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7922162 No.7922162 [Reply] [Original]

What books have protagonists who are legitimately bad people?

>> No.7922164

all of them

>> No.7922178


>> No.7922186

Well I don't the TCoL49 is one of them.

In fact I don't think there's many desu, but these sort of are:
> Notes from Underground
> Dom Casmurro
> Therese Raquin

>> No.7922197

>Dom Casmurro
Capitu was a whore

>> No.7922200

If you think Oedipa was a bad person, then probably like 90% of literature protagonists are bad people by your judgement.

>> No.7922210

The Dom's a crazy fuck, there's no telling whether his perspective is the right one, that's the magic of the book really

>> No.7922215

> I don't THINK
I'm tired.

>> No.7922235
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>> No.7922260
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bonus: question also applies to author*

>> No.7922304
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>> No.7922311
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>> No.7922316

>The Tunnel by Ernesto Sabato
and I think "Ask the Dust by Fante" too, rather often I felt like I wanted to end the book and then... all of sudden it just ends, I don't get it.

>> No.7922494
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>> No.7922505

He doesnt identify as a human being ;^)

>> No.7922515

Kleiner Mann, was nun? (Little Man, what Now?) by Hans Fallada.

>> No.7922654

90% of lit protagonists don't fuck around on their devoted spouses without remorse

>> No.7922816

White Noise
American Psycho
Notes from the Underground
The Stranger, debatably
Vineland, No Exit, depending on who you consider the protagonist

>> No.7922846
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What the hell makes Oedipa a bad person? Are you just mad that she defied the patriarchy and the male, I-I mean mail conspiracy?

>> No.7922861

>devoted spouses
>Mucho who cheats on Oed constantly with underage girls


>> No.7922862

The Tin Drum
White Tiger
The Wasp Factory

>> No.7922879
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>> No.7922897

There's no way those hints were planted for no reason. Even if she had cheated, though, he still committed serious profanities by making promises and not delivering, which is way worse than infidelity (the most overrated of transgressions desu)

>> No.7922944

cuck detected

>> No.7923123

Paradise Lost

>> No.7923159

>White Noise

what the fuck? he's as normal as a postmodern novel's character gets

>> No.7923167

The Floating Opera
Naked Lunch

>> No.7923234

That's just her paranoia

>> No.7923285

That's an interesting angle, I've looked it up in my copy now, it's true the description of Mucho's affairs is entirely in the theoretical, though Oedipa claims she 'knows' what goes on we don't get any real solid evidence. While she means to confront Mucho about it all she asks is if "he wasn't worried about the penal code." To which he answers "of course" and no more from possibly half sleep in the middle of the night.

You have a point it may just be paranoia, but all the same I doubt it. Mucho's introduction as a character is him complaining about being called "too horny" by his boss. It also fits nicely the distant relationship/broken communication themes, the feminist angle, and doesn't make a whole lot of sense as paranoia since it happens chronologically before the novel starts and Oedipa only really becomes paranoid on the trail of Tristero - but then again she always is a bit nutty, weeping openly in the art gallery and so on, laughing at the death of her ex lover.

Interesting point.

>> No.7923290

The Sound and the Fury - although that is largely the crux of the novel
The Stars my Destination - although that probably doesnt count as lit

I can think of many books with main characters who are a bit shitty, but few who are 'genuinely bad' whatever that means

>> No.7923313

The Sound and the Fury (Jason)
Story Of The Eye
A Confederacy Of Dunces
The Outsider
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Blood Meridian

And like a million others c'mon OP

>> No.7923357


> Notes from Underground

But how can you say this? How can you read it and think the main character is legitimately bad?
He doesn't even believe "bad" to be a thing, but even in the conventional sense, he seems quite neutral. Maybe he is rude and bitter but how can anyone blame him after reading the first half?
Even if you ignore all that and judge him only on his actions he's not evil.

>> No.7923376

A Visit From The Goon Squad. Sasha stealing the dudes "I BELIEVE IN YOU" paper was literally unforgivable to me

>> No.7923379

Someone explain to me why I thought Oedipa was black. I can't think of any reason why I believe this, but I can't picture her any other way.

>> No.7923418
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I imagined her as kinda hot.

>> No.7923465
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She's a bourgeois cutie who becomes more and more unkempt and unhinged as the novel goes on.

>> No.7923487


yeah, pynchon was very clear in illustrating the deep and loving connection in their marriage. definitely.

>> No.7923589

Did you miss the part where it says Mucho fucks all those highschool girls

>> No.7923592

He kills Mr. White (?) in cold blood

>> No.7923594
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He just didn't get it, he's probably a pleb.

>> No.7923599

Idk if the kid was a bad person

>> No.7923636

the kid wasn't a do gooder but he's the only one with a moral compass in the book
i read a whole critcal essay about how he was jesus (which was bs) that gave a lot of good examples of the kid showing compassion while l-i-t-e-r-a-l-l-y noone else does

>> No.7923668

he like randomly kills a bartender for no fuckin reason

>> No.7923952

I thought she was in her forties first time I read

Weird that, in 1966, a 28-year-old qualified as an "older chick"

>> No.7924067

I maintain she was mexican

>> No.7924099
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wow, you really misunderstood the novel
you should be embarrassed by this

>> No.7924215

from the perspective of 20 year olds it does

>> No.7924278

>The Sound and the Fury
Who would you say is the main character? Caddy?

>> No.7924303

There were also good things about him though, which is why he's a tragic hero type.

I can see where you're coming from though. He's pretty shitty.

>> No.7924309

Caddy is the absent center so probably not?

Yet in a way she is. Hmm.

I guess I would say the four children are the main main characters.

>> No.7924402

One cover shows her as a white woman with a purple Afro afaik

>> No.7924817
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because you saw this cover? p sure it's not supposed to be oedipa though

>> No.7924820

that lady looks European featured to me

>> No.7924826

It's not the covers, I haven't seen any like that. It's just a feeling I get, and I don't know where it comes from.

>> No.7924843


Jason was the sane man trying to keep shit together when everyone else in the family was either retarded, suicidal, incestuous, a smart-ass or a mixture of all four.

>> No.7924852

Hey man, whatever floats your cock.

>> No.7925234

High-Rise J.G. Ballard
Blood Meridian
A Hero of Our Time

>> No.7925236

Journey to The End Of The Night ftw

>> No.7925239

Flashman revels in his cruelty, treachery and cowardice. He's great fun.

>> No.7925262

Her skin is literally black

>> No.7925267

If you're talking about Celine's antisemitism you're just proving that he was a great man.

>> No.7925536

Madame Bovary. Even though Emma inspires sympathy to a degree, she is, for the most part, a pretty despicable person.

>> No.7925925


>> No.7926004
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> single slice of bread

>> No.7926171

Why is the bread in his collar

>> No.7926191

Macbeth wasn't a bad person, he got tricked by a bad person

>> No.7926807

Do you guys think Bazarov from Fathers and Sons was a bad person?

People bashed me in a previous thread for suggesting it was uncertain.

>> No.7926851
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Is this a nice boy?

>> No.7926928

Caddy is the definitely the MC of the book, tho by the "bad person" he meant Jason i think.

>> No.7928850
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If you ask me

>> No.7929164

The crust is in his zipper

>> No.7929179
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Not sure if it's been posted, but...

>> No.7929246

Wuthering Heights

>> No.7929253

race is more than skin m8

>> No.7929260

Who? Catherine or Heathcliff? I can't decide which one was the bigger piece of shit.

>> No.7929443

He had agency. I knew what he was doing was bad.

Just like adam taking the apple from eve. He knew he shouldnt have.

>> No.7929475

Eh, I actually kinda liked and understood Okonkwo. By western standards, yeah he was a sexist, abusive dick, but you can't judge other cultures by the standards of your own.

He just wanted to protect his culture and community, which I can fully respect and appreciate. Reading the book, it felt like observing the extinction of a species/culture.

>> No.7929889
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This too.

>> No.7929965

american detected

>> No.7929976

>By western standards, yeah he was a sexist, abusive dick, but you can't judge other cultures by the standards of your own
Yeah you can. Sexism is sexism, idiot.

>> No.7929979

he wasnt a bad person, he was just unhappy

>> No.7929988

literally illiterate

>> No.7930308

He cheats on his wife and masturbates to you girls

>> No.7930312

did you even read the book you nigger?

>> No.7930319

Agreed, you can judge whatever you wanna judge by whatever standard. Doesn't mean it's right or wrong, but you can do it.

>> No.7930321

>I don't understand cultural moral relativism
That's how you sound.

>> No.7930322

apathy does not make you a good person
sure he didn't have any specific evil in him, but he didn't care until his life was threatened. he wasn't a good guy. he was a nihilist of the worst sort. the whole point of the book is to not live like meursault

>> No.7930330

That's no different then judging middle ages with modern standards. Just a different kind of anachronism.

>> No.7930562

extremely underrated post

>> No.7930823

Sure thing, cuckboi. Capitu was a whore and you shouldn't feel bad for Bentinho.

>> No.7930922

Oh shit, do you think Pynchon did that on purpose?

>> No.7930967

Yes. Trystero's mute takes many forms, the conspiracy at large is not synonymous with patriarchy, but Oedipa's tower is female oppression.

>> No.7930969

The Brothers Karamazov. Fuck Alyosha. He is slave morality, untermenschen ... bah!

I wash my hands clear of such filthy books.