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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 93 KB, 424x283, world-globe-on-an-open-book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7935596 No.7935596 [Reply] [Original]

what is the most /lit/ city in the world? Where would I go to surround myself with other literate people?

>> No.7935597

sarajevo, many literate cuties too

>> No.7935601

Probably Prague. I rented an apt there for a few months and there were so many young, beautiful people all over the city.

>> No.7935606

Hard to say. Concord Massachusetts is a really cool place to go if you live on the east coast and are looking for a /lit/ sort of vacation. The place is totally fucking fantastic, I imagine in the autumn it would practically be sublime.

>> No.7935609

>The place is totally fucking fantastic, I imagine in the autumn it would practically be sublime.

this sentence made me want to never visit concord

>> No.7935611

We all know it's New York, stop beating around the bush, people.

>> No.7935612

Probably Beijing, desu.

>> No.7935640

why the hell would it be 北京?

>> No.7935643

>wanting to "surround yourself" with any type of people

I'm in London and the art scene is ok although it's dominated by edgy snowflakes.

>> No.7935648


Seattle. All that rain forces people to do something with themselves inside, after all.

>> No.7935651

If you don't want to surround yourself with people who like what you like then I feel sorry for you.

>> No.7935655


It's probably less that and more "I don't want to surround myself with people like me." I might just be projecting, though.

>> No.7935656
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Is there that much rain really?

>> No.7935658

The Internet.

>> No.7935663


>> No.7935665

I don't surround myself with anybody. /lit/ fulfills my social needs.

>> No.7935667

>Where would I go to surround myself with other arrogant faggot people

>> No.7935676

I think arrogant people are chill. They have fragile egos and you can befriend them easily.

>> No.7935741

Vienna, unless you believe Bernhard's ramblings.

>> No.7935815

I'm in 台北, faggotron.

>> No.7935824

Your brain and idea of a good time is all fucked my man
I feel you, positively revolting.
This, can't wait until cities are cleansed in righteous fire.

>> No.7935832

where are the lit people in vindobona?

>> No.7935839
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>> No.7935869

If you live in London you obviously want to surround yourself with BBC and Muslims

>> No.7935877
File: 522 KB, 760x464, dove_cottage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>living in a behavioral sink
>living in a "cosmopolitan metropolis"

I hope you realise that forcing people to live together in cities is essentially torture.

>> No.7935883
File: 97 KB, 620x388, the destruction of sodom and gomorrah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>art scene
Nearly vomited reading that.

Burn it all and kill all who remain within its walls

>> No.7935960

Dark Souls 3 has such nice concept art, m8.

>> No.7936080

toronto, canada

>> No.7936170


>> No.7936171

english art is so bad

>> No.7936194

Our 20th century artists were good you barstool.
God this is like the sausage argument all over again.

>> No.7936280


>> No.7936310

is that why all the notable modernist movements are from continental europe, russia, and america?

>> No.7936328

Valencia, Spain. Como t pase x aki t reviento la boca

>> No.7936342

Oh the movements sure, totes, I was just talking about individual artists.
W-we invented lead glass and associated glass styles as well!

>> No.7936367

Ahahahahaha a la cama Juan

>> No.7936370

oh yeah there were a few, i remember now

>> No.7936400

Are you actually from Valencia?

Do you attend the university? I have a friend who goes there though he's not /lit/.

>> No.7937147

Tulsa, Oklahoma

>> No.7937177

Either this or Lubbock, Texas.

>> No.7937179

St. Petersburg

>> No.7937207

Wow, I knew America was full of plebs, but I hadn't realized how pleb the UK has become. Also, I'm shocked Australia reads more than both the US and UK. I figured they'd be near the bottom. Guess I shouldn't believe the stereotypes.

>> No.7937216


>> No.7937287

-la-Chapelle ou -en-Provence?

>> No.7937595
File: 2.60 MB, 2272x1404, Geneve_Granges_2-8_-_2011-08-08_17_58_08_PICT3696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geneva, Switzerland.

"Of all the cities in the world, of all the intimate motherlands a man hopes to encounter in the course of his voyages, Geneva seems to me the most propitious for happiness."

- J. L. Borges

>> No.7937608


>> No.7937946

Is this still true after the muslim invasion?

>> No.7938034

Czech Republic it is

>> No.7938110

Frenchfags pls go

>> No.7938201


C'mon frog, don't play coy. You know which one I mean.

>> No.7938239

I see people reading on the New York subway a lot. Most of them are reading shit but every now and then somebody is reading something that looks interesting. I'm tempted to try to start a conversation but I'm sure if I ever did,it would go something like.
Me: I loved that book you're reading.
Reader: You must be a fag then, because this is the gayest shit I ever read. Come here let me stab you with this switchblade.
(Reader stabs me.)

>> No.7938244

It depends, you're probably thinking of arrogance a la ezra pound, but there are some genuinely narcissus people who are varying degrees of insufferable. Ie: elliot rodgers

>> No.7938247

Maybe, but nobody will want to talk to you about it

>> No.7938254

Oxford, UK.

>> No.7938372

what's good about t.

>> No.7938396
File: 45 KB, 550x363, longfellow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boston metro area. There are so many good universities and hospitals here that it's hard not to meet really brilliant people and easy as pie to see a lecture from pretty much any luminary alive.

Downside is that it's expensive, but if you live in Allston, Brighton or Somerville with roommates it's manageable.

>> No.7938456

No, Geneva sucks. Most of the romandie does nowadays, which is a shame, cause they could've been so great and comfy. There are better options in Switzerland than Geneva.

>> No.7938508

That's bullshit, I'm pretty most people don't even read in China anymore.
Yeah sure, because there are many Chinese people but whenever I hop on the train and metro, everybody's on their phone watching videos. Hell, the only time I saw someone reading and who wasn't a student was some scholar on a plane.

>> No.7938518

Found the grad student. Also definitely not from the northeast

>> No.7938568
File: 71 KB, 460x598, durantaye1_lakey3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cities aren't /lit/. They are a tragic representation of consumerism and all the terrible things associated with an industrial society.

>> No.7938576

Riyadh, mogadishu, and djibouti all have pretty lit communities.

>> No.7938588
File: 56 KB, 223x226, wew lad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All this city hate
Fuck you. I grew up in a landed gentry situation in rural Alabama and the only good thing about it is the opportunities to go hunting and fishing more often. Rural and small town people think they know fucking everything because they aren't even aware things outside of their county actually exist and take in Fox News (or MSNBC if they think they're really sophisticated) religiously. And don't even get me started on the religion aspects.

6 years later, and moving to the Northeast is still the greatest thing that's ever happened to me.

>> No.7938595

>Rural and small town people think they know fucking everything because they aren't even aware things outside of their county actually exist and take in Fox News (or MSNBC if they think they're really sophisticated) religiously. And don't even get me started on the religion aspects.

>> No.7938603

Only if you are a fucking hipster getting your economics/culturology degree from HSE.

Funny thing in Moscow they fetishize St. Petersburg as a lit city. What a dump.

>> No.7938606

Played football in college, but okay, sure, I'm the twink pussy and not the guy running off to hide in the woods because he can't handle people looking at him.

>> No.7938607

The problem with urban living is not socialization but the lack thereof.

>> No.7938615

>set down boy I benched 250 and knocked niggers down bigger than yer momma out on the field on days hotter than your sisters pink ol asshole!
>I played football in college I aint no faggot
>I love the northeast I fit in really well.

Go back to bama slavemaster we dont want you here

>> No.7938619

>work face-to-face with people with similar backgrounds
>compete and train with a sports club where people share your interests
>join a social club
>vacation occasionally with friends and family
Anyone who isn't completely destitute does those things in my city.

>> No.7938623

>implying nobody plays football in the north
Not sure what you're getting at. Tom Brady is a huge celebrity up here for a reason.

>> No.7938634

Lol of course you missed the point. Your comeback that you're not a faggot twink because you played football is hilariously insecure and representative of the entire honor and pride culture of the south that everyone everywhere else finds nauseating and compensatory.

>> No.7938643

Yeah, I've read those studies too. Looks like we've got a freshman psych armchair psychologist over here.

I'd say you missed the point, since the implication of calling me a faggot twink is that I'm just mad at people in the rural south for not supporting my implied homosexuality. Pointing out that I took part in the single most popular activity in that culture is meant to invalidate that, not protect my anonymous manhood.

You know what they say about how everything looks like a nail when you've got a hammer in your hand.

>> No.7938671

>im not a twink pussy! I played football, I dont hide from nobody like you do!

Fuck off backtracking hick

>> No.7938677

Sounds like a personal problem rather than a rural one

>> No.7938681

Dude you sound pretty insecure about your sexuality right now

>> No.7938682

Again, missing the point. The bit about hiding in the woods is referring to all the contrarian-traditionalists on 4chan romanticizing small town and rural living, hick-tier Christianity and basically every other overrated thing I grew up with.

I know people here don't like southerners. Sometimes it feels like my accent has the same effect on people as an unleashed rottweiler and a gun in my hand. Fuck 'em. They've got a real purty society.

>> No.7938699

seems a bit gay lad.. Your Reddit level atheism and intellectual intelligence is a give away too.

>> No.7938710

>I couldnt care less about how much the south hates gays, I played football.

>> No.7938718

You got me. I like cocks, football and guns, in that order.

>> No.7938720

>Hong Kong

based expat community.

don't come if you aren't old money or willing to sick dick to become new money though baka

>> No.7938723

Haha you got kicked in the nuts

>> No.7938751

>old money
barely exists nowadays, and I'm almost certain you're not from it.

>> No.7938759

the internet, lad. we're post-geographical now.

>> No.7938762

>implying bourgeoise money can can be anything other than new money categorically

Even if you're a Rothschild you're still aristocracy supplanting working money scum

>> No.7938972

only valid post in this shit thread

>> No.7938978
File: 105 KB, 277x194, willy-wonka-116680671607_xlarge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you know a website where people actually read I would love to hear it. And please don't tell me /lit/

>> No.7938985
File: 120 KB, 600x916, david tibet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the deep web, anon

>> No.7939111

I feel like the metric of "time spent reading" is shit from the get-go.