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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 121 KB, 766x610, congrats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7944511 No.7944511 [Reply] [Original]

We did it lads

>> No.7944525


>> No.7944534

did what?

>> No.7944538

Someone post all the variations

>> No.7944542
File: 89 KB, 1042x804, lit's ultimate moral quandary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7944543

fucking hell pleb, the trolley problem has been a meme for YEARS on facebook

>> No.7944550

right side

>> No.7944559

Now you fags gonna bring more normies in here.

>> No.7944569
File: 79 KB, 407x286, 1371179646574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the newbs don't know the glorious trolley problem threads
>tfw have to put down my comfy book to spend 20+ hours in MSPaint now
y u trade contrivance for moral?

>> No.7944570

No. The cartesian demon invalidates any decision it makes so it doesn't matter what it does.

>> No.7944733

guys, I used to laugh at this too, until one fateful day...

>> No.7945135

We finally got a homegrown meme catalogued on a dumb shitfeeding website

>> No.7945223

Left side

>get cure for cancer
>get Hitler

everything else is moot, ignore the demon

>> No.7945232

>he thinks he is a part of a cool subculture

Trolley threads have been shitty and cancerous since the beginning and anyone remotely interested in real literature hided them all along, you retard.

>> No.7945234

I'm at a loss for words

>> No.7945241

the first trolley thread was great
every subsequent one was shit

>> No.7945247

>every subsequent one was shit
I think Multitrack drifting and a couple of the other ones didn't appear till the second or third one - so they weren't entirely shit.

>> No.7945274
