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/lit/ - Literature

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7935728 No.7935728 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: books you'll never read

>> No.7935733

It's not that difficult and is the epitome of a comfy read.

Ill probably never read a Joseph McElroy novel

>> No.7935739

Infinite Jest tbqhwy

>> No.7935745

The man without qualities

>> No.7935771

Tom Clancy's The Division: New York Collapse

>> No.7935834

Stephen King's It.

>> No.7935842

Anything by Hemingway.

>> No.7936177
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>> No.7936459
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>> No.7936462

yup. I keep digging up random episode from WP for some sort of psychological divination and it always works like cream; like a self-contained short story. Last time time I did it, it was about a mother trying to talk her daughter from divorce by bringing up the arguments she heard earlier from an Orthodox priest. Or, on another occasion, it was the inner life of some scouts who had suddenly discovered enemy troop movements. And then he talked about information, blame, praise and responsibility travelling up and down the chain of command.
You can pick out any paragraph and it always something interesting.

>> No.7936526

are you a girl?

>> No.7936559

Infinite Jest, Ulysses

>> No.7936572

my diary desu

>> No.7936587

no, just not a pleb

>> No.7936593


You should read The Old Man and the Sea, it's very good.

>> No.7936603

i read it, it makes john green look like tolstoy.

>> No.7936608

At least read The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber. It'll only take like half an hour.

>> No.7936612


That bad, huh? I felt the same way reading The Sun Also Rises but I enjoyed The Old Man a lot. Is it the writing style that you dislike?

>> No.7936646

I will never read anything by Shakespeare. I do not have time to learn Old English or glance down at the bottom of the page every thirty seconds to figure out what the hell he's trying to say. Plus, if you read the history, Shakespeare is revered today only because of English cultural imperialism. The fact that he's considered the greatest writer of all time is a testament not to his actual skill but to the skills of the English in shoving their cultural products down everybody's throats. I'll also never read The Bible because I'm an atheist.

>> No.7936654

unironically this

>> No.7936673
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>I'll also never read The Bible because I'm an atheist.
Really hoping this is bait.

>> No.7936689

retarded b8

actual retard

>> No.7936693

nerd shit like Hegel and Greek shit

>> No.7936711

What's the point of these b8 threads?

>> No.7936720
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joke book

>> No.7936742

The fact that so many books still name the SHAKESPEARE as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" ENGLISH PLAYWRIGHT ever only tells you how far ENGLISH WRITING still is from becoming a serious art. POETRY critics have long recognized that the greatest POETS of all times are HOMER and ANONYMOUS, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. THEATRE critics rank the highly controversial CHRISTOPHER MARLOWE over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. WRITING critics are still blinded by commercial success. SHAKESPEARE sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. POETRY critics grow up READING to a lot of POETRY of the past, THEATRE critics grow up READING to a lot of PLAYS of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the WRITING music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the SHAKESPEARE did anything worthy of being saved.

>> No.7936789

Please stop dropping English names that aren't Shakespeare. This is an international board and we really couldn't give a flying fuck about your non-entities.

>> No.7936822

face it, uve been memed

>> No.7937173

>old english
Pasta scotta

>> No.7937206

Different anon here. I liked the sun also rises. I think it shows how people don't change in spite of themselves. Hemmingway is engaging and simple.

>> No.7937220

What's WP?

>> No.7937233

the book that was responded to

>> No.7937276

To Kill a Mockingbird
In Cold Blood
Game of Thrones
Fahrenheit 451
My Struggle
Oliver Twist
Infinite Jest

These are some of the books generally considered great that I have an aversion to -- a rather irrational one, that I can't explain fully even to myself. I haven't read any of them.

>> No.7937283

Oh... Sorry, how silly of me. I thought you were talking about a McElroy novel.

>> No.7937292

The movie did it no justice. Still, not King's best.

>> No.7937297
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>Fahrenheit 451

Easy, short and great dystopian stories. Your loss.

>> No.7937332

>Good dystopian
It is the most retarded and shitty book I ever had the displeasure to read. The entire fucking premise is "zomg, books make u smart!!1!1 if u dont read book u sheep1!!!

>> No.7937352

>The fact that he's considered the greatest writer of all time is a testament not to his actual skill but to the skills of the English in shoving their cultural products down everybody's throats
You admit yourself you have no idea what his "actual" skill is because you've never read him. It could be, for all you know, he really is the greatest writer who ever lived and the English were justified in glorifying him.

>> No.7937355

>To Kill a Mockingbird

>> No.7937386

First book I ever finished. Great read, my second favourite King book after Salem's Lot

>> No.7937397

If this is all you got from the book then there is no hope for you.

>> No.7937532

You should though

>> No.7937555
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Ainsi que tout Balzac.

>> No.7937558

Infinite Jest
The French

>> No.7937594

Joli appât.

>> No.7937687

1984 is a must. Don't let /lit/ get into your head. The importance of this community's opinions is equal to zero. Most of the anons here haven't read shit and repeat what they hear like a broken record.
In Cold Blood is an excellent book by a great writer. Give it a chance.

>> No.7937719

>salems lot
my nigga

>> No.7937728

Les Misérables
Anything by Hegel

>> No.7937743

G8 b8 m8, I r8 8/8

>> No.7937752

Probably hunchback, anna karenina, pride and prejudice.

I try to avoid books that are read by even non readers.

>> No.7937762

The Aeneid. There's no way I'm reading that shit.

>> No.7937799
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>I try to avoid books that are read by even non readers.

"Anon, what do you like to do?"
"I'm into reading,"
"Oh, I loved reading pride and prejudice,"
"I haven't actually read that,"
"What about The Hunchback of Notre-Dame?"
"I though you said you liked reading?"
"Yeah, but I only read books that readers read,"

>> No.7937803


>In Cold Blood is an excellent book by a great writer.

I was with you until here.

>> No.7937843


Ya I get that I couldn't talk with a girl about /lit/erature she liked.

Before I go to sleep at night I go on sparknotes and try to remember every famous ballroom scene in /lit/erature for uni class.

>> No.7937880

I read it every time I'm drunk. Pathetic, I know.

>> No.7937894

Most fiction. I read about 1 fiction book for every 4 Non-fiction.

Started reading Dublinners though. I fin Joyce a weird and hilarious man and as an Irishman myself, I figured I may well read some home-grown literature.

>> No.7938063

Most of it is filler, desu.

>> No.7938082

add the catcher in the rye and you basically have my list.

>> No.7939816

>To Kill a Mockingbird
>catcher in the rye
Is there even any point in reading these if you're not an american student?

>> No.7939823

Anything by Banana Yoshimoto or whatever her name is. I tried Amrita a couple of months ago and it was awful.

>> No.7939832
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There is nothing wrong with being a contrarian hipster.

>> No.7939839


Agreed, I feel that its reputation has put into people's minds that it's this super depressing/high-minded thing with dense prose, but it couldn't be further from the truth.

I'd seriously recommend it to just about anyone who likes anime, because it really does feel like that.

>> No.7940053
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Oh what succulent bate this is!

>> No.7940079
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I just don't like Conrad's style.

>> No.7940084

Why not? Are you a simpleton?

>> No.7940088


>> No.7940096

I don't like his prose at all, but I read this book once every year or two. It's a fantastic story, and short. I can't blame you for not loving it, but I'd say give it your time even just the once.

>> No.7940114

>guy goes on boat up a river in africa
>wow african natives doing primitive stuff so amazing!
Boringgggg. May as well watch an Indiana Jones movie.

>> No.7940115

>reading for plot
>reading for enjoyment

>> No.7940143


>> No.7940278

Cloud Atlas

Accidentally spoiled some of it for myself with the researching the film adaptation and why Haley Berry played an old guy in the film. I might change my mind someday. But for now, I'll put it off.

>> No.7940288

It's not a good book anyway.

Nice structure, SF tropes from the 70s, nothing new.

>> No.7940321

SF tropes from the 70s are cool

>> No.7940337

the fact that so many books name shakespeare as

>> No.7940496

I wholeheartedly agree with this
fucking brits

>> No.7940657

I really enjoyed in cold blood. I thought it was a really comfy read despite it being written by a faggot.

>> No.7940667

oh god

>> No.7940814

Actually >>7936742 beat you to it

>> No.7940953

Harry Potter

>> No.7941138

you know there isn't any singing in the book

>> No.7941152

My mom keeps telling me to read Salem's Lot, somehow don't seem to have a copy, even though she gave me all her King books years ago.

>> No.7941159

Literally kill yourself.

Also, anyone here know if the graphic novel adaptation of F451 is any good? I saw it a few years back, art looked nice, but didn't pick it up.

>> No.7941682

Infinite Jest and Gravity's Rainbow. And I'm apprehensive about devoting a lot of time to Ulysses.

>> No.7942506

This, 451 gave me cancer, it's the equivalent of reading autofellatio

>> No.7942509

Infinite Meme I can understand, but why the Pynchon?
Are you afraid of poop?
How do you shit at night?

>> No.7942511

i was very curious, i thought you meant pg 451 of op's book

>> No.7943317

Anything by James Joyce

>> No.7943362

She's only 12 at her youngest

>> No.7943840

I know it is a meme here but everyone should read it at least once.

>> No.7944486

I cant even fathom reading Dickens, I have so many, and they are probably good, but it just seems like boring london people do boring london things. Not that I read for plot, but I like nice imagery. Won't read Austen either, more because of what the other austenposter said, every woman I have seen reading anything remotely literary has been Austen.

>> No.7946292

I liked the Donald Duck comic book adaptation, if that counts...

>> No.7946468

A wonderful fact to reflect upon, that every human creature is constituted to be that profound secret and mystery to every other. A solemn consideration, when I enter a great city by night, that every one of those darkly clustered houses encloses its own secret; that every room in every one of them encloses its own secret; that every beating heart in the hundreds of thousands of breasts there, is, in some of its imaginings, a secret to the heart nearest it! Something of the awfulness, even of Death itself, is referable to this. No more can I turn the leaves of this dear book that I loved, and vainly hope in time to read it all. No more can I look into the depths of this unfathomable water, wherein, as momentary lights glanced into it, I have had glimpses of buried treasure and other things submerged. It was appointed that the book should shut with a a spring, for ever and for ever, when I had read but a page. It was appointed that the water should be locked in an eternal frost, when the light was playing on its surface, and I stood in ignorance on the shore. My friend is dead, my neighbour is dead, my love, the darling of my soul, is dead; it is the inexorable consolidation and perpetuation of the secret that was always in that individuality, and which I shall carry in mine to my life's end. In any of the burial-places of this city through which I pass, is there a sleeper more inscrutable than its busy inhabitants are, in their innermost personality, to me, or than I am to them?

>> No.7946470

>I'd seriously recommend it to just about anyone who likes anime, because it really does feel like that.
You've ruined it for me now. Fuck you for pointing this out.

>> No.7946481


>> No.7946502

This, War and Peace It´s a complex and interesting novel written in accesible prose. Very recommended.

>> No.7946517

Isn´t isabelian era language middle english? Also, shakespeare is a really nice read and the notes on certain old concepts are really simple and well explained, english is my second language and I can read its plays in a decent pace.

>> No.7946518

damn now i wanna pick it up and just read it like that and maybe start for real some day

>> No.7946522

In Cold Blood is really enjoyable.

>> No.7946528

The Phenomenology of Spirit

I don't have the patience, discipline, or intelligence to make my way through difficult books.

>> No.7946529

Repent you swine!

>> No.7946540

You never will because you're a lazy piece of shit who is probably permanently stuck in the 'le classics are boring' phase.

>> No.7946564

I´m the one who you responded to. I recommend you to just pick it up and read it, you probably will finish it way before that you expected. Besides, by its own clarity in structure and prose War and Peace lets you perfectly read other books while you are at it.

>> No.7946636
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>> No.7946932

op you rly should read it. it's beautiful, and very leisurely to read

>> No.7946944

Just read the chapter Brute Neighbors, the one about the ants. The rest is gay.

>> No.7946979

Even if you're an American student, To Kill A Mockingbird is overrated garbage.

>> No.7948421

Ahh, I am so petty. This looks really good; I always thought I should read a Tale of Two Cities. Is there any other Dickens close to this? I guess I just don't want to read David Copperfield.

>> No.7948440

I agree, was expecting it to be great.
There more I read the more I realized it was a self-inflating egotistical borefest.

>> No.7948540

>I try to avoid books that are read by even non readers
I feel the same, but its mostly obvious pleb shit
I was told to read hunger games, divergent, etc far before the movie by my pleb friends. then in the christian circle there's stuff like the shack, kisses from kate, etc that I know automatically is garbage because everyone likes it

>> No.7948542

I once gave a presentation in a literature class about how Apocalypse Now was better because it took the same story and presented it with new artistic merit such as irony and renewed historical importance

>> No.7948544

>everyone should read it at least once

>> No.7948547

because it's true

>> No.7948553


>> No.7948680

not to mention all those deus ex machina to make the jews win

>> No.7949422
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10/10 made me giggle.

>> No.7949426
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>> No.7949496

I understand your apprehension because /lit/ got me to buy IJ and to put several hours into that, but Joyce actually is incredible and you really are missing out big time.

Just get A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and read that. It is only about 250 pages. After that you'll be excited for Ulysses.

>> No.7949500

Tried it. Got to the first 100 pages. Dropped it.
Tried it. Got to the first 50 or so, dropped it.
Tried it. Read Genesis all the way to half of Leviticus, dropped it. Two months later jumped straight to Kings, half assed through it, jumped to Job, then Daniel, Ecclesiastes, tried Canticle of Canticles because that was Aquina's favorite book, dropped halfway, then read the first Gospel.
Tried it. Dropped it after 20 pages or so.
I had this plan to read every single play. Read The Tempest than watched it Merchant of Venice just for the trial scene. And that's all I've ever read or seen of Shakespeare.
Read The Phenomenology of Spirit kinda hoping it would link with Berkeley for some reason, it didn't, dropped it near the end.
>Greek shit
Own about 12 Loebs, finished two, never touched 4 or 5 of them.
>To Kill a Mockingbird
Tried it. Dropped after 10 pages.

And so many other failures.

>> No.7949636
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>Got to the first 100 pages.
>Tried it. Got to the first 50 or so, dropped it.
>Dropped it after 20 pages or so.
>Dropped after 10 pages.

Please don't do this. Especially Ulysses after only 20 pages. There is so much in it and you have no idea how it progresses from just 20 pages.

Why start something if you aren't going to give it a chance? Reading 100 pages of W&P is reading >10% of it.

And only 10 pages of To Kill a Mockingbird? I didn't like that book so I don't blame you, but why even bother trying it if you are going to give up without actually trying it?

Just commit to something that you think you will like.

I'm being a hypocrite because I dropped IJ too, but it is something I really try to avoid doing.

>> No.7949667

i think it was a cozy read

>> No.7949693

bro, im terrified of reading gravitys rainbow.i read TCOL49 and it took me like 60 pages before i understood anything of his writing style etc. that nigga Pinecone uses the language in a quite complicated manner i must say. oh btw non-english person

>> No.7949721

Would you prefer to read fragments from a 1000 different books or 100 books from beginning to end? I think I'm coming to realize I'm like those worms who'll eat bits and pieces from every book on the library never actually eating a whole one. I'm still in my late 20s though so maybe that will chance.

>> No.7949724

Agreed. American writers are better and less full of themselves in almost every circumstance. Fuck pretty much all Brits ever.

>> No.7949738

Dumb ghettoposter

>> No.7949764

What was that?

>> No.7949768

How can you possibly know if you haven't read him? Just try, the more you read of him the easier he is to understand.
"The remarkable thing about Shakespeare is that he is really very good — in spite of all the people who say he is very good."
-Robert Graves

>> No.7949829

>Would you prefer to read fragments from a 1000 different books or 100 books from beginning to end?
definitely 100 books beginning to end. There are some books that are redundant and boring, but this wont be kept a secret and you can look to avoid these.

If you seek out good books, then every part will be important. Most great books build on themselves. There is something you can only get from being in the middle of a great book. When you finally remember and feel for the characters, when you fully understand the situations and such.

If you just want to learn from books about philosophy or whatever, then it might be best to skim or even just read summaries of the books.

If it is for enjoyment, then reading fully (and slowly) is so much better. Plus you'll also have a lot better understanding of the philosophy (if it is there) of the book.

>> No.7949945

War and Peace, Anna Karenina, Demons, Idiot, Brothers Karamazov, Darkness at Noon

Like one anon said about dickens/england, its boring russian people do boring russian things, but with some politics-of-the-day as the backdrop and some CUHRAZEY INTELLECKSHUAL ideas weve all,been exposed to 100 times over already.

Plus russians seem to enjot introducing 400 characters, defining their complex relations and expect you to remember it alm instead of you experiencing it.

Nah, Russia can fuck off

>> No.7949996

Any East Asian literature (excluding /jp/ or /a/-friendly stuff).
Anything ever written by Goethe.
Any Russian-language literature not written by Tolstoy or Dostoevsky
Pretty much anything else I haven't already read

>> No.7950809

Goethe's pretty funny tho'

>SIEBEL. All right then, sing, and sing her praises! One fine day

>I’ll have the laugh on you, my friend.

>She double-crossed me, as she will you in the end.

>May some randy hobgoblin be her Romeo,

>Canoodling with her at the crossroads! May

>Some old goat bleat goodnight to her on his way

>Home from the witches’ sabbath! Go

>And serenade her, then! Real flesh and blood,

>Real decent chaps like us are much too good

>For such a slut! You make me sick.

>I’d serenade her windows with a brick!

>> No.7951301

This. Fuck goethe

>> No.7951325

I think American writers are full of themselves and their constructed culture in their own way. Not very different from how Brits are.

Every time I read King, Clancy, Mailer, Roth I feel like I'm reading pulp-quality shit. People like Bradbury, Dick and the other ghetto genres are worse. Even Hemingway gets overbearing very fast with his "my balls are bigger than yours" attitude.

The only American writers I've been able to enjoy are Steinbeck, Upton Sinclair, Saul Bellow and Nabokov (who isn't even American proper).

>> No.7951500
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>(excluding /jp/ or /a/-friendly stuff).

Stop posting.

>> No.7951507

Sorry man, you're really missing out.

>> No.7951534
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He's baiting you, fuckface.

>> No.7951544

oh no i have been baited and i look dumb now

>> No.7951558

can u upload ur pasta folder? u must have some obscure shit in there

>> No.7951562


Hahahahahahahaha Why The Fuck Are You Trying To Save Face You Are Anonymous Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes

>> No.7951579

1984 is a must if you're 14-16 and on the fence about whole reading deal

>> No.7951586
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>when Reddit tries to take us to task

go home m8

>> No.7951593


>> No.7951602

>this first year tactic

>> No.7951608

hes a racist anyway

>> No.7951639

In Search of Lost Time, anyone?

>> No.7951641
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>liking tolstoy and dostoevsky
>disliking goethe

>> No.7953674

I'd read an abridged version

>> No.7953789


I know nobody asked but you can read Animal Farm from the same author as an alternative, really is almost the same core. Or We by Yevgeny Zamyatin, which inspired 1984 in the first place.

>> No.7953815
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I hate his writing style

>> No.7954150


>> No.7954194
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dropped it after 5 chapters, it just feels like self masturbation

>> No.7954210

>self masturbation
The best kind.

>> No.7954214

only Joyce and Pynchon can get away with it

>> No.7954215


>> No.7954220

Well, it's a book by an uneducated hack that uses shock value and gore to surprise readers. It's the "I used the thesaurus" version of basically anything Tom Clancy, Grisham, or Patterson.

>> No.7954249
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Infinite Jest, bought it at a B&N and then realized after a few months of reading and browsing /lit/ I got rused.
Also, James Joyce's more obscure pieces, like Ulysses or Finnegan's Wake, as well as Pynchon, I started TCOL49 and really couldn't get into his style, I found myself rereading certain pages because it felt fragmented. Though, that was like two years ago.

>caring about someone's subjective opinion on what a certain book is like

Also, how can you go through high school without reading Shakespeare? Pretty much every (American) school at least has Romeo and Juliet on the curriculum.

>> No.7954306 [DELETED] 


>> No.7954347

Why didn't you like Infinite Jest? Curious

>> No.7955299

just finished that leviathan a week ago. its worth a red, but please read it in french

>> No.7955312

It's an agonizing read. Just boring.

>> No.7955328

Any allegedly 'nonfiction' books written by: Bergson, Heidegger, Benjamin, Gadamer, Lacan, Adorno, Sartre, Levinas, Arendt, Merleau-Ponty, Levi-Strauss, Beauvoir, Ricoeur, Lyotard, Deleuze, Foucault, Derrida, Irigaray, Badiou, Nancy, Rancière, Kristeva, Agamben, Latour, Zizek, or Butler.

>> No.7955329

I had to read divergent in school. Man, was that a shitty book. And all these girls in the class who read it for fun beforehand thought they were smart because the could identify "themes." That was so cringe.

>> No.7955335

Great post and I'm not even ironic, you're not missing out anything.

>> No.7955355

Thank you. I keep my shitlist in spreadsheet format.

>> No.7955384

Pro-tip: Darkness at Noon is nothing like the other novels you mentioned. The characters are Russian, sure, but there are only like 3 of them, the story is set in WW2-era Russia, and the author was Hungarian/British.

>> No.7955417


>> No.7955576

started it and it was like notes from the underground but without any hint of satire or self awareness - literally diary of a hopeless special snowflake autist.

>> No.7955585

post pic

>> No.7955675

>Joyce's more obscure pieces, like Ulysses or Finnegan's Wake

>> No.7955718

watch the short series made by bbc it was pretty good

>> No.7955785

>>caring about someone's subjective opinion on what a certain book is like
I was being light-hearted you autist.

>> No.7955920

terrible bait is terrible

>> No.7956119

give Dubliners a shot, all the stories are solid and it ends on an amazing note with The Dead.

>> No.7956202

They're hardly stories tho

>> No.7956482
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I used to be like you. Then one day the light of Jesus Christ came to me and lead me to study the Bible deeply. People need to realize it is not very long before the messiah returns, there is very little time left to make peace

>> No.7956637

anything by stephen king, for that matter

>> No.7956664
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wow man, edgy.... this whole thread is ridiculous

>> No.7956702

>reading for the plot
that's why Stephen King, detective stories and all such have zero interest for me; glad someone feels the same

and probably this. I don't need to lie to myself .. way to technical

>> No.7956738

120 Days of Sodom

>> No.7957390
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>"fuck you"

>> No.7957415

its not goethe, its translation

>> No.7957418

I said I'd never read anything by James Joyce a long time ago and I found "The Dubliners" and "The portrait of the artist as a young man" for 2 dollars so I got them. What am I in for?

>> No.7957425
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Has anyone on this board actually finished this book? I'm two pages in and am already struggling.

Apparently it's a retelling of the Illiad but from an Irish man's perspective.

Another thing I heard about it, is it's famous for having the most amount of unique words in it? Is that really a reason for it to be considered such a great work? I already feel like most of these words are just shoehorned in.

I've never read anything from this author (James Joyce) and will probably drop the book soon. And this is coming from someone who did finish and enjoyed the Illiad and has read many Roddy Doyle books.

So my question remains, has anyone finished this book and what was their thoughts on it?

>> No.7957536


>> No.7957600

found the hell demon

>> No.7957643

I am just nervous about spending a lot of time on it, especially when I see people saying it only gets interesting about 300 pages in. I am nervous about spending a lot of time on Ulysses too, but I know I want to do it someday.

>> No.7957926

honestly, you're not missing much

>> No.7957931

You are missing out mate, it's a nice book.

>> No.7957936

if you don't think Heart of Darkness has irony, then you're just a shitty reader.

>> No.7957944

Gravity's Rainbow is amazing from the get-go. If you don't like it after 50 pages, you won't like the rest of it.

>> No.7959466

Probably talking about IJ with the 300 mark

>> No.7959473

El de tus muertos

>> No.7960138

Not read it but it's commonly accepted that you should probably read Joyce's other works first (to get an idea for how his style develops) and also plenty of Western canon (Illiad is fine, but try also more Homer, Dante, Virgil and The Bible) before even attempting Ulysses.

This is what I plan on doing.

>> No.7960824

Did you never read the Pearl in highschool?

>> No.7960828

It's funny how upset King was about Kubrick turning King's schlock into art

>> No.7962431


>My Struggle

Which one?

>> No.7962435

Les Miserables. Fuck that shit.

>> No.7963061

Worth it. Not a difficult read, don't listen to retarded posts saying "What should I read to prepare for IJ?" But don't think because it's not difficult doesn't mean it's not worth reading, because it really is.

>> No.7963062

>not King's best
Fucking lies. Of his bibliography, It has the most literary merit.

>> No.7963065

So do keep a handy dandy notebook next to you so you can write the page number at which you've stopped reading something down?

>> No.7963068

Chaucer is middle English, Shakespeare is modern English.

>> No.7963070

>Old English
>Old English
>Old English
>Old English


>> No.7963071

>accessible prose
That depends on the translation.

>> No.7963072
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It's ironical how threads like this grow on /lit/ while posts discussing literature die so fast.

>> No.7963077

Fahrenheit 451 is overrated. Bradbury was a moron. Funnily enough, 451had a lot do with oppression yet Bradbury hated minorities.

>> No.7963180

>homegrown literature
I didn't know you could read potatoes.

>> No.7963196

Anything with less than 4.0 on goodreads. Or unless someone can explain how a decent book under 4 exists. Which there have been a couple. Not many though.

>> No.7963223

No, it doesn't. It's as simple & accessible as any period pulp in the original Russian.

>> No.7963227

its hard to discuss literature other than saying "I like that book" "I liked how the character did __" I disliked ___"

>> No.7963689

Dark Tower series by Stephen King...some day!

>> No.7963698
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>I'll also never read The Bible because I'm an atheist.
If this isn't bait i'm not an oldfag.

>> No.7963706

No way.

>> No.7963712

nice inverted-nipple-post

>> No.7963716


>> No.7963717

The Giver.

>> No.7963759

I had to read that trash in Highschool, I'm convinced Thoreau drank his own cum.

>> No.7963855


>> No.7963910

but IJ is great within the first ~200 pages

>wheelchair assassins
>the hero of non-action
>video interfacing leading to internet shopping
>that entire 12 page uninterrupted James Incandenza dialogue to his 10 year old son

to name but a few

>> No.7964247

>Fahrenheit 451
It's fanfiction tier. Absolutely not worth reading.

>> No.7964270

Take your religious bullshit out of my beloved /lit/ and never return.

>> No.7964327

We're not your board. Neither are we your friends. Either you accept others peoples beliefs or you fuck off.

>> No.7964459

No, I'm staying. Either you accept my disputation of others peoples beliefs or you, well, you know.

>> No.7964756

I don't read 2 get smartr I read because I genuinely enjoy throught-provoking, clever stories/books and great prose. So YAH, unless you're trolling reading for enjoyment beyond just escapism is fine. I get the feeling you really hate yourself.

>> No.7964784
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>> No.7964796

Infinite Jest.
Honestly, it seems like such vapid trash, if I ever run out of books I'll check it out.

>> No.7964802

The Bible. Religion is nothing but a meme.

>> No.7964846
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>> No.7964855


>> No.7964971


>> No.7965207

This is exactly what it is. Old English.
That song from Denmark on a Bee Wolf is, on the other hand, not English at all. Not to the least. I know that the English do have a Balkan tier national pride thing going about it but it just isn't English and it's authors would not consider themselves English and likely never even set foot onto the isle. The language of the poetry about the Hen Ogledd is much more justified in being called anyhow "English", as is the language of Medieval France. At least they were used in addressing the matter of England! Too bad those Anglos just cannot let their Sassensach pride thing go.

>> No.7965234
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>tfw I barely even remember details about the Odyssey

>> No.7965334

I came here a week later just to tell you guys that you're full of shit and that 1984 is horrendous.

I will never stop being mad at that third chapter.

>> No.7965543

Shakespeare is modern English, you fuckhead.

>> No.7965550

That wasn't James, that was James' dad.

>> No.7965653

Pretty much this, with possible exception of Sartre's literary criticism and autobiography and Levi-Strauss' Tristes Tropiques

>> No.7965682

Maybe if you're retarded

>> No.7965704

If you ever want to learn about any of these people, then you don't have to actaully read them, you can just read their Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy page

>> No.7965727

Oh and I might read Benjamin's literary criticism too

>> No.7966138

Idd. It's shit upper-class wankery

>> No.7966140
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Vanna White's autobiography.

>> No.7966143

The chronology of your sex life.

>> No.7966166

You're missing out ;)

>> No.7966280

missing out like nothing

>> No.7966283

Yes, that was the joke you just made.

>> No.7966288

Missing out, on a lot, actually.

>> No.7966309
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Dropped it after about 15 pages.

>> No.7966327


>> No.7966475

It's not, but feel free to keep the meme alive.

>> No.7966485


>many other failures.
i'd say you're the failure desu

>> No.7966496

let's rather call it elizabethan english so we're not confused
y'know a lot of people say "modern english" when referring to contemporary english

>> No.7966509

I'm not even a patrician and you're still a fucking faggot. How does that work? Oh right. You're just a faggot.

>> No.7966516

I'm talking linguistically. Old English = Beowulf (original translation), Middle English = Canterbury Tales

>> No.7966518
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Get mad Christcuck

>> No.7966524

>a lot of people say
Who gives a fuck what "a lot of people say".

"Early Modern English" is defined as 1485 - 1709.
"Late Modern English" is defined as 1710 - present.

>> No.7966526

Kill yourself - you fucking moron.

>> No.7966542

I love shitposts on /lit/ because they get increasingly more ironic as the months go by. I feel like a little baby in comparison to the levels of irony in many of like posts

>> No.7966589

It has a huge influence on Western Literature and it's culture as a whole

>> No.7966612

I don't have to accept your beliefs. In fact, I'll call out your One True Religion for being more of a threat to progress in the Western World than Islam. I bet you call yourself an intellectual. Still bound by the shackles of blind faith.

Full fedora-tier here, but I'll be happy when you and your indoctrinated kind die out.

>> No.7966623

Well most likely he just reads fiction/ya

>> No.7966711


no. tolerant, yes--no choice.

>> No.7967660
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>> No.7968210

amrita sucks, kitchen is where it's at (hint hint hint motherfucker it's traps(

>> No.7968313

I'm never going to read the full Bible. Just trying to force myself to read the pentateuch was difficult enough. Probably the worst classic book I've had the misfortune of experiencing.

>> No.7968458

This is the Spectator newspaper from the jingoist era and that it has been picked up by Oxbridge scholars is no reason for us to do the same. The English didn't like the Germanistics around Grimm dubbing every dialect spoken by dark age barbarians some sort of German (Old "Saxon" spoken in Olde Netherlands and Olde North Germany, Central "Bavarian" spoken chiefly in Austria etcetera)

>> No.7968737

high school reading pretty much with the exception of memefinite jest

>> No.7968815

Everyone should read criticism as well

>> No.7968824

Which is college freshman reading. Though Min Kamp isn't really high school reading either

>> No.7968897

Ive found Stephen Kings writing to be as typical as R.L. Stine Goosebump series. I dont bother with anymore from him.
I have read all of Lovecraft's stories twice over though

>> No.7969370

For anyone considering reading it, this is true tbqthwyd
Read Genesis, and the Adventures of Jesus; the rest is just boring.

>> No.7969384

Literally the main character says this and the old smart dude says "shut up faggot not even close".
It was in plain sight.

>> No.7969393

ITT: reasons to leave /lit/

>> No.7969611

Wait, you didn't actually make a point.

>> No.7971335

Staying on /lit/ is actually a way to read books you'll not read because over time you'll pick up bits from posts about them

t. non-reader

>> No.7973171

How about those other books that weren't picked in the canon? I don't want to read the new testament, but those might be obscure enough to be worth some cred.

>> No.7974077

i've actually read ulysses. yep, i fell for it.

>> No.7974112
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