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/lit/ - Literature

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7935378 No.7935378[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Shitty uni thread,

I'll start

>Pajeets everywhere, whole school smells like poo
>go to class, curry
>professors hand out grades
>employers litterally throw away CV

Fuck my life senpai.

BSc, Comp Eng. ~ Kings College London ~ Class of 2015

>> No.7935413

/lit/ - literature

>> No.7935624

If you wanted to study English Composition you should have gone to America where they actually speak English

>> No.7935675

On the bright side your uni has a nice fancy name.

>> No.7935681
File: 11 KB, 400x400, Yale_Y-300px_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a university bragging thread. I go to Yale. I am better than you. I'm smarter than you. I have a bigger dong than you. I will make more money and live a better life.

>> No.7935693
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>"H-hey Anon, sorry to interrupt but which elite university did you say you attended?"

>> No.7935729

Kcl checking in

>> No.7935746
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"I dropped out of college. I really enjoyed my classes but I wanted to focus on my career in literature while sailing the world."

>> No.7935750

Where do other Londonanons live?

Borough / Elephant & Castle here.

>> No.7935751


>> No.7935756

>I'm old enough to go to uni yet not able to overcome my petty racism.

Under 25 confirmed

>> No.7935774


>> No.7935784

>Pajeet curryfucker confirmed

>> No.7935802
File: 314 KB, 700x325, oxford.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most departments are dreadful
>specialist universities: LSE for economics, Cambridge for mathematics/philosophy, ICL for Sciences; even Durham and St. Andrews have better History, Law, and English departments.
>university only carried by "prestige" and yet..
>it can't compete with any major American university
>most students are not academically minded and at worst anti-intellectual
>the professors care more about their research and paycheck than their students (common problem)
>most "writers" are left-wing political activists
>The Bullingdon Club exists
>you have to clear out your room in the summer
>full of Syrian™ refugees, Africans, etc
>Public school kids treat it as a finishing school
>Comprehensive education is so abysmal that even the brightest working class students have been stunted for over a decade

It's a finishing school not a university. The only university that can begin to compete with the U.S. is the London School of Economics that is in the top 5 internationally. Cambridge is good for mathematics and philosophy. That being said, most people fall for the Oxford meme and realise later that they would rather not waste their money poncing around Balliol College.

Oxford is living on the success of the early 20th century. Many people are beginning to look at newer universities or study abroad now because Oxford is going to the dogs. In the next few decades they will be a laughing stock, not to mention it's just a money making machine.

The current undergrads need to get a first and get out as fast as they can.

>> No.7935840

>being this delusional
>lse cucks are this stupid

>> No.7935933

I'm at Cambridge and I think you're right on many points.

I wonder if the States are any better though. I'm beginning to suspect that literally everything is shit.

>> No.7935944

What is the ratio, would you say, of privately educated students and state educated students at Oxford? The idea of attending Oxford was so surreal to me as a kid that I never even considered it a possibility.

>> No.7935947


>> No.7935948
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UCL here. Proper Marxist shithole. The post-structuralists and post-colonialists have left their grubby fingerprints everywhere.

>> No.7935981

SOAS is the bro tier London uni, assuming you're not a Trumpster.

>> No.7935994

I don't even know where my uni's library is and my classrooms are all in an old war museum.

>> No.7936002

>most students are not academically minded and at worst anti-intellectual

d-does this mean I have a chance of getting in for a Masters? I'm an undergrad who's not very intelligent but who gets Firsts on most assignments.

>> No.7936017


Master's in the UK are a joke. They can be done in one year and if you're willing to pay most unis don't give a fuck how you've performed

>> No.7936021
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>implying China doesn't have the greatest universities in the world (too bad you can't speak Mandarin).

>> No.7936032

>most unis don't give a fuck how you've performed

at undergrad?

Reason I want to do is a Master's is that I'm currently doing a shit degree at one of the lower RG unis. I feel like the job market will fuck me hard unless I go down the postgrad route.

>> No.7936038

What job are you hoping to get?

>> No.7936072

Something in the media/publishing. Really not certain though.

>> No.7936297


You need to be certain. Good planning is way more effective than just another degree.

Actual work experience (and contacts, if you want in in the media) are way more worthwhile.

>> No.7936540

>I will make more money
Reminder that even the shittiest DO or Caribbean Medical School graduate can outearn your little pink Yale degree the second they clinch a residency, (harder for caribs)

>> No.7936542

>tfw because of poor choices and circumstances in my teenage years I have to go to community college first
Fuck my shit up.

>> No.7936545

>I will make more money than you
Unless your personality is shit. Careers and Money often go to the better person, not the college name.

>> No.7936560

>this fucking thread again
Will you post this on /his/ and /sci/ as well like you did last time?

>> No.7936564

Y-you sure? I was kicked out of college for bad grades.

>> No.7936569

Oh look its another thread where people from high ranked unis try to post about how bad their unis are as an (un)subtle means of bragging without being called out

>> No.7936573

top kek. It's not as good Berkeley, UChicago (for most subjects), Stanford, Harvard, or Princeton. How does it feel going to one of the lesser Ivies?

>> No.7936585
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>lse cucks
>mfw LSE is third in the ranking for average number of sexual partners per student
Also, doing Economics at LSE pretty much guarantees you a high paying job or admission into a good economics grad programme (very good reputation) provided you aren't a fuck up.

>> No.7936586

My brother is an accountant at a big firm. The highest earners he sees are proles who flip houses, install windows and autoglass, run massive autocare or landscaping businesses, or who are too stupid to see the risk in buying massive amounts of commercial real estate on loan. A couple guys running an inside sales shithole in an old warehouse were making millions a year, and one kid just keeps buying subways where there arent any in a 10 mile radius.

They are not college professors and white collar mid-levels at whiteshoe firms by any means

>> No.7936614

haha gooks are the worst. Cambridge will sell you a PhD if you're from a wealthy Chinese family

>> No.7936620


>> No.7936623

Going to go to Birmingham for English and Philosophy as a joint honours, anyone doing this currently? What's it like?

>> No.7936626

>wanting to live in Birmingham

I mean it's your life senpai

>> No.7936630

When was the last time BooksAndShit posted here?

>> No.7936634

Is it really that bad?

>> No.7936638

lol you idiot

the highest earners dont use public accountants at big firms they use the private office ones to help with tax evasion/optimization

fucking poorfag detected. you're seeing the top of the poor

>> No.7936645

that's master's in the US as well fampai. even at prestigious universities you can pay for a 1 year masters just to have the name of the uni associated with you.

>> No.7936648

Dont you have a paper due?

>> No.7936655

>gets called out on bullshit
>has nothing to say because he has no idea how the world works
>try to deflect and imply the other guy is an undergrad


>> No.7936661

It's Birmingham mate. Most cities in Britain are just shitter versions of London, but in Birmingham's case they have literally chosen the worst aspects of London to emulate.

>> No.7936666

Yes duck.

>> No.7936717

I can always lie.

>> No.7936730

>plebs dont know there's a membership card + secret handshake for the elite unis

>> No.7936746

Nobody but me knows about my super-secret handshake so I can outpatrician her right away with that. I may have to have sexual relations with her on the spot so she can go on wih her life with minimal psychic scarring.

>> No.7936750
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>tfw your school jumps from like #15 to #35 in the QS rankings right as you leave



>> No.7936808
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Mill Hill
>mfw daily commute of 1.5hrs each way
kill me

>> No.7936824 [DELETED] 

Went to Aberdeen while living with parents. Zero debt but an awful experience

>> No.7936831

Journalism at City Uni London representing
Does anyone else 'study' at this shithole?

>> No.7936852

what did you study?
Currently plaiing to go there, as it has the best academic reputation out of my picks

>> No.7936853

Oh please, Oxford will still be the joint first best university in the UK to go to career-wise for AT LEAST another 20 years and that is a very loose lower bound.

you have no idea how the world works.

t. Cambridge graduate

>> No.7936861 [DELETED] 

Srs question. You people in essay based subjects don't actually have to work because it's all subjective, right? Even professional writers (whether journalists or historians or classicists or whatever) never impress me with their rigour.

>> No.7936870

Same. What are you studying?

>> No.7936882

Isn't that right at the end of the Northern Line?

>> No.7936891

Why didn't the people in this thread just go to Oxford / Cambridge?

I don't get it.

>> No.7936897

I live right between Edgware and Totteridge

>> No.7936899

It's the opposite. I found that non-essay based subjects were just a matter of memorization and regurgitation.

>> No.7936902

that's only for high IQ people like myself ccasional donation-faggot at oxford.

>> No.7936908

Did anybody here go to last year's London meet-up?

Pretty good time overall desu

>> No.7936920

cause i dont live in britbong land senpai

fortunately the harvard club and the united cambridge/oxford club have reciprocal memberships so we can still hang out at the squash court together sometime old chum.

>> No.7936966

I go to one. IT feels like such an intellectual death sentence.

>> No.7937058

That's an accurate way of putting it

>> No.7937066


>complains about The Bullingdon Club
>the most /lit/ thing at fucking shit Oxford
>complains about most "writers" are left-wing political activists

Like...who the fuck even are you?

>> No.7937071

I am probably going to UCL soon. What am I in for?

I'm also a Cambridge reject.

>> No.7937082

I'm not sure if it's something that can be overcome or if I have to orient the rest of my life towards eventually attending an elite school if I really want to develop. I don't even know if the latter is even possible.

>> No.7937090

I have the same dilemma
I go to a really horrendous plate-glass
Im not sure whats more pathetic though, doing an Msc just in the hope of getting into a good school I can be proud of having attended, or leaving with just a plate-glass Bsc
Will probably apply to every top 10 just for the sake of it at postgrad

>> No.7937093

I think it's just important to be self-aware and to self-educate to be the best that you can be, whatever the surroundings

>> No.7937095
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Worst thing is all the tranny fenians wanting a United Ireland and hating anything masculine or British while begging for refugees to come here. I like it though.

>> No.7937106

Kentish town motherfucker.

>> No.7937171
File: 93 KB, 600x875, vietdejectedlbj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go to the University of Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Life could be worse, friend

>> No.7937180


I think UCL must be the worst university in the country when it comes to leftist degeneracy, rivalling even Oxford and Bristol. The UCL Union, for instance, is run by the same people who run the Marxist society. This means that it effectively competes with itself over being as far left, as communistic and pro-open-borders as possible. Many of the people who shut down St Pancras some months back (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJdggCzlB6c)) are people I have classes with. The universally inculcated leftism and intolerance towards non-left opinions has resulted in the Union banning certain societies it did not agree with ideologically, most infamously the Nietzsche Club (http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/nietzsches-ideas-might-have-been-dangerous-but-thats-no-reason-to-ban-a-club-dedicated-to-the-man-9535970.html).).

This was also the university which forced Sir Tim Hunt, a Nobel Prize winner, to resign after one ill-advised joke, without giving him so much as a chance to defend himself. It is also the university in which a man who fought ISIS was not allowed to speak because "one man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist" (http://thetab.com/uk/london/2015/11/04/union-ban-ex-student-from-talking-about-his-experiences-fighting-isis-19921).). There've been similar cases of feminists due to give an oration being disinvited because they were the wrong kind of feminist, at least compared to the UCL feminists. Accordingly, the classroom environment is one of ideological uniformity. I imagine this depends on the course though. But I have not enjoyed my time here.


Square mile.

>> No.7937189



>Square mile

was meant to be in response to >>7935750

>> No.7937199

I graduated from there, I think I was permanently depressed from the horrible overcast weather every day.

>> No.7937224

>GW Bush went to Yale

Yeah uh, I don't know if the alumni really match the prestige. An education is the responsibility of the student. A student at a state school can get a better education depending on what they put in.

Oh, enjoy that debt.

>> No.7937229

Yeah. Weather is nice in the last half of April and in September, but that's it.
Could be a worse school but there's a lot of fat chicks here as well. V. offputting

>> No.7937234

Where abouts in Kentish town?

I need to go there soon to get some shoes and if you're up for it I'll let you perform fellatio on me for a bit of banter.

>> No.7937240
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You've probably never heard of it. The most PC/SJW university in Canada.

>> No.7937241


>> No.7937246
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Stem coming through

But it feels pretty lonely when you don't know anybody else who reads anything except ASoIaF or Ready Player One. All of my friends are spiraling into either debilitating drug habits or debilitating sit-on-your-ass-playing-League-of-Legends habits.

>> No.7937250



Isn't that school just giving away degrees now? Online?

>> No.7937261

This is sort of related but does anyone know where I can get condoms for free online? I ordered some on amazon but one of my housemates has stolen them.

>> No.7937263

Fucking hate huns
Maybe if you werent all dumb mongrels more of you would be in uni senpai

>> No.7937267


you dont know how well endowed ivies work do you?

>> No.7937270 [DELETED] 



>> No.7937272

No? It's one of the most notoriously difficult and rigorous schools in the country, there's no Ivy grade inflation. Nothing is given away here by a long shot. There are a handful of online master's programs, but no bachelor's, and only in engineering which is for plebs anyway. I'm getting my undergrad in physics/astrophysics.

>> No.7937303
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Hey family. Not paying attention in probability and statistics at the minute.

>> No.7937313

They are doing an online MS in CS. It's supposed to be the same workload as doing it full time, it's hard from what I've heard.

>> No.7937363
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what was that you didn't like about stufying there? Was it the studies or the social life in Aberdeen?
Some other anon earlier told me that people in Aberdeen are unbearable

>> No.7937394
File: 316 KB, 685x455, photo-chris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, I go to ACU in Melbourne. It's good I guess, studying Law there.

>> No.7937396

A friend of mine did the exact opposite and purposely attended a $1,000 excellent public degree which is known to be privatized in the next year so he will benefit from the name without having to pay $25,000.

>> No.7937402
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>tfw last year of med school
I went from being chill and having a steady social life to a completely unlovable weirdo.

>> No.7937410

US Junior College fag reporting in. I got accepted to all of the UC's I applied go but decided that I was going to spend some time on myself. I became pretty disillusioned with the US education system by the time I was graduating, but I talk about that shut all of the time on this board.

>> No.7937438

Highgate road you gents. Come read with me.

>> No.7937460

I feel guilty I consistently expected some terrorist to shout “Allah Akbar” and explode a bomb during the whole footage.

>> No.7937474

It's still better to be a surgeon depressed weirdo than to be a NEET unqualified depressed weirdo. You get more scope on things.

>> No.7937475

>you will never meet up with a cute, dark-haired /lit/ guy and walk around London together and hold onto his arm when it gets dark and chilly and have him shove you against the back of his bedroom door and kiss your neck and rub your penis through your knickers until you start to breathe hard and moan into his ear

>> No.7937488

>University of Portsmouth


>> No.7937519
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Just got out of multi. Let's be literature amigos

>> No.7937520
File: 6 KB, 620x356, BigTenLogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who BIG here?

>> No.7937539


>> No.7937565

msu here

>> No.7937575

The Big 14 is trash

>> No.7937579


Nah. More fun.

>> No.7937584

no shid m8 look at the thread topic

>> No.7938783

>I think it's just important to be self-aware and to self-educate to be the best that you can be, whatever the surroundings
It may be personally fulfilling, but I doubt self-education will allow you to seriously and professionally engage with a field.

>> No.7938793


>debilitating drug habits or debilitating sit-on-your-ass-playing-League-of-Legends

mixture of both reporting in

>> No.7938802
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If you want to live the literary lifestyle, you need to attend a small liberal arts college in New England.

That's just how it works.

>> No.7938823

so you read that book too, huh?

i wish i could have forest bacchanals w/ my friends :(

>> No.7938840

anybody /universityofmichigan/ here

>> No.7938846
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>get mugged in ghetto where I commute from
>surrounded by normies and harry potter fans
>professors just repeat wikipedia memes

I dropped out before I even finished my first semester as an English transfer. Now I'm doing CS at my local UC.

>> No.7938879
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Italian here
I envy all of you Anglo cucks

Unfortunately, since I'm a fucking southerner poorfag, I'm probably going to get a Master's in International Relations (English/Japanese) at the Orientale of Naples.

The university itself is famous in Italy for Asian languages, but it's in fucking Naples, I'm gonna get mugged or killed.

Please hold me

Maybe one day I will study in a prestigious university

>> No.7938903

Ciao, sudegno. I know you guys have been hit hard by the recession, Italy in general. Try to stay comfy and sit it out.

>> No.7938926

At least the food is good, right?

>> No.7938949

Thank you mate. Yeah it has been rough 'round here. No jobs etc.
I'm gonna study here just cause I can get sent to Waseda or other cool universities in Japan for a year, all paid. Hopefully I'll survive in the meantime.

Yeah the food is gonna be AMAZING. And the qts too. That's probably the only pros.
Robberies, corruption, bureaucracy, complete disregard of the public good, dirty and polluted streets.... Oh man I come from a small village near the beach. I hope it won't be too hard.

>> No.7939071
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This place is a post-colonial Marxist literary hellhole

elite institutions are a meme

>> No.7939089


STEM here too, NYU Tandon school of engineering

Interesting subject matter but I can't stand the personality of most of my classmates

>> No.7939129

Aberdeen is an ugly dump and the people aren't as nice as Scots from the west coast. Better off going to a uni in Glasgow.

>> No.7939449

>defends the world leader in academic fraud, leading exporter of cheating college students who can't get anything published in any respected western journal due to rampant cheating
>post fake photo
>real photos all obscured by life-ending smog

>> No.7939491

UCL grad here. This is absolutely correct. Howeer, they are a very vocal minority. Keep that in mind. Most people do not give a shit about celebrating Chavez's birthday, they just want to grab the cheap drinks at Mully's or the discount Itsu and be happy.

>> No.7939494

At least is not SOAS. Might as well be studying in Havana.

>> No.7939737

At least you're at NYU. Living in NYC is the dream, plus NYU isn't exclusively stem so you can always get involved with non-stem activities.
For GT, living in Atlanta is alright but it's not the usual city feel, and every single student with the exception of the (incredibly rare) Lit & Media & Communications, Public Policy, or Business (usually southern frat types) majors is science or engineering. Engineers, especially, tend to have personalities based entirely on things reddit likes. I've complained about all of this on /lit/ before a couple times.

>> No.7939847

HSE here, economics. Thinking of dropping out in favor of MSU. Is it worth it or is it just as shit?

>> No.7940171

Any STEM bros having problems meeting people in their departments that are also lit-minded? 'Going to uni this fall and worried all the people in the Chem and Bio-chem caves are just gonna rave over 1984 or think nihilism is beautiful.

>> No.7940186

don't worry, they won't have read them

>> No.7940348


Eh, having lived in other cities in my life, I feel NYC is sort of overrated. Plus there's just no escaping from it - you need to travel an hour, hour and a half just to not be surrounded by dirty concrete.

Plus, while NYU may not be all STEM, the engineering campus is located far away from the rest of the school (we're in Brooklyn, the rest of the school's in Manhattan) so there's really very little crossover.

>> No.7940360


Was there last summer, mostly just a filthier generic big city that's stuck in the past and with a good chunk of the population anal-spoon aficionados.

>> No.7940366

i go to cmu
something about pittsburgh is very depressing

>> No.7940370

i wish i lived in a pretty country like italy

>> No.7940373


>> No.7940380

Anyone military here? I joined the navy instead of going to college. Seemed more Pynchon-esque.

>> No.7940391


I was. Army. Got bored with it, though you do meet some interesting characters.

>> No.7940393

May as well live in the countryside proper, you'd be surprised at the train connections.
You woul lose street cred but you'd gain roadkill and slightly lower rent.

>> No.7940412


I don't care about the general environment like that. Even in the heart of Boston, if I drove for half an hour, I could escape the city, and be surrounded by forest. From the heart of NYC, it would take an hour just to escape the city, another hour to escape the metropolitan area. 3 hours if traffic is bad.

>> No.7940417


>> No.7940427


why are you typing like that

>> No.7940453

I fucking hate New Yorker psueds

>> No.7940484

Yeah I thought about that, I love the countryside and I'm practically there anyway
Though I live with my parents so rent is free :3

>> No.7940486

If you want depressing try the north east of england it either raining or windy

>> No.7940492

Everywhere in Britain outside of the South East and the nicer parts of Edinburgh is just disgusting and depressing. Life in general is repulsive and nauseating but Britain is less good at hiding it / better at admitting it.

>> No.7940495

t. too poor to live in ny

>> No.7940500


>> No.7940505

some of the countryside particularly in Yorkshire is quite nice. Most major towns and cities though are rather grim.

>> No.7940511

The countryside is terrible in general. If you live there you are irrelevant and have pretty much opted out of living a worthwhile life in favour of comfort and obscurity. It's like regressing to childhood or something.

>> No.7940514

You're doing med school wrong friend. I'm having a blast

>> No.7940516

not if you commute though its inconvenient but at least you dont have to live there.

>> No.7940527
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To be frank, I think that all Russell group Oxbridge reject unis are essentially the same.
But God, the scots are an ugly people.

>> No.7940573

UNCO (University of Northern Colorado)

It's one of the best business and nursing and teaching and Theatre school's in the whole country. Companies recruit from the business college with like an 80% post-grad employment rate. It's insane

Of course, I'm a journalism and philosophy double major so I'll never see any of that sweet dosh.

It's around 67% female at my school

>> No.7940599

People in Aberdeen are plenty nice, this anon probably wore a sonic t-shirt to a lecture and got made fun of for it or something.

>> No.7940730

He said 'the highest earners he sees' you fucking retard, he wasn't suggesting Bill Gates uses a public accountant.