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7938553 No.7938553 [Reply] [Original]

what books have you stopped reading before they were over?

i've only quit sartre's "nausea" because it made me feel like pic related was writing. awful prose.

>> No.7938569

sickness unto death.

the entire book was basically "muh feels." I just kept imagining him thinking to himself as he wrote... "they'll never guess that this hypothetical, desperate character is actually me, Soren! hehe."

>> No.7938584

A brave new world, what a boring, awful book with zero redeeming qualities

>> No.7938622

oh! i completely forgot that i started to read this. i agree, what a waste of paper.

>> No.7938625
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I have a mirror in my bathroom, thanks.

>> No.7938632


>> No.7938639

The Savage Detectives. The 63% was 62% more than I ever needed to read.

>> No.7938662

War & War by Krasznahorkai

I really don't mind run-on sentences (I'm actually a fan of Thomas Bernhard whom Krasznahorkai seems to idolize and shamelessly pilfer from), but I couldn't stand the narrative tone, the themes or the characters of this book.
I've tried to get into Krasznahorkai multiple times and I've come to learn that I can't tolerate his mediocre prose and his penchant for the vulgar. It's a shame, since Bela Tarr's film adaptations of his novels are actually good.

>> No.7938850

HMMM the Mortal Instruments series, Game of Thrones, Critique of Pure Reason (for it's difficult, not because it sucks) and there's probably more that i can't really remember. I either stop because they suck or they are too difficult

>> No.7938862

Infinite Jest
Was thoroughly memed.

>> No.7939246

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Never got into them as a kid and so decided to finally read them as a twentysomething because everyone my age still spouts on about them endlessly. Rowling isn't a bad writer, but I just couldn't get into it. Maybe I'll try again this summer.

>> No.7939296

Infinite Jest
House of Leaves
Great Expectations

I have a rule for myself when I read. If I give it a 100 page attempt and it's still not interesting, I drop it. These three all failed me in that rule.

>> No.7939310

I've read everything I've attempted but what I hated most was by far The Sun Also Rises. It was so unbelievably bland.

>> No.7939312

Pinochio when i was in a third grade xd

>> No.7939317

Mark twains connecticut yankee in king arthurs court.

The funny thing is the book made me laugh and was entertaining but it felt so outdated, and he kept bashing on the church and how uneducated they were hanging out with a bunch of peasants and knights who went questing all day. Way too much preaching for a simple time travelling book.

It got on my nerves and i stopped halfway.

>> No.7939331

>awful prose.

lmao. Pls OP, drop out of your cc already.

>> No.7939452

kant's writing is unbelievably belabored. i had to read it part and parcel.

maybe you should have lowed your expectations… but i too thought HoL was uninteresting. i want to like it, though.

>> No.7939463

Would have done so with Siddharta if I hadn't read it in ~30 minutes.

>> No.7939468

Island is even worse. BNW is one of the worst books I've ever read in my life though.

>> No.7939474

Oliver Twist

>> No.7939484

which translation are you reading? it makes a lot of difference with that book

>> No.7939493
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>> No.7939500
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Was pretty clearly intended for a teenaged audience though, so I can't hate too much on it. I probably would have liked it if I had read it at 13.

>> No.7939507

Blood Meridian
It was painfully dull and making me fall asleep as I read it.

>> No.7939518

Same, the hype around it is completely unwarranted but at least it's better than 1984. Seriously why do people fall for the edgy future government meme?

>> No.7939520

Anatomy Lesson - Pee Pee Roth
White Noise - DeLilo

>true patrician taste beyond current trends confirmed

Roth was particularly awful

>> No.7939522

The Last English King
>decent for the first half, great historical research on English society and structure as well as some nice bits from around Europe and the near east in the early medieval
>characters are interesting enough, Harold and William's dynamic is done well
>author starts inserting all this gay shit, including heavily descriptive homosexual relationship between Edward the Confessor and Tostig Godwinson
>think "alright at least its well written and not distasteful, I've got no problem with historical liberties for the sake of a good story"
>more gay shit with main character/narrator and his guide and homoerotic Edward-William relationship
>gay bits start become VERY descriptive
>mary sue Greek guide starts wanking off for chapters about how Muslims dindu nuffin and are the best ever while christianity is shit and and are pure evil and everything is better under islam
>gay paedophile Byzantine emperor

had to stop reading there, I usually hate to not finish a book but that was too much.

>> No.7939530

the Years of Rice and Salt
Jesus Christ I'm too big of a Rorke for that shit

>> No.7939531
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Why would you read anything else by Roth? American Pastoral should have clued you in as to what to expect.

>> No.7939540

I enjoyed that when I was much younger, but now I think Twain is tediously fedora, even though I'm about as anti-religion as they come.

>> No.7939629

It was my first Roth, If I recall correctly I paid $2 for it

>> No.7939756

Dinesen's Winter Tales. So preachy! There was just something so patronizing, didactic, I don't know. I was expecting the ultimate comfy book for a winter evening, and it is in style, but there was something very aggravating underneath. I can't explain very well my visceral disdain for that book.

>> No.7941141

The Fountainhead

Got a free copy in 8th grade after writing an essay. It just kinda started to drag a bit about a third of the way through. Maybe some day I'll pick it back up, but for now, nah.