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File: 632 KB, 1464x1986, Philosophy Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7933454 No.7933454 [Reply] [Original]

Where should I start with his works?

>> No.7933460
File: 507 KB, 733x733, 1436035843350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't.

>> No.7933464


>> No.7933467

not at all if you're not a teenager any more

>> No.7933473

At least suggest alternatives and reasons why. Unless of course you're just parroting popular /lit/ opinions with no real basis.

>> No.7933480

You have a cancerous mentality

>> No.7933487

bumping because interested

>> No.7933502

Nietzsche is shit, read Augustine.

>> No.7933503

Dismissing an entire man's philosophical works just because a lot of teenagers read it? People much greater and smarter than yourself would consider you an insecure pretentious cunt

>> No.7933505


>> No.7933509

So I assume you've read a lot of his work? What exactly didn't you like?

>> No.7933518

i dismiss his philosophical works because its shit. it takes a bit of life experience to get that, hence the point with teenagers

>> No.7933519

I hate Nietzsche for the same reason I hate Diogenes and Voltaire: I hate people who tear something down and then leave you in the rubble. They genuinely repulse me. Fine, you've destroyed this thing which has stood for millennia. Now what? Don't you dare fucking tell me I just have to deal with it. You, the tearer-down, have a responsibility to give me something in its place, especially if you don't want me to succumb to nihilism.

The trouble is that Nietzsche's building-up always seems half-assed. The eternal return is really weak. The will to power seems ephemeral. His building-up is not nearly as good as his tearing-down, and for this, I resent him.

>> No.7933523

I just don't understand why you would bother posting this. You're not going to "bait" anyone. You're not convincing anyone. You don't give any reason. Why?

>> No.7933530

You're a baby, you exemplify why religion is still around. Great man.

Find something for yourself. If something is false I see No reason why it should not be negated. If the truth hurts you get out of the kitchen of logic. Nihilism too by the way has been refuted many times already; GET more educated or stop spouting such backward reasoning to justify shitting on some authors who have done a lot for the progress of humanity. You sick fuck.

>> No.7933538
File: 25 KB, 500x479, friendzone enemies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're a baby, you exemplify why religion is still around. Great man.

>> No.7933539

You're essentially telling me I should ignore Nietzsche. What's the point of finding something for myself if it's already been refuted?

But of course Nietzsche's childish understanding of Hegel (and Plato, Christianity, Aquinas, Kant, etc.) means that his positions are literally for teenagers, the only people so selfish and self-centered to follow in his wake.

>> No.7933541

Philosophy isn't a one-way street. It requires some thought and input from the reader.

>> No.7933570

Dude, religion has been refuted since pre-Judeo-Christian times, meaning that blaming Nietzsche for that is kinda pointless. Just as all of the other negations he made against then prevalent morality.

Stop generalizing or trolling.

I fail to see how his understanding of those authors was inadequate.

Post something of substance or don't.

Many, as well as you it seems, fails to see that Nietzsche did actually put the groundwork for many modern morality theories. It wouldn't be much of an assumption to think that you failed to understand at least 65% of what he was getting at.

You people need help. Go somewhere else. Good day, I'll pray for your recovery to the God of Benevolent Logic at my weekly Convention for the Damnation of all Christians.

>> No.7933574

>hating Diogenes
You know Diogenes didn't stand for tearing things down right? He stood for casting aside material wealth and unnecessary things with the belief that decadence and luxury aren't necessary to a happy life. If anything he tore down the greedy and the indulgent.

>> No.7933578

Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.7933592

>Nietzsche did actually put the groundwork for many modern morality theories

Can you go into this a little more?

>> No.7933595

>unironically defending religion on the internet
/pol/ and those that use fedora just to be contrarian are retarded
This is still 4chan

>> No.7933599

>being an atheist

The fool hath said in his heart, "There is no god."

>> No.7933604

>implying the building-up must not originate from within oneself through anguish and suffering
Seems you didn't read enough Augustine.

>> No.7933605

Well shit I didn't know that the Bible said that atheism was dumb. I've made a huge mistake.

>> No.7933610
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>being a theist

Fuck it. I'm not getting into this stupid shit. It's ruining /his/

>> No.7933617
File: 273 KB, 437x500, 1455753406560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche really is for teenagers though, see pic related :^)

>> No.7933619
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>> No.7933625
File: 20 KB, 474x528, le wise philosopher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

understand schopenhauer before trying to understand nietzsche

>> No.7933652

that nigga a sophist, too many givens unexplained

God would've failed logic101.

>> No.7933653

So this thread has completely derailed, but here's where you wanna start.
Thus Spoke Zarathustra is widely considered the best starting point, and I'd agree. The amount of topics it covers is pretty broad, and just serves as a good intro to a lot of Nietzsche's ideas.
The book is a collection of essays held together by a relatively weak narrative. This isn't Ayn Rand shit either, the narrative takes a hardcore backseat after the first 20 pages.

After that, I'd say go into either the Gay Science or Beyond Good and Evil.

>> No.7933658

See >>7933574
You hate these thinkers cause you know nothing about them? God, fucks like you are why this place is so shit. No one here can read.

>> No.7933664

>Thus Spoke Zarathustra is widely considered the best starting point
No, it's not. This is the dumbest thing I've ever read. Start with the gay science or genealogy

>> No.7933670

Well Geneology is basically an attachment to Beyond Good and eveil ....

>> No.7933671

Nietzsche and Stirner compliment each other, what are you talking about?

>> No.7933672

>Thus Spoke Zarathustra is widely considered the best starting point
nah, that's pretty much the last of his books you should read.

>> No.7933692

Deleuze, Freud, Shestov Heidegger and Spengler I guess where just edgy teens.

Your brain is rotted with memes. Just stop already.

>> No.7933704

Ideally you should read his works in order.

>> No.7933707

Everybody who says that Nietzsche is for teenagers and dismiss his work, read his work for fuck sake, so then you can say whatever you want

>> No.7933713

Thus Spoke Zarathustra introduced me to philosofy, so I recomend you that one

>> No.7933728
File: 19 KB, 300x400, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why don't you read Camus and Marx too?

>> No.7933732

I wish 4chan had a resentment filter.

>> No.7933739

Why don't you actually read Mr. Memes?

>> No.7933744

Stanley Kubrick

>> No.7933750

Nietzsche is the philosophical equivalent of holding your gun sideways.

>> No.7933760

cute but no, as in not cute at all, kubrick's films have the complexity of a horse's backside and the incorporation of philosophy like a gorilla picking insects from his mother's back

>> No.7933762

>waaaahhh if you shit on my favorite philosopher you haven't read him!

Get a grip, "enlightened" teenager

>> No.7933764


>> No.7933770

Start mit die Griechen

>> No.7933775

Nice memes

>> No.7933808

2001: A Space Odyssey

>> No.7933821

Caesar no. That film is for pseudo-intellectuals. Not clever at all. And neither is Clarke, but at least Clarke isn't creatively challenged.

>> No.7933854

Tell me something that is intellectual, creative and clever

>> No.7933857

1. Ignore this thread

2. Read Genealogy of Morals

Most people in this thread seem to think of Nietzsche as an atheist hero, an angsty teen, or a "destroyer". This book is his clearest work (part of why angsty teens like him is that he's easy to misread) and he shits on atheists, anti-semites, and passive aggressiveness in a pretty straightforward manner. He also explains Ressentiment and the Will to Power in ways that make them visible in real life, and posits that much spiritual suffering comes from an abundance of the former, and inadequate expression of the latter (I.e. He builds, but in a way that seems like destroying to morally Christian people)

Nietzsche isn't painting a full picture of everything (he never really talks about love) but he definitely does get certain things right, and certainly warrants a careful read.

>> No.7933889

Besides me? Analogously ascertaining the value of my original deriding of Kubrick by whatever name I could pull out of a hat is much less efficacious than arguing over the finer points of the man in question wouldn't you say? I won't be pulled into granting you a name to juxtaposition against your own peculiar, if questionable, value system.