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/lit/ - Literature

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7930650 No.7930650 [Reply] [Original]

What indian literature should I read to impress an indian qt I know?

>inb4 bhagavad gita

>> No.7930651

bhagavad gita

>> No.7930653
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>> No.7930654


just talk about slumdog millionaire? talk about curry? talk about poo in loo?

Read the rules OP, this is a literature board

>> No.7930658

she'll know you're just reading indian shit to get closer to her

girls know this trick now

>> No.7930659

>indian literature is against the rules


>> No.7930660


>> No.7930665


You'll just come off as a weird fetishist

>> No.7930666
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Look into some contemporary Indian authors. Read synopses and pick what you might be interested in.
If you think she'd've read that old Gita stuff, you could read/familiarize yourself with that too.

>> No.7930667
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>reading indian literature
>trying to impress qts

Pick one.

>> No.7930692

If you're white, you know that you can do better than a currynigger.

>> No.7930757

Chances are she watches Girls on HBO and listens to Beyonce and doesn't give two shits about India.

>> No.7930768
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Remove yourself from the cycle of birth and death.

>> No.7930780

Naw, that's Bhuddist. Hindus are happy to be re-incarnated for eternity.

>> No.7930785


>> No.7930790
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So dumb

>> No.7930791

Make sure your fedora is not leather, a_non.

>> No.7930792

Life of Pi. No I'm serious.

Just mention that you read it and see how she responds. Eitehr she'll mention the film version and discuss it with you or she'll see through you and understand that you want to talk to her.

Either way, she will treat something related to her culture with polite curiosity.

>> No.7930867


>> No.7930910

Salmon Rushdie

>> No.7930954
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Completely wrong. The goal is to be liberated from the cycle of birth and death and essential live or merge with God, depending on the situation.

Bhagavad Gita 8:14-16

O Parth, for those yogis who always think of me with exclusive devotion, I am easily attainable because of their constant absorption in me.

Having attained me, the great souls are no more subject to rebirth in this world, which is transient and full of misery, because they have attained the highest perfection.

In all the worlds of this material creation, up to the highest abode of Brahma, you will be subject to rebirth, O Arjun. But on attaining my abode, O son of Kunti, there is no further rebirth.

>> No.7930994

That's not a way to call your fellow aryan

>> No.7930997

Idk but I'd bang

>> No.7931002

Just ask what she likes you dumbass.

Is it that hard to get in a conversation with somebody?

>> No.7931022

Everyone Poops

>> No.7931039

>Life of Pi. No I'm serious.



what's wrong with being reborn forever?

>> No.7931042
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>> No.7931056

Well, if you worship and serve God decently, you will achieve a higher (better family) birth through each life. It takes a true pro to actually free himself from it all.

>> No.7931064

>fellow aryan
Only a canacuck would say something so degenerate

>> No.7931079

English literature

>> No.7931084

Do people honestly think an Indian qt would be more impressed by you knowing the Ramayana and Kiran Desai or some shit than by knowing German or French?

Also, it's almost impossible to bring up any Indian lit without it being very obvious that you're trying too hard

>> No.7931098

because getting stuck in the cycle of birth and death, without building up any momentum towards escape, means you are trapped in suffering and attachment; and as a result, you will relate and identify with the parts of yourself that most resemble decaying mechanical processes, rather than your eternal spark of pure divine potential which longs to merge into the treasury of Light.

>> No.7931104
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>fellow Aryan

>> No.7931137 [DELETED] 
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what if you are content with the rebirth process its risks?

>, you will relate and identify with the parts of yourself that most resemble decaying mechanical processes, rather than your eternal spark of pure divine potential which longs to merge into the treasury of Light.

maybe the trap is identifying with an eternal spark, seeing this world as a prison and going on a wild goose chase

>> No.7931148


what if you are content with the rebirth process and its risks?

>, you will relate and identify with the parts of yourself that most resemble decaying mechanical processes, rather than your eternal spark of pure divine potential which longs to merge into the treasury of Light.

maybe the trap is identifying with an eternal spark, seeing this world as a prison, and going on a wild goose chase

>> No.7931165

read on indian history and ask her if she's of pariah ascendence

>> No.7931185


>> No.7931379

Then when OP is fucking her right when she's about to orgasm he quotes 'now I am become death, destroyer of worlds'

>> No.7931388

>misquoting based on Oppenheimer's wrong personal translation

>> No.7931390

Who cares it would still impress a stupid Indian chick

>> No.7931402

You sound like someone who owns several baseball caps and wears each exclusively backwards

>> No.7931509

40 comments and no one has said Kama Sutra

>> No.7931520

I don't think that's something "impressive", even if there's some higher level shit right there.

>> No.7931523

As others have said, namedropping Indian literature is an obvious and weird way of getting close to her, and who says she'll be impressed by your knowledge, or even know much Indian lit? In fact, unless she's a literature buff, she probably won't be unusually impressed by anything you've read. Playing a sport would probably be more conducive to attracting her & a lot of other girls.

>> No.7931537 [DELETED] 


>> No.7931549

Indian here.

Tell me whatever you can about her. What she's like. Which part of India she comes from, if possible her last name. I can tell you a lot about her just from that. More from her hobbies and from what she's like. I know Indian Literature and Indian Women like the back of my hand.

Namedropping never works, and is cheesy unless you look like Brad Pitt. But what a lot of posters don't realize is that a little subtlety goes a long way. For women, losing an argument or having their opinion changed is kind of an aphrodisiac, but there's a way of going about that.

>> No.7931560

>For women, losing an argument or having their opinion changed is kind of an aphrodisiac, but there's a way of going about that.

Please explain further

>> No.7931579


her parents are very hindu religiously, they go to temple, she just does it culturally to not upset them, but believes in reincarnation and most of what they believe. last name Sharma, she shops a lot online and watches TMZ and likes pop culture and celebrity culture stuff. Likes to brag about her rich dad & brother lol and her super-smart cousins who go to some fancy school

Umm she's always in a good mood and happy and has a good sense of humor. She reads indian books but I dunno wtf they are, and often watches Indian sit-coms at work on her breaks.
I asked her if she read the bhagavad gita and she said no, but she knows most of the stories just by hearing about them. whenever I say stuff she keeps really strong eye contact with me, and then when she starts talking her eyes are all over the place.

her complexion is light brown

>> No.7931582

It was not a personal translation, just an arcane one. The original sanskrit reads "kaal", for which a more appropriate translation would be "I am become time itself". The idea was that universes form and pop out like bubbles in the span of time. In some versions of the Mahabharat, of which the Bhagavad Gita is a part, the narrator introduces himself as "I am time. These little epochs ebb and flow on my sands.." and many other ways.
The only one who is stupid is you, if you think quoting anything during an orgasm works.
You mean, descent, probably.
In my experience, you don't breach these subjects in the first few dates. Charm her in the usual way, have sex a few times. Only then start talking about literature and issues and stuff and show her that side.

I remember an American who loved Fahrenheit 451 and I convinced her that Bradbury was a self-defeating, inconsistent alarmist. We had a pretty heated argument and she sent me a message later that day- "Get outta my head." This was a western woman, though. Her family was some Hell's Angel's type gang-types and she was quite ashamed of her past. I'd nudge her on that too.

I was young and naive a few years ago, I convinced a girl, who used to be a die-hard BJP and Modi supporter to vote for AAP, a new political movement that had risen out of the anti-corruption agitation. I've since changed my opinions and moved on from her, as well as AAP which turned out be a corrupt and hopeless party. But she still sends me AAP propaganda on email, so there's that. Ironically, I am a BJP voter now.

>> No.7931591

How old were you when you yourself voted for kejri klown and bluepilled that dumb ho successfully ???

>> No.7931614

Sharma. A Brahmin like me. She is elite, never faced discrimination in India. Her parents, if they're in the US, have six figure annual incomes. Probably doctors, lawyers, engineers or scientists. Not the 7-11 or motel types.
>she just does it culturally to not upset them
If you are looking to date with the possibility of going long-term or marrying you'll have to reconsider. Indian women generally have the lowest propensity to marry outside their race. It is not just their parents, but they genuinely believe that, white men atleast, are promiscuous and probably not long-term prospects.
Sharma also means her native language could be any Northern Indian language. There are Sharmas in Jammu (Kashmir), in Punjab (Kapil Sharma, the comedian), and as far as East as Bihar and Odisha.
One of the things about Hindus is that they show absolutely no missionary instinct. They get happy if you know about it, but it doesn't impress them. So save the Bhagavad Gita discussions for later.
Also, from what you've described, it seems like she gets all her dosage of Indian cultural products from her family. Her grandma probably read her stories from the Mahabharat and the Ramayana, the Gita, etc. So I don't think you should concentrate on Indian literature on wooing this lass.
twenty four, I think. I was pretty blue-pilled myself, but I've always been a very assertive and convincing person.

>> No.7931633
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>If you are looking to date with the possibility of going long-term or marrying you'll have to reconsider.

>> No.7931673

I hooked up with an Indian chick once, it was honestly the worst sex I've ever had. I have a long term goal of having sex with girls from every country in the world and it pains me that I still have to do Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka

>> No.7931683

are you >implying that you think everyone from one region fucks similarly? because that would be really idiotic.

>> No.7931685
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Everybody Poops

>> No.7931720

Read A Suitable Boy and A Fine Balance. They're both quite good novels.

>> No.7931742
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I'm an indian and I've lost count of the number of women (upper middle class or financially well enough to get a good education) who claim to "love" books and claim to find "reading books" an impressive trait in men. But what's strange is that almost all of them haven't read that much and are almost completely fixated with "harry potter". They don't really involve themselves in any serious literary discussion at all. And they're usually dating men who don't read at all either. Most of the people in the literature club in my uni are women and their meetups are literally social gatherings where smoke weed or go out for pizza and stuff and they don't discuss literature at all.
I once met a girl who had an ENGLISH degree who told me that she liked people who read and it turned out that she herself barely read. how can someone go through college and get an English degree without fucking reading?

I don't understand this dichotomy. And there are a fuckton of Indian women I know who have this split personality. It's so weird.

>> No.7931745

English is considered a meme degree for a very good reason.

All you have to do is turn in your book reports and you pass.

>> No.7931750

At least some literary English degrees go on to graduate school.

Rhetoric, composition, and language instruction people are the worst of the worst. Far fewer in number, but truly unbearable people and horrible readers.

>> No.7931751
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> They don't really involve themselves in any serious literary discussion at all.

because serious literary discussions are pretentious and obnoxious in real life. they belong in a class room or on an internet forum

>> No.7931756

>because serious literary discussions are pretentious and obnoxious in real life
only because most people don't know shit about literature

People dont like looking ignorant so they call people "pretentious" if they choose to discussed an involved topic. If you're with another person who has the same interest there's literally nothing wrong with discussing it.

>> No.7931765
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then what is the point of making a literature club where people meet up irl?

>because serious literary discussions are pretentious and obnoxious in real life. they belong in a class room or on an internet forum

I wish it wasn't seen as such. This is also why I don't talk to people in real life about literature or philosophy. Because I worry that it'll just come across as pretentious. So I just go along with them when they're discussing about other people being cunts or some hot chicks of whatever.

I imagine however that in a university, among english graduates, literary discussion might not be seen as pretentious but seen as the norm? Any english graduate here to confirm or deny that? Do english graduates talk about literature? Or do philosophy graduates talk about philosophy with friends in real life?

>only because most people don't know shit about literature
>People dont like looking ignorant so they call people "pretentious" if they choose to discussed an involved topic. If you're with another person who has the same interest there's literally nothing wrong with discussing it.

I kind of think this might be why. I tried talking about a bit of literature to a few people who read a bit and even they kind of laughed it off. I imagine casual literature discussion might be the norm between english/philosophy graduates, pehaps?

>> No.7931773

It's same everywhere.Don't forget the affinity with meme series and authors ,respectively.

You guys got chetan bhagat and we got john green.

>> No.7931777


what's there to talk about? either you liked a book or you didn't. give me a break

>> No.7931808


what if a person who liked a book met one who didn't? their opinions would conflict and would therefor lead to a discussion no?

>> No.7931816

Do they not assign interpretive papers in high school anymore?

>> No.7931845

Chetan Bhagat is a Modi supporter and not a cuck like John Green.

>> No.7931870


fucks sake we have indian political retards shitting up this board too? just take your political bullshit somewhere else man.

no one gives a shit about either bhagat or modi here.

>> No.7931873

Don't be disheartened. I was speaking very generally. If she's convinced you two will work out she'll take care of the rest.

It is just a misconception about Indian families that I was addressing. The fact is that Indian women use it as an excuse for their own wishes. Middle class families are fairly liberal.If the daughter wants to marry a dude, there's nothing they can do to stop it and it *will* happen. It is they themselves who don't prefer it, most of the time.
Who is this cutie?

>> No.7931874


yes but it would be straight forward and simple. like two people disagreeing over the taste of a burger.

one says the pickles make it yummy, the other says pickles are yucky.

>> No.7931934

Don't use this to woo females but I'll give my recommendations on Indian literature anyway:

Godan by Premchand. Gordon C Rodarmel's translation is the best I've read, thought it still falls blunt compared to the original. Indian languages, despite being "Indo-Aryan" are completely different and it is hard to convey the same sense.
Example: There is a line in Premchand: "Hori Garajne laga Dhaniya Barasne lagi." (for those who know Hindi) In one of the translations the line became "Hori and Dhaniya fought."

Naipaul's India Trilogy. A Wounded Civilization is my personal favorite. He tears open a new hole for all the Marxists and Cucks that were ruling India at the time. Talked about the barbarity of Muslims, the fact that they destroyed all educational institutions and built mausoleums with the money, not creating a single school or college in a thousand years. Nalanda was destroyed just before Oxford was created in the UK. A testimony to the decline of one civilization and the rise of another.

India After Gandhi by Ramchandra Guha. Here we have the opposite end of the spectrum. Guha is as far left as it gets while still remaining in the mainstream. But he is a good storyteller.

Debdutt Patnaik - he does very interesting and sometimes modern retellings of old Indian legends. I would recommend his recent illustrated retelling of the Gita. "Sita" is the story of Ramayana. "Jaya" is the story of Mahabharata.

Palace of Illusions is a feminist take on the myths by Devakaruni.

Buddhist Canon - although I've always considered it to be a subset of Advaita Vedanta, I appreciated its beauty and simplicity when I read the Jatakas and the Dhammapad.

Upmanyu Chatterji's Mammaries of the welfare state- to really understand how fucked up the system is that liberals love. And to get a glimpse of America in the future if Sanders gets elected.

Malgudi Days. Small town life in South India. Beautiful and simplistic. Graham Greene was a fan.

Not recommended - Anything by Amitav Ghose, Vikram Seth, Aravind Adiga, Arundhati Roy, Dalrymple. They're literary types who write self-flagellating sagas and have virtually no touch with the Indian realities.

>> No.7931956

I imagine people who go for "lit discusiions" being like two high-end chefs disagreeing over the taste of a burger. Like one says that the picks adds depth to the taste, brings in the umami and adds fullness, while the other might say that the pickles add a tanginess that takes away from the earthy taste of the smoked meat. Not the same.

>> No.7931973

Does /lit/ have any comments about this list? What should I replace/add?

Maximum City - Suketu Mehta
A Fine Balance - Rohinton Mistry
Godaan/The Gift of the Cow - Premchand
The Sly Company of People Who Care - Bhattacharya
River of Smoke - Amitav Ghosh
Train to Pakistan - Kushwant Singh
Kaalam/Time - MT Vasudevan Nair
The Thing About Thugs - Tabish Khair
Cuckold - Kiran Nagarkar
Jimmy the Terrorist - Omair Ahmad
The Serpent and the Rope - Raja Rao

>> No.7931983

Do you have a Ph.D?

>> No.7932070

>chefs talk like hipster foodies all the time

nah, only on tv or in a work setting.

experts like to keep things simple when they are in casual environments.
it's usually the amateur posers who end up using convoluted jargon, to sound elevated or "deep".

>> No.7932087

I've got a Pretty Huge Dick

>> No.7932150

Curry oracle, curry oracle, will I succeed financially and romantically?

>> No.7932180


Indian here too. Please drop some wisdom on indian women. North Indian women from urban metropolitan areas in particular.

There's a pattern that I and a few of my friends have noticed but are unsure whether it is as general as we believe or if limited to our experiences.

>> No.7932421
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who /siva sutras/ here?

>that feelio when spent half the time flipping to the back of the book to read the 20 page glossary of technical terms

>> No.7932427

You are right in that chefs will never admit someone else is right.

>> No.7932432

kama sutra

>> No.7932678

wow. You did some course to reach at this level ?

>> No.7932685

vikram seth
rk narayan
these are enough i guess

>> No.7932698

Except "high end" chefs do talk like that.
They are extremely opinionated on what works and what doesn't, and would even shit on a customer if they don't like it. Look at Gordon Ramsay and how he treats people who come to his restaurant.

>> No.7932704

what pattern?

>> No.7932785 [DELETED] 
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A bit of >>7931742. These are the non-vapid ones who seem to have a semblance of a personality that is detached from how attractive they are.

Also, amid the early 20s at least, a general propensity to display quirkiness and attempts at being "lolrandom".

if not any of the above then extremely conservative and defensive around men who they reject (often repeatedly) until the guy proves in some sense some sort of loyalty or worth. absolute unwillingness to make the first move.

Also, among all of the above, the one most common thing: having the language "english" as an absolute pre-requisite. educated, intelligent women will look at you with disgust and contempt if you can't speak english. it's fucking ridiculous.

>> No.7932801
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Quite a bit of this: >>7931742. These are the non-vapid ones who seem to have a semblance of a personality that is detached from how attractive they are.

Also, amid the early 20s at least, a general propensity to display quirkiness and attempts at being "lolrandom".

if not any of the above then extremely conservative and defensive around men who they reject (often repeatedly) until the guy proves in some sense some sort of loyalty or worth. absolute unwillingness to make the first move.

Also, among all of the above, the one most common thing: having the language "english" as an absolute pre-requisite. educated, intelligent women will look at you with disgust and contempt if you can't speak english. it's fucking ridiculous.

>> No.7932846

If I'm courting an Indian woman should I behave more like a Whig or a Tory? Or should I just play down my Englishness?

>> No.7932855

if you're white you've already succeeded.

>> No.7932859

Nah I'm only 5'11 so I need to try a little harder

>> No.7932865

Who painted that? It's beautiful. There are incredible artists everywhere doing beautiful work and we don't know their names. This guy is a modern da Vinci. In fact, he's better than da Vinci. The fact that we know who da Vinci is and not this guy is a colossal injustice.

>> No.7932899

damn. sorry to hear

>> No.7932907

>What is moksha?

>> No.7932951

Schopenhauer :^)

>> No.7932971

being a manlet is rough

>> No.7933490

>look at gordon ramsey on tv

yes on tv...or in a work setting...
already covered those options.

also gordon is an anomaly, he has a persona to maintain. a normal chef isn't gonna be a pretentious twat all the time.

i have friends who are martial arts experts, in class they talk like you'd expect, outside of class they HATE to use jargon and get "deep"; amongst themselves they keep it really simple, in fact they hate to "talk shop" and get technical in casual settings.

>> No.7933501


how deep can you even get with martial arts lol. there's a reason why there's /lit/ and no /ma/

>> No.7933550

>she shops a lot online and watches TMZ and likes pop culture and celebrity culture stuff.

thats typical of most women. anything else is just them trying to set themselves apart form others just like what OP is tying to do.

you are better off talking about M.I.A / kim kardashian / nicki. trust me when i say this, most indian chicks do not read shit.

You trying to impress her with you knowledge on some religious text is the same as someone trying to impress you with their knowledge of the bible. unless she is an autist like you, philosophy is going to dry up her pussy on the first date

>> No.7934101

How To Use a Toilet

>> No.7934141


Mostly this. Seriously. You have to have a broad range in order for knowing things about her culture specifically to not come off as having a borderline personality. If you learn something strictly to impress someone or fuck them it will be blatantly obvious. Don't do this.

THE only way to pull this off is to actually go to india and have some sort of formal degree in history, then you can show off your indian powerlevel all you want I suppose, but there will still be many that suspect the truth.

Think about it this way: say an indian were to come up to you and start talking about how much they're into William Faulkner or Walt Whitman or randomly namedrops Abraham Lincoln and bible references into speech for no apparent reason.

>> No.7934149


At best you should probably take a liking to Indian Cuisine, but don't gab about it.

If she wanted to date someone because they new all about Indian culture she'd just date an indian guy.

>> No.7934178

>thinks /lit/ knows the slightest thing about women, india or literature or any combination of the three.

>> No.7934189


>people that read books and frequent the internet have 0 chance of reproduction

nicely memed

>> No.7934204

>wanting to be a filthy breeder
please be memeing

>> No.7934212
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>he doesn't have a wife or impregnation fetish

>> No.7934231


It's like you actually desire to be an evolutionary dead-end

>> No.7934365

Shoba Dhe?

>> No.7934515

rabindranath tagore

>> No.7934735

If you really want to get her to fall for you. Just start shitting on the streets and eating with your hands.

>> No.7935797

what by him in particular?
what by her in particular?

>> No.7935813

there is nothing inheretly wrong with that

>> No.7935858

Any good Hindu Nationalist literature?

>> No.7936127

Tagore is mostly a poet. I found his prose and plays a little flat. Also, he originally wrote in Bengali and was basically a composer. He invented a new genre of music called Rabindra Sangit and his poems are supposed to be sung. He wrote the national anthem of three countries (India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka). So reading Tagore in English, on a lifeless piece of paper, doesn't do him justice.

Anyhow, if you want to try, read Gitanjali. It is really thin and single handedly won him the Nobel. Also, it contains a lot of Upanishadic elements, although you don't need to know them to appreciate it.

Whichever cuck recommended Shobha De is doing it out of irony. She is the cuckiest of the cucks, a socialite who masquerades as a writer and parades her infidelity, shallow intellect and liberal dick-suckery.

>> No.7936146

Start with VS Naipaul. Specially the second book in his trilogy on India.
Arun Shourie is another one, I'd recommend his "Eminent Historians" which goes into detail how Indian history has been whitewashed and purged of facts to suit a political narrative. The other one is "The Only Fatherland". Worshipping False Gods is also good, but only if you're interest in the subject of Ambedkar, it is not about Hinduism per se.
Bankim Chandra's Anand Math is the classic of the genre.
The speeches of Swami Vivekananda.
Works by Aurobindo.
Vamsi Juluri's Rearming Hinduism.
Others in no particular order- Stephen Knapp, Rajiv Melhotra, India's Broken Tryst, Madhu Kishwar, Hindol Sengupta and Koenraad Elst.

>> No.7936148
