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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 75 KB, 850x400, quote-to-love-money-is-to-know-and-love-the-fact-that-money-is-the-creation-of-the-best-power-ayn-rand-70-31-48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7931747 No.7931747 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished reading Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged. Why does lit hate Rand and her book?

>> No.7931748

How very un-Christian of her.

>> No.7931764

The same reason everyone else does. It's not just a /lit/ thing.

>> No.7931776

Because the free market is always right, but most people haven't realized this yet.

Also all governments are useless bureaucracies. Oh, and labor is useless without job creators. If we didn't have job creators, we'd all starve.

>> No.7931792

A fitting quote for this welfare queen.

>> No.7931805
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>passkey to trade your effort for the effort of the best among men

yeah i guess since money literally is designed as a more convenient method of the barter system which allows people to exchange commodities that were created through effort. More money implies buying things that command more money and therefore required better/more effort.

ok fair enough

>money is the creation of the best power within you

what now? "power within me"? is she implying that the amount of money i'm making is in proportion to how "internally powerful" I am? I'm genuinely curious. I don't understand this part. Can human worth be measured by how much money he's making? is that what she's suggesting? what dos she mean by "best power within you" ?

>> No.7931811


for christ's sake, if you're gonna bait at least do it properly. if this pitiful piece of shit is the best you could possibly vomit, consider ending it now

>> No.7931818

Hey, if you want to critique the economic system that gave you your computer, the food that sustains you, your home, your government, and every good thing in the modern world, then go right ahead. I am not the target. My argument is.

>> No.7932425
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I suppose its a little preachy, but I liked it. Then again I have a bias towards capitalism.

>> No.7932433

That's a very valid argument in 1940s America.

>> No.7932440

It's not the book , mate, it's the army of retards who have abused it. Also, Rand was kind of despicable.

>> No.7932441

Fountainhead is actually a good book and probably the closest a woman will ever get to producing /red pill/ material.

>> No.7932450

/lit/ is overwhelmingly liberal. I mean there was a thread just a few days ago where a ton of these faggots admitted to posting on Reddit.
It's a nice place to discuss literature though, probably the best online, so you just kind of ignore it.

>> No.7932452


>It's a nice place to discuss literature though, probably the best online

not sure if actually this retarded or just bait.

>> No.7932479

It's essentially a science fiction story where being rich= smarter than everyone else (Rand's vision, presumedly, does not include reality television or sports). The smart/rich are misunderstood outsiders.
Real life misunderstood outsiders read pic related and become obsessed with grandiose fantasies where they are actually smarter than everyone around them, but the normies hold them back.
It's a powerful fantasy and it fuels 75% of /lit/.

>> No.7932483

Reading the fountainhead currently, so far so good

>> No.7932524

>Because the free market is always right,
What are externalities.

Or are they an evil Keynesian conspiracy designed to shackle the glorious hand of the free market?

>> No.7932534

>Because the free market is always right
topkek slave mentality right there

>> No.7932535


What the hell does liberal even mean in the States?

Where I live, liberalism is free market economy and social liberalism. But it seems like liberalism means something else in the states.

>> No.7932551


Yeah, it's our term for "left wing" though some of us use "neo-liberalism" in the sense you mean when talking stuff on a global scale and "classical liberal" in the sense you mean when talking stuff on a domestic scale.


She has a small and (relatively influential) group of supporters. In high school, I had to read The Fountainhead because one member of the school board insisted on it. The teacher hated it.

Plus I'm sure you already know that Alan Greenspan was in her circle and Paul Ryan cited her as an influence.

>> No.7932594 [DELETED] 

The free market creates tyranny ofv low- brow , pkeb tier, mediocrity.
The free market us Miley Cyrus, Cheetos, hip-hop, cuntry Western, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Hunger Games, Batman.
The free market is a blind- idiot god that thinks you can cut taxes and increase spending, that science is a hoax. The free market can't read it understand how to count change when I buy things from minimum wage clerkscat the store. The free market is an artificially supported economic model that relies on governments to even exist so we can pretend money has value and enforce laws to preserve that imaginary value. The free market is does not supercede physical laws like entropy

>> No.7932614


Too bad no such thing exists, and probably never will.

>> No.7932625

The free market creates tyranny of low- brow , plebian, mediocrity.
The free market is Miley Cyrus, Cheetos, hip-hop, cuntry Western, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Hunger Games, Batman, WalMart, Phoenix Online University, Kim Kardashian and One Direction.
The free market is a blind- idiot god that thinks you can cut taxes and increase spending, that science is a hoax; the free market can barely read. The free market is minimum wage store clerk who can't count change. The free market is an artificially supported economic model that relies on governments to even exist so we can pretend money has value and enforce laws to preserve that imaginary value. The free market does not supercede physical laws like entropy. The free market beleives in unlimited resources and is dependant on loans from China to do open shop and do business every morning.
The free market creates jobs in Mexico and Korea to manufacture useless garbage for unemployed Americans.
The free market does not create John Gault.

>> No.7932629

because she says things like that quote, hers is a philosophy lower than even analytic philosophy.

>> No.7932658


Very rarely do I actually see anybody come with some sort of valid critique of her on this board. It's usually just "She's shit and I don't even have to argue it".

Elaborate or stop shitposting.

>> No.7932667

>Agree with me or stop posting

>> No.7932691

Is money a spook?

>> No.7932707
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>> No.7932729

I unlike most people am capable of genuinely enjoying a good story while ignoring her ill\f founded political ideology.

>> No.7932764

Because it's an overlong, really boring, poorly writen rant?

If it didn't support the current mode of capitalism it would be pretty obscure

>> No.7932791

Because it's her worst book

>> No.7932809

>implying it's even a good story

>> No.7932860

I'll bite. The majority of her followers are absolute asshats and far too vocal about it, blind to their faults and unwilling to consider the possibility that Rand's ideas were underdeveloped and imperfect. Or rather, at the very least imperfect for the modern world. It also doesn't help that Rand's writing is often extremely underwhelming, as noted by her blatant marty-stu in atlas shrugged among others.

Despite all this, I personally enjoy her works very much and I'm not really opposed to the core her ideas. But really, all things considered I don't blame people for detesting her the way they do.

>> No.7932932

'Liberal' in the States nowadays means you are in favor of government control or regulation of X for the betterment of minority populations. They also include overall tax hikes and progressive taxes in order to 'pay' for the increases in welfare spending, and a globalist Wilsonian foreign policy
'Conservative' in the States is more or less supply-side economics, interventionist nation-building, globalism, and basic neo-conservatism

>> No.7932944
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>free market
kek. we've never had a free market system. i thought the bailouts made this painfully obvious to everyone. guess not.

ayn rand is a horrible philosopher and a terrible fiction writer. her philosophy basically states that people should follow their own self-interests. the problem with this is that it creates a competitive atmosphere, where people are doing whatever they can to get what they want. it creates a system of powerful sociopathic and psychopathic people, who care little of the consequences of their own actions.
"I got mine, so fuck you," is basically the modern summation of rand and her work. if you want to live in that kind of world, go ahead. i personally think if humanity could pool together its resources and work cooperatively, the world would be a better place. focus on the group and not just the selfish individual.

>> No.7932959

I read Atlas Shrugged pretty recently. the first half was a completely valid critique of bureaucracy, the part of where people died in the train in the tunnel was brilliant. But ever since she started to explore her ideal state, that is Atlantis it was just pure desillusion.

First thing that happens is that the main character receives free medical care from someone who abhors free medical care.

And then it just goes on like that pretending that capitalist ideals lead to perfection without reasoning for how the middle steps work out.

>> No.7932962

>we've never had a free market system
Well it depends on what you mean by 'free market'
If by free market you mean an unregulated market free from any government influence that allows free enterprise to supposedly create the perfect society on the basis of supply and demand, then yes you are correct
If by free market you mean a globalist, no tariff world economy in which multi-national corporations are able to transport goods at little to no cost to them, then you are whole-heartedly wrong

>> No.7932970

Just because A = A, it doesn't mean A is true,

Oh, and the Galt Engine is a perpetual motion machine. So the only things from preventing the wise from achieving utopia are the laws of thermodynamics.

>> No.7932996

Well, to give the idea credit, there is the concept of enlightened self-interest, where you willingly pay taxes for a fire department and a social safety net because you realize it might be your house that could burn down or your fortune that fails next time.

Hubris and magical thinking tends to stand in the way of this strategy, however.

>> No.7933014

/lit/ hates Ayn Rand because she preaches that work ethic and sacrifice will make you wealthy. Everyone here spent four years in college on a bullshit degree and are now mad that they're not well off while their STEM friends are living the life.

>> No.7933021

That woman looks like Tom Waits' voice.

>> No.7933022

because they'd rather live on the East Berlin side

>> No.7933031

m8 if you take randy anus seriously your brain doesn't work properly. Somethings are just so stupid they're beneath criticism, shes famous because greedy cunts think she validates them, no one could be intellectually stimulated by her if they tried.

>> No.7933087

Not at all what Rand's talking about. Way to mix words and meanings, though.

>> No.7933107


I'm just going to drop this here for all the haters.

>> No.7933531


>> No.7933555
File: 52 KB, 876x493, Asia Pope 5 Things to Know-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rand's work is so thoroughly un-Christian that I almost wonder if she wasn't secretly a devil-worshipper. Her thinking is Satanic, and Objectivists are not to be tolerated in any capacity. Round them up and butcher them.

>> No.7933686

Someone has a hate boner for individualism.

>> No.7933694

this is your mind on ayn rand

>> No.7933697

That quote makes Rand seem like she doesn't understand the implications of the ownership of production and its effects on money gathering. Stupid bourgeoisie bitch.

>> No.7933708

Fountainhead is actually worth reading. After reading Atlus shrugged, I got why people hate Rand so much. But I've never gotten why people like to shit on th fountainhead too. From what I remember, it was a well crafted novel that didn't even get close to how preachy atlas shrugged was.

>> No.7933733

>stupid bourgeoisie bitch
three words that describe ayn rand.

>> No.7933814

> /red pill/ material.


>> No.7934507

You haven't read it so you can't say shit

>> No.7934528

Kek. 'She hurts my eyes like 40+ years of whiskey and cigar smoke...'

>> No.7934675

Any of you read We the Living? I rarely see it mentioned on any of the boards I visit. I'm just starting it, but it seems pretty good.

I've read Fountainhead,Atlas, and Anthem, and Fountainhead was my favorite of the lot.

>> No.7934708

>People don't realize you're spouting Rands mentality.

>> No.7934724

In my opinion, We The Living is the one book of hers that everyone should read. She doesn't really try to hook you in on her ideology as much as Atlas Shrugged, Anthem, etc. This book is more like an anecdotal account of the red army taking over possessions. It doesn't push for blatant anarcho-capitalism as much as it just shows you how pure statism can be hell. it's not as popular because it doesn't make some crazy statement.

>> No.7934731

Skip Rand and read Robert Nozick.

If you're going to be a greedy douchebag, at least be rational about it.

>> No.7934790

Which book

>> No.7934794

Anarchy, State, and Utopia.

>> No.7934900


Which part of Howard Rorak was greedy? If anything, he was giving; just not in the sense of charitable giving.

>> No.7935212


Her ethics are terrible and also her writing is terrible.

>> No.7935220 [SPOILER] 
File: 125 KB, 775x504, 1460959101277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7935232

"Liberal" has become an insult for people who favor feels over reals, push progressiveness, possibly supports third wave feminism, and argues as though they as an individual are the entirety of the left(speaking for others when they aren't asked to".

>> No.7935274
File: 230 KB, 1280x720, ayn rand america greatest country.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wew lad

>> No.7935305

>liberalism is ... social liberalism
You're not supposed to re-use the word to be defined in the definition.

>> No.7935311


When you base your whole civilization around 'shopping', don't expect civilized results.

>> No.7935315

Here you, cockrider: http://www.nowandfutures.com/large/On-the-Randian-Argument-Nozick.pdf

>> No.7935705


This is so fucking good anon.

what have you been reading?

>> No.7935742

It's a fun book if you ignore some qualities but I thought there was quite a few nice speeches in there, all went to shit once they found the magic motor though but otherwise not as terrible as people make it out to be. Lots just parrot others to fit in and act superior.

>> No.7935871

Atlas Shrugged is only good until the end of Part 1 and reading the insanely long speech by Galt that never ends. Everything else is meh as fuck, especially when you finally meet John Galt and he's the most vanilla boring fuck character in the book. It's extremely disappointing when you hype a character the entire book only for him to be completely passive and without character.

I think the unintentional funniest part of Atlas Shrugged is when Rearden start cheating on his wife and Dagny hooks up with him, some random store clerks notices that they're obviously having sex and cheating and points it out. They both try to bullshit that they're not cheating, then stumble to explain themselves for why it's alright. This random character who's neither a parasite nor an uberman hero objectivist just calls out the hypocrisy and the book just tries to ignore that exchange. It's so weird.
Rand once said that if you understand a person's sexual preferences, you can completely understand their philosophy. So it's funny that she wanted a man to completely dominate her. And I guess it's ironic that she surrounded herself with passive men her whole life.

I think that the part that showed the true flaw in her thinking wasn't collecting welfare near the end of her life but how she treated Nathaniel Branden. Rand claims that finding happiness should be the goal of all individuals but when Nathaniel finally came out and told her that he's been cheating on his wife and Rand to another woman he truly loved, a person that would bring him actual happiness, Rand completely tried to destroy him.
She ignored her rationality and philosophy for her emotions and desires.

>> No.7936179

the free market creates a habitable living space for the poor and a world that they can live and dream in. They become completely separated from the day to days of the wealthy and powerful.It allows contemporary world's to exist where educated, wealthy continue to succeed and progress while the poor reap the small benefits while buying into it.

It's the only political system that allows this.

>> No.7936199
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>> No.7936214

Hey, some of us are socialist.

>> No.7937637

Capitalism and art do not go well with each other, although free markets (In my mind a free market does not equal no government in it, but one where government steps in for externalities and to ensure competition, essentially to correct market failures) tend to do rather well materially for the majority of people, if not aesthetically.

>> No.7938730

Because /lit/ is infected with reds, and she is the best type of person, to roll out too piss off those wastes of flesh off.

>> No.7938732

If anything what he's saying is the opposite of boot licking.

>> No.7938735

You mean, reality?

>> No.7938738

All are one in Christ Jesus.

>> No.7938743
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God I love all the butt hurt you made. Also checked for that glorious Yankee get.

>> No.7939739


>> No.7939742

you are clueless

>> No.7939749

>I got mine
>that people should follow their own self-interests

do you have any problem with this apart from "muh hippie feels"?

the individual has no obligation to society. didn't stirner endorse egotism too? ayn rand might be a specious sophist cunt but you're not being any better by citing these retarded arguments against egotism.

game theory would recommend the rational individual to be an egotist anyway.

>> No.7939771

Dunno about you guys but I love Rand's books. Her style is just so grand and gripping, and her idealistic characters are damn inspirations (Howard Roark was my hero back then)

>inb4 some generic insult about her being bland
>inb4 some shitty irrelevant comment

>> No.7939837

Because the message she tries to get across throughout the entire book is completely wrong.

Someone really needs to write a book that has the underlying meaning of showing how Atlas Shrugged is wrong.

>> No.7939852

Billionaires exist while children die of starvation, it's not always right

>> No.7939853

Im reading Fountainhead right now, I'm literally Howard Roark :/

>> No.7939858

Stupid question

But how is Dagny pronounced?

I have heard dag-Knee
And Dog-Knee but with a less harsh G sound
But other people have said its dutch or something so the G is silent

>> No.7939907
File: 114 KB, 711x421, ayn rand baddas quotes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello everyone, I am the anon who has an ayn rand fetish. Does anyone else share my point of view?
>she will never dominate you

>> No.7939982

How incredibly fitting.

>> No.7940009

I'm really sorry. Reality is not objective.

>> No.7940045

This t b q h she doesn't think critically and says stupid shit with an extremely farcical understanding of free-market economics. She's a PHILOSOPHER though so people can quote her to save face.

>> No.7940054

Could be wrong, but I think the distinction between the two is that Rand aims to justify her ethics, while Stirner eschews even his own morality in order to choose what he wills.

>> No.7940209
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>What is man? He's just a collection of chemicals with delusions of grandeur.

too goddamn deep

>> No.7940338

i liked Atlas Shrugged.
All this social model is stupid and unrealistic (socialism in theory is also superb).
I liked Hanks and Dagny's D/s relationship. I'm into BDSM myself, so.. yeah.
Also, how main characters value themselves ant their self-esteem via their work.

>> No.7940458


then i reject rand.
but what argument can one bring against stirner?

>> No.7940956


>implying government is a good thing

>> No.7941055

Atlas Shrugged is neat if you read it as a case study on how to run a society through resentment.

The logic of Objectivism is that Altas carries a globe, which is a burden to him, and if he were to just shrug it off he would be personally better off, and that he has no real reason to live for other people.

Ayn Rand is so balls deep in the logic of capitalism that she doesn't realise money and happiness and self fulfillment aren't the only things people need. The weird persecution and rage that comes from the idea of benefit scroungers/welfare queens/whatever actually fills a very deep need for a lot of middle and upper class people. If you listen to them -really listen to them- you'll realise they're not complaining about social policy, they're just complaining for the sake of complaining, like there's a big gaping hole in their soul that they'll fill with any old rubbish, even something as rubbish as resentment, just to fill it.

It's easy to say that Atlas would be better off without the globe, but who would he even be without the globe? Would he even have a story? Do you know how hard it is to live without a story or an identity? Atlas could toss off the globe and become anything he wants. But the infinite possibilities are scary and the resentment he feels towards to globe will always be affirming and can even be strangely comforting. That's what she misses.

>> No.7941156

Says the boot licker.

>> No.7943012

>she doesn't realise money and happiness and self fulfillment aren't the only things people need.
I don't think she ever implies that, just that happiness should be the goal everyone should strive for, which is basically the American dream.

But I think that perhaps capitalism itself ends up giving those things as needs rather than anything else. Hedonism, money and self fulfillment are most likely what capitalism can provide the most.

>> No.7943026


>no reference as to when and/or where she said and/or wrote that
