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/lit/ - Literature

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793022 No.793022 [Reply] [Original]

What's yours, Lit? Are you truly the most intelligent board on 4chan?

>> No.793025
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>> No.793029



>> No.793031

(lol internet IQ tests)

>> No.793032

i don't know

where do i go to take the test

>> No.793033

Seriously this is just dumb

>> No.793034

No idea.

>> No.793043

/lit/ - IQ survey

Mine's about 115

>> No.793050

According to The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale I have an IQ of 128.

And no I didnt take it on the internet.

>> No.793051

Internet told me it was 128.

>> No.793066

The internets say 130 but I'm skeptical that that is much too high. I just think a large portion of the population (i.e. people who think motorcycles are cool/ JEEBUS WILL SAVES US ALL) refuse to think critically about anything so it isn't too important either way. As long as you're willing to think.

>> No.793077


prove me wrong

>> No.793080

Well, going by http://www.iqcomparisonsite.com/GREIQ.aspx my IQ would be ~145. I'm skeptical of that, as it seems to high, and I don't really hold the SAT in high esteem.

>> No.793083


>> No.793109

133 (according to the psychologist I had to go to in the fifth grade because I was a "problem child").

Though I hear IQs can change over time, so I don't think to much about it.

>> No.793121


>> No.793142

I've gotten between 145 and 165 on online and paper IQ tests. *shrug*

>> No.793154
File: 23 KB, 200x306, 200px-Gouldmismeasure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read the The Mismeasure of Man. thatll end your fag IQ trolling.

>> No.793155

I'd be skeptical too. It put me a bit lower based on my GRE score. But, hell, the GRE is a weird creature and I took it the one time. With most standardized tests, you do better each time you tackle it and understand the format better and better. Seems a poor indicator to me.

>> No.793162

Real tests show 132, but when I take those shape-oriented online tests I get much lower. Really my strong point is on verbal sections. Reading comprehension and retention I'm much better at than spatial recognition or memorization.

>> No.793185

121 for real,157 Online Tests.

>> No.793190

im 12 what is this?

>> No.793224

Errors, errors everywhere in the book. Also fallacious arguments. Stephen Jay Gould is overrated.

>> No.793228

Fuck. I didn't sage. Anyway, this thread has nothing to do with literature and is at best a lying contest.

>> No.793235

Had to take a test back in the third or fourth grade, and they told me 144.

>> No.793259

I have a very high difference between my right and left brain functioning. It's hard to take an accurate IQ test because of this; a test with language skills emphasis tells me I'm a genius, while a test with emphasis on mathematics and spatial reasoning tells me I'm dumber than batshit. Best I can give you, left brain functioning puts me in top 1% of the population, right brain functioning puts me in 40-50% (according to the clinical nueropsycologist who tested me).

I's is speshul.

>> No.793262

160 standard

>> No.793263

Did this clinical "nueropsycologist" ask you to drop your pants before he could administer the test?

There aren't any reputable tests that split between "left brain" and "right brain" functioning, because that is a pop-science idea that holds no actual definition in scientific circles. And by your spelling you can clearly make no claim to your linguistic genius. I call BS.

>> No.793287


>> No.793299


Sweetie. I have impaired brain function in my right hemisphere. It's congenital, and shows up as structural abnormalities in an MRI scan. The nueropsych was principally to determine just how bad my spatial perception disability really is (pretty shocking, actually), but also did a complete functional profile while I was

Sorry, darling, but your favourite bugbear doesn't apply to me. And I'd suggest you check your research before you scream 'pop psychology' and masturbate to your internet IQ score.

Also, nawam evir sad e spet wel.

>> No.793308

So what happened? Did you take too much Substance D?

>> No.793311


>> No.793312

It's congenital, so is probably a result of the poster's mother drinking too much Alcohol.

>> No.793314


'Congenital' meaning I was born with it. You'd have to ask my parents. Wouldn't put it past them, actually.

>> No.793318

her mother was an alcohol and its destroying her family

>> No.793321
File: 78 KB, 300x375, derr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her mother was an alcohol and its destroying her family

>> No.793389

Ever see an IQ thread on gamefaqs? A statistically impossible legion of geniuses will appear out of thin air. Magic!

>> No.793394

never taken an IQ test, but I'd reckon around 130

>> No.793397


Of course I never trust those things. I figure I'm at about 110, 115 maybe. People say I make them feel stupid when I talk to them, but it could just be me having a pretentious tone of voice.

>> No.793398

i thought this was /fit/

>> No.793400

i hate people who measure self-worth with iq. they are people who believe that they are too smart for the world and never accomplish anything with their life. in the end you will be judged by your works.

>> No.793402

170 lol, had to take a test back in the day

yeah, pretty smart lol

>> No.793404

When I took a real pen-and-paper one when I was like, 7, I scored 150. But I don't know now.

>> No.793411




>> No.793413

Oh no. Someone on the internet called me a liar. It must be true, then.

>> No.793434


>> No.793435

You mad?

>> No.793437
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>> No.793438

At six I tested amazingly, according to my dad. Fifteen years later I have no idea.

>> No.793450

Feeling insecure?

>> No.793482

>english lit majors

>> No.793483

A single number is not a terribly good way to express the measure of someone's intelligence.

>> No.793490


I dunno, from taking a few internet tests I got... 132? Or something.

>> No.793496


Depends on how precise and accurate and expressive the number is. But I agree with the sentiment.

That said, sage for goddamn iq threads.

>> No.793504

( 101 → 202 → 303 → 404 )

>> No.793520
File: 53 KB, 1147x215, IQ test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never done an IQ test that wasn't taken on the internet but I just did this one and got 144.

>> No.793525

Internet IQ test always give you a higher score than you deserve to convince you to buy the full results and "intelligence profiles" and "High IQ Society Memberships" and the other crap they sell.

>> No.793528

If the figures in this thread are indeed true, then given the state of /lit/ it only proves that IQ is not meaningful.

>> No.793547

130 using a MENSA test :|

>> No.793553


>> No.793580

Eleventy hundred.

>> No.793590

By taking the online IQ test, you have already failed the actual intelligence test.

>> No.793598

is over 9000 a valid answer?

short of that, who fucking cares.

im a newfag, and, wat; i choose my boards carefully.

>> No.793602

>pete & pete
ok ill post in your crappy thread, YOU WIN THIS TIME ARTIE

>> No.793611


oh wait, u win.

>> No.793614

124 - Real IQ test
155 - Internet lolz test

>> No.793615




>> No.793643

maybe they're starting to realize how it doesn't matter you nitpicking faggot

is this your culture? it's not real

>> No.793671


dont you know as a /b/tard that everything is fiction until you prove it?

Oh wait, we're in /lit/ nao.


>> No.793673

/sci/ is more intelligent. It doesn't require a great deal of intelligence to be able to interpret literature.

>> No.793674

>to troll badly.

>> No.793675

Never been tested for reals, but on the Internet ones I usually score around 115-120.

Not that intelligent, yeah.

>> No.793682


>graven word is so difficult.

maybe i should tripfag this scene

>> No.793686

The IQ debate seems to be a huge thing but honestly, I'm quite jaded with the concept...I don't think a number can quantify a man's usefulness....what's the good of a 150 super genius IQ if you can't, say, change your own oil or change a damn lightbulb.

>> No.793694


>run on sentences do not make the man.

I agree with your sentiment, sir.

>> No.793695

Sure it's full of trolls, but the ones who aren't are generally smarter.

>> No.793701


>> No.793705


How do you tell the difference between the trolls and the know it alls?

>> No.793711

the know-it-alls are just trolling themselves

they're one in the same my child, one in the same

>> No.793720

IQ is a measurement of foolishness

>> No.793859

I'd rather think of my intelligence as limitless and ever growing, as opposed to subjecting myself to tests classing and grading me in a system with predetermined boundaries.

I've never taken an IQ test and don't really plan on doing so.

>> No.793904
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>> No.793918

I've got 158 and am a member of mensa.
And yes, those two cancel each other out.

>> No.793922

138 when I tested with actual psychologist and pen and paper when I was 9

ten years later on an online test I got 128.

it's not really important, but it's fun to know.

>> No.793924

IQ is not really a good measurement since people who talk about IQ thinks its something inherited. But fact is you can train it, which means that IQ is just an expression of how good your education in solving mathematical puzzles are.

>> No.793928

oh and i'm between 110 and 121
Depends on the spread of whatever

>> No.793932


it's a mix of both from what I understand. If your father is a genius, there is a VERY good chance that you will have a high IQ score. However, there is usually a give or take 20 points than can change with education and upbringing. Which is why kids who come from dumb crack selling parents but are raised by intelligent middle class parents aren't the same as either set of parents. If they're crack selling parents had an IQ of 100 but their middle class parents had an IQ of 140. The child will probably never be at 140, but there is a very good chance, if the middle class parents educate them well, that their IQ could be 120.

>> No.793934

132 by a psychologist. Too lazy to take an online test.

>> No.793937

Ranging from 110 to 145 depending on tests/age. I love telling people this, but I never bring it up because I'll seem like I'm bragging.

Which I do, once the subject is brought up. I'm just so full of myself. Cheeky bastard I am.

>> No.793940

When I took an IQ test in Kindergarten, they said it was 120 something.

>> No.793958

I tested at 165 (Stanford-Binet) when I was 12.

But, when I was 13, my mental state deteriorated, and so I am now a Schizophrenic Late teenager with an abnormally high IQ.

>> No.793962
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> He thinks he has mental issues when really he just wants attention!

>Everyone on 4chan is a self-proclaimed genius! What news!

>> No.793972

139 -- internet IQ test taken while blind drunk.

>> No.794024

149 according to a Mensa test I took. (IRL, not online.)

>> No.794026

>ITT lies

>> No.794029

I took a real test and got 145 when I was 18 (18 years ago). On Internet-based tests I tend to get between 140 and 165. I'm actually pretty smart, so I think those numbers are meaningful, but my life really isn't that much better for being intelligent. I'm a ridiculously unfocused dilettante, and my career plateaued years ago. At least I have a smart wife, and if I were dumb I think that wouldn't have been very likely.

>> No.794031


>> No.794071

6 or 7 hundred

>> No.794079

I had to scored 135 to get into the private school I'm currently in. I doubt those are very accurate indicators of intelligence though. More, who has the time to sit around playing puzzles to try to prove their superiority...

>> No.794081


Oh, the irony....

>> No.794098

Couldn't you just study that which is generally on IQ tests to improve your score?

Can it really define your innate intelligence?

>> No.794100

I only took one test ever, and I scored 142. I was very young though and they said it was age weighted, so who the fuck knows what that means in absolute terms.

>> No.794108


i generally go by 148

>> No.794111

I think you generally go by 160
the rule of IQ seems to be either actual IQ +10 or just plain made up

>> No.794122

>generally go by

Really, "generally"? I don't think I've ever been asked the question, other than on 4chan.

>> No.794128

Wouldn't it make more sense to tell you your IQ is low and then sell you products designed to make you better at their spurious little tests, so that they can pretend you've seen results?

That's what I'd do.
In fact, starting a website.

>> No.794132

I just took a test. According to it, I'm about 112.
Which is average.

I'm satisfied.

>> No.794139

Your solution requires that the customer do work to improve themselves, whereas what these companies offer is a quick, easy way to feel superior right now.

>> No.794144

It's within the standard deviation. Which means you are statistically equal to someone with an IQ of 85. I say fuck statistics.

>> No.794148

He's the only one in this thread that gave his real IQ
I say he's the smartest

>> No.794165


I'm >>794100 and that's 100% the truth. Like I said, I don't know what that means for me as an adult, but that's what they told me. I'm pretty sure 142 is genius or near-genius level and let me tell you I sure don't feel like a genius.

>> No.794180

near genious, genious is above 145

>> No.794184

I has an IQ of 131.... so I am pretty stuipid.

>> No.794191

nobody should give a fuck about about a faggot Number .... go have some cannibalistic Sex and sleep well

>> No.794192

>took an IQ test, did poorly

>> No.794202

I got an IQ test when I was fifteen. 145