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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 884 KB, 1124x1438, Walt_Whitman_-_Brady-Handy_restored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7947064 No.7947064 [Reply] [Original]

>yfw Whitman BTFO'd STEMfags all the way back in 1855

When I heard the learn’d astronomer,
When the proofs, the figures, were ranged in columns before me,
When I was shown the charts and diagrams, to add, divide, and measure them,
When I sitting heard the astronomer where he lectured with much applause in the lecture-room,
How soon unaccountable I became tired and sick,
Till rising and gliding out I wander’d off by myself,
In the mystical moist night-air, and from time to time,
Look’d up in perfect silence at the stars.

>> No.7947067

That is not good poetry. Stemfags are annoying though yes

>> No.7947074

that's neat.


listen to this, he wrote a poem praising death.


>> No.7947075

isnt he btfoing himself? "i'm too lazy and dumb to ACTUALLY UNDERSTAND space but ill rhapsodize about le starry sky anyway, which i unironically will call mystical"

>> No.7947076

Whitman probably blew the fuck out of a lot of fags back then, you are correct.

>> No.7947084


>whitman drop him if he doesn't take it in the shit,man.

that's a sub-par poem i don't know if i can even do better, but ya not everyone likes math and numbers that's no surprise.

>> No.7947090

Yeah I am not really a Whitman fan. He thought Thomas Carlyle was the apotheosis of his period's literature. And yeah Carlyle is brilliant but that just betrays a lack of understanding, which most of what he wrote seems full of.

>> No.7947092

Carl Sagan and Neil Tyson are proof that astronomy and appreciation of beauty can go hand in hand.

>> No.7947095

4chan shitting on Whitman makes me want to vomit.

>> No.7947096

whitman is a hack

american poetry is a meme

>> No.7947100


that's inferior to experiencing the real thing.
I mean, you could go read some theories on sex to "understand it" or you can actually go out and experience it.

Stemfags see the world through autism glasses, like shadows in a cave.

>> No.7947102


why isn't it a good poem? I think it's a fantastic short poem. have you not ever felt the same way? I feel like everyone who's ever stepped out of a classroom at night should get at least some kind of emotional response. it's got a very finely focused point and i can picture the entire scene perfectly in my head.

>> No.7947113

I understand what he's talking about but the language is not evocative, 'mystial moist night air', 'how soon unaccountable I became tired and sick'. It's just nothing. Also the entire descriptions of science are nothing like what scientists feel them to be, which means he is writing a poem about bored at what he can't understand, which is, unsurprisingly, rather boring to read.

I don't see the value in this type of recounting or description. It reminds me of people bitching about their jobs or relationships.

Of course the entire past 200 hundred years tell me to go fuck myself and that art can have whatever subject it wants, but when your subject is insipid your art tends to be kind of insipid as well.

>> No.7947119

Kind of like a dog experiences it, huh? Guess those higher brain functions are pretty much for nothing!

>> No.7947123


Knowing how many poems whitman has ever written, i haven't gotten around to him yet, but he probably has hundreds better then this one.

It's a bit lazy but i feel it more an opinion piece then a poem.

>> No.7947124


well, the narrator isn't a scientist, and certainly isn't "bored" by the astronomer in the poem. your criticism basically boils down to "I wish he had written a different poem".

>> No.7947128

>Kind of like a dog experiences it, huh
You lead an interesting life.

>> No.7947131


of course he has far better poems, this is a fine one though. i don't really know what kind of poetry you're reading that isn't opinion based.

>> No.7947133


>Kind of like a dog experiences it, huh?

dogs don't know how to experience things like humans do, apparently you don't either.

>> No.7947137

I meant experiences the night sky, you SICK FUCK!

>> No.7947139


>dogs don't know how to experience things like humans do

holy shit, lmfao

>> No.7947141

"i wish he had written a different poem in a different way'. That is more or less it, yeah. Resentment in art is a red flag. What is Whitman's motive in writing this poem? To describe the the beautiful experience he had as he left the classroom? Then why not focus on that, why not have a line at most about being wearied by something he couldn't connect to, instead of shitting on it, and then creating some contrived appearance of mystic revelation that went so far as to actually use the word mystical. He comes off sounding petty and false.

>> No.7947143
File: 502 KB, 160x160, waffles.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


jesus christ

>> No.7947148

>apparently you don't either.


>> No.7947162


resentment in art is a red flag? i don't know how you can possibly enjoy literature with that belief. the rhythmic anxiety of the first 4 lines (When I, When, When I, When I) is relieved by the fresh air of the final 4 lines, the poem doesn't work without the relief of that initial tension. as far as your fixation on the word mystic, it's only used to describe the night air (also a play on mist), there is no explicit revelation of the type you're describing, only relief at leaving the classroom.

>> No.7947176

i don't know what a STEMfag is but i watch breaking bad too

>> No.7947178

Stemfags: Let's learn more so that we can visit the stars and planets. Oh, look there are different types and look at all these other things we didn't know were there. There could be all kinds of other things living out there. Are we alone out here?
Whitman: I'll just stand over here in the dark.
/lit/ is just as autistic as any other board on this site.

>> No.7947182


is this poem really in breaking bad? or do you just mean leaves of grass?

>> No.7947185


lol yeah, if there's anything that's associated with autism, it CERTAINLY isn't a preoccupation with space.

>> No.7947187

>the dark

>> No.7947192

Just Gliding Over All.

>> No.7947200

Everyone is missing the real critique of this poem: it's not in regular meter. Whitman is patient zero for the cancer that is free-verse. Burn it all.

>> No.7947207

Poetry sucks so it doesn't really matter how it sounds.

>> No.7947213

I am not denying Whitman's talent or craft, but the meaning of his poetry, which makes his skillful use of language pointless to me.

Resentment is toxic and it creates dishonest art, what I glean from this poem is not what he is ostensibly expressing but rather his anxious construction of a mirage to soothe his unhappiness. He is not in control of the meaning of the poem because his motive and his creation are not aligned.

>> No.7947216

If by STEMfag you mean people who can't see the forest for the trees, you're correct.

>> No.7947218

>Poetry sucks
>Whitman: I'll just stand over here in the dark.

back to /sci/ stemfag

>> No.7947228


>> No.7947235


>the stars are just there for me to enjoy every now and then
>I'll look at em for a few minutes you know
>then I'll forget about them and go do something else

Truly an intellectual

>> No.7947239

>i don't know what a STEMfag is

go to 1minute 30seconds to see what an Stemfag sounds like when adults are talking


>> No.7947247

Oh, so it's people who are willfully ignorant of humanities and philosophy?
I can agree with that.

>> No.7947249
File: 16 KB, 319x320, 1456034956847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dogs experience the cosmos the same way humans do

dogs can't even look up

>> No.7947251

Children and their anecdotes

>> No.7947253

>dogs can't even look up

>> No.7947260
File: 912 KB, 240x176, 1457389950332.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


zizek visibly frustrated at that stemfag

>> No.7947271


>discussion about a musician seeking god
>scientist opens his mouth
>diarrhea every where

why was he invited?

>> No.7947273

>STEM literally changes the world and the way we view it
>Philosophy has achieved literally nothing in the way of making the world a better place since science arose

You're still having the same arguments you had hundreds of years ago. You've come to no conclusions about reality at all. You've made no progress. Nothing.

>> No.7947280



the liberal scientism is strong

>> No.7947287


So you admit philosophers don't actually care about answering fundamental questions about the nature of reality, they just want to sit around and jerk each other off?

>> No.7947291

Are you ignorant on purpose?
There is no war between stem and philosophy. Maybe between undergrads and 4chan.

>> No.7947292

Yes. Diogenes is the best philosopher.

>> No.7947293
File: 37 KB, 554x513, madman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, what if Whitman is just admitting that while the astronomer's methods provide knowledge, he himself is not of the temperament to appreciate that particular knowledge, and that he's okay with that and won't hinder the astronomer in his astronomy.

What if 4chan has made you see all discourse as adversarial.

Just a thought.

>> No.7947299


science is just applied philosophy.

science is a by-product of philosophers arguing about how to attain knowledge about the world. they created it and refined it, early scientists were all dual-class philosophers as well.

Just like how physics breeds more specialized sub-fields, philosopher bred science itself.

Philosophy also bred jurisprudence and international law via the study of ethics.

>> No.7947307


How quickly the tone of the thread changes.

>> No.7947314

>>STEM literally changes the world and the way we view it
muh empiricism confirms empiricism

>> No.7947317

>philosophy bred international law via the study of ethics
I am irresistibly reminded of the early West-European Christians saying God caused the Crusades via the clergical study of scripture.

>> No.7947327

quality fucking post

>> No.7947335


Let me guess - you also think Shelley's best work is Ozymandias?

>> No.7947344

Isn't that why breaking bad used it?

>> No.7947350
File: 45 KB, 565x318, dawson_crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw this is likely a common sentiment outside of /lit/

>> No.7947353

no one on /lit/ reads poetry faggot stop feeling smug and superior.

>> No.7947355

This post is legitimately nonsense. You can't follow a conversation.

>> No.7947361

the point is that's probably also the common sentiment on /lit/ since ozymandias is by far his most famous poem, and since barely anyone here reads poetry, they probably also defualt assume ozymandia is good

except for the pretentious pseudointellectual contrarian who will try to wax eloquent about the triumph of life or something without having read a single line of it

>> No.7947369

Ya you're probably right, why would he even use that as an example.

>> No.7947380


I have no bone in this fight, but I was always under the impression that Ode to a Skylark was better known, or at least more widely taught.

>> No.7947411

Positivists need to die desu

>> No.7947412

>but he probably has hundreds better then this one.
usually people who mistype 'than' have no place critiquing people

>> No.7947574
File: 49 KB, 356x267, awful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I couldn't understand mr scienceman so I'll just go out an look at the stars lol what a nerd. le perfect silence and moist air!1!

>> No.7947693

This seriously

>> No.7947800

What is this, TED for adults?

>> No.7947816

Shallow reading of the poem

>> No.7947818

>I-I can feel it guys! I-it doesn't matter if we ever comprehend reality fully, because w-we can feel it!

I sometimes hate humanitiesfags.

>> No.7947852
File: 411 KB, 896x1256, 1460968595656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comprehending with your mind and not your heart

truly disgusting

>> No.7947857

Wearing your heart on your vagina is disgusting.

>> No.7947909

Whitman is by far my fav of all time. Would bang infinitely better than Oscar Wilde did.

>> No.7947924

>not good poetry

>> No.7947930
File: 272 KB, 2472x2264, 1439944186316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you don't even need to insult the stemfags because they do it themselves

>> No.7947932

Shut the fuck up, and go fuck yourself.

>What is Whitman's motive in writing this poem?
>implying the writer's motives matter at all
did you get to talk to walter's ghost about his motivation?

>> No.7947944

>implying some 'deep' weltschmerz type of emotional faggotry experienced by a 'misunderstood' and 'artsy' hipster is actual comprehension of the universe

>> No.7947984

Don't trust Whitman on prose fiction. He would've loved airport fiction if he was alive today and the only use he had for other's philosophy was promoting his poetry.

Walt Whitman is built on duality, all the idiots claiming that he saw his own experience objectively better than other men's empirically categorised experience obviously haven't read his poetry.

>> No.7948013

>astronomers never take time to look at the stars in amazement
>realizing what it is you are looking at makes it any less amazing
>i dont like numbers durrrrr

Thats not BTFOd, its anti-intellectualism. It's natural for some to yearn for the days when unfounded fancies could become trueisms by force of ignorance. I guess understanding the magic of the world makes it less fluid of a concept and might feel limiting in some ways... But to me knowing that the stars are not LED lights in a black curtain but an inconceivable number of suns of unconceivable sizes, nuclear explosions that last for eons... all with their own planetary systems and with the alluring idea that life out there might be a reality... that is magic beyond any that the dottering old fool might have dreamed up after leaving a lecture in a huff because the numbers confound him.

The truth is stranger than fiction.

>> No.7948017

>ability to comprehend
Choose one.

>> No.7948024

Whitman was black.

>> No.7948029

America is a meme country to be honest.

Regicidal judeo-masonic cowards along with their negro pets.

>> No.7948033

Scientific understanding comes directly from experiencing the real thing. Astronomers become astronomers because they are utterly enchanted by the stars and planets and they cannot keep themselves from experiencing it. When in a lecture the professor presents his data... that is the result of countless 80-hour workweeks doing almost nothing besides observing the heavens.

I'd dare say that a professor of astronomy experiences more of "the real thing" in a month than you do in your entire life.

Those theories on sex... they exist... and they have been generated by people who again have more sex in a month than you do in your entire life.

Scientific knowledge is the product of observation and experience. If you don't understand that I suggest to put down your novel and read some non-fiction for a change... if your severe autism allows you that.

>> No.7948057

It's a boring poem about how he doesn't get/like science. It has nothing to do with the great STEM vs humanities showdown unless you think having a big bushy beard makes him god and we should all follow his example.

>> No.7948064

How is that resentment? Did you even read, let alone understand, the poem? Figures you didn't enjoy it.

>> No.7948097

They kill Gale at the end of season 3.
Gus wants revenge for his drug dealers (the ones who killed Andrea's kid brother), so he gets Victor to pick up Walt and make him call Jesse and tell him to come to the lab.
However, when Walt gets Jesse on the phone, he tells him to go to Gale's appartment and kill him. The final scene in the episode is when Jesse pulls the trigger.

>> No.7948109
File: 729 KB, 716x620, 1427469285331.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

impossibly underrated

>> No.7948153
File: 106 KB, 348x278, 1458179130447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's the walt was a flaming faggot meme again

>> No.7948526

found the undergrad

>> No.7948633

If magic is all we've ever known
Then it's easy to miss what really goes on
But I've seen miracles in every way
And I see miracles everyday
Oceans spanning beyond my sight
And a million stars way above em at night
We don't have to be high to look in the sky
And know that's a miracle opened wide
Look at the mountains, trees, the seven seas
And everything chilling underwater, please
Hot lava, snow, rain and fog
Long neck giraffes, and pet cats and dogs
And I've seen eighty-five thousand people
All in one room, together as equals
Pure magic is the birth of my kids
I've seen shit that'll shock your eyelids
The sun and the moon, and even Mars
The Milky Way and fucking shooting stars
UFOs, a river flows
Plant a little seed and nature grows
Niagara falls and the pyramids
Everything you believed in as kids
Fucking rainbows after it rains
There's enough miracles here to blow your brains
I fed a fish to a pelican at Frisco bay
It tried to eat my cell phone, he ran away
And music is magic, pure and clean
You can feel it and hear it but it can't be seen

Music is a lot like love, it's all a feeling
And it fills the room, from the floor to the ceiling
I see miracles all around me
Stop and look around, it's all astounding
Water, fire, air and dirt
Fucking magnets, how do they work?
And I don't wanna talk to a scientist
Y'all motherfuckers lying, and getting me pissed
Solar eclipse, and vicious weather
Fifteen thousand Juggalos together
And I love my mom for giving me this
Time on this planet, taking nothing for granted
I seen a caterpillar turn into a butterfly
Miracles ain't nothing to lie
Shaggy's little boys look just like Shaggy
And my little boy looks just like daddy
Miracles each and every where you look
And nobody has to stay where they put
This world is yours for you to explore
There's nothing but miracles beyond your door
The Dark Carnival is your invitation
To witness them without explanation
Take a look at this fine creation
And enjoy it better with appreciation
Crows, ghosts, the midnight coast
The wonders of the world, mysteries the most
Just open your mind, and it ain't no way
To ignore the miracles of every day

-Walt Whitman

>> No.7950119

It's kind of fascinating how this has the same moral, message, what have you, of Miracles by ICP

The worth of something truly is in the execution, isn't it?

>> No.7950294

Great video

>> No.7950305

I don't know which is funnier: how obviously ignorant that stemlord is or how upset Zizek got because of him.

>> No.7950359

Tfw watching Slavoj on negativity before going to sleep. Ty anon

>> No.7950705


>> No.7950742


Your argument is very ignorant. I think you should try to understand romanticism first, then you will appreciate Whitman's stance better, or at least comprehend it better.

>> No.7950784

>this is what passes for bait

>> No.7951348

Wow, Zizek is sure loosing his shit and becoming incomprehensible more so than usual.

>> No.7951356

Zizek must do a lot of drugs.