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7932051 No.7932051 [Reply] [Original]

Knighthood Edition

Recommendation Charts:
Selected: http://i.imgur.com/3v2oXAY.jpg
General: http://i.imgur.com/igBYngL.jpg
Flowchart: http://i.imgur.com/uykqKJn.jpg
Selected: http://i.imgur.com/A96mTQX.jpg
General: http://i.imgur.com/r55ODlL.jpg / http://i.imgur.com/gNTrDmc.jpg

>Opinion on Reddits top fantasy novels? https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/4f1jfj/the_2016_top_rfantasy_novels_poll_results/

>> No.7932072

>opinion on reddit list
It's shit.

WoT doesn't deserve even a top 25
>harry potter
>top 10
Pick one

At least Hobb gets a deserved mention in the top 10.

>> No.7932091

>Opinion on Reddits top fantasy novels?
Awful. The top 15 is full-on shit-tier "fantasy series" books.

The only entries worth reading are Guy Gavriel Kay, Gene Wolfe, Fritz Leiber, T.H. White, Mervyn Peake.

>> No.7932098

What do you guys think of "Demonbane" series?

I've often seen it mentioned in those power level discussion how Demonbane is supposedly so bad ass.
But it's really just a shitty story that's not coherent and just plain awful.

Also most of the claims people make are just misinterpreted shit.

>> No.7932102

If l like Hawkwind will I like Michael Moorcock's novels? I was thinking of doing the Eternal Champion sequence (vol. 1 - 15) in order some day.

>> No.7932110

Read the VN you pleb. And it's not supposed to be the most thought provoking thing.

>> No.7932113

There are a few more, but it's mostly the stuff with 20 or less votes and basically because the list has by virtue of chance almost all fantasy series more commonly known.

>> No.7932117

How is Black Company?

>> No.7932120

Worm isn't even a book either.

>> No.7932125

I included the VN.
It's still shit.

Power level discussions are pure shit anyway.
But if the strongest Demonbane can't permanently kill or seal off Nyarlathotep then how are people claiming it can kill of omnipotent beings?

>t's not supposed to be the most thought provoking thing.
I figured that out already

You seriously didn't enjoy that shitstain of a barely coherent "plot"?

Stuff that Erikson copied.

>> No.7932129

Any other writers in here?

>tfw trying to get this draft done but it feels like pulling teeth

>> No.7932131

There's no mention of the great modern fantasy writers like Jack Vance, John Crowley, Tim Powers, Robert Holdstock, Michael Swanswick, etc. None of those names appears on the list even once.

>> No.7932134

>Can critique the shit out of prose left and right
>Try to write and it's barely a step above shit you'd find on fanfiction.net

>> No.7932137

I don't give a shit about power level discussions mate. If that's the reason why you started reading it then I have no words for you. It is what it says on the tin: mecha fights with lovecraftian influences, not sure why you'd expect a literary masterpiece out of that premise.

>> No.7932139

I didn't expect a literary masterpiece.

It's about as coherent as the Twilight movies.

>> No.7932148
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I largely have my plot together its just individual scenes I'm trying to work out. Prose isn't that big of a challenge for me, but holy hell is actually completing something is. I do better with short one-page stuff but anything longer and its a battle. Somehow I still managed to put myself to the task of a 2 part novel.

>> No.7932154

>Opinion on Reddits top fantasy novels?

It's a popularity contest and the results are to be expected. I don't think a beginner can go too far wrong choosing an author from that top....~10 or so. Before moving on and finding your niche in the genre.

>> No.7932176

>can write great dialogues all day long
>leave gaps for description to fill in later
>never finish them

>> No.7932181

Also, name all my characters 'Joe' or something like that, because i can't come up with names.

>> No.7932186

I didn't to through all of it, first dozen were painful enough.

>> No.7932187

kek i do that with my secondaries and have to come up with better names later

like you get this authentic sci-fi setting with a detailed world then theres some prick named Jake

>> No.7932225

That's quite a good list from Reddit actually. It's just popularity based so the top 20 is very predictable and full of entry level work, but most of them are actually good and are popular for a reason. The best entry level works tend to be enjoyable even for more experienced readers anyway.

I imagine you would get a fairly similar list if /sffg/ voted.

>> No.7932229

>ASoIaF higher than Tolkien
Fucking reddit

>> No.7932236

Looks like the Wolfe and Peake shill has added GGK to his list.

You're an obnoxious elitist ass, but I can't help but like your taste, [Spoiler]even if I do find Peake horribly overrated.

>> No.7932237

I doubt it. For one there's a bunch of authors they don't know exist.
Or are you one of those "there is only one guy who doesn't like Sanderson or shit author x"?

>> No.7932242

You see I didn't read GKK, there are more people with taste here who aren't me. Also I didn't read White and would opt for few other authors such as Borges and Chesterton.

>> No.7932246

Have you been in one of these threads when a new Sanderson book comes out? It's not necessarily a vocal minority of haters, but it seems like all you get is hate, until suddenly every thread is full of Mistborn discussion and theories, and not just from the one who keeps posting maps.

>> No.7932247

It's a retarded system. There's no difference in quality. You can vote for wolfe and Sanderson and they both get 1 point. Why not add some sort of quality points? This way, it's better not to vote for certain books...,

>> No.7932251

Who /bakker/ here? what's your favorite quote from the series ?

>> No.7932255

Yeah, we get cross boarders. Or just people who like it like I like warhammer novels. Not something you'd vote on a favorite list.

>> No.7932269
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>Do you have your mother's bones?

>> No.7932272

For those saying women can write... Here is the exact moment Le Guin went to shit.

stopped writing. The book had a woman in it, but I didn't know how to write
about women. I blundered around awhile and then found some guidance in
feminist theory. I got excited when I discovered feminist literary criticism
was something I could read and actually enjoy. I read The Norton Book of
Literature by Women from cover to cover. It was a bible for me. It taught me
that I didn't have to write like an honorary man anymore, that I could write
like a woman and feel liberated in doing so."

>> No.7932273

context. Don't remember this one.

>> No.7932274

I'm going to write the most anime science fantasy story ever, get a Hugo for it, and comeback here to brag about it to all you plebs.

>> No.7932279

Sanderson please.

>> No.7932281
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>He thinks he can out anime Sanderson

>> No.7932282

So what makes me plebean for liking the Kingkiller series?

>> No.7932293

to put it simply, its shit. The plot is tailor made for neckbeards. It's the twilight equivalent.

In twilight, you have a plain, boring and forgettable girl. She does her thing worrying about everything. Then one day a vampire falls in love with her. Basically he has everything a woman would want. He is older(experience). He looks young and rich, he is hot and he literally can't control himself around her. This guy is simply the best and of course he chooses her, out of all the hot sloots or beautiful nice girls in the world, she is so damn special. When a dumb 13 year old reads this shit, she imagines edward coming for her and rescuing her from a boring life.

Kingkiller uses the same formula. It's just for men. There are some good moments in it, you can still enjoy it only for the cringe factor. I would say read the damn thing and extract 3-5 quotes/scenes that are well written. Other than that, it has no merit. It's meme tier...

>> No.7932299

who is that guy?

>> No.7932302


>"Maybe I'll eat my words, but I think ASOIAF is easily as important to fantasy literature as Lord of the Rings. It injected depth and gravitas into a genre that (I felt) was becoming more and more narrow. I don't think it's leaving the top 2 until a new book or series comes along that is good enough to unseat it. I'm guessing that will take a while."

Holy shit the delusion is real. Reddit is actually worse than I even imagined.

>> No.7932306

>It injected depth and gravitas into a genre that (I felt) was becoming more and more narrow.
Sounds like some insane meta-parody I could have written.

>> No.7932309

>Rothfuss is a skilled writer, with good storytelling instincts and the ability to drop just enough specific detail into his worldbuilding to make his Central Casting characters come alive (or at least half-alive, like Pinnochio dolls), but not so much that it bogs down the narrative or bores the reader. There's nothing wearisome here, except possibly the sheer weight of the book itself in one's hands; overall it's a smooth-rolling reading experience that passes the time, is fairly entertaining, and has a few moments of excitement. But here's the thing: it's a fundamentally cosy book. It flatters the reader. It winks at her, promising her the real thing rather than some sanitised storybook version, at the same time sanitising anything that might genuinely unsettle, or unnerve, or wrongfoot her readerly expectations. It, like many works of contemporary fantasy, panders to a sort of imaginative tourism, a safe entry into an escapist imaginative space defined by its reassuring familiarity. Cosiness is a good quality in sweaters. It is not a merit in books.

>> No.7932310

>The Walking Dead x Tolkien fanfiction
>Important to literature

>> No.7932317

Maithanet saying it to Kelmomas after crushing Inrilatas skull, remarking how it was so easy to do

>> No.7932320

>Cosiness is a good quality in sweaters. It is not a merit in books.

He doesn't know what he's saying

>> No.7932325
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Can you guys stop trying to merge that festering pool of filth with our pristine site?

I'm not even opening that link. Want me to see it? Make a screenshot.

>> No.7932328

But that's just a bunch of buzwords mashed together.

All things he said could be summarized in just 1 sentence, possibly less.

> It flatters the reader. It winks at her, promising her the real thing rather than some sanitised storybook version, at the same time sanitising anything that might genuinely unsettle, or unnerve, or wrongfoot her readerly expectations.
What's this even supposed to mean?
That it has no plottwists? Everything can be predicted right from the beginning?

>real thing rather than some sanitised
>at the same time sanitising anything
This isn't a serious post you quoted, is it?

>> No.7932334

us 4 channers am I rite xD do I fit in yet guys?

>> No.7932349

Reddit has been merged with this site since 2008

>> No.7932362

>Stuff that Erikson copied.
and made three times better

>> No.7932382

>Michael Swanswick

My nigga

He's criminally underrated in my opinion. Iron Dragon's Daughter is easily the best fantasy of the 90s.

>> No.7932396

It's ya boi socrates

>> No.7932398

>book was out before walking dead was even though of by producers

It really gets my autism, when you faglets say that x is like y, when x was out decades before y was even conceived.

Why do you do this?
>hurr durr malazan and a game of thrones is reddit
>both books were out before the year 2000

>> No.7932418

How is Greg Egan? I've heard him recommended lately and I'm thinking of starting with Quarantine.

>> No.7932428

>burn all Sanderson books and any books I don't like
>my likes are the epitome of the entire human civilization
>you should feel honored that I took time out of busy day to tell you, that you have shit tastes
>if you like things I dislike you are a plebeian

>> No.7932439


>Brandon sanderson is literally redbit
>GRRM is literally redbit

>> No.7932448

>Why do you do this?
>It really gets my autism

Stop answering your own questions.

>> No.7932460

>here since 08
>still trying to fit in
I guess I suck at fitting in then huh?

>> No.7932463

Name one person currently publishing epic fantasy who can compete with Sanderson.

just ONE

checkmate prosefags

>> No.7932468

Epic fantasy is shit so who would you complete with?

>> No.7932486

>hurr durr I have no skill in extended story telling where plotholes pop up like acne scars on Morpheus's face
>i will just say it's a waste of my time

>> No.7932487

this desu

I actively avoid shit running longer than 4 books unless I'm currently reading it, like GRRM, Bakker and Lynch.

>> No.7932490

By extended storytelling you mean padding your main quest with filler?

>> No.7932502

>dons felt concave device with circular rim

>> No.7932504

Its ok, I like anime too.

>> No.7932506

Is it bad that I'm enjoying the first book of WoT?

It feels really comfy.

>> No.7932508

It's true, I don't have storytelling skills.
But I also don't write and if I ever do it won't be fantasy.
But the thing about epic fantasy is that it tells in 100000 pages what a better author tells in 1/10 or 1/100 of it. It's mostly fillet.
Just compare something like Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser to First Law or some other series that has dozens of volumes. Leiber will tell the same story with more grace in a novella.

>> No.7932512

It's said to go downhill fast.
And I don't think anyone here minds enjoyment of anything.

>> No.7932519

Except First Law is way better than Grey Mouser so your argument is moot.

>> No.7932521

I havent even read Grey Mouser but i can already sense thats bullshit.

First Law is fucking bad

>> No.7932540

Because it's clear Jordan grew up on a farm and can relate the experience of smalltown living in a hokey and amusing way. And the clear Tolkien aping for a cherry on top

However that is ALL he can do. I repeat, ALL HE CAN DO. Stop now while you find the character's bumbling to be oddly endearing and cute. You will tarnish this by reading onward

>> No.7932554

Grey Mouser is shit. Take your elitist inclinations away from here.
>only old books should be read
>nothing of value was written after 1980
I really hate you fedoras

>> No.7932562

6 books in and I still think it's comfy. They really don't take that long to read, I will hold out even if they get really boring since the last 3 are supposed to be good.

>> No.7932568

It really is. It's the first novel I've read in a while where the author had insulting exposition. He felt the need for the character to give himself an internal exposition on things everyone knew in the start. And it's generally filled with cliches and bad writing such as this, as well as having 1/3 of it about an obnoxious young gun, which in itself isn't necessarily a problem, but when you lack any depth about it just become dumb. It isn't Holden or some other cunt character where such characterisation makes sense. He is just ruled by a formulaic mind, his work feels like he went to a Hollywood writing school for blockbusters.

>> No.7932572

Is anyone excited about the rumored september release of Peace Talks? Did Butcher put the Dresden files on a hiatus for too long?

>> No.7932576


My particular brand of autism takes the form of "once I start a book I literally cannot drop it no matter how shit it gets" so I'm in for the long haul.

It's lucky I'm liking it so far because now that I started I am compelled to read all 14 books.

>> No.7932578

Book of the New Sun was finished in 1985 and Wizard Knight in 2005 and Latro in 2006.
I don't think anyone cares about the age, it's just Abercrombie and most authors of the genre being awful.

>> No.7932583

>22. The Dark Tower
I finished this like a week or so ago and it was utter trash.
Stephen King is a fucking hack.

>> No.7932591

All of those are inferior to First Law desu.

>> No.7932595
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>> No.7932597

Depending on your retardatiom level, that opinion can be held by some.
Were you surprised by that?

>> No.7932599
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>New Sun inferior to First fucking Law

>> No.7932602

I couldn't finish IT (making it the first book I didn't finish), which is supposed to be his magnum opus, so yeah

>> No.7932607

Is the Malus Darkblade series one worth bothering with then?

>> No.7932610

It was my first experience with King and my friends had spoken about The Dark Tower as if it were one of the greatest series of books ever written.

The concept was decent but King ruined the series on so many levels.

The Dark Tower is his self proclaimed magnum opus. His written style is extremely obnoxious.

>> No.7932616

But the critics say It is his beat work. And at least his shit is good in film format.

>> No.7932619

Read the first 4 chapters (40 pages) of Shadow of the Torturer and am not impressed. Sevarian is decently interesting but the "plot" is not very engaging and a little too slow paced for me. Prose is alright but overdone at points. Probably gonna put the book on indefinite hold for now.

>> No.7932628

>reading for the plot
It also has a slower start. Is Thecla at least dead by this point and Severian exiled?
The only authors that are readable in wh are Abnett and Dembeski Bowen. They are not very good, but work as entertainment if you like the universe. Everyone else is so bad it is essentially unreadable drivel.

>> No.7932633

>And at least his shit is good in film format.
You haven't heard about The Dark Tower movie, have you?

>> No.7932639


>he already decided the movie is gonna be bad

classic 4chan

>> No.7932642

>Is Thecla at least dead by this point and Severian exiled?
Nope, he started nursing some dog.

It reminds me a little of Assassin's Apprentice, first person and slow character driven story, which I also disliked (but at least I finished that book, so I guess I liked it a bit more). Probably just not for me.

>> No.7932646

>what is judging a book at least objectively
>what is critical thinking when trying to understand a book
>even if flawed ( you can't be 100% objective) you can still determine the quality of a work of art
>after all of this ,thinking that Sanderson and Wolfe are on the same level, using any metric
>if you like things I dislike, there's no problem, I can understand liking stupid things and being entertained
> If you like things I dislike, and say Sanderson is superior(from a writing perspective) to Wolfe,Erikson,Bakker,Tolkien etc....you are a plebeian
>I don't know how to greentext, but I don't have shit tastes at least.

>> No.7932651

>Idris Elba is cast as Roland Deschain
>female lead is a new character called Tirana played by Abbey Lee
You honestly think it can be good?
They've already butchered the story by race swapping the 2 protagonists and replacing Susannah with some white chick.

>> No.7932659

Heh the book hasn't even started by that point. Also it isn't nursing, he literally resurrected the dog.
Wolfe requires attention and isn't really fun in the way Leiber or Moorcock are so take that for what you will

>> No.7932665

>You honestly think it can be good?

I hope so. Elba is a damn good actor and Roland's race doesn't really matter outside his interactions with Susannah/Detta in the second and third books, and by making Susannah white they sort of keep that.

I demand they get Aaron Paul for Eddie, no one else can do. Ok maybe Sam Rockwell.

>> No.7932669

don't be a pleb. Understand that it's a story about ideas, not explosions and shit happening. Get some wine, put some wood on the fireplace, open the curtains and let the sun shine in ( or light a few candles if it's night).

Sit down and read the damn thing. Slowly. Put it down. Think. Reflect about what you have read and continue.

This shit ain't Sanderson, you can't enjoy it if you expect something like that.

>> No.7932671
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>get some wine
>put some wood on the fireplace
*tips fedora*

>> No.7932674

Its not even that serious. The book is enjoyable enough to read without pretending its some grand undertaking.

Right enough about chilling out and absorbing it, but lets not overstate things.

>> No.7932676
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>lighting a fire in daytime

>> No.7932682

I never expected anything like that. I was fully aware of what kind of book it was before I got into it, and I gave it a honest shot but what I read of it I didn't like so I don't see why I would continue.

>> No.7932701

>lighting a fire in daytime
Actually people did that because fire was lit for the heat as well. It's comfy, we used to warm ourselves exclusively with wood.
>I don't see why I would continue.
Because of all the awesome things coming your way and it being an essential read of fantasy literature.

>> No.7932713

I'm not really a fan of the "read at least 300 pages trust me it gets good!" meme. I fell for it a couple of times and it never paid off.

>> No.7932721

Just read what you want to read.

I had a number of false starts with BOTNS but at some point I just breezed on through it. Everyone has their own time for things.

>> No.7932746

Is there anything with more rape and depression than Bakker? I want something soul crushing and disgusting.

>> No.7932753

This is good from the start desu, but the plot starts moving faster when Severian gets exiled.

>> No.7932757

Bakker is pretty tame compared to some anime t b h

Berserk being an obvious one

>> No.7932769

Yes, it's called Russian literature, or at least some of it.

>> No.7932779

Thish hate *sniff* againsht reddit *sniff* ish pure ideology, I claim.

>> No.7932797

Besides dat? I know of "uber blatt"(or something similar) Spice and wolf and maybe a few more...not much of an expert.

What do you recomment? Dark setting/depressive world is my first thing.

>> No.7932803

Claymore has alot of that, I hear

>> No.7932805

oh and Gantz

>> No.7932807

If you want to watch an actual good show, Haibane Renmei. I think a lot of people who like good lit would like it too. It's only 13 episodes long. But not really an action show.

Dark but not very good shows. Claymore manga is better.

>> No.7932813

I am Cnaiur urs Skiötha, breaker-of-horses-and-men!",
"I am Cnaiür urs Skiötha, most violent of all men!
I bear your fathers and brothers upon my arms!

>> No.7932824

Can confirm, Haibane may as well be the best anime in terms of writing made thus far.

>> No.7932827


Yeah....get to the end and then come back and say that. You haven't even scratched the surface. and you haven't even been made aware that Severian has already died and resurrected at least once

Buckle up kid. You're in for a ride.

>> No.7932831

Been there done that

I read the book long before it became a meme on /lit/ :^)

>> No.7932835

>Read the first 4 chapters (40 pages)
>So I don't see why I would continue

Giving up a book after only reading about 10% of the text is absurdly dumb.

Oh wait, you're one of those people who needs to be "sucked into a story" right?

You probably should give up Wolfe, he'll go over your head.

>> No.7932837

Mark Lawrence thorns. Richard Morgan Land fit for Heroes.

>> No.7932838

I just finished The Final Empire and god damn I feel almost cheated.
So the Lord Ruler was a fucking Terris -packman- that killed the real Hero of the Ages? God dammit.

>> No.7932862

It's actually 5%, 2 Orb volumes are about 800 pages and it's a coherent story so you can't read just Shadow and Claw.

>> No.7932867


>> No.7932870

I disagree, rarely is there reason to read more than 50 pages to realize whether something is worth your time or not.

>> No.7932874

Tried it, both anime and manga, nice
watched the anime. meeh
I am intrigued. It's rare for anime to have good directing and writing. Only after getting interested in this shit did I understand how lame most animes are.
>weeping faggot
>breaker of men

I will watch it now, based on your recommendations alone. I trust /lit/

>> No.7932878

Read all of that. I am out of stuff to read honestly. I'm only left with obscure shit or painfully average shit.
Because you are a pleb. You read 50 pages, decide you don't like it, and any opinion you may hold after is completely biased. Something like reading is intellectual, you can't judge it like you judge a ho, decide in 0.3 sec if she's hawt or not.

>> No.7932880

>I disagree, rarely is there reason to read more than 50 pages to realize whether something is worth your time or not.

What is Moby-Dick, In Search of Lost Time, Ulysses, The Brothers Karamazov, War and Peace, etc. etc. etc.

>> No.7932881

The very first page of MD tells you that its worth reading

>> No.7932885

This post has literally no substance or arguments.

All books whose style you know after the first 5 pages even? Are you pretending to be retarded?

>> No.7932890

First 50 pages of The Republic don't really get into anything Plato is known for, you don't continue reading because of what you have read, but because of the collective experience of people who know more on the subject who tell you that it's worth reading.
Different book work in different ways and I don't think anyone should drop a book before at least 1/3 or 1/2 unless it's complete garbage, which The New Sun isn't.
But the first 100 pages of just about every longer Dostoevsky novel or War and Peace are slow, boring and only serve the purpose of setting up the actual plot, the same of which can to an extent be said of New Sun.

>> No.7932891

He broke Conphas's sweet little boypussy, that's for damn sure

>> No.7932897

literally a pleb. Watch out for this one, he's dangerous.

>> No.7932908

>comparing philosophy to fiction
What? And I used to not drop books, but I weighed the benefits of doing that and came to the conclusion it's not worth it. Every book I considered dropping but finished I regretted not dropping when I thought of doing so.

>> No.7932918


Reading more, I am pissed off at all the shit about women and diane, im near chapter 70 right now, I really liked how it began and the middle but this, I don't know.

>> No.7932923


I'm reading the second book right now. I'm glad to see others who like it.


This is a ridiculous assessment. The main character suffers greatly in his life, and whenever something does go his way it's still not how he would like it to be. He progresses through his life with sheer determination and hard work.

If you think that Kingkiller follows the same formula as Twilight, you probably haven't read either

>> No.7932940

I also spoke of Dostoevsky and Tolstoy. Plato may have been an awkward example, but he actually does read like a play and has a gorgeous style.
Suffering doesn't make him a less perfect character.
And him being the perfect fantasy of Rothfuss and other progressive tumblirinas.
You could easily criticize it ignoring it because he has no personality and is utterly shallow as a character with tons of forced, awkward wit where Rothfuss is trying to write a genius and having no conception of how to even write a moderately intelligent character because of how stupid he is. His stupidity seeps through all of his interviews, he has the mind on the level of John Green.

>> No.7932950
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not my kind of thread to be frank

>> No.7932952
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Put on the glasses my friend.

>> No.7932960

>he has the mind on the level of John Green.
So of a genius? Ordering Name of the Wind on amazon right now.

>> No.7932984
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>http://i.imgur.com/r55ODlL.jpg / http://i.imgur.com/gNTrDmc.jpg
Just finished Fountains of Paradise, amazing read on of the best sci-fi ive read. Really does seem like a realisable project. WHY ARENT WE BUILDING A SPACE ELEVATOR AND FOCUSING ON EXPENSIVE ROCKET PROGRAMMES??

>> No.7933005

Because it isn't needed or profitable probably, just like giant robots.

>> No.7933023

Are these shuttle programmes or ISS profitable? Both are just money sinks, which are done for reasons other than making money. ( Obviously for better goals to further science and cultural showboating.)

I think the main reason its not a consideration is because the materials that Clarke uses to build it simply don't exist yet. However I'm surprised Governments haven't been investing more in close orbit structures.

>> No.7933039


Maybe because people in space get pretty fucked up long term due to radiation and lack of gravity

>> No.7933046

>So bored I'm thinking about reading ASOIAF just to see why /lit/ hates it so much

>> No.7933055
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>TFW you will never be a space pioneer
Yeah fair enough, guess Earth has enough problems on terrafirma to try and exploit space. Tis a shame.

>> No.7933061

I'm in the same boat. I have read almost everything recommended here, I'm out of books to read(at least SFF ones).

Is ASOIAF really bad?or what? i'm just curious to see what shit happens
>TFW fan of Conphas
>TFW wish he would have won in the end

>> No.7933062

The TV series is superior desu. Cuts out the boring stuff. Read Rohtfuss instead :^)

>> No.7933072

People here pretend being a patrician for fun, others don't get it and take it seriously.

>> No.7933099

what does patrician mean? not from America.
Bonus points for serious answer instead of memes.

>> No.7933106

>supporting a narcissistic sociopath

Might as well cheer for Kellhus

>> No.7933123
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I don't know if I'm in the good thread to ask this, but is Steven Savile actually a good author or not?

>> No.7933130

It means someone who claims to have a superior taste in books to all the general idiotic population or "plebs"

>> No.7933136
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>> No.7933140

Never heard of him, and since he's still alive probably not.

>> No.7933179


The almost universal reaction to GRRM once you actually read him seems to be "hey, this is actually decent".

I said decent mind you, not spectacular but at least competently written.

I'd bet good money the most rabid haters of ASOIAF on this board have never read a single word of it.

>> No.7933257

>If you like things I dislike, and say Sanderson is superior(from a writing perspective) to Wolfe,Erikson,Bakker,Tolkien etc....you are a plebeian
Never said he was better, but he is entertaining with simple easy prose.
You guys behave like all Sanderson readers should be purged.

I like Wolfe,Erikson and Bakker, fuck Tolkien. Their works are better because they had time to perfect their work, but Sanderson just started. By the time he is finished with his Epic, you WILL see an improvement with his works.
He WILL join the names of Wolfe and Bakker. His books are visually getting better with each release.

You think Wolfe and Tolkien's first works was the face of Aphrodite? No it was shit, it's only with editing that a writer gets betters and Sanderson IS getting better.

Fug Off.

>> No.7933267

GRRM has some quircks that got me on my nerves.
But I haven't read any of his books for more than a decade except Fevre Dream

>> No.7933271


>Fevre Dream

How is that anyway?

>> No.7933276


Nigga Sanderson has published like 20 books by now, he struck gold and found his formula, he's not gonna suddenly shit out a Gormenghast.

It'll be epic fantasy for the next four decades. Fucking Mormons I swear.

>> No.7933296

>He WILL join the names of Wolfe and Bakker.

Implying Bakker is even near the same level as Wolfe.

>> No.7933308

Good, about as good as vampire novels will ever get.

>> No.7933310

he is a cheeky cunt. I can't remember the quote...But kellhus said something like "pride is a defect of the womb"

>> No.7933341

Wasn't Hobbit Tolkien's first?
Also Sanderson has published thousands of pages.
Did anyone notice something reminiscent of literature there?

>> No.7933349

Nigga, Sanderson is shitting out books like a mad man. He has absolutely no style. Imagine him waiting twice as long on each book, now that would actually be an improvement.
>implying there's anyone as creative and ambitious as Bakker. Remember, he is only at half. First trilogy done. Second half done( 4 books in total) and there will be a third. He already is more ambitious with his themes.

Anyway, these 2 are too great to be compared.

>> No.7933356

I honestly cant understand how people like Sanderson. He's like the Bieber of the writing world. There are dozens of better authors...The only thing he excels at is consistency and speed. Anyone here can give a good critique of this writing style? I am curious of a more objective and expert oppinion.

>> No.7933365

Has anybody read the Southern Reach Trilogy by VanDerMeer?

I read Finch and it was pretty good.

>> No.7933371

>I honestly cant understand how people like Sanderson.

I like his books

>> No.7933376

Not everyone reads for prose. Stormlight Archive has one of the most satisfying to read plots in fantasy.

>> No.7933382



>> No.7933414

>Giving up a book after only reading about 10% of the text is absurdly dumb.

You guys read part of Sanderson and part of Brent Weeks, called it shit, then proudly announced how you were dropping it.

Now here you are posting how we should stick through your dry, boring, meme book because "it's so good".

fuck off you cunt

>> No.7933423

2017 then one every two years

>> No.7933431

Main difference is Wolfe being a fantastic writer, known for only the highest quality novels and Sanderson being known for 3k pages of anime drivel.
Dropping John Green is not the same as dripping Dostoevsky.

>> No.7933438

It's the exact same thing. In both cases you will know whether you like their works or not before having finished the book.

>> No.7933450

Not exactly. Especially for Dostoevsky. I don't know anyone who enjoys his first 10% of the big 4. And of course there is a significant difference between finding a book boring, but seeing something there and a novel being unreadable trash. Books are different.

>> No.7933469

Funny you say especially Dosto, I gave C&P 210 pages exactly before dropping it because of how well people speak of it and it was no different in style from the first 100 pages.

>> No.7933470


God damn that's a long wait.

But at least his books are really long, oh well, guess I'll read the rest of the mistborn as I wait

>> No.7933478

Mistborns fucking boring desu and I like Stormlight Archive. I recommend reading someone else while waiting

>> No.7933493


I really enjoyed the first trilogy, Alloy of Law was really weak but I don't want to just drop the entire series.

>> No.7933496


>> No.7933564

But can Leiber do epic worldbuilding and magic systems??

>> No.7933590
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Just finished this. Great stuff. Do you guys know more SF like this? I hear the direct sequel isn't that good.

>> No.7933602

He has a really nice world if that's what you are asking. He has a lot of funky adventures with strange cultures and ancient relics, it's breathing with a weight of history.
I'm here to stay and annoy you.
Style was the same, but the fact that we are even having this conversation means it's probably too complex for you. If matters of life and death, overman and redemption as well as some of the most complex characters don't interest you, Wolfe certainly won't.

>> No.7933634

Being boring has nothing to do with complexity. I fully understood everything yet it was not engaging.

>> No.7933642
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I was looking to inform myself on whether I would enjoy Wolfe because I seriously don't enjoy the people who talk about it here. I found this and was wondering it you can come up with a quick defense that addresses the main points (mainly the masturbatory ultimately pointless nature of the novels).


>> No.7933644

>I'm here to stay and annoy you.
I like a guy that doesn't put out easily. I hold them down like Hogg does. Best sex ever.

>> No.7933645

You won't because Wolfe is a hack. Don't fall for the shills.

>> No.7933699

You understood nothing, but I trust that you found it boring. Or you simply want your reading to be just mindless entertainment.
It's 1/4 of the whole story, it's like taking TBK, splitting it into 4 parts and saying it isn't giving conclusions.
But Wolfe actually does have a very significant point and the author of the article is on to something, clearly an experienced reader. Wolfe is using the tappings of postmodernism and the as you say masturbatory nature of it to turn it on its head. Instead of a meaningless universe, he presents us with a very contradictory one. Evil speaks through symbols, sacraments are twisted and Severian is a mockery of who Christ is. And all of that is a part of the greater plan of the Pancreator that eventually leads to repentance, death and finally salvation. It's a work religious in nature and it does most of the speaking through hidden symbols all throughout itself. Women, resurrection and water, Eucharist, death and resurrection on a massive scale. As Wolfe said it himself, it's a spiritual journey where the main point is change of Severian where he goes from a narcissistic young man to a ruler and most of all servant of God in everything that is asked of him.

>> No.7933706

For what it's worth, Wolfe is nowhere near as pretentious as the shills here. On a surface level, everything he writes is trashy SF with nice prose obfuscating a deeper meaning that isn't even necessary to enjoyment.

>> No.7933746
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Keep reading, mang. Wait till you finish Hero of Ages.

Personally, I've read all five books before the TV series was even announced. Or was it the first four books and then ADwD came out during season one maybe? I don't remember and don't care to look it up.

Looking back, I can tell that his writing is very gimmick-y, relies on obscene cliffhangers, and nothing is ultimately resolved. Also don't care for his lack of interest in finishing the series.
But go ahead and dismiss the argument as "I'm right and you're wrong" like every single other argument on 4chan nowadays.

You can already see a difference in quality between say Elantris and Stormlight Archive, although tWoK still suffers from (even acknowledged by Sanderson himself) pacing issues. However, you could say that is due to it being the first book and needing to set up the world and whatnot.

He writes a large variety of different fantasy stories. You could read something like Warbreaker which involves a world with color-based magic, or you could read Legion, a novella about a man on Earth who is an intelligent schizophrenic and who manifests his intelligence through hallucinations of different people.

Fall 2017.

>every two years
That's how it was intended to be from the very beginning.

Mistborn will be the most important series and already has tons of crazy shit going on. Plus you're a faggot if you dislike Wayne. He'd fit in on 4chan easily.

>> No.7933747

That's because Wolfe isn't pretentious at all and I'm roleplaying as the local cunt.
Wolfe shill train has no breaks

>> No.7933753

Gente, leerse mi libro Fugitivos En El Tiempo. Seguirme por twitter: @DalasReview

>> No.7933756


>Sandersonfag doesn't like GRRM

Not enough magic systems for you? :^)

>> No.7933761


In Second Foundation, during the part where Callia helps Arcadia escape the Palace, it is noticed by Arcadia that Callia has faint amusement in her eyes when Callia turned away to leave back to the Palace. I honestly don't know what was meant by that.

>> No.7933788

>>every two years
>That's how it was intended to be from the very beginning.

I just hope it won't be like GRRM where you have to wait a fucking decade for a book

>> No.7933809

GRRM was fucked over by editors, he is wanted to end it in 3, maybe 4 novels, but they said it can't end like this and he then wrote A Feast For Crows which obviously wasn't planned and is generally redundant.

>> No.7933812
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Nah it won't be that badly.

Honestly, it frustrates me that he began writing for the sole purpose of writing the Cosmere yet he takes many 'breaks' through writing other unrelated books. His reasoning is that it keeps him fresh and if he didn't write the other books, we would still get large gaps with NO books.

Maybe I'm selfish and autistic about this but I don't personally understand it nor like it. If I got into writing to write one specific huge meta series, I'd be busting my ass to get it out and complete. We're already looking at a good 25-30 more years, at least.

>> No.7933816

Why didn't he man up and say "No, fuck you"?

>> No.7933829

>We're already looking at a good 25-30 more years, at least.

Definitely, he wants 10 books for the stormlight archives, we have 2 so far.

It's gonna be a long ride.

>> No.7933834


Though one thing I have to add about stormlight archives is that he made Kaladin too god damned awesome and interesting.
I keep reading and waiting for the next Kaladin chapter

>> No.7933847


>> No.7933861

I'm not a "Wolfe and Peake shill". There are tons of fantasy authors I prefer above them, but they were among the few good entries that actually appeared on the list among the acres of egregious shit.

>> No.7933874

>There are tons of fantasy authors I prefer above them

Name 5.

>> No.7933882

Egan is awesome. The best author if you like philosophical fiction. I recommend starting with Permutation City. Quarantine is also good, though.

>> No.7933883
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Plus we have Dragonsteel after that which WAS going to be another ten books but I believe it's been reduced to seven, as of now. Might get shorter.

>> No.7933896 [DELETED] 


God I hate those weird fonts I can't make out most letters

Have you read all of his works?
How is Alcatraz?

>> No.7933902 [DELETED] 


Nevermind reading the description it's not for me.

I don't usually read the introductions to books or however you call them, they always disinterest me, even though I might love the books

>> No.7933935


He thinks 4chan is one person.

>> No.7933944

>He already is more ambitious with his themes.

Top kek

>> No.7933957

Jack Vance, John Crowley, Tim Powers, Robert Holdstock, and Michael Swanswick *all* wrote great novels after 1980 - and yet not a single mention of the list. Disgraceful.

>> No.7933964

Do Esslemont's Malazan novels get any better?

Just read through Knight of Knives after finishing The Crippled God and it was pretty bad.

>> No.7933976
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Nah. I only read Cosmere works, aside from Legion. Haven't even read the Legion sequel. Maybe one day.

>> No.7933986

I'll have to read Vance soon.

>> No.7933993

Esselmont is a hack

>> No.7934004

Sanderson only cares about being prolific and publishing commercial fantasy. His books are sugary, entertainment media. I don't enjoy his stories, but there's nothing wrong with what he's doing. He has good business sense compared to most authors. I predict he will self-publish the first book of a new series within the next three years.

It's good, worth reading a preview. Hope you like rivers.

I also recommend Permutation City. Haven't read Quarantine.

>> No.7934009

I already did - above.

>Jack Vance, John Crowley, Tim Powers, Robert Holdstock, and Michael Swanswick.

>> No.7934021

If you like fantasy, check out Vance's Lyonesse Trilogy:


>> No.7934022


I wonder if he's gonna make series for every one of the shards in the Cosmere

>> No.7934027

Book five came out after the TV series started, dumbass.

>> No.7934045

Because AFFC came out before ebooks were popular, and it would've been physically too large to publish without splitting it in half.

>> No.7934111
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I doubt it. We've even already gotten stories about minor Shardworlds--worlds with no Shards invested. Dragonsteel will be the big "information and reveals about the Shards" series.

>say I don't remember
>insulted anyway
Thanks for the personal attack, kiddo~

>> No.7934164

Love the first book but haven't finished the second after 2 attempts. The narrative style changes pretty drastically between books and it was a little off putting for me. May go back to it soon after finishing my current reads because the world he creates is so interesting.

>> No.7934187

>The book you want to read doesn't have an audiobook

>The audiobook file is segmented into 5 hour long pieces

>No chapter specific tracks

Why can't they do it right, Kingkiller Chronicles audiobooks do it right, why can't anyone else?

>> No.7934321

The book clearly states the chapter's number before they start reading
>faggots autism is so high he can't listen to a book that isn't segmented by chapters

>> No.7934332


>Oh where was I left off
>Cool, let me try to find that page in the book

It's fucking retarded when you're both listening to parts of the book and reading parts.

>> No.7934339

>not reading

No excuse unless you're dyslexic or blind

>> No.7934345


I do both, my eyes get fucked after some reading, I get weird double vision and I can't seem to concentrate on the words, happens also when I'm just plain tired. Audiobooks help.

>> No.7934377

79 days until The Great Ordeal

Are you hyped yet?

>> No.7934386
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>mfw Sorweel wins the Serwabowl

>> No.7934402
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>mfw just about all new coming of age or young protagonist fantasy has a female protagonist

I think Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn or The Magicians were the last books in that class that I enjoyed reading. Why doesn't anyone use young protagonists anymore in fantasy?

I swear to god I will flip my shit if anyone recommends me one of those shitty "young assassins" books from Hobb or her zombies write.

>> No.7934403



That shit needs to fucking die, it's cancerous garbage

>> No.7934406

>Why doesn't anyone use young protagonists anymore in fantasy?

Those books have all been written out over the decades, take your pick.

There is /kinda/ Locke Lamora though

>> No.7934412

Sorweel is gonna use the tear of God on her

>> No.7934419

What is the point of fantasy if you are going to write about some grizzled forty-something man or a prepubescent girl?

Fantasy is supposed to be an escape. It's an outlet to get away from reality and go somewhere special and read about people doing fantastic things. Why in the fuck would I want to read about someone my own age or older going about their mundane lives in a fantasy environment? It doesn't make any sense.

I want a sense of wonder, dammit. I want to watch a character grow as a person and explore the world around them. I want them to go on adventures and find the magic sword and marry the elf princess or something. I don't want some writer who took a Psychology 101 class try and ram their garbage about life down my throat in a fantasy book because they couldn't hack it in regular fiction.

Young Assassin books are so common now it's offensive and Hobb started it. What else do you call all of her copycats if not zombies?

>> No.7934429

Just read Tolkien familia

You're also looking at old school shit like Worm Ouroboros and the Night Land

>> No.7934438

Tolkien isn't what I want, either. Frodo is a horrible protagonist. How can anyone like a reactive protagonist like him? I hated Wheel of Time for the same reason.

I suppose I'll just have to pray J.V. Jones pulls her thumb out of her ass and finishes her Sword of Shadows series. Or maybe read The Magicians for the umpteenth time.

It's so fucking depressing that I can't find anything I like anymore.

>> No.7934445

Most of Tolkien's characters are middle aged or elderly actually, but he gives them a journey.

Same with Worm Ouroboros, though they're probably closer to young adults at the youngest.

Either way, external age isn't really the problem but rather if somebody has the optimistic and pure spirit of a child.

>> No.7934447

Write it yourself?

>> No.7934451

>how can anyone like a reactive protagonist like him

Because he and the other hobbits are the way the reader can possibly start to comprehend what's going on in Middle Earth. He reacts to things so that the reader doesn't feel totally weird with people talking about whatever of whatever and not knowing what's going on.

>> No.7934454
File: 601 KB, 407x643, Vol1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mentioned them for their sense of adventure and exploration, that shits turned to max.

>but rather if somebody has the optimistic and pure spirit of a child.

Oh, I have one for you. Pic related.

>> No.7934462

I've tried. God knows that I've tried. I can never follow through past that first few day's artistic rush of starting something new, though.

You can have a proactive protagonist and still properly world build.

>> No.7934529

Oh, we meant the same thing then. No need to insult me with Naruto.

It wasn't only world building Tolkien wanted, you can build a great world that nobody understands except you, but having Frodo and the Hobbits there relates the built world in a sound fashion.

>> No.7934532

I'm actually serious, the first arcs of Naruto are pretty legit YA, it only gets stupid around Shippuden

>> No.7934533

I'll be honest and say I enjoyed it as a kid, but I only saw the anime. I assume the manga is much better?

>> No.7934537

Considerably. Better art and less filler.

>> No.7934842

/sffg/, is there a hardscifi equivalent to a beast like Ulysses? Greg Egan is the best I've got.

>> No.7934856

Do the rest of the "Sun" books by Wolfe live up the the original four? I would not mind skipping the Urth book and the rest if they fail to meet the standards of the first four.

>> No.7934887

Are you special needs? Why do you have to read along with a book? Either one or the other.

>> No.7934898

leave him alone

>> No.7934899

>I don't want some writer who took a Psychology 101 class try and ram their garbage about life down my throat in a fantasy book because they couldn't hack it in regular fiction.
A bakker fan I see.

>> No.7934933
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>> No.7935132

But Bakker almost got a Ph.D. in philosophy

>> No.7935182


>> No.7935186

Seems like he decided to quit to focus on his writing and personal studies.

>> No.7935229
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>> No.7935240


I'm not doing both simultaneously.
Sometimes I want to listen sometimes I want to read

>> No.7935243

Preaching to the choir

>> No.7935285

>sffg is one person
People other than you like Sanderson fuck off.

>> No.7935307
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>> No.7935333

They absolutely do, though Long Sun has a slower buildup, and don't you dare skip Urth

>> No.7935450

>sffg isn't one person
>the only person who doesn't like what I like is that one person

>> No.7935454

he starts out average but gets better.>>7934377
it will be a great ordeal>>7934419
good thing fantasy is diverse.plenty to choose from

>> No.7935496

The fuck is wrong with Hobb? Sounds to me like you just have no taste.

>> No.7935503

The funny thing is everyone I know used to love him when they were into anime and after high school everyone cooled down about him and the comments are usually "it's ok, better when you are younger"

>> No.7935509

Urth is okay, a little too much nonsensical shit happening because we knew from New Sun it would have to happen somehow.

Short Sun is just as good as New Sun.

Long Sun is significantly worse. I'll admit I didn't really enjoy it.

>> No.7935517

Hobb is better than any of the books you listed.

>> No.7935532

Anyone read Traitor Son Cycle?

>> No.7935533

Long Sun is good retrospectively, but not as interesting while being read because it has something we all hate, switching between characters which is done too much in too large spans.

>> No.7935536
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i sense an aramini lurks on this board

>> No.7935539

I've given up on trying to read through Latro in the Mist. I want to read something a bit more modern.

Is there any good historical fantasy set in pre-WWI america besides fevre dream? I loved that and can't find anything similar that holds up

>> No.7935549

Pretty sure he made a few posts here, the angry sandersonfag confused him with me.
Aramini sempai are you proud of me?

>> No.7935581

I remember a time when you could discuss Sanderson's books without constant shitposting.
I guess he got too popular so now its automatically shit :^)

>> No.7935591

It's automatically shit because his writing is bland as fuck.

>> No.7935592

I think talking about both Wolfe and Sanderson is pretty useless. It's always the same shit at this point until something new is out.

We should be trying to get others ""new"" books to read to facilitate some new discussion. How neat would it be if /sffg/ decided on a book of the month (strawpoll or whatever) and a chunk of us read it and then discussed it?

>> No.7935603
File: 138 KB, 663x1000, All-Those-Vanished-Engines[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We should be trying to get others ""new"" books to read to facilitate some new discussion.

I'm going to shill this again, it's twisty the same way Wolfe is and it's only 270 pgs.

>> No.7935614


This is the lowest rated book I've ever seen on goodreads. Pretty much everything is at last a 3.5 on there even the biggest shit, this must be abysmally bad

>> No.7935687

Is Earthsea worth reading? All of them? Are they a continuous story or does each book wrap up well?

>> No.7935913

Lay of Leithian by J.R.R. Tolkien

That or the Tale of Beren and Luthien in the Silmarillion.

>> No.7935923
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The Witcher series

>> No.7935977
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No problem recommending this. Published last year.

>> No.7935997

If Wolfe didn't have the reputation of being good, all his works would be 2 stared. The average goodreads user is a giant pleb. Just look at the criticism in the reviews
>Its weird
>Why isn't it simpler?
>I only read half of it, it was too hard
I haven't read it, but reviews like that make me want to read it more, not less.

>> No.7936004

Don't forget muh misogyny

>> No.7936024

Criticism almost literally just "it's too complex for me" and "i don't understand it"

Meaningless criticism really.

>> No.7936031
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this thread has made me think of a book I really enjoyed 20 years ago, but I can't remember it at all. It had a dragon and a serpent fighting on the cover art...fuck, this is going to bother me now.

>> No.7936048

Everyone here should read Bridge of Birds. It's under 300 pages and pretty good

>> No.7936089

Grrm has some really annoying quircks.

Lists of dishes. A list over a bunch of shields that used to hang there.

He finds some new favourite words from time to time

Fat fuck

>> No.7936255
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You're not misremembering a bald eagle as a serpent are you?

>> No.7936269

Lately it seems like my attention span is lacking and nothing seems to engage me. Any book recs with strong starts and good pacing, preferably newer?

>> No.7936286

>Whatever you do, George, don't show her your figurines
>Nooo don't show her the figurines, at least don't talk about how you painted them
>Goddammit, don't talk into the biological plausibility of your dragons
>Fuck George you ruined it again


>> No.7936299

The bit about the two film crews is quite cute as is his high pitched laugh. Not as upset about his fat ass now, he's just an old nerd.

>> No.7936302


An old nerd who wrote whatever the fuck he wanted at his own pace for 40 years and suddenly in his old age became famous and everyone started telling him how and how fast to do his job.

He also became filthy rich but still, I kinda pity him.

>> No.7936308

>52 mins

>> No.7936320

almost forgot she did porn

pure as fuck

>> No.7936326

Fuck can't open the video now someone post screencap

>> No.7936337

I pity him too - he was such a staple of US nerd culture before it became all streamlined and "nerd chic" took over, he was always the first nerd at SF and fantasy cons, his massive success doesn't really, I don't know, fit him? I think he would be more comfortable being the warden of his own niche culture...

>> No.7936347


I am thankful the same thing hasn't happened to Swanwick. He's relatively obscure, so much so that he even accepted my friend request on fb, but many people who love SFF know that he's very good.

>> No.7936349

I can't feel pity for him after what he did at the Hugo's.

That was incredibly shortsighted and borderline spiteful. Honestly if you read his blog the guy isn't jolly like theses documentaries make out.

>> No.7936355

What role did he play again?

>> No.7936357

>internet reactionary gets mad that his shitty buddies with their terri-dumb writing got called out by GRRM for their retarded brigading

>> No.7936358


I read his blog and thought his take on the whole Puppy issue was reasonable enough.

I don't know what you're referring to with the Hugo thing.

>> No.7936362

How are the Xeelee books as far as hard sci-fi goes? Does they scratch the itch? Thinking about throwing some of them into the neverending backlog.

>> No.7936365

>you have gene wolfe on fb but he isn't active and didn't respond to my message

>> No.7936380

He gave out alternative awards to authors who "should've won", called other authors "laughable" or/and "bigots" etc.

Cixin Liu was disgusted by the behaviour of both parties at the awards.

>> No.7936387

>should have won
>gene wolfe didn't get one

>> No.7936391

He shills Gene Wolfe enough on his blog

did GW even release anything last year?

>> No.7936393


>He gave out alternative awards to authors who "should've won"

All in good fun and at his own expense, just like he started the Hugo Losers Party back in the 70s and no one gave him shit because there was no Internet to judge your every move.

>called other authors "laughable" or/and "bigots" etc.

I don't know exactly what he said and if he named specific people, but I'll call Vox Day a laughable bigot any day of the week.


To be fair GRRM loves Wolfe and shills him on his blog when asked about it.

>> No.7936405

>I'll call Vox Day a laughable bigot any day of the week.
The whole "sad puppies" fiasco is the worst and most laughable Americans can be, it's understandable that GRRM got angry about his "baby" getting corrupted by these neoreactionary SS-dicksuckers

>> No.7936406

>All in good fun and at his own expense

It wasn't in "good fun", it was insulting as fuck.

>> No.7936407

Yes, The Borrowed Man. Not even his top 15, but still pretty readable.
But it's strange that he gave out should have won awards and Wolfe not getting one. I mean not like it's his best or him needing one, but for Grrum and Vox Day throwing a tantrum and both being Wolfe fans and him not getting it is odd

>> No.7936410


>> No.7936412

>But it's strange that he gave out should have won awards and Wolfe not getting one.

I think, but I might be wrong so correct me if I am, that The Borrowed Man hadn't come out yet when the Hugos happened or was otherwise inelegible.

>> No.7936415

Lies of Locke Lamora

>> No.7936417


>> No.7936424

Hmm that may be the reason.
It was around the same time.

>> No.7936430
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Is this series worth reading? TUmblr gif unrelated

>> No.7936435

>but for Grrum and Vox Day throwing a tantrum and both being Wolfe fans and him not getting it is odd

It isn't, both are petty and refuse to blog about common opinions they hold.

>> No.7936475

Fountains of Paradise = hella dope.

>> No.7936492
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>> No.7936499

> Just finished Area X trilogy
> No one talking about it anywhere anytime.

/sffg/ opnions on it?
Or did y'all think it was THAT shit?

>> No.7936508


I only read Finch by Van Der Meer. It was pretty good.

>> No.7936521

I thought it was dope anyways.
Suspense, spoopy adventures innawoods, interesting stuff that goes unexplained, surrealism.

Very difficult to put down all in all.

>> No.7936546

Why don't you write your own opinion first...?

>> No.7936552

yeye ok

>> No.7936595

Where can I pick up Shadow of the Torturer online (free)?

>> No.7936604


Any torrent site will yield Wolfe's entire body of work in epub/mobi/pdf/what have you.

I used kat.cr

>> No.7936619

>pissed off at all the shit about women and diane
Oh boy are you still in the first book? The female characters and Denna only get more cringe the farther you go

>> No.7936631

It's missing a lot

>> No.7936740

>because it has something we all hate, switching between characters which is done too much in too large spans.
Speak for yourself. SFFG is not a hivemind.
I like when a book switches characters, once their isn't some bitch I hate (like Adare in Mortal Bond. FUCK YOU) i can get comfy.

It shows a writer's skill if he can seamlessly provide different personalities for his characters.

>> No.7936758

Well, to be fair I quite liked alternating pov until it become the industry standard and now if your book doesn't include 50 different characters, 900+ pages and stupid fucking lists it doesn't get published.

>> No.7936762

>tfw when it's an Adare chapter
Sad because the rest of the female cast were based as fuck.

>> No.7936781

It's done too much in most novel that employ that technique. It's annoying because it stops one plot to move another and just derails the 1-2 most interesting ones. The shift from Silk to 5 other characters made sense, but Silk himself was more interesting to follow. Maybe 1-2 more characters for pow in shorter episodes would have been good, but this was just annoying.

>> No.7936820

Her bitching made me pissed. I was just waiting for someone to kill her..... and waiting... and waiting..

Her bitching about trust after she committed fatracide is laughable.

>> No.7936905

>She becomes empress and suffers no consequences for her mistakes while Kaden suffers for three books only to kill himself and his waifu

I'm still mad

>> No.7936930

GRRM has a blurb on the back of citidel of the autarch

>> No.7936939

One can only hope this will be revisited in future books.

>> No.7936942

If you like *reeeeeally* sleazy and dark sex and violence combined with autistically meticulous world building, yes.

>> No.7936962

Le Guin was never good.
You just have shit taste. Dark Tower isn't masterpiece but it isn't trash either.
Don't read the fucking GANTZ! I know it has pretty good beginning but after a while it loses any sign of plot and end with literally fucking nothing! Don't waste your time.

>> No.7936977

>thinks Stephen King is better than LeGuin
I have no words for this amount of plebness.

>> No.7936978

Frank Herbert is one of the few auhtors who really nailed it, his POVs are done seamlessly and without jarring disconnects between one plot an another.

>> No.7936985

You mad?
The one that actually cared for the empire is now using night vision to see, and anytime they want to get their dick wet there is a high chance they they'll get stabbed.

>> No.7936996

Anybody getting Michael J Sullivan's new series?

I wonder if I should shill it for you guys.

>> No.7937009

Basically everyone but Adare suffered horribly

>> No.7937019

You get one post, sell us on this Ryria(?) shit. Looks pretty meh honestly.

>> No.7937096

In her defence she almost always in some kind of heavily compromised position and her actions toward the end were at least somewhat redemptive.

>> No.7937114
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Anyone willing to vouch for this?

>> No.7937135

>first book in series by random no name author
>barely 5 months old
What attracts people to this shit? You can't tell me you've already read all the good stuff.

>> No.7937144

someone has to do it

>> No.7937148

No but I'm not at the point of outright dismissing anything new either. I'm not offering this up as an example of quality, I simply asked,

>> No.7937187

I'm not biased against new books either, the opposite even. I just can't fathom how someone would want to potentially waste time (and money) on something brand new and unproven when there is so many good books you'll never be able to read. I'd wait at least couple years, if something is still talked about 3+ years later it's probably at least alright. If you want a good new series check out Mile Camerons Traitor Son Cycle.

>> No.7937188

new thread?

>> No.7937195
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>> No.7937196

Both are superior to Wolfe. :)

>> No.7937201

how is this a criticsm

>> No.7937202

Yeah. I've read it. I asked about this in particular, coincidentally enough, because it was reviewed favourably on the same site put me onto The Red Knight. I didn't just pull out a cover at a random.

>> No.7937222

Post the review

>> No.7937243


>> No.7937258

New thread where

>> No.7937326

>and her actions toward the end were at least somewhat redemptive.
Fuck off they weren't.

She killed one brother and was then was thinking how to kill the other... all for the Kingdom of course.

>> No.7937360

Right here senpai


>> No.7938520
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checked, but no, it was a more modern cover art style. It's like a dragon is fighting the a huge black serpent (or leviathan?) in front of a castle wall.

I can't remember much of anything except I liked it, probably because i was on vicodin after knee surgery. I'm guessing this was around 1998 or so.