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/lit/ - Literature

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7942206 No.7942206 [Reply] [Original]

How can we make literature more accessible to female readers?

>> No.7942210

by not berating them.

>> No.7942213

Making stuff dumber doesn't help anyone

>> No.7942222



>> No.7942225

False premise.

>> No.7942231


are you saying literature has reached maximum accessibility for all women?

>> No.7942232
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Women buy tons of books. It's just most of the tales women like involved ripped 6'4" studs with surprisingly long and thick penises who are not only financially independent, but also have a 'bad boy' streak in them that excites the woman's inner attraction to romantic uncertainty and challenges her to sexually experiment with said man in ways she's never experimented with other men before. You can also appeal to niches with things like making the man privy to certain fetishes, making the man of an exotic nationality/ethnicity, giving the man superhuman powers (re: Twilight) among other variations.

Books like those usually sell like hotcakes and have at least a small amount of vaginal fluid still stuck to their covers.

>> No.7942245

>It's just most of the tales women like involved ripped 6'4" studs with surprisingly long and thick penises who are not only financially independent, but also have a 'bad boy' streak in them

so if a book like Crime & Punishment had these themes it would appeal to women?

>> No.7942275

oh believe me, it would sell far better. but things like the suffering of man's spirit are very difficult to comprehend for most women.

>> No.7942283

No. You got me. Literature is just as accessible to female readers as male readers. Could probably be more accessible to everyone.

>> No.7942286

What the hell are you trying to ask? What changes "should we make" to the way literature is written? How can literature be marketed so as to appeal to women?

Your question should never be asked. Not about art.

>> No.7942297
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> What changes "should we make" to the way literature is written? How can literature be marketed so as to appeal to women?


>Your question should never be asked.

wut? why

>> No.7942299

add more rape by alpha males

>> No.7942309

Are you trolling, you fucking cunt? You quoted both options I posed; which are you assenting to? What the fuck is wrong with you? Regarding the first, do you not see a problem? It's ART, you stupid fuck. If there's anything in the world, any creative endeavor known to man, about which that question shouldn't be asked... And as for the second option, god damn it. What the fuck is your problem? How can literature be marketed differently? Are you visiting from another board? God damn it all

>> No.7942313

Add diverse, relatable female characters.

>> No.7942326

>You quoted both options I posed; which are you assenting to?

are they mutually exclusive?

> It's ART, you stupid fuck. If there's anything in the world, any creative endeavor known to man, about which that question shouldn't be asked...


>And as for the second option, god damn it. What the fuck is your problem? How can literature be marketed differently? Are you visiting from another board? God damn it all

I'm from /v/ but what's your point? Why are you so flustered over a simple question

>> No.7942355

stick dildoes on the covers

>> No.7942434

Hey it's a reasonable human being! What are you doing in this place, friend?

>> No.7942439



what does that even mean in this context?

>> No.7942510

They're black

>> No.7942610
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>I'm from /v/

>> No.7942644

By creating technology that could stimulate their brains to enhance their puny minds

>> No.7942655
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>im from /v/

>> No.7942700

female characters from different walks of life/societal positions? and yes, as other anon said so eloquently, they could be black. or white or indian or asian or middle eastern, etc

>> No.7942702

The majority of lit majors are female.

If anything, men need the encouragement.

>> No.7942722

>The majority of lit majors are female.

but they dont write lit, men do

>> No.7942730

females don't write lit, they vomit infectious diseases on pages; other wymyn read those pages, get infected and will be attracted to new infectious vomit hereafter.

>> No.7942738
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kangz in sheeeiiit

>> No.7943109

just seeing the word 'diverse' makes me nauseous.

>> No.7943112

what do you think this trend implies lol

>> No.7943166
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We do it with google translate. These days even intellectual infants like women should be allowed to access oppressive literature

>> No.7943177



>> No.7943200
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ITT: butthurt dudes

>> No.7943234

Th𝖊y must 𝖆ll b𝖊 giv𝖊n 𝖆 cucking, 𝖆 sp𝖆nking, 𝖆nd 𝖆 nic𝖊 big tim𝖊 out hon𝖊stly f𝖆m desu

>> No.7943245

>daily reminder only faggots and dykes write and the dykes are better

>> No.7943888

That is poetic. You are literally the Robert Frost of this subject

>> No.7943913
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>> No.7943974
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ITT: butthurt women who took the bait and others who're adding more bait.

That's a loaded question OP. Why do you think literature is not as accessible to "female readers" as much as "male readers"?

>> No.7943986
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I'll provide solutions based on my experience. Chicks dig harry potter, erotica and romance. They also like literature written by women (specially those women who've been underprivileged).

Solution: Make a gay, black, hispanic, feminist woman write harry potter or YA erotica with themes of romance and bashing the patriarchy in that universe.

On a more serious note, >>7942313 seems like a retarded suggestion. How big an idiot does one have to be to appreciate only those books that have people of the same sex as you?

>> No.7944011

We stop the misogynist, patriarchy mob that stands in front of every book store in this country.

They don't want to read. And when they do, they usually don't pick up much beyond meme fiction and pulp fiction.

>> No.7944012


Isn't Svidrigailov a little bit like that?

>> No.7944020
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You know exactly what it means

>> No.7944032
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>> No.7944034
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Has anyone considered that reading books is a sort of oppression on those who don't (Specially women who don't).

When you read a book, you're asserting your privilege of being rich or fortunate enough to have received an education that allowed you to be literate. Since women who have long been suppressed by the patriarchy have been to busy in the fight against other oppressive tools, they seldom get the chance to indulge in the privilege of books.

Men often use this to exploit women by mentioning their favorite books/literature in real conversation which can trigger a woman who has interests in other things such as fighting the patriarchy. Speaking of books therefore provides means for condescension, humiliation and violation of a mental safe space in the same way as verbal rape. In fact it is literally more insidious than rape because it goes unnoticed and even oppressed women are brainwashed into believing that there is nothing wrong with reading or discussing books. So whenever you see someone discussing literature, make sure to blow your rape whistle because it is the current year and patriarchy's tools of male oppression can no longer be tolerated.

>> No.7944037
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>> No.7944047

What do you mean?
It's perfectly accestible to them.
They have their "lemonade" romance novellas and their teenage love YA.
They are a targeted demographic.(and a large one for that)
Literature is already accesible.
We just need to prevent them for feeling pride and thinking they read a lot after finishing a 600 pages long romance/love story.(This applies to everyone.Just because you have read the Hunger Games and Harry Pjotr you are not an academic who have read a lot)

>> No.7944114

some people really think like this.

>> No.7944117

>patriarchy hurts men, it stops men from expressing their feelings
>hey I feel annoyed about this

>> No.7944129

it's the other way around. males don't read at all. how do you make it more accessible to male readers? put it in comic book form? add some sex/violence? write it in purple prose?

>> No.7944130


Feminism ask for over the top empathy without offering any. Women's selfishness will be fatal to their own interests in the end

>> No.7944172


so much misogyny in this thread. kill yourself.

>> No.7944190

I agree with you but you act like it's an ideological thing and not just their nature. Women literally can't comprehend empathy. They have some sort of reverse inside-outie empathy where they think everyone should empathise infinitely with them, but they have no actual ability to empathise with others.

Feminism being "unsympathetic to men" is a symptom of collective feminine apathy about men, because each individual woman basically sees men as clouds of abstracted worker ants who exist to make her happy. Only Woman is the center of creation. They're not being ideological, we've just allowed them to take their fundamental instinct
>don't I deserve special treatment, daddy??? :((((( *pouts*
and turn it into a fucking gestalt.

>> No.7944201

nice quads

>> No.7944223

OP I enjoy the progressive thought but women already are. They score better on reading and writing exams ubiquitously. They read more by volume. Percent of females in majors on literature related fields is very high: http://www.randalolson.com/2014/06/14/percentage-of-bachelors-degrees-conferred-to-women-by-major-1970-2012/

Sorry OP, if you want more slampieces with the same hobbies, they exist, you just don't have game.

>> No.7944268

>score better on writing exams
>many females are lit majors

these points have nothing to do with OP's question.
the average woman isn't a lit major.
and being a "lit major" doesn't mean your literary apprehension is maximized.

>Sorry OP, if you want more slampieces with the same hobbies, they exist, you just don't have game.

before you pat yourself on the back you should realize your response is full of baseless assumptions.

>> No.7944282

The average woman is much more literate than the average man

>> No.7944308
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>I agree with you but you act like it's an ideological thing and not just their nature. Women literally can't comprehend empathy. They have some sort of reverse inside-outie empathy where they think everyone should empathise infinitely with them, but they have no actual ability to empathise with others.

>Feminism being "unsympathetic to men" is a symptom of collective feminine apathy about men, because each individual woman basically sees men as clouds of abstracted worker ants who exist to make her happy. Only Woman is the center of creation. They're not being ideological, we've just allowed them to take their fundamental instinct
>don't I deserve special treatment, daddy??? :((((( *pouts*
>and turn it into a fucking gestalt.

why do you see women as these apathetic, selfish creatures who are incapable of seflessness and empathy? Are you sure you're not generalizing a bit too much? Doess the rest of /lit/ feel this way too? If you said this to someone in real life you'd be called an irrational misogynist.

>> No.7944313

>if you voiced this opinion in real life you'd be coerced into pretending you don't have it by people who don't like hearing things they don't agree with

isn't that bad

>> No.7944325
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Simply do euthanasia of stupid female readers so only normal and smart female readers will remain.

>> No.7944326

>coercion is bad
of course it is bad. i've observed that women reserve the highest contempt and disgust for people who don't seem to agree with them on these issues. I'm merely questioning the legitimacy of their claims of irrationality and misogyny. Maybe they're right. Maybe they're wrong.

>> No.7944327


Well I don't know about that, mf gf__ is quite empathic and I think even the most vapid sluts I know are overly concerned (to the point of being obnoxious) with the safety of babies and animals, especially animals. I think it must be ideological, and that would explain why so many women refuse feminism as a political label.

>If you said this to someone in real life you'd be called an irrational misogynist.

That kinda proves him right

>> No.7944336
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Do paint a book cover in a pink colour and spray the book with perfume, do a label at last page "this book help you catch a rich man".

>> No.7944362


I'd say that their concern for animals and babies is simply because they think they're cute. that's the extent of their thought process when it comes to animals and babies. that ideology is as vacuous as " good things are nice and bad things should not happen". moreover in my experience, men and women both have shown the same amount of concern for animal safety.

>that kinda proves him right.

maybe. I certainly am not a big fan of how anyone who dares to say anything about women in general which does not conform to the narrative is treated with disgust, contempt and generally labelled an "irrational misogynist". But is that sufficient to affirm that women in general are selfish and lack empathy? maybe they aren't. maybe they genuinely believe that that person is irrational and misogynistic?

>> No.7944370

mad virgin is mad

>> No.7944376

Mostly unrelated but I read a great article about how isolation only furthers extremitism and how there should be no problem even befriending people you disagree with because of different beliefs etc etc etc

Then the author used that as an argument to let a muslim with jihadist contacts run Sweden as minister of housing.

Fucking hell lads

>> No.7944385


a north african "refugee" was accepted into a swedish home, to live for free until he found work. he lived there a few months and then beheaded the couple's little daughter in the bathroom

>> No.7944388

you're joking right? no one can be this big a cunt. not even an african refugee. seriously provide some source.

>> No.7944393

I should've written "Continue running Sweden"
As he was allready the minister of housing untill he refused to shake the hand of a female reporter, and a lot of people dug up things like him equating the Israeli annexation to the Holocaust

>> No.7944394


trying to find the article

>> No.7944410


oh he didn't behead her, apparently stabbed her to death. Not sure if this case made it into english news, i read it on a swedish site.

“A seven year old girl was stabbed to death in an apartment in Upplands-Bro in northern Stockholm on 25 July this year by a 36 year old man, Daniel Gebru. Ten months earlier Gebru arrived as a welfare of migrant from Eritrea to Sweden. …
Gebru has not been able to give any concrete reasons for why he cut the throat of the seven-year girl in the bathroom of her home. He had previously been living in the apartment. What he did there on that day is unclear because according to some data he was not living there anymore. As the Court notes, however, he did live in the apartment when the murder was committed but Gebru had failed to pay rent.
Gebru has stated that he had intended to take his own life but for unknown reasons instead stabbed the girl to death.”


>> No.7944415

the majority of lit majors might be female, but no lit majors are even people who read anymore

it's real bad out there

>> No.7944422


....what the fuck man. i'm not sure how to react to this honestly. I'm just at a bit of loss at comprehending someone this vile.

>> No.7944426


>> No.7944443

>Gebru has stated that he had intended to take his own life but for unknown reasons instead stabbed the girl to death

hell nigga

>> No.7944462


did you hear about the liberal girl who hitchhiked from Italy to the Middle-East to prove that muslims are safe and good people in general?

she got raped and killed during her trip by some muslims who picked her up.


>> No.7944469

lmao. i'm a liberal but i love it when retards get eliminated. any more stories like that?

>Amy Elizabeth Biehl (April 26, 1967 – August 25, 1993) was a white American graduate of Stanford University and an Anti-Apartheid activist in South Africa who was murdered by black Cape Town residents while a black mob shouted anti-white slurs. The four men convicted of her murder were released as part of the Truth and Reconciliation process.

>> No.7944478

She wasn't trying to "prove that Muslims were safe and peaceful", wtf

It was some kind of feminist statement about abuse. She expected and wanted to be harassed, but she didn't anticipate being murdered

>> No.7944489

Women make up a supermajority of readers in every genre except sci-fi

>> No.7944495


she hitchhiked "to promote world peace and trust in other people"

>> No.7944500


OP is asking about literature

>> No.7944507

work on your reading comprehension

>> No.7944522

Why do women exclusively read YA books only?

And sometimes they add in(for meme/cliche purposes) shitty bronte and virginia woolf books to the mix(but never really read them).

>> No.7944558

/v/ passerby here, what's the dealio

>> No.7944576

it's true though, women are entirely self centered and void of empathy, loyalty and honor. those are reserved for men because women shirk them. women literally cannot mentally put themselves in a position that would make them think for a different angle/other side. women are hollow hedonistic hypergamous entities, not even human, that drift through life looking for nothing but gaining status and money.

>> No.7944579

>changing a medium for the sake of those who can't into it
but why?

>> No.7944583


Add more pictures, make more audiobooks ...

>> No.7944588


>> No.7944592

Aaand if I wrote a book about this case people would bitch it's not realistic.

>> No.7944596

More female protagonists. It's not that hard.

>> No.7944603
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>I'm from /v/

>> No.7944605

Do you think she would have hitchhiked through the backwoods of West Virginia to promote the same message to the hurrdurr muslim haters in the largest power in the West? Fuck no.
She just figured she'd not get killed better in the place where "European descent girl in a white dress" meant more privilege in her mind. It's beautiful karma.

>> No.7944610

pls anon. women have a choice whether they are terrible people or not. don't excuse them being miserably vapid succubi by default; they choose to be terrible people and then pretend its because they're beyond social conditioning's help; they're not; they're just dicks.

>> No.7944612

Women have tiny herdthink-enslaved brains and only do anything for flitting enjoyment

When men do literally anything, their autism tendencies make them do all kinds of crazy shit, like:
>become hypercompetitive which makes them want to own everyone else by delving deeper and creating/doing better things
>become hyperobsessive which makes them pathologically fixated on improving/creating/deepening the activity somehow
>become hypercooperative and create collaborative structures that delve deeper than normal

When women do a thing, they sit around going "oh isn't this nice!" "Yes, it's nice!" "Nice!" "Quite nice!" "Rather nice!" until one of them starts bleeding from her cunt and suddenly it's a free-for-all. When men do a thing, one of them somehow grafts a rocket booster onto one of its sub-aspects while four others create a neo-corporatist putsch and conquer half of Eurasia with it and some autist in a corner discovers a new metaphysical plane of reality by splitting one of its constituent elements in half with a homemade fusion reactor. Women reading books create nothing but an equilibrium state of vampires pissing on other vampires. Give fifty men a random assortment of books and one of them will birth quantum physics and neo-Kantian epistemology from his anus eventually.

Men are great and women are fucking awful. Men are literally why this species exists. All stories and parables about humanity's indomitable curiosity are about men. Women are basically like we mistook human-like apes for actual humans. Women could 100% seriously be unconscious fucking broodmares like some kind of plant-based lifeform that just intakes sperm and shits out babies and NOTHING in history would have been changed aside from a few incidentals.

>> No.7944617

Que merda de site. Chupem me a piça filhos da puta

>> No.7944627

it's not social, it's biological. females are guaranteed hypergamous husks fresh from the womb. the female condition is to act on what's popular, not to think or feel.

>> No.7944632
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The amount of beta male autism itt is off the charts

>> No.7944637



Women present the insufferable mean of the bell curve in all aspects of life. Go talk to one and find out yourself, they're all the same personality, even.

But I was born with the infliction of wanting ass on my face for 98% of the day every day, so I have to entertain them by listening to their shitty stories, uninteresting thoughts, and do my best to make enough worthless paper trinkets for their liking.

>> No.7944639

no, it's not. that only happens in societies where they can successfully be dicks while also pretending they're not beings with free will. you've been duped by some chick who has trolled you into believing she's a dick because her hormones, when you're not raping her before she trolls you because of your hormones. she's not being a dick because of her hormones, she's being a dick on purpose because she can and you'll back her up it's not her fault.

>> No.7944646

the dealio is: /v/ is a pleb board par excellence
(par excellence means your photos come up when you type "pleb" on google)

Rest of the thread: meet more women.

>> No.7944652

>paper trinkets
>tfw i thought anon made grill little origami presents and cards and note books
>mfw i realise he meant money
>mfw no face

>> No.7944653


>evolutionary psych finds hypergamy a cross cultural norm for all females in the species
>lol sexist garbage evo psych is literally pseud I can't even EVEN
>everything is a social construct even this universal pattern

>> No.7944672

>evo psych
>selective evo psych that ignores behaviorism works better
>ignores any society where evo doesn't like the answers
>ignores evo psych acknowledges the nonpoly women aren't loud in bed
>b-but /pol/ told me i had man points just by penis
>nobody, especially me, should have to socially construct their sense of honor or self
no, anon. science doesn't make you a mensch. you sound like a chick trying to pull that lack of responsibility shit; i'd like a prenup before we continue, princess.

>> No.7944687
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>I've never read a book on evolutionary theory, but I'm nonetheless going to opine about things that make me feel good in form of dogmatic shitposts

>> No.7944691

I'm aware. The average woman is more likely than the average man to read Dostoevsky or Joyce

>> No.7944693

I don't get the part where you assume I think it's ok for females to act the way they do. people should not be slaves to their programming, men can push past that but females cannot. they are therefore inferior on yet another level. if they wanted to, they could, but they'd rather sit back and live the hypergamous husk life

>> No.7944695

>origami, cards and notebooks as presents
are you legit a teenager

>> No.7944700

>ignoring all the literature written by women
this thread sucks

>> No.7944708

this and only this

>> No.7944710

>Women could 100% seriously be unconscious fucking broodmares like some kind of plant-based lifeform that just intakes sperm and shits out babies and NOTHING in history would have been changed aside from a few incidentals.

>implying men don't do all that shit in order to attract women

>> No.7944713


my bad anon women's contributions to literature are just as valid as mens :)

>> No.7944716
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pic related :)

>> No.7944725

>not liking george eliot

>> No.7944728

>i'll try to bullshit i even read Darwin
>i'll pretend i read thousands of pages about flower incest to make it seem like i'm a real man
no. try a board that doesn't read that shit.
females can. there's a very interesting recent case study about gendered behavior: the USSR. females there are now more archetypal golddigging, short skirt wearing, perfectionist stepford wives clones because it's a backlash to the social conditioning communism laid down. that conditioning wasn't wholly egalitarian even, but it proves it can be done. there's a good book on ways this phenomenon can be observed called Living Gender after Communism. saying they can't overcome their programming is like saying you wouldn't overcome your programming if the KGB asked. i'd pay to watch that if you're the guy i'm meant to be working out a prenup with.

>> No.7944739

Why would i do that ?

>> No.7944753
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>im from /v/

>> No.7944757

sorry, no, no twink feet for you.

>> No.7944765
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>I'm from /v/

>> No.7944795
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>I'm from /v/

>> No.7944810

Stop samefagging autismo

>> No.7944916

YES BECAUSE HE NEVER DID A THING LIKE THAT BEFORE AS ASK TO get his breakfast in bed with a couple of eggs since the City arms hotel when he used to be pretending to be laid up with a sick voice doing his highness to make himself interesting to that old faggot Mrs Riordan that he thought he had a great leg of and she never left us a farthing all for masses for herself and her soul greatest miser ever was actually afraid to lay out 4d for her methylated spirit telling me all her ailments she had too much old chat in her about politics and earthquakes and the end of the world let us have a bit of fun first God help the world if all the women were her sort down on bathing-suits and lownecks of course nobody wanted her to wear I suppose she was pious because no man would look at her twice I hope I'll never be like her a wonder she didnt want us to cover our faces but she was a welleducated woman certainly and her gabby talk about Mr Riordan here and Mr Riordan there I suppose he was glad to get shut of her and her dog smelling my fur and always edging to get up under my petticoats especially then still I like that in him polite to old women like that and waiters and beggars too hes not proud out of nothing but not always if ever he got

>> No.7945080
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make me

>> No.7946678

Tits or gtfo

>> No.7946708

Jesus, that's terrifying... It's like you wake you and realise that the whole time the sound you were listening to, the one that sounded like the thoughts and feelings of a living breathing person was actually just the sound of the wind in the roofslates and then you roll over in the bed and find that you are completely alone the whole time.

>> No.7946729
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>> No.7946756

>shameless troll thread
>us boys are so smarter than dumb grills xD

Stop cancering up the board, the lot of you. And then go read some Alice Munro, it'll make you less retarded.

>> No.7946785
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>how can we improve Coffee?

settle down honey, the "trolling" is all in your head

>> No.7946802
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Tea is perfect, pham.

>> No.7946890


delete this

>> No.7946899

Aside from the fact that you're way misguided and triggerable, men do score higher on IQ tests. But I think that's entirely besides the point.

If you have a problem with trying to make women more interested and involved with reading that isn't Twilight and 50 Shades of Grey, feel free to return to Tumblr or complain somewhere else. Seriously. I hate to say this, but not everywhere is a place for your own personal incredulity.

>> No.7946903

OP is this your gf? She has one of the greatest racks I have ever seen. From this angle at least

>> No.7947121


> She has one of the greatest racks I have ever seen.

her entire body is crazy beautiful.

>> No.7947153

What do you do for a living?

>> No.7947184

I don't think you can hitchhike from Italy to America.

>> No.7947188


We already have pop-up books.

>> No.7947548

post moar?

>> No.7947555


that picture. does it imply that women are more likely to have sex with and raise children with rich men? While at the same time compromising that goal if they themselves are rich?

That's quite convenient I suppose. IF you're poor, just find a rich man and get pregnant and live off his income or alimony or child support. If you're rich then who gives a shit. The important lesson is to only fuck rich men?

>> No.7947557

Welp, that's it. /lit/ has officially climaxed as far as shit posting goes. Only serious posts from here on out. Nothing will top this.