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/lit/ - Literature

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7933928 No.7933928 [Reply] [Original]

Would you end a relationship on account of your girlfriend claiming that pic related was her favorite book?

>> No.7933932

I'd end my girlfriend.

>> No.7933934

depends on the sag of her tits and the rump in her bump desu

>> No.7933936

It's either that or a girl who hasn't read a book since "The Giver" in elementary school

>> No.7933952

>Choosing a gf based on how /lit/she is.

PS shitting on something dumb isn't the same as being smart.

>> No.7933956

neither is pointing that out

>> No.7933966

I'll just avoid /lit/ conversations with her.

>> No.7933969

>choosing a girlfriend who is compatible with you in terms of interests and intellect is stupid
>you should just settle with any attractive bimbo just for the sake of saying that you have a girlfriend

underage detected.

>> No.7933983

Good point, a.non, but I don't compulsively start John Green threads (there are what four more righr now?) for validation, OP does

>> No.7933984

The second choice would at least be do-able

>> No.7933992

Naw, bro, the opposite. Oldfag. You learn to look past there personal taste in books and movies, etc. You want some common ground, but if you share things you like, with context, you can influence their taste. But it's not that important what they read. My gf is smart but she watches pleb stuff like reality TV, I give her slack bc sometimes I watch action movies or dumb comedies. It's about how you get along

>> No.7933996


>defends bad taste in lit and reality tv in one sentence


>> No.7933999

Not necessarily immediately, although spending a lot of time with someone like that would probably grow tiresome eventually.

>> No.7934008

Well could be worse, i had a gf once who tried to convice me to see Jack&Jill in cinema. Aint happend, but she lured me into Hunger Games.

>> No.7934026

>implying anyone here could get a girlfriend
Top Kek.

>> No.7934029


If she's still 15 I'd put up with it

If you want a woman for intellectual stimulation, you're going to be disappointed

>> No.7934257
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>If she's still 15 I'd put up with it

Could you just sit over there?

>> No.7934356
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>> No.7934363


newest of the newfags

>> No.7934382


>dating someone means having sex with them

wew lad

>> No.7934400

What is to gain from dating a child?

>> No.7934409



I prefer girls who actually enjoy being female, which can't be said for about 80% of women between 20 and 40. I prefer someone who hasn't been the fun of half a dozen men whom I'd never want to share a dinner table with. I prefer someone whose internal organs are not beginning to malfunction from years of alcohol and substance abuse. I prefer someone who isn't a walking container for disease and hysteria.

I prefer a healthy young woman who's charming, handsome, even-tempered, cheerful, pleasant, and carefree.

I prefer a person who can still promise something.

>> No.7934411

Can't be worse than the time I dated a girl who only read twilight and 50 shades

Made me realize bdsm sub/dom isn't worth the trouble. both times we fucked it was pure cringe
never again

>> No.7934413

<can't comprehend bad taste because you are a pseudointellectual neckbeard

>> No.7934426

>not a child as far as you should be concerned

A person who is 15 is still incredibly immature, even more so in the case of females.

It sounds to me that you are just subjecting yourself to an inherently more clueless and naive individual because you yourself aren't mature enough to handle the complexities of a regular relationship with another grown adult.

>> No.7934433

>you yourself aren't mature enough to handle the complexities of a regular relationship with another grown adult.
Yes Exactly

>> No.7934434

lads what are your top tinder tips
I've already put a quote by dostoyevsky on my description but only fat nerds who watch chinese cartoons and cosplay seem to get it

>> No.7934435

Include a John Green quote

I'm not even memeing

>> No.7934437

Defends having a girlfreind, mate. Don't worry, one day you'll find a nice man and settle

>> No.7934442

I'm a degenerate who fucks 16 year olds and 45 year olds. I had a date with a 21 year old yesterday, a 19 year old cancelled on me today, I have another date with a 36 year old on Wednesday, my current FWB is 20, my ex-girlfriend was 16-18 during the time we dated, I'm currently trying real hard to get a 17 year old I met through a friend, and I'm thinking of hitting up my 43 year old FWB from last year.

There is literally no difference except in surface ephemera. They are all immature. They are basically pretending to be adults from the minute they hit puberty. It's a big fun game where you get to simulate having goals and stuff, but in the end you're really just the same 11 year old girl who likes when she gets her way and when people are nice to her.

Rare, rare exceptions exist, but mostly unrelated to age.

>> No.7934448
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All right, Humbert Humbert

>> No.7934461


>you just can't handle a strong indepedent womyn like me!

thanks for the laugh. I've had my fill of grown women. Not interested anymore, at least not as long as I'm living in this miserable country

College and post-college age girls are unpleasant, both to the eye and the ear. There isn't much difference in mental maturity between an 18 year old girl and a 28 year old girl. Women don't mature any further past 20 until they start having children.

>> No.7934464


Humbert chased pre-pubescent girls you neanderthal

>> No.7934472

His limit was 14, which is one less than 15, which means you are only that much less of a disgusting shitbag than Humbert

>> No.7934473

Humbert had patrician taste.

>> No.7934476


>hey look everyone I know how to count!

what else did they teach you at college m8?

>> No.7934480

Do you ever feel weird when you realize you are fucking a girl who cant tell time? Like , they couldn't read an analog click because they have never had to use one?

>> No.7934485

Your deflecting smart assery won't save your pedo ass in prison, cuck

>> No.7934493


>going to prison
>for spending time with someone

my sides


are you drunk or something dude?

>> No.7934501

"I am going to take this bucket of water and pour it on the flames of hell, and then I am going to use this torch to burn down the gates of paradise so that people will not love God for want of heaven or fear of hell, but because He is God."

you think this one is cool or no?

>> No.7934508


panty peeler

>> No.7934511

I'd try to save her first. I just found out the girl I like would call herself a feminist. I think she's cool, so I think I could snap her out of it. I won't date her if I can't, though.

>> No.7934516

wew lad

I feel you, though.

>> No.7934521

What is the context of this?

>> No.7934522

Only half a dozen? You haven't interacted with many girls, have you anon?

>> No.7934525


It's usually at least half a dozen despicable men and then god knows how many semi-despicable ones

>> No.7934539
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It's a prayer for insurgents

They don't call him John 'Jihad' Green for nothing

>> No.7934541

No. Because I don't judge people based on what they like to read.

Come at me plebs

>> No.7935440

No. I'm too desperate for that.

Probs just teach her the ways of /lit/ as she slowly descends into extreme pomp and literature elitism.

>> No.7935446

No, I don't care.

The woman I love has terrible taste (her favorite book is 1984) and believes in dumb bullshit like psychology, but I still love her.

>> No.7935463
File: 60 KB, 626x551, toplel2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le virgin pussy meme
>le pristine soul meme
>le pedophile
>le 15-yo-girls-arent-children
>le all-those-sluts-are-mentally-diseased
>le all-those-sluts-drink-and-smoke-eww

le topkek, friend, i'm le kekking at your entire life right now
>inb4 >le
>le kys

>> No.7935500
File: 15 KB, 499x499, tumblr_nx05qgVR6w1udwanoo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw age of consent is 14 here

Sucks being an American I guess :^)

>> No.7935505


You're smelly.

>> No.7935519


That's a pretty "never had a gf before in my life" question to ask.

>> No.7935531

I actually have
True story

>> No.7935590

hahaha oh man life's going to be tough for you. Let us know before you do an eliot okay?

>> No.7935759


Go back to your whores mate, no one is gonna judge you except God

>> No.7935826

No. I can't imagine being so one-dimensional that the only reason I was with a gf was because I thought we shared one hobby.

>> No.7936055

this anon speaks wisdom

even Virginia Woolf said that women are just children in grown up bodies and that a wise man only plays, triffles and charms them

>> No.7936060

actually I'm kinda paraphrasing her, ut you get the point.

>> No.7936064

>I'm a degenerate

Stopped reading here.

>> No.7936212

You're dumb.

>> No.7936327

> I prefer someone who isn't a walking container for hysteria
That's definitely not 15 years old girls

>> No.7936353

Virginia Woolf was a psychotic depressive

>> No.7936354

>i met 20 immature women so all women are immature

>> No.7936399

the undeveloped minds of men can't fully grasp things like this :/

>> No.7936433

aren't you feigning maturity by having sex with so many women? it's easy to believe that you only manage to find people with the same outlook as yourself

>> No.7936443

You never considered that your sample group apparently consisting of women who would all have sex with some half-known Lothario might result in selection bias?

>> No.7936444

probably, try to deal with it though, i would then have to read the book and explain to the person why it is shit.

>> No.7936449
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what country?

>> No.7937143

No because I'm not perfect and I like some childish shit, or at least in some people's eyes, mainly video games.

>> No.7937174

No, it's not necessarily her fault she lacks experience. However if she's closed off to reading anything else, it's likely she's not someone who I will be interested in for long.

>> No.7937235

What would her liking this book have to do with anything? I date girls because they're physically attractive. If she looks good I don't care what she reads, or if she reads at all.

>> No.7937256

im not your m8, cunt

>> No.7937273

i'm not ur cunt, cuck

>> No.7937281

I probably wouldn't break up with a girl/refuse to date her over terrible taste in books unless it was symptomatic of a larger stupidity.

That said, I always brace myself for an unpleasant impact when I discuss books with a girl (or anyone for that matter) for the first time.

>> No.7937293


The incidence of hysteria increases with age and experience. Don't kid yourself.

>> No.7937310
File: 104 KB, 1024x1325, 1460896058794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having relationships is pleb tier but if you do it matters fuck all if she reads or not

just get some hashish ridden mulatto whore like baudelaire or something, gfs are accesories, not compagnons.

>> No.7937473


Degenerate detected

An unhealthy woman is like a rotten apple. You won't enjoy the taste and it's full of worms.

Unless you're a french windbag you should have some fucking standards.

>> No.7937616

Why am I in a relationship with her if I don't even know what her favorite book is yet?

>> No.7937650


Cuz that pussy good homeboy

>> No.7937659

Absolutely not. Sort of a stock pick, normal and unpretentious. She is unmemed. Lot to work with. many many other books that would be worse

>> No.7937665

Already did this.

>> No.7937668

TFIOS is pretentious as shit though. Every description and line of dialogue is a contrived 2smart4u reference or simile/metaphor.

>> No.7938351

I agree, but a woman who reads is precisely an unhealthy woman. Intellectualism in a woman is more degenerate than pleasure seeking.