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/lit/ - Literature

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7937580 No.7937580 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Books you consider to be be a "must" for any serious reader. Books that, will change your life for the better, and improve with every read.

>> No.7937587


>> No.7937620

Check out the "Books to Hang out With" passage in Baba Ram Dass' Be Here Now.

>> No.7937635

>Books that, will change your life for the better, and improve with every read.

You write as though you don't read.

>> No.7937658
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>Books that, will change your life for the better, and improve with every read.
I went from having occasional back pain and random aches and shit to a powerhouse. It's easier to read and think now.

>> No.7937708


Thanks for the share, I'll check it out.

>> No.7937711

Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead

>> No.7937787


What's so great about Moby Dick?

>> No.7937798 [DELETED] 

The Iliad
The Odyssey
King James Bible
Divine Comedy
Paradise Lost
Moby Dick
The Brothers Karamazov
The Waste Land

>> No.7937802
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>> No.7937804

Lots of things

>> No.7937807


Such as...?

>> No.7937810 [DELETED] 

and Shakespeare's major plays ofc

>> No.7937812

Is Fagles Odyssey best Odyssey?

>> No.7937815

Why don't you read it?

>> No.7937819
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>> No.7937823

the comprehensive exploration of whaling, the routine, the techniques, the traditions, superstitions, culture, the likeable characters from all walks of life, from the gay head native harpooner to the mystic arab with a turban made of his own hair to the jolly stubb who puffs away at pipe all day and embraces life for whatever it brings him, for captain ahab's mythic rage, - the sum of all the general rage and hate felt by his whole race from Adam down - for the whale as a truly terrifying monster, mammoth, immortal, white, seen in multiple places at once, for the adventure story in pursuit of the whale and for the metaphysical story of man's place in nature

>> No.7937841


Is this better than the Illiad? I ordered the Illiad last week, still fucking waiting for it!

>> No.7937861

The Odyssey is the sequel. Get The Aeneid too which comes after The Odyssey. Then after The Aeneid I'd suggest reading Dante.

>> No.7937870


I know it's the sequel, but is it a better book?

>> No.7937876

The Iliad
The Odyssey
King James Bible
Divine Comedy
1001 Nights
Don Quixote
King Lear
The Tempest
Shakespeare's Sonnetts
Paradise Lost
Moby Dick
Les Miserables
A Tale of Two Cities
War and Peace
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Brothers Karamazov
The Waste Land
The Trial
The Great Gatsby
A Farewell To Arms
The Sound and The Fury
The Waves
The Cantos

>> No.7937890

Probably The Bible and Infinite Jest are the most important, then maybe Shakespeare's plays.

>> No.7937907

>Don Quixote
What's this like?

>> No.7937915

4chan in a book

>> No.7937917

Like bags of sand

>> No.7937936
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Stubb was smoking weed, wasn't he?

All Melville's adoration for hemp ...

>> No.7937985

this is a really good list and a pretty comprehensive abbreviated and condensed canon. Good job anon.

>> No.7937987


>> No.7938087

The Neverending Story
Thus spoke Zarathustra
The little prince
A Short History Of Nearly Everything

>> No.7938119

Damnit, really wanted to read that but can't find the download/pdf anywhere.

>> No.7938129

I'm 120 pages in to my first read of Moby Dick. Good read so far, I get excited to read it on the train all day long at work.

>> No.7938133

start with the greeks

>> No.7938134

>The Waves
Is this Woolf's best work? I've been looking for a book written by a woman.

>> No.7938135

You ain't even been on the hunt yet
you ain't seen nothing yet

>> No.7938137


I'm reading it and I have to read it with a phone in one hand to look up all the nautical terms and outdated language

am I the only one?

>> No.7938139

Something about the prose is subtly amazing, Melville has an amazing dry rhythm to him

Moby Dick got me into using semicolons

>> No.7938140
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>> No.7938147
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Atlas Shrugged

>> No.7938148

>inb4 shitty self help books

>> No.7938149

Read both and make up your own mind.

>> No.7938152
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>> No.7938154

Yes, it's her magnum opus. After its publication, she basically became the female equivalent to Joyce.

>> No.7938160

so I've been told. I'm reading it pretty quickly so far so I'll be there soon.

my copy has some really useful diagrams in the back to help out with, but I'll definitely use google once or twice every time I read it. What I find most difficult so far is that the punctuation feels really... erratic?

>> No.7938168

I do that too.

I have downloaded Dictionary app on my phone because I do have to look up words every now and again.

Although I don't look up things as often as I used to though and i'm only 109 pages in.

>> No.7938172

My bookshelf is 100% men, I just want a waft of a women's vagina.

>> No.7938231


Don't start with 'The Waves'. It's her best work, yes, but read 'To The Lighthouse' first.

Or better yet read Flannery O'Connor first. Woolf's prose is difficult for some readers and you might continue avoid female writers in general out of frustration over it.

>> No.7938232

>The Odyssey is the sequel. Get The Aeneid too which comes after The Odyssey.

This is ambiguously worded and implies that the Iliad/Odyssey and the Aeneid are sequential in a narrative sense, like together the three of them form a trilogy or something. This is obviously not the case. The Aeneid does come "after" the Odyssey in a chronological and historical sense. But aside from that, there is no sequentiality linking them.

>> No.7938245


this is so generic

>> No.7938248

And it was then that I knew I would be edgy. Read more friend your selections aren't anything to rant and rave about.

>> No.7938251
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>> No.7938256


>> No.7938266
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There is only one correct answer.

>> No.7938287

This side of paradise
The sun also rises
Fountain head
Brave new world
Leaves of grass
The wasteland
Gravity's rainbow
For whom the Bell tolls
Great expectations
Discourse on inequality
A thousand years of solitude
N'jal's Saga

>> No.7938385

hesse fanboy, eh?

>> No.7938449

Pretty sweet bars you got there

>> No.7938646

The Waste Land over Leaves of Grass?

>> No.7938664

I don't see why one has to be chosen over the other, on the other hand though, I wouldn't even consider Leaves of Grass for a condensed canon and considered The Waste Land first as representative of modernism.

>> No.7938744

Mrs Dalloway is considered her best work

The Waves was reviled in her time, and is only considered a good experiment these days.

>> No.7938747

are you fucking kidding me?

when will the whitman meme die

>> No.7938749

by a wide, wide margin

>> No.7938766

I mean same could be said for Melville. His earlier works (Typee) were hugely popular, and he grew more experimental and less popular until Moby Dick. The rest of his oeuvre has been forgotten and only his most daring work remains in the AmLit canon

>> No.7938822

Why did you pick A Tale of Two Cities over Great Expectations?

>> No.7938835
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>Moby Dick
Ok, Im not american, should i read this book????? (yes, im serious...)

>> No.7938849

no it's fitzgerals's iliad and lattimore's odyssey

>> No.7938856

I don't see how being American or not has anything to do with it. Read the book if you think it interests you.

>> No.7938954

Some anons told me that theres part/chapters just about the patriotism...

>> No.7938956

Evola's Ride the Tiger.

>> No.7939098

are you a whaler?

>> No.7939112

I just bought this. What's it like?

>> No.7939114

this is getting so old

>> No.7939117
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Not memeing.

>> No.7939596

Whats the best edition of moby dick to read. I've read a lot of good things about this edition: http://www.bookdepository.com/Moby-Dick-or-Whale-Herman-Melville/9780520045484 But it just seems inherently wrong to read one of the greatest english language novels of all time with accompanying pictures... Part of me feels like the pictures would dilute the effect of the prose or at least supplant a good deal of their effect. The description says it has like 100 pages of illustrations. Thoughts anyone?

>> No.7939638

I can't describe it personally, it was really dull but never a boring read and at no point did I feel like I was forcing myself to go along.

>> No.7939647

>he hasnt read the bible

bet you didnt read the greeks either, eh faggot?

>> No.7939654

>The Count of Monte Cristo

That book was absolute shit. I don't understand how it is possible to fuck up such an interesting concept with this shit story-telling

>> No.7939663

If you guys don't read books in other languages you might as well; this is exactly what's it's like

>> No.7939670

The hunk on Cetology of rather dry, but I'll be damned the first 80 or so pages before they set off is fun.

>> No.7939683

Very slow and philosophical, but also quite comfortable, like sitting in an armchair listening to your favorite professor talk.

>> No.7939700
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Any /lit/fag will get the feels. It's the kind of shit that sticks with you.

>> No.7939709

None. There are so many books that attaching great value to one you particularly enjoyed is pandering to your own ego.

>> No.7939754

In pure honesty when I read this my freshman year in high school I think it helped me understand life a little more. It taught me that fucking around and doing stupid shit was fine so long as you were making an attempt to find yourself and what you did was worth it in your eyes.
Looking back this may not be the best literature out there, but I will argue to fucking high hell that this book does instill a sense of quality that one should hold themselves to that they feel comfortable with. Kerouac did have that way to make you want to travel a bit more and accept different forms of living.

>> No.7939761

You're the kind of people that enjoy pissing in people's coffee.
If people want to give a bit of themselves back to others through literature then fuck it let it feed their ego a bit. It allows us as humans to gain a greater understanding of life because essentially that is what literature is Dipshit. A look into a story through the authors eyes.
You're boiling everything down into circle jerking when in reality people are trying to connect experience that they feel fulfilled them and continue to show them what these pieces of literature mean to them every time they pick it up and read it.

>> No.7939762

Not quite sure what you mean there buddy.
Going to have elaborate there for me to understand.

>> No.7939769

Check libgen, friend

>> No.7939776

>>therefore making lists of great books is worthless.

American education decided the same, now we have to spend the first year or two of college learning shit we should've learned in high school.

Some books are better than others.

>> No.7939785

Isn't it a hundred years of solitude

>> No.7939786
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>> No.7939787

This is almost exactly what I thought, but the first 200 or so we're gold for me. Even the cetology chapter had an enjoyable dry wit to it. The worst was the one about the rope, and also one of the shitty boring stories that another ship told the pequod's crew.

>> No.7939794

>TFW the rope made my autism feel warm inside.

>> No.7939861

The rope was shit but there was another chapter called the monkey-rope which I really liked, it ended with some crazy philosophical musing about how were all connected and shit

>> No.7939883

I want to know this too.

>> No.7939889

Can't go wrong with wordsworth. I got it on the book depository for less than 10 euro. It has a full list of references too, at the back as opposed to the bottom of the page

>> No.7939890

You actually asked for the best edition sorry, I'm no expert but that one looks pretty nice. Black and white illustrations are classy enough I reckon

>> No.7939898

No. You want to get the Norton Critical Edition (second edition 2001):


>> No.7939903

Yeah but the covers look like arse