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/lit/ - Literature

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7933226 No.7933226 [Reply] [Original]

Where do I meet /lit/ girls? No "college" admitted, already tried.

>> No.7933252

Sorry about hearing that man.

Gonna' break it to you if you're not college material truly /lit/ girls probably won't be into you or if they are it won't be to do /lit/ things with you.

Not as much because you didn't study English formally mote so because you're likely stupid.

What was your reason for not attending?

>> No.7933281

Are you saying you didn't get accepted to college? Try community college, exhaust your options.
If college wasn't for you then good luck because /lit/ girls are more fixed on the "idea" of an academic man and less fixed on the "idea" of a man who reads books.

>> No.7933297

I'm currently attending to college, dumbass. But I haven't find /lit/ girls there so far.

>> No.7933304

maybe the fact that you cant string together a coherent sentence is part of the problem spazztard

>> No.7933309

No "college" admitted as an answer because I'm already there and I still so thirsty that I gotta ask in this algerian equitation imageboard, fuck's sake.

>> No.7933312

If the way you speak in any way relates to the way you type, your problem with /lit/ girls goes way beyond the physical. Fix yourself foul.

>> No.7933314

Maybe the trouble happens with your reading comprehension. However, I don't have to use English in my daily life.

>> No.7933316

Libraries, Book stores, star bucks, "save the planet" rallies, book conventions, anywhere you can imagine a liberal hanging out.

>> No.7933318

I met mine on omegle.

>> No.7933361

I'd like to find some as well. I regret associating with the druggy crowd in college, it set me back physically and mentally and I didn't even get laid. Should have made an effort to talk to the handful of cute bookish girls I had classes with but it's too late for that now I guess. Now I'm just trying to get myself back on track but I have no avenues to meet women, /lit/-tier or otherwise.

>> No.7933405

Public transportation. I met my current boyfriend on my train commuting line. A lot of people do read on train/bus/subway if you take off your ear-plugs and pay attention.

>> No.7933421

In their rooms, because they never leave it

>> No.7933427

they exist but they aren't your friends
they resent you and will try to ruin everything you love

>> No.7933494

book release parties, book readings, library events.

>> No.7933500
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>yfw americans clap and then start bonding with eachother over their shared experience after the bus engine starts again

>> No.7933639

I'm in the same boat anon. Shit sucks.

>> No.7933693

I got a girl, but whenever I got to my local organic home roasted coffee house it seems like the game in there would be pretty good comparatively.

>> No.7933696

The new harry potter's coming out soon. Stop by barnes and noble.

>> No.7933698

>library events

Hey babY gir...Grandma what are you doing here!

>> No.7933712

you should stop looking for /lit/ girls altogether. if you do come across one, she will inevitably be either a Harry Potter "nerd XD," or she'll be a REAL /lit/ girl, i.e. probably way out of your literary league, dwarfing your bookpenis with knowledge and opinions you can't keep up with, because (let's be honest) all you really know are the memes. there is no in-between (except you).

>> No.7933716

Not at the library apparently. I learned that the hard way recently even though /lit/ told me it was a good idea.

>> No.7933722
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Stop liking girls

>> No.7933727

Now I want to know that story

>> No.7933751


If you fucked up the most social period in a persons life, then you have no fucking hope.

>> No.7933772

It's not much of a story really

>be me
>in college
>no friends, no gf
>see threads on here about how to meet qt bookish girls
>many replies say to approach a girl at a coffee shop or library
>don't like coffee shops so opt for library
>go to the campus library pretty much every night to escape my normie housemates
>walk to my usual place on the top floor right at the back
>floor is almost empty except for some Chinese students sitting around one desk
>spot a qt girl with earbuds in making notes or something
>start reading my book but feel restless
>finally tell myself I have to make a move or regret
>keep trying to repress my instincts
>decide I can't just go up and talk to her
>walk past her pretending I need to visit the bathroom
>she looks up and (I think) smiles
>get back to desk and feel it's a good idea to write a humorous note to her
>write "Dear Hermione [joke about the fact she was studying pretty late and had hair like Hermione did in the first two or three movies], I hate to bother you while you're reading, revising or doing work but I have been watching you for the past two hours and I just had to let you know that I think you are one of the most illustrious [I know it doesn't mean what I thought it meant and I realized that before googling the definition later on, I guess I meant lustrous or something] girls I have ever seen and if you are interested in getting a drink together when the library closes just come over to my desk or message me on [number], Yours, A Mysterious Stranger"
>hype myself up and pretty much just throw it at her before rushing back to my desk
>my desk is out of sight behind a bookcase but it's clear I am sitting there
>anticipate her coming over
>hear movements from her direction
>five minutes later a campus security guard comes over with a librarian and tells me I have to leave
>older female librarian tells me that what I did made another student feel unsafe and that she will have to inform my academic advisor (female professor who I have meetings with to chart progress etc)
>haven't returned to library since
>last two essays were shit-tier and received shit-tier grades because I'm too scared to return to the library

>> No.7933779


>> No.7933782

hahah you fucking idiot. That's something i would do (other than the hermione faggotry), why the fuck would you do that?

>> No.7933823

>even entertaining this idea in CURRENT YEAR
>furthermore, actually doing this
>at COLLEGE, no less, where looking now is tantamount to raping
>calling her "Hermoine" and shuffling around like a horny sperg


>> No.7933836

Wh-what's that period? I'm not even 20 yet

>> No.7933885
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>> No.7933912
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>attending to college
> I haven't find
>find /lit/ girls there so far

>> No.7933915

No college: admitted not, already tried.

>> No.7933925
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Oh, anon....

>> No.7933929

Not college: tried already, no admittance.

>> No.7933959
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>hit it off with /lit/ qt on Fetlife
>for some reason she keeps talking to me
>every time I send her a message, 2 hours later I'll be taking a shit and realize in hindsight that it was the most cringe thing ever
>say a prayer to Christ that she hasn't ditched me yet, resolve never to do that again
>meticulously write next message to avoid all douchery
>go to the store
>remember the message
>it was even douchier than the last one

>> No.7933974

the birds and the bees,
the geese and the ducks,
will put you on your knees
cause now you're just as dumb as all the other fucks

>> No.7933982
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>> No.7934005


Fetlife is almost as easy as tinder and the people are even stranger and freakier. Nothing to regret, they're too socially inapt to find a partner so they're on fetlife.

>> No.7934010

Well then stop shitting so often

>> No.7934214

oh my god. oh my fucking god.

>> No.7934418

I have regrets, man, but at least I've never done this.

>> No.7934423
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>> No.7935215
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>> No.7935238

oh man the /lit/ autism knows no bounds. Why do I hang out here?

>> No.7935251

is that supposed to be ironic, because the meme doesn't real

>> No.7935252

Holy shit! Somebody screencap this.

>> No.7935256

TFW you've actually done this but to a starbucks barista......

>> No.7935264

the same place you meet friends

>> No.7935265
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>"no "college" admitted, already tried"
>on /lit/
>has no command of basic english
no wonder college girls aren't into you. no wonder """""/lit/""""" girls aren't into you. pic related

>> No.7935281

Everywhere you meet any other people. One of your main problems is that you're actively look for a grill, which is a huge redflag for everybody sane.

>> No.7935282


>> No.7935286

>look in the mirror, anon
>do you see it? yesss

>One of us!
>One of us!
>One of us!
>One of us! 4everrrrr....ha ha ha ha haaa

>> No.7935292

This is just copy pasta, r-right?

>> No.7935347
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That was painful to read, gj Anon

>> No.7935359

I've had my regrets in life. I've had my fair share of boo's and hisses. But, goddamn, anon, you just flung my self-esteem tenfold. GJ, anon, GJ.

>> No.7935363


We're a board full of writers.

This story...

Obviously a fake, right?

Stuff like this doesn't actually happen, right?

>> No.7935383

We're a board full of pompous NEETs.


>> No.7935388

I've done things I strongly regret, I've autismed to girls, I've autismed to strangers, I've even autismed to a teacher. But never have I autismed so strongly that I was removed by a security guard for my autism.

>> No.7935403

We're a board full of autistic pseudo-intellectuals. I sometimes wish I had knowledge of the unknowable so I could know the exact number of writing professionals on this board.

>> No.7935442

it's a case by case schrodinger basis. so far, everyone's failed.

>> No.7935453

>no wonder college girls aren't into you.
Clearly you don't have a clue about how college works in my country

>> No.7935483 [SPOILER] 
File: 28 KB, 529x487, 1460965742839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move to a city

Go to the university there

Live near the university

Work near the university

Work in a bookstore near the university

Hang around the university and the bookstores around the university

If you do this you will walk down the street every day and be surrounded by university girls, and a portion of them will be well read. Every day.

But anon let's be serious you probably have never made the first move on a girl ever and that is the problem. You need to try.

>> No.7935485

>Holy Shit! somebody screencap this


>> No.7935488

le patrician face xd

>> No.7935495

yah and you know what i dont wanna know cause its obviously a shitty country and shitty college according to you, which obviously only reflects on you cause you couldn't get into a good college.

ps, women aren't stupid, but then again you only look at the ones who are attractive and therefore never needed to cultivate personalities

pps no one reads these days, so good luck with that. i bet youre at some technical school

>> No.7935535

reaching lovecraftian depths of autism

>> No.7935545

>yah and you know what i dont wanna know cause its obviously a shitty country and shitty college according to you, which obviously only reflects on you cause you couldn't get into a good college.
Right here, my country is a shithole, its college system sucks and I'm poor as fuck
>pps no one reads these days, so good luck with that. i bet youre at some technical school
Wrong there

>> No.7935558
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>getting this mad

>> No.7935582

Is lit really that dumb?
Holy fuck, my first cross-post and you guys are utter morons.

>> No.7935600

>I bet youre at some technical school

Science and tech beat the rest.
Any other field and you might as well serve burgers with your bud ronald at mcdonald's

>> No.7935736
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>> No.7935752
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>tfw /lit/ gf

>> No.7937232
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