have to read this bile here

>> No.7955586

He copied a lot more, that's part of the point. The plots of the tales are borrowed. What he is saying in them is not.
I bet you didn't even read it in the original Middle English.