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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 66 KB, 620x350, Dark-Enlightenment-Nick-Land2334683534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7933923 No.7933923 [Reply] [Original]

Who /Nick Land/ here?

>> No.7933926

>Nick Land

Was it autism?

>> No.7933941


I have autism ergo maybe.

>> No.7933943

not even nick land takes nick land seriously

>> No.7933961


*Not even Nick Land takes Nick Land seriously.

Write correctly, pleb. This is not a fucking YouTube comment section.

>> No.7933968
File: 236 KB, 720x304, m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whom /eliminative materialism/ here?

>> No.7933980

I want to get into him more but I want to better understand occultism before I read him but I have no idea how to do that.

>> No.7933991


Here is Land's explication of his occultic numerology:


>> No.7934003
File: 1.75 MB, 952x1715, 15cbotanical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I check out http://www.xenosystems.net/ regularly.

It's a good aggregate of a specific fringe ideology.

>> No.7934024

oh sorry i forgot i was on a polynesian collage social network, serious business here

>> No.7934040


You are posting within a literature board; write correctly, retard.

>> No.7934125

succ my dik famalam

>> No.7934173

Can't say that really helps me but thanks anyway.

>> No.7934203
File: 309 KB, 1584x1089, 1460054165243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I neo-react, so what?

>> No.7934219


Kill yourself.

>> No.7935355

he has admitted to being autistic

>> No.7935623

>Hurr durr, I solved all of economics with muh science and muh engineering

Nrx is exactly what happens when STEM sperglords try to into politics. We're better than that op.

>> No.7935626

tell me more about island

>> No.7935630

I don't remember him saying that

>> No.7935653

This might help:


>> No.7936100

Eliminative materialism seems so obviously fucking retarded that I can't believe intelligent people actually waste time on it. For a long time I thought that I just didn't understand it, but I've read all the papers and there really is nothing there.

It's like someone opening a computer case and going "see? there are no browsers in here, just some hardware for moving electricity around. Browsers don't exist!"

>> No.7936136

>tfw you realise Land's work is actually the ideology of a rootless, aggressively capitalist physically fragile individualist

>> No.7936145

>write correctly
you're on a philosophy board faggot, don't be completely reatrded

>> No.7936157

These kids need Jesus 2bh

>> No.7936237

i'd like to get into nick land, also reading schopenhauer atm
but cba, going to play some ranked LoL now, gotta climb
match found

>> No.7936261


>> No.7936291
File: 1.36 MB, 320x180, time to leave them all behind.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw gonna parody Nick Land in muh novel.
Wish me luck, lads.

>> No.7936935

I wouldn't do that if I were you.

>> No.7936994

itt: plebeians who won't be piloted from the future to level 2 by capital

>> No.7938079

>i haven't read any of x author, but I will spew my opinion as if it is fact

>> No.7938109
File: 10 KB, 200x200, _JrjVr6K_200x200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you just found out that you're distantly related to Nick Land's wife
+apparently they do not live together at the moment

>> No.7938130

Between Nick Land's transhumanist alternative modernity and Aleksandr Dugin's Christian traditionalism; Whose is the more autist?

>> No.7938159

>It's like someone opening a computer case and going "see? there are no browsers in here, just some hardware for moving electricity around. Browsers don't exist!"

Eliminative materialism allows for emergence - you EPIC fucking moron.

>> No.7938229

Ugh panpsychistic process bs
Kys fahm

>> No.7938237

Dugin is warmed up stale bs
Everybody knows that slavs need the lash hard

>> No.7938306


>> No.7938383

Then why do they go around whining about there not being any "proposition-like" structures in the brain? Beliefs and propositions and all that shite obviously exists if you allow for emergence.

>> No.7938448
File: 366 KB, 768x1024, There is no God.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xenosystems is one of my homepages. I requested several of his works with an interlibrary loan earlier today.

>> No.7938614

who /autismo/ here?

>> No.7938687
File: 105 KB, 878x408, wolfenstein_city.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna slog through some deleuze and guatarri to see what this nig is inspired by ¿sp?

>> No.7938782
File: 7 KB, 235x250, MAKEMEONEWITHEVERYTHING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My name plus middle initials = 333 so I got that going for me I guess.

I'm not a Land scholar by any means, but... I'm fairly well acquainted. Better than any neoreactoids hanging around here.

"To philosophize and to ignore popular opinion are scarcely differentiable." -After the Law, Fanged Noumena

>> No.7938963
File: 1.34 MB, 1512x1072, lain-alien.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's gonna stop me, the police?

>> No.7938993

nick land has triad connections

>> No.7939017


I visit his website from time to time, he has interesting link roundups and occasional interesting insight

My biggest criticism of him? Well, I get that people who write often begin writing with a sort of "voice", their own style. That style says a lot about them. Nick Land's style seems explicitly crafted to make everything he says seem technical, esoteric and deeper than it actually is. It tells me he might be a bit more concerned with his image than the actual content of his thought.

>> No.7939022

Who's Nick Land? Based on the pic related filename I'm guessing the king faggot of all those cringey teenagers over in /his/ and /pol/?

>> No.7939023


Jesus Christ anon if you're going to criticize them at least have the slightest fucking clue of what they believe

Some of the best-formulated arguments against rule by engineers and scientists that I've ever seen have been NRX material

>> No.7939031


He's a weirdo philosopher that definitely appeals to a subgroup of the /pol/ crowd, but is infinitely more autistic than they are, but also a good deal more interesting

>> No.7939039
File: 179 KB, 1024x946, kERNTTm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must spread word of Her coming
I shall give them a Fiction to plant the Truth
This Level will not go on without a Child long
The Son is to become the Father
Ave Nove Ordo Singulorum

>> No.7939390

no one on /pol/ knows who he is and he called them niggers anyway

>> No.7939393


Well quite a few on /pol/ know him but they accuse him of being a crypto-commie kike or something

>> No.7939435

Why would triads give a shit about Nick Land? He has no major wealth or business connections, and no influence outside of some underground UK artists and internet autists.

>> No.7939456

>national socialists accusing anyone else of being crypto-commies

>> No.7939492
File: 420 KB, 683x476, a7b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>they accuse him of being a crypto-commie kike or something

>> No.7939548


>someone saved my image from fucking two years ago and only reused it now in a /lit/ thread

I have mixed feelings.

>> No.7939555


yeah to satiate his heroin habit

>> No.7939561



Nick "Faces of Meth" Land? You must be joking.

>> No.7939829

That picture is posted in every single Land thread oddly enough. People are trying to make him a zizek tier meme here and I guess that's the only meme picture of him that exists.

>> No.7940532

That underground following involves more influential people than you think desu.

>> No.7940910
File: 24 KB, 675x520, Landcomestothedarkside.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Really? I'd have thought someone else would have taken a crack at it, considering the man is ripe for parody and my picture is just a shitty paint shoop. It does really capture his essence, though, if I do say so myself.

>People are trying to make him a zizek tier meme here

He wishes he was a zizek-tier meme. But he never will be. I made sure of that; I stunted his intellectual growth by getting him interested in browsing imageboards. Now he'll never amount to anything :^)

>> No.7940941


such as?

>> No.7941113


You fucking monster, what have you done

>> No.7941155
File: 484 KB, 1445x1491, nrxhumor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I also bullied his commenters. Whatcha gonna do about it, nerd?

On a more serious note, do any of you anons remember the thread in which pic related occured, back when /pol/ hadn't entirely gone to shit? I miss those days. Do you guys still discuss bizaare fringe philosophy often? I kinda left for greener pastures during last year's unpleasantness, until those pastures turned to shit, and now I'm back. It seems folks around here have, at the very least, retained their sense of humor and higher faculties, which is encouraging.

>> No.7941178


I remember that thread, yeah

Bizarre fringe philosophy gets discussed in /lit/ fairly frequently, but /pol/ is just a constant war between shills, trolls trolling trolls, and kids trying to leap on the bandwagon now

>> No.7941209
File: 58 KB, 526x533, but_it_do_innit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That is a shame. It's the same on the other /pol/. I used to be sympathetic to national socialists etc, but the majority of /pol/ posters now are completely deranged and/or retarded. You can't actually have an argument anymore; you're either 100% with the hivemind or a kike shill cuck. I understand why anons can fall into this mindset, but it's still terribly disappointing that smarter anons don't try harder to correct them. Imageboard communites die when the smart anons retreat and lurk indefinitely. Ah well. Circle of life, I suppose.

>> No.7941232


imageboards were never designed for intellectual discussion, anon

they were designed for meme propagation

Any board can be thrown into chaos by a sudden influx of bad-faith shills or idiots, and given recent events that's exactly what happened to /pol/

Not even places like /lit/ or /sci/ are really safe. If there was some really popular movie or something that romanticized literature or for some reason put /lit/ on the map, we'd be quickly overwhelmed by idiots and retards. The only thing that saves us is our obscurity

The simple fact is that any community with zero barriers to entry is always vulnerable

>> No.7941257
File: 602 KB, 1821x1348, horde_from_who_knows_where.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Painful but true. I guess it's just difficult to accept that the only places on the internet where you feel like you belong aren't everything you want them to be. Even worse; they won't last forever. Sometimes I just wish us internet mongols could find an impregnable fortress to hide in. But then, of course, we'd just bring it down from the inside again, like always. We're fated to roam eternally, it seems.

>> No.7941262

>disappointing that smarter anons don't try harder to correct them.

Why the fuck would I waste time trying to convince neckbeards over the internet? I'd rather read some literature or cover more engineering/maths material for my degree.

>> No.7941297


Well, I understand that. Hell, I'm not exactly putting in a lot of effort to raise posting quality anywhere, myself. I just like to imagine that maybe we could change things if we were all a bit more vocal when the latest idiocy starts to be repeated too many times. Probably a hopeless dream, though.

>> No.7941312


not even that guy, but:

ur mum

>> No.7941315


Yes, it is a hopeless dream, because shitposters will always outnumber you

If you want intellectual discussion, get like, a forum or something that allows you to kick out shitposters and that has a barrier to entry

Of course, it probably won't be all that popular

>> No.7941339
File: 175 KB, 500x301, dolphins_are_the_fags_of_the_sea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Or it'll be full of pretentious assholes like MPC or SA. It seems really hard to get a good mix of people who are both smart and don't take themselves too seriously to congregate in the same place online. Imageboards have come the closest in my experience. Not in every thread or on every board or every day; but often enough to keep me coming back. Maybe the horrifying truth is that we can never come any closer to that ideal than what we already have.

>> No.7941343

MPC did literally nothing wrong.

>> No.7941351


Ehh, maybe it's just me. I admittedly only did a cursory examination of their forum before deciding not to post there - and this was back when I was maybe taking Nrx a little too seriously, as well. Perhaps I should give them another look. What do you like about them anon?

>> No.7941360

Precisely that they're elitist, exclusionary and harshly derisive of goony dorks like Nrx.

>> No.7941393


> elitist

exactly what about them is elitist

from what I can tell they're pretty much just a group of people who migrated from 8 or 4 /pol/

>> No.7941394


I can dig the whole "I like these guys because they're cutting self-important nerds down to size" thing, but there's a certain level of elitism I'm just not comfortable with, I guess. We all have flaws, after all. It rubs me the wrong way when a community buys too much into their own superiority, and yet finds time to make fun of others who do the same thing.

If you get something useful out of discussing with them, good for you, though. I might try lurking there again just to confirm I'm not talking out of my ass.

>> No.7941417

They predate /pol/ by a lot, these are OG internet power users, largely ex-SASS.

They're also really the only online far right community that have started to formulate their own, MPC-brand theory and lexicon.
A big part of the appeal for me is the old internet aspect of it, as well as the fact that there is extensive and stringent quality control. You can and will be banned for just about any reason until you've proven yourself to be a valuable user.

Essential intro to MPC: http://mpcdot.com/forums/topic/155-the-limits-of-human-scale/

>> No.7941449


> their own MPC-brand theory and lexicon

If that post you gave is supposed to be an example of that, really, it communicates ideas that are decades old

I mean MPC is funny in some ways but that's not exactly "their" unique thought

>> No.7941523

Flags truly ruined /pol/.

>> No.7941534


Improved it. Now I can just look at the flag and if I see a Leaf, I now I can skip it.

>> No.7941540

There is so much retarded shit just in the first post that I can't go any further.

>> No.7941549

But the increase in leaf shitposting is just a reaction to the constant A FUCKING LEAF and trudeau meme-posting about Canada. Before that, Canadians were some of the most well behaved posters on /pol/. Flags just derail discussion and turn every thread into a /int/-tier shitposting competition about who's country takes the most immigrant cock. It's awful.

>> No.7941583


> The inclusion of flags on a board full of pleb-tier nationalists turns every discussion into a dick-measuring context about whose country is the least shitty

WOW, who could have seen that coming

>> No.7941618


I still remember joining back in 2005.

Back then, it was all fun and games, just making fun of fat internet communists and their Zelda themed weddings. Who knew things would get so serious and dark?

>> No.7941650

What's "SASS"?

>> No.7941765

Back when SA was king, SASS was an offshoot dedicated to making fun of all its weirdos.

Naturally, SASS was also full of weirdos. It was a fun time.

>> No.7941812

This might interest you guys

He links to a /his/ thread towards the end

>> No.7941945


Nick Land has had a weird fascination with imageboard culture and memes since whenever it was that he discovered them. It's funny, because it's hard to tell how much of it is his genuine weirdness and interest in the occult, and how much is him just taking a break by making kids being silly on the internet more mysterious than it is and watching people's reactions.

>> No.7942029
File: 172 KB, 1042x911, cathars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The introduction of Pepe — a manifest frog-entity avatar — is shrouded in even greater obscurity. The memetic phenomenon was (again, apparently) convergent, or coincidental — an entirely independent frog plague (צְּפַרְדֵּעַ, Exodus 7:25–8:15).

>One more coincidence: Outbreak of the ‘cuck‘ meme. (Kek is Kuk.) It’s a definite ‘barbarous name of evocation‘ in retrospect, but mostly still connected around the back. Kek, Kuk, cake, cuck, might sound like consistent croaking, but tidy cultural cladistics are difficult to identify.

have memes gone too far?

>> No.7942471
File: 103 KB, 700x700, cantbedoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, I just spent a few hours looking through their threads. Based on his posts, their admin is unfortunately one of those boringly insecure former goons who can't help himself from projecting like a Dutch porn theater whenever someone dares to confidently disagree with him, and then doubles down when anyone calls him out. It's all "lol go watch ur hentais dumb nerd". Truly dull. I think I'll pass.

>> No.7942560

This is my first post ITT, to be clear. Saw a bunch of people were discussing MPC in a civil and intelligent fashion so I wanted in.

I became aware of MPC circa two years ago, by way of heartiste. The nice thing about reading MPC in between the shitposting, is that its userbase are clearly 'older' men in their 30s and 40s, and so they are somewhat less self-conscious about advancing detailed, unironic opinions on the world, unlike say 4chan's younger userbase who are still reaching out to peers for (Yous), validation, and pointers on how to formulate opinions and what remains of personal identity. (Is 'x' a meme, guys?). Of course they (MPC) do still have their own up/downvote system, so you can choose to pooh-pooh that (the gif's used to denote a post crossing certain thresholds are quite funny), or you could reason that if you don't want to be the admin's monkey... make a forum of your own and be head monkey over there. Finally they really do on occasion write thoughtfully and at length about their racist worldview(s), you just have to know where to look.

To drill into the main users themselves, IIRC encyclopedia dramatica has an unusually helpful page on past information on them, and all their warts. It is claimed that forum admin "Pleasureman" has an asian wife (hypocritically?), if memory serves.

>> No.7942602
File: 57 KB, 460x318, kill-jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, Kermit's wife is just ugly and infertile, not a chinkwife.

Either way, MPC still has TOG posting, and that makes it all worthwhile in my eyes. God bless that crazy, crazy man.

>> No.7942823

i enjoy browsing MPC and you can often find valuable insights there, but when they try to write philosophical treatises they're just in over their heads.

anyway the ethos over there is genuinely anti-elitist, they're decidedly out of the neo-reactionary stream.

>> No.7943145


>> No.7943173


MPC stands for "My Posting Career", and is essentially a small web 1.0 closed forum where an also small group of (mostly) white racists opine on current society and culture. Much in-speak and circlejerking is involved, but it does have a certain cultural influence and range. Imagine a more sophisticated, verbose and thoughtful version of /pol/, which yet hews to much the same ideological line and snark (some will decline to perform this thought-experiment).

As this thread has demonstrated, there are a small coterie of internet users who participate in, or otherwise pay attention to it.

>> No.7943178

Salo is def leaving them in the dust though 2bh, despite most of their OPs just being news articles.

>> No.7943196


oh, what is that? link plx

>> No.7943222
File: 13 KB, 640x320, nick-landweb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nick Land needs more pointless quote images. This is the only way he can become the meme he was meant to be.

>> No.7943224
File: 223 KB, 500x281, mangler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is it with u and buffalo bill dude

>> No.7943229


Younger userbase though, so you're missing out on the comfy racist dad charm.

>> No.7943251

Have you ever considered the possibility that the problem is you?

>> No.7943252


> "How....how do you smile, again...nnnnnngh....okay, I'm almost sure this is it"

>> No.7943268

lol like what

>> No.7943301

Pleasureman is that you?
Same stylistic use of lol and contextual lack of punctuation.

>> No.7943741
File: 489 KB, 2796x1036, Quantum-Quadtric Theory of SincerityIrony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be able to spar with Nick Land on the planes of insanity. What should I read/do to attain his absolutely demonic levels of neurosis?

>> No.7943848
File: 1.22 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20160405-191240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic
Would smoke

>> No.7943856

Is that Tzeentch?

>> No.7944791
File: 27 KB, 218x189, houseofglassshards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Me, individually? Or me as part of the aggregate of anons who bitch about board quality but then do very little to contribute?

In both cases, yes, I have considered the possibility. But then I think, "naahhh, idiots would ruin it all anway, so why bother when I can just move around."

You know, I actually created a board on a certain other website, shilled it super hard. A few people came for a month or so, but nobody stayed. And now that site is dying because of idiots and people are leaving even the "giant" boards. I have the worst timing.

>> No.7944805

You can't create a decent userbase, you can only provide the material and let it grow. Magic is all practice and no theory.

>> No.7944880


Yeah, well, I learned that the hard way. It doesn't help when your potential userbase is probably rare and already has other boards that sort of cater to the same niche. It was, in retrospect, a dumb idea.


Enter a time machine, go to Warwick in the 90's and do a shitload of drugs while reciting experimental poetry.


It is a very nice picture of Tzeentch that some talented anon on /tg/ made ages ago, with Nick Land's head crudely pasted over it. So, still yes.

>> No.7944986
File: 97 KB, 887x500, 11odl9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7945299

Fact: Quantum theory is jewish nonsense

Also fact: I do not believe it

>> No.7945300

>Also fact: I do not believe it

Fact: beliefs are not facts.

>> No.7945321


Fact: a person having a certain belief is a fact

>> No.7945323

>a person is a fact

useless information

>> No.7945858

More on Deleuzian occultism:


>> No.7947487


>> No.7947647 [DELETED] 

Don't go here: http://www.buttes.org/

>> No.7947662

What's Nick Land's best work?

>> No.7948069
File: 210 KB, 500x483, land why i'm antisocial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7948142


Most people don't understand that Nick Lands end goal isn't a conservative utopia where everybody gets along.

In the long run Capitalism will overcode and surpass the human race, the zero degree of acceleration is death. There is no individualism, no happy end, humanity is just a stop-gap to what is happening next.

>> No.7948152


Fanged Noumena

>> No.7948172

i'd be surprised if a single person thought that that was nick land's end goal

>> No.7949622
File: 1.92 MB, 797x897, 1418516276226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think the anon who made this image was conscious of what he was doing?

>> No.7951018


>> No.7951038

Unwritten rule of the internet: If you're part of a delusional and autistic community, you can write paragraphs and paragraphs of retardation and people will actually screencap it and parade it around.

>> No.7951051

That was funny though.

>> No.7951161

Hyperdub records was more or less founded because of Nick Land

>> No.7951163
File: 122 KB, 1222x1222, philosophers chart a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a Zionist useful idiot.

>> No.7951606


What's retarded about what those anons wrote, though?

>> No.7951652

he doesn't give two shits about Israel

>> No.7951657
File: 765 KB, 1928x2098, 1451674343664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone redpill me on this guy. I like what I'm seeing in this thread but I have no idea how any of this coheres.

He's a weirdo fringe philosopher/novelist/poet/video artist? What are the key points of his philosophy?

In exchange I will upload an epub of Odyssey Weeps.

>> No.7951951


Nick Land makes himself purposely difficult to nail down. Wikipedia says he's "continental" but he's not really continental in any way I'm aware of. He's into the transhumanist scene, but instead of saying it would make everything all rosy, he seems to think that whatever we create would basically end human existence as we know it. But that's okay (or rather, inevitable) because the core nature of the universe is devouring horror.

Take your average alt-right ethnonationalist. Remove all the weird dogma and aggression that makes him a pain in the ass to talk to. Introduce Nietzchean reaction to nihilism. Introduce intellectual fascination with the occult. Dial darwinism up to eleven, so that the bloody process of evolution becomes not just a biological rule, but something pretty close to a god (and it's not pretty or glorified, it is unrelenting horror.) Filter the more realistic schools of transhumanist thought through this. Finally, wrap it up in a mind that likes hiding ideas inside ideas inside ideas. You'll have something approaching Nick Land.

>> No.7951962

>Take your average alt-right ethnonationalist.
he rejects both of these while agreeing with a lot of the assumptions

>> No.7951964


That's why I added literally everything else in my post you autist

>> No.7951981

you didn't say anything to indicate that he isn't actually a white nationalist

>> No.7951987


Well there's a distinction between ethnonationalist and white nationalist, so I never said he was a white nationalist in the first place

>> No.7951989

I'd say 95% of people that call themselves ethnonationalists are white

>> No.7951997


I'd bet 95% of people who called themselves libertarian and 95% of people who called themselves nazis were white too, does that mean there's no distinction between the two

Regardless while using the actual word 'ethnonationalist' seems to be a white thing, plenty of non-whites hold essentially ethnonationalist ideologies

>> No.7952021

>plenty of non-whites hold essentially ethnonationalist ideologies
that's definitely true
point is while sympathetic to ethnonationalist arguments, Land doesn't believe in an ethnonationalist society himself

>> No.7952028

"Ethnopluralism" is the new hip thing to say for cucks that are afraid to admit that they're racist.

>> No.7952065

>Wikipedia says he's "continental" but he's not really continental in any way I'm aware of.

All his early work is based on Deleuze & Guattari and Bataille. He even wrote a book on Bataille. That's how he first arrived to this stuff.

>> No.7952071


Yeah, but he accepts a lot of the assumptions. He doesn't believe in ethnonationalism not because he disagrees with racial homgeneity, but because (and I'm making a bit of a leap here) he considers ethnic identity to be based on a sort of populist, demotic urge, and he considers these urges to be extremely destructive.

If ethnonationalism could be imposed from the top-down, without the need to forge a new popular "identity" for the common man (which requires mass politics) then I don't think he'd be opposed to it.

>> No.7952104

his big issue with white nationalism (or ethnonationalism for whites if you want to call it that) is it treats whiteness as an ideology and would necessitate the large scale purging of white people

>> No.7952121


Perhaps for some, but there are many who are trying to build a much broader, metapolitical vision of white nationalism that wouldn't require purging.

Not to mention that quite a few nationalists seem to be eager to split up the nations as they currently are. I've seen more than one basically say that the US should be split up into multiple states. Some of these states would remain multicultural, and that much of the problem for nationalists of "White people who are staunchly opposed to white nationalism" could be solved by these multicultural whites self-sorting themselves into these multicultural areas.

>> No.7952333


Yeah, but simply doing work on continental philosophy doesn't make someone a continental philosopher.

>> No.7952342

I'm not a homosexual.

>> No.7952372

So he's influenced by continentals, writes about continentals, uses the style and concepts of continental philosophers in his own work.

But he's not a continental.

What the fuck are the requirements m8?

>> No.7952453

>Not to mention that quite a few nationalists seem to be eager to split up the nations as they currently are.
this is pretty unique to American nationalism in my experience

>> No.7952505

White Nationalism is an American phenomonan, Europeans have their nations, white American's have nothing and thus flock around racial signifiers. It's sad

>> No.7952521

>meet American
>my Irish heritage is obvious from accent
>American immediately hypes out, "hey I am 3/SQRT(5) Irish man!"
>other Americans appear and shout similarly preposterous numbers, "I'm 4/16th Cherokee with some bits of Bismarck", "two to the power of 8th Prussian!", etc.
>some start to applaud for some reason
>Washington was a mistake

>> No.7952525

de Benoist has been advocating Ethnopluralism for 40 years

>> No.7952537

It's okay if they want to identify around their European heritage but when it's done simply around skin colour its fucking retarded. Most plastic paddies know fuckall about the Irish nation, that's their crime

>> No.7952552

If they actually knew much about the Irish nation, they probably wouldn't be so proud of their heritage.

>> No.7952555
File: 177 KB, 960x305, 1449318388444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope upcoming nationalist revolutions in Europe are explicitly anti-yank

>> No.7952589

>West Brit detected

My former IRA neighbour was lecturing his New Yorker wife about the evils of America as she was crying at the news of 9/11 on the tv kek

>> No.7952752


Euros keep offering this up but I have literally never, ever met an American that does this

>> No.7952755


Their anti-Americanism is likely to be pretty limited seeing as how a lot of their energy is probably going to be derived from the victory of Trump in America

>> No.7953550

>seppo muh heritage fags
the fucking worst

>> No.7954672


>> No.7954691

Yes, but it has not reached the "mainstream" until the 2010s.

>> No.7955845


>> No.7956685
File: 619 KB, 620x620, Nick Land card.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where should I start with Nick Land?
And what should I read before reading Land? Deleuze & Guattari? Bataille? Of those three, what works should I read?

>> No.7956868

If you want the old stuff: Meltdown, Machinic Desire

For the new stuff: The Dark Enlightenment

>> No.7957081

There are 2 countries that have more ethnonationalists than the whole world white population.

>> No.7958152

>(1) Apolitical property. No such reality, or conception, has yet been historically actualized. For as long as property is determined as a social relation, it cannot be. Absolute property is cryptographic. It is held not by social consent, and thus political agreement, but by keys. Fnargl is a provocative thought-experiment, but PKE private keys are a non-negotiable fact. They define the property relation with a rigor the entire preceding history of philosophy and political economy has been unable to attain. Everything that follows from the cryptographic transition — Bitcoin most notably — contributes to the establishment of a property system beyond democratic accountability (and thus insensitive to Voice). Neocameral administration implements a cryptographic state, strictly equivalent to a fully-commercialized government.
What did he mean by this? not memeing, genuinely don't understand how public-key cryptography can define property relation