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7919294 No.7919294 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people act like not experiencing hedonistic pleasures (think /r9k/ or regretting not having partied/traveled) is such a bad thing?

Like eating, fun while you do it, but meaningless as soon as it's done. You don't think back of all the 1000 good chocolate cakes you had and the time you ate them. At best, you think of the platonic ideal of eating chocolate cake and how nice that is, but the past events, after having eaten chocolate cake 3 times say, don't contribute to the feel of thinking back how great chocolate cake is.

If you spent your time nicely, almost everything is better than having repeatedly and repeatedly having had chocolate cake or sex. Yes, great while you do it, but over as soon it's over.

Why would all of this have shaped you for the better - is there any reason to believe that?

>> No.7919318

It stems from the time immemorial belief that the grass in greener on the other side.

>> No.7919323

Why do people act like not living is such a bad thing?

Like eating, fun while you do it, but meaningless as soon as it's done. You don't think back of all the 1000 good chocolate cakes you had and the time you ate them. At best, you think of the platonic ideal of eating chocolate cake and how nice that is, but the past events, after having eaten chocolate cake 3 times say, don't contribute to the feel of thinking back how great chocolate cake is.

Yes, being alive is great while you do it, but over as soon it's over.

>> No.7919326

>tfw I only sort of got laid in highschool

>> No.7919331

Because most people have absolutely no inclination towards philosophy outside of the most banal ethical concerns. Their entire frame of reference for how life ought to be lived essentially comes from watered down Christianity and pop culture memes from mainstream media in all its forms.

>> No.7919337

who here truly believes that these two >>7919294 haven't had sex?

>> No.7919339

Travelling is a hedonistic pleasure now?

>> No.7919343

I mean, that's a shitty example. I for one eat because my body does the dead thing if I don't. So it's not immediately meaningless. Nor am I really thinking about platonic ideals when I eat cake, I'm thinking the cake is delicious, of a bit too rich for my taste.

But anyway nothing is meaningless in regards to the contribution to your development. I am a different person having eaten the cake, than I would be had I decided to opt for the delicious protein shake instead. There's an entire hypothetical timeline that's now severed off of possibility.

I regret not studying abroad while I was in college, and yes if I could do it again, I'd probably do differently. And I *would* like to have had more sex than I have, because sex is fun.

I think the issue stems from the heavy burden of living with one's choices and their respective consequences.

But it's not unusual to look back on the ones you have made and think that the alternative was "better." That's just retrospect in action.

Live and learn, I guess.

>> No.7919386

>stands in the shadow of the Eiffel tower with a model on your arm to advertise the hugely popular movie made of your book
>still looks dead-eyed
It ain't easy being Green.

>> No.7919392

certainly easier than being me

>> No.7919407

>it's a "how can I justify my sadness by putting down caricatures of others thread"

Can we limit it to only 10 maximum in the catalog at a time mods?

>> No.7919414

I'm glad I did a lot of fucking in the past so that I'm not caught up in the idea that fucking is important.

The main purpose of getting laid is getting over getting laid, I think.

>> No.7919420

>all the real replies drowned out by horny teenage memers
I think this thread itself works as an answer to your question.

>> No.7919422

most effective argument in this thread desu

>> No.7919529

define hedonism

>> No.7919540

The effect of small things is cumulative and helps mantain stable dopamine levels in your brain. Its a way for many modern animals to mantain a stable mood without engaging in meaningful activities. However if one is already doing meaningful things then food only complements it, unless eaten in excess.

>> No.7919549

Overness is a contrast made between the present and past: the past is over if it doesnt hold true in the present. Death has no present therefore there can be no over since you cant contrast a present with anything. Its what epicurus said.

>> No.7919566

>why do sexual animals want to reproduce?
You're so dumb I have a hard time believing you're not a frogposter.

>> No.7919571
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I spent some time traveling solo in Asia last year, and I can say that it absolutely had a positive impact. Before, I was such a homebody, had tremendous anxiety/panic attack issues and depression. Forcing myself to go to the other side of the world into the unfamiliar, where I spoke none of the language, really shattered the fragile shell I'd built around myself since my early teen years. I am a different person now. The little things don't bother me, I'm more open to meeting people and being spontaneous, and I have the constant itch to get back on a plane to some new unknown place (a good or bad itch to have, I suppose).

>> No.7919575

>Why do people act like not experiencing hedonistic pleasures (think /r9k/ or regretting not having partied/traveled) is such a bad thing?
Because most people do not have independent interests of their own but are moulded by the culture and society that surrounds them, so they follow whatever is fashionable and whatever the others are doing.

It's that simple. Don't read too much into what others are doing and do your own thing.

>> No.7919590

It's largely because these people are incapable of entertaining themselves.

I was friends with a guy who wanted to be a writer, as I do. He travelled to Costa Rica with his brother and when he got back he kept talking about how he was going to write a book about his travels and how it expanded his perspective etc.

I mean it's fine if you think that but I just disagree. Having sex probably makes you better at describing the experience of having sex etc, but as for the wanton consumption of novel experiences I'll take a big pass thank you.

>> No.7919649

>At best, you think of the platonic ideal of eating chocolate cake and how nice that is

No one thinks this.

>> No.7919656

I do

>> No.7919700

Experiences of all kinds do give you more to write or talk about in a self-assured way, but they don't necessarily make your life more meaningful. It's a false equivalency. The whole "horizon broadening" thing is mostly a meme.

In terms of sex specifically, I agree with this guy >>7919414 having sex and thinking about what it meant (almost always nothing) in retrospect, is an experience that helps stave off the hormonal obsession with sexual pursuits. I'm not saying don't have sex, because it is undeniably fun when done right, I'm saying don't obsess over it because being ruled by your biology is for pleb fucks without a will of their own.

>> No.7919751

since I was introduced to the world of hover hands Ive always felt that whenever a man puts his hand on a womans waist hes either performing the hover hand or trying to make sure he doesn't which is embarassing either way

>> No.7919762

If I'm posing in a pic with a mixed-gender group, I'll put my arms around the girl's shoulders the same way I do the guys for this exact reason.

One-on-one, you just have to deal with it. Anything else is beta unless you're both doing the Captain Morgan or something. Just embrace your inner caveman and try to convince everyone you've fucked that girl before with your posture.

>> No.7919831

nah, look at how her hand is on his neck, pretty close to his face. They're close to each other, even intimate I'd say.

>> No.7919836

19 yo college student here about to study abroad for the same reasons. tired of being stuck in my shell with anxiety/panic attacks. gonna let korea crack that shit open and force me to grow up because I never will.

>> No.7919837

That or she's a professional model who poses in intimate looking ways for a living.

>> No.7919841


>> No.7919878

Of course it's good whule at it,
but this is about regret after the fact (and animals don't don't regret like that anyway)

>> No.7919879

>Why do people act like not experiencing hedonistic pleasures (think /r9k/ or regretting not having partied/traveled) is such a bad thing?
Lack of religion, self-assuredness, meaningful social relationships (most don't even know what this would consist of), computers, the internet, pornography, wealth and decadence, the cult of the self (democracy + the lie of equality), jews etc.

>> No.7919897

In your case I'd say it's lack of thoughts that aren't memes.

>> No.7919910

you're speaking as if one has to partake in just one hedonistic pleasure, and repeatedly.
there's more to life than chocolate cake and sex, but sex is a necessity for a healthy spirit really.

>> No.7919924

I feel like everyone is fucked up, so sex can't be like medicin. Girls who have too much of it seem to be troubled in particular.

And what's the deal with abstinence nence and ascetism anyway?

>> No.7919925

>lack of religion
O I am laffin
There's literally no difference in sexual behavior between born-again Christians and the general population.

>> No.7919934

Huh. Yeah, I forgot about that one.

>> No.7919937

Christianity --espeically 'murrican offshoots of protestantism-- is the McDonald's of religion.

>> No.7919941

So much this
I got stuck in west africa for a year. and that whole experience changed me. Talking to ppl who barely speak english just to order food everyday. really got me out my shell.
Sleeping in a house infested with rats almost every night. having no access to electricity besides 1-2 hours a day. because the house only has a gas generator. washing your skin from a bucket that came from a well or sometimes even the rain.
I'd never go back to that hell hole. but I laugh whenever i date a girl and she starts whining about her problems at home. If she only knew how ppl truly suffered in life.

>> No.7919948

I am the guy you are quoting re: sexual experience and I would add that I myself have never penetrated a girl (although my penis did I believe has touched the entrance to a girl's vagina in February 2014) and I believe it is partly due to my pure state that I have been able to write a great deal about sexual and romantic experience on 4chan, idealizing each of these experiences in a sort of theoretical sense though without allowing any subjective experience to undermine my lofty admiration of said sexual experience.

>> No.7919964

if you think everyone is fucked up it's likely that you're projecting your own inner demons onto everyone else or you're spending too much time on 4chan, probably both.
there is a truth to that, but it's about realizing that barring some exceptions most people have both good and bad in them, then to apply that same concept to yourself and to accept both your angels and demons.
also a sex addiction is different from fulfilling your need to fuck.

>> No.7919971

I'm the guy who you quoted as quoting you, and I have penetrated a few girls (and one man). Your naiveté, while cute in a way, will only be treated like the musings of a child or mocked outright by people who have sexual experience.

Also are you the memoir guy? You sound an awful lot like the memoir guy.

>> No.7920758


>> No.7920799

new here, but if there are more posts as ridiculous as this /lit/ is going to be a great place to lurk.

>> No.7920826
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hedonism is the human nature, the nature of animals.
hedonism is the other face of boredom.
it is very hard to have the means to sustain your hedonism (you must be born rich basically).
Hedonists love to pretend to be less hedonistic than they are, precisely because they think that they fight boredom this way: they enhance their pleasures in violating invented mores.
hedonism never succeed : it has poor yield and the yield always decreases in time (because you must work to keep your pleasure)
finally: take person A, the hedonist and people B.
B will always have resentment towards A, because B is a worst hedonist than A.
A gets off also when A thinks that A prevents B to be has hedonistic as A is.

Even spiritual hedonism, like meditation by hedonists, is better than material hedonism, but any hedonism is doomed to fail.

>> No.7920840 [DELETED] 

>>A gets off also when A thinks that A prevents B to be has hedonistic as A is.

A gets off also when A thinks that A prevents B to be as hedonistic as A is.

overall hedonism is pleb tier, but most people love hedonism far too much to even think of living it, to the point of thinking that not being an hedonist is basically dying.
Hedonist despise their lives, because what they feel and think is never enough for them. They always need more and choose to spend their day thinking of the past to have a better future: they invent scientific models to have easier lives and claim that these models are truths, so that they feel better on the spiritual side.
Hedonist take also seriously what they feel and think, to the point of creating an identity on their desires.

>> No.7920849

>>A gets off also when A thinks that A prevents B to be has hedonistic as A is.

A gets off also when A thinks that A prevents B to be as hedonistic as A is.

overall hedonism is pleb tier, but most people love hedonism far too much to even think of leaving it, to the point of thinking that not being an hedonist is basically dying.
Hedonist despise their lives, because what they feel and think is never enough for them. They always need more and choose to spend their day thinking of the past to have a better future: they invent scientific models to have easier lives and claim that these models are truths, so that they feel better on the spiritual side.
Hedonist take also seriously what they feel and think, to the point of creating an identity on their desires.

>> No.7920877


>> No.7922180

>Girls who have too much of it
If you think someone is having too much sex your weird. But I think I see what you are saying. Heroin can be used as a pain killer in a hospital or as a pain killer for your troubles just like sex can be a medicine for the mind and body but also if you are in pain you can try to squash the pain with sexual pleasure. That does not take away from sex being a healthy medicine.

>> No.7922188

Sex can be more than hedonism. Unless connecting to another person is hedonism

>> No.7922293

Nothing is "healthy" when taken beyond a certain point. You can do too much of anything.

>> No.7922347

Spiritual hedonism is where it's at.

If people only knew the amount of bliss that can be experienced through meditation, they'd all drop the other shit.

>> No.7922378

What's a state of not being unhappy or unchanging that's not hedonistic?

>> No.7922388

I wrote that because I had an experience 2 weeks ago, where I met a 18yo girl via tinder. A year ago she got her heart broken and most of our interaction seemed to be tainted by her having to justify to herself that she was fucking around so much. I'm not proud of myself but when we split and she said she had "a lot of one night stands recently" I was disturbed and said some things that she sure didn't want to hear.

>> No.7922390

you just KNOW

>> No.7922418
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Real travel sort of is. Not tourism, but getting wrapped up in the nitty gritty aspects of a place can lead you down some wild roads. For example, I went backpacking in Thailand several years ago and wound up on a beach where a guy was selling this weird tea. Turns out it had psilocybin in it. I spent the rest of the day cruising around, watched a Muay Thai fight and met a Dutch girl and fell asleep on the beach.

A bit hedonistic if you ask me

>> No.7922538

Why Korea? I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.7922574

>Goes to Thailand
>Does what literally every white person in Thailand does
>Pretends he's a 'real traveller', not a tourist

I agree with you that travel is hedonistic, but you're a tourist lad. Real travel is where you go to places with very few tourists and experience life exactly as the locals live it.

t. /trv/

>> No.7922886

Granted I did do some touristy shit. However, a few weeks before that I was in a small village is Laos by myself for about a month.

>> No.7923232

The Importance of Elsewhere
Philip Larkin

Lonely in Ireland, since it was not home,
Strangeness made sense. The salt rebuff of speech,
Insisting so on difference, made me welcome:
Once that was recognised, we were in touch

Their draughty streets, end-on to hills, the faint
Archaic smell of dockland, like a stable,
The herring-hawker's cry, dwindling, went
To prove me separate, not unworkable.

Living in England has no such excuse:
These are my customs and establishments
It would be much more serious to refuse.
Here no elsewhere underwrites my existence.

>> No.7924166

I want an A V E R A G E qt 3.14 korean gf

>> No.7924235

Why were you stuck there, if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.7924242

Sex isn't as static as chocolate cake.
It can be a different experience to a much greater degree, so your analysis falls flat. Sex with two different people, or in different contexts, or indulging different desires, brings far more variance to the experience than chocolate cake vs chocolate lava cake, or triple chocolate, or whatever.

>> No.7924250

Not to be an asshole but you really dont need to go to another country to do that, just stop being a dipshit.

>> No.7924251

I've been thinking of trying something like this. Your description of yourself really reflects me. Hopefully an experience similar to yours would have the same affect on me.

>> No.7924256

Did you just buy a plane ticket and go for it? Or did you have some big plan?

>> No.7924264

Nah, you're wrong.

Have sex about 1000 times and it is just like chocolate cake.

>> No.7924301

This sounds like a John Green rationale.

>> No.7924311

People here who actually travel and break their homelife/worklife anxiety driven ruts don't speak up enough, there's too many vocal posters that have created a meme of indoor/online isolated life because you don't really gain anything out of being anywhere else, but it's just ridiculous, the only thing really to do is travel while reading, getting into experienced you never anticipated and having all the fun for it. This year I'll be road tripping across American national parks, flying to India and traveling across it then hitting Vietnam, Cambodia, the Phillipines, Papua-New Guinea on the way to New Zealand and spend a few months there.

>> No.7924409

Value judgements are pointless, yes, we could all just live as Buddhist monks and practice rigorous self-denial, believing that no state is truly more desirable than another, but your brain is hardwired to derive gratification from certain activities, and that's mostly inescapable, which is just fine.

Everyone does certain things for sheer enjoyment.

This is "hedonism".

A person who claims not to engage in some degree of "hedonism" is either a prisoner or a liar.

>> No.7924414

You must have had some really disappointing chocolate cakes.

Do you live in America?

I hear you people mostly eat a sort of "nutriplastic" that comes out of huge genetically modified aphids.

>> No.7924461

How the fuck do you pay for that? I'm not in a rut because I want to be; I'm in a rut because if I don't work constantly and deny myself pleasure I can't afford to eat.

>> No.7924540

What did you say, anon?

>> No.7924931

It seems like "too much sex" is too much only if you have it with several different persons. What exactly is the logic behind that?

What I mean is the mindset in which a girl (in particular) can have twenty different sex partners in one year. That makes the girl a loose-holed slut even though she only had sex twenty times in a time span of 365 days. Then there's the no-fucc-til-marriage kind of girl who has sex with her husband every morning and every night. She's had 710 more fucks than the loose slut, yet she's a sweet and pure, proper and balanced girl with a tight virginal vagina.

>> No.7925032

>the only thing really to do is travel while reading, getting into experienced you never anticipated and having all the fun for it.
yeah having fun is what matters, innit. feels good to be an hedonistic and having faith in hedonism.

>> No.7925035

>but your brain is hardwired to derive gratification from certain activities, and that's mostly inescapable, which is just fine.
I love how hedonists cling so much to their doctrine that theythink that they do not have the choice to be something else than hedonistic.

>> No.7925871

>You don't think back of all the 1000 good chocolate cakes you had and the time you ate them.

Wait, you don't? I do. I have an album, here. *opens album* Let's see... ah, here's cake #245. It was a tough cake to break, but I got through. Here's #475. Phew, what a blessing it was. Aww, look, it's cake #32, one of my firsts. Ah, the memories...

>> No.7925946
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>Not to be an asshole but you really dont need to go to another country to do that, just stop being a dipshit.

Some people do.

>> No.7925988

It's almost like there's a difference between having a commitment to someone and having emotionally detached sex with people who mean nothing to you.

>> No.7926034

She looks like a space alien

>> No.7926044

>The main purpose of getting laid is getting over getting laid, I think.

that's a very twenty-something outlook

>> No.7926172

i have never been fulfilled by a cheap worldly thrill

>> No.7927737
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Et in Arcadia ego

>> No.7927756
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Death is one of the most pleasurable experience one can undergo.

>> No.7928225

So do you think this will just become why live in the first place? Will it not just be existential?

>> No.7928234

Because people always think the party is happening someplace else. If you are a r9k sort of even a lit sort, you're suitably lonely to obsess over it. If your life revolves around hedonism, this is unconsciously transferred into seeking further pleasure.
even if you know there's no party somewhere else and everyone else's lives are equally meaningless, you're still miserable :)

>> No.7928236

I travelled enough as a kid for an entire lifetime. I don't get faggots that want to "travel" in their adult life as if they're undertaking some rite of passage that bestows worldly authority to them. It's meaningless. Unless you have a reason to be somewhere (work, family) just stay in your hole, if you're strictly confined to within the first world then it's all the same shit anyway.

>> No.7928240
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Good advice. I'll just stay put from now on and concentrate on not being a dipshit.

Go for it. Good luck!

I planned it out. I'm not quite as insane as those folks who just show up at an airport and pick some destination at random. I also do not camp out in tents in public parks and shit, haha.

Good point, but I think there are plenty of benefits to isolation and simple, indoor living. I guess balance is key, as it is in anything. Have fun in India, it's definitely on my list.

>> No.7928245

Poster above you is a moron, can't tell if they willingly chose to omit mentioning this or it never crossed their minds

Sick dubs btw cunt

>> No.7928246

But I have a life mission to visit every Denny's and take a photo at each