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/lit/ - Literature

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7917842 No.7917842 [Reply] [Original]

>"And he was, truly, the catcher in the rye."
Fuck this hack

>> No.7917848

1. >>>/tv/
2. >>>/r9k/
3. *kysses you*

>> No.7917857
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>"now they were reaping the grapes of wrath"

>> No.7917869
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>"Just at that moment, the clocks were striking nineteen eighty-four"

>> No.7917924

>Lennie, we are truly Of Mice and Men.
Really Steinbeck?

>> No.7917946
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>"What a long, strange trip it's been."
the canon is a worse idea everyday

>> No.7917969

>Who are you? Tell me your name.
>I am Odysseus and this is my odysseia


>> No.7917977

>Oedipa settled back, to await the crying of lot 49.

>> No.7917983


>I knew him, Horatio;
>a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy;
>he hath borne me on his back a thousand times

Really Pynchon?

>> No.7917985

>Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio; a fellow of infinite jest
Bandana man strikes again.

>> No.7917991

>zymurgy n. the branch of applied chemistry dealing with the use of fermentation in brewing. The Dictionary.

God damn it!

>> No.7917993

>and that was how he met the sailor who fell from grace with the sea.
really manlet?

>> No.7917998

>That's all folks thanks for hanging around
>You just read the cantos of ezra pound

I couldn't see for two days.

>> No.7918001

>and here i was, south of the border, west of the sun
fucking really?

>> No.7918006

>And they all gathered to mourn at Finnegan's wake.

>> No.7918017


Kek, good hivemind m8

>> No.7918041

>I knew immediately, we were the Communist Manifesto

>> No.7918045

>And such was the decline and fall of the Roman empire.

>> No.7918049

The catcher in the rye is written in first person, moron.

Return to /tv/, where you belong, with your retarded memes about mediatic droll.

>> No.7918068

'Nervy girl...'

>> No.7918125

..beating ceaselessly against the tide , I knew he was the great Gatsby.

>> No.7918134

>"I guess, after all these years, I'm really just a Stoner™"

Jesus christ, really?

>> No.7918139

>his name is Don. Coyote is his favourite animal

Stopped reading right there and then

>> No.7918140

>it was completed. He had finally painted A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.

>> No.7918148

>And it was at that moment we realised, that truly, we were The Dubliners.

Fucking hack m8s

>> No.7918150

>"And Raskolnikov realized that he truly fit the Crime and Punishment"


>> No.7918154
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>"And she was, truly, the hungriest game."

>> No.7918156

>"oh shit! I forgot to bring my notes from underground!"


>> No.7918163

ANd that truly was, the night we ate whale

>> No.7918168

>ando foru thatto momenutto I wasu sure i wasu no ronger human, shimata!

Fucking murakami i swear

>> No.7918169

>And, when it was all said and done, he had truly proven himself to be The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Britain, Volume II: Economic Maturity, 1860-1939

Really Floud and Johnson?

>> No.7918178

>rather before the bard and hear-ience
>my songs of innocence and experience

You unwashed British fuck.

>> No.7918205

>tfw this is actually how it ended

>> No.7918247

>Atlas, shrug!
- Atlas Shrugged

>> No.7918318


>> No.7918319

>and so ended the day of the Jackal.

Fucking seriously?

>> No.7918373

>And it was something of a confirmation of their new dreams and good intentions when at the end of their journey the daughter first lifted herself up and stretched her young body. It had truly been a great Metamorphosis.

>> No.7918379

>And thus, these are the tales of those fateful folk, the Dubliners.

Got some bad news for you, Jimbo...

>> No.7918402

>Despite Sauron being The Lord of the Rings, the Fellowship of the Ring was determined to defeat him.
Good fucking damn it

>> No.7918455

>They call me Ismael. And they called him... Moby Dick.

Over rated.

>> No.7918469

>Mo' bee dick, demanded the ghetto queen of the honey-hive
Melville you fucking hack

>> No.7918510

>and that is when everyone understood everything there was to understand about harry potter and the deathly hallows


>> No.7918515


>and dumbledore finally knew what he had to do with harry potter and the prisoners of azkaban

really subtle rowling

>> No.7918887


>> No.7918958

>... but when the chips are down and the dust has settled, all there is left for a man to do is... to practice what you peach

Oh come on.

>> No.7918962

>He had been that way for nearly One Hundred Years. Of Solitude, he was no stranger.


>> No.7918972

>... and then he finally realized what year it was: it had always been 2666.

>> No.7918981

>7.01. But, in the end, there's something we can talk about: this was truly a Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.

>> No.7918993

>it was at that moment Heathcliff realised his anger level had truly reached Wuthering Heights

>> No.7919013

I want y'all guys to know that this thread makes me really happy

>> No.7919028
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wow you really pulled a george berrycone there

>> No.7919123

Top Kek

>> No.7919130

made me chuckle

>> No.7919131

knowing his wife and child were dead he contemplated the farewells he would have to make, to their heads, their legs, and lastly a farewell to arms.

>> No.7919140

Well this is it Ellie. We truly are the Last of Us.

>> No.7919142


That's a good one :)

>> No.7919148

Mo be cry

>> No.7919160

>...a man we can only remember as The Holy Bible
Thanks for nothing, God!

>> No.7919184

>"They said I couldn't do it," he cried, "but at last I have created A Clockwork Orange!"

>> No.7919186
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>He was now in a very bad place. A place called Dante's inferno.

>> No.7919197

>and so, alhamdulillah, you too will be will be enlightened, o stranger, by this book, al-Quran

Mo you dumb illiterate

>> No.7919262

Oh, the keks I have shed!

>> No.7919268

>Wow! That was amazing! What do you guys call yourselves?
>The Brothers Karamazov!

Seriously, Dostoevsky?

>> No.7919274

He placed the plate of English breakfast on the tray and smirked as he raised it: "Yum! Finally, a moveable feast!"

>> No.7919283

As a city girl, she found herself in so remote a place that she wasn't just in the country; not even in the heart of the country; but in the heart of the heart of the country!

>> No.7919284

>and on that day he learned a valuable lesson; that all is fair in war and peace.

>> No.7919285

>Now that's what I call Infinite Jest!

>> No.7919289
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> And as he was unexpectedly unable to start Adobe Photoshop CC, Joseph K. realized he had reached the end of The Trial

>> No.7919298

Good Lord!

>> No.7919302

>this thread again

>> No.7919307

>Spiderman had to react quickly. Dr Octobus held in one glistening metal tentacle a cable, from which hung a bus packed with the regional female basketball team over the threatening Hudson River. On the other hand, he held Gwen Stacy.
>Spiderman hung over the abyss of the devastated bridge, trying not to gaze down
>"Time to make a choice, spider!" cackled Octopus as he let go of both the bus of girls and the busty girl.
>In that instant time slowed down and Spiderman knew he couldn't save both. He had to make a choice, a choice only he could make, an impossible choice. He had to choose not by preference nor emotion, but by pure, cold, logic.
>He must act Beyond Good and Evil.

>> No.7919314

>Humans. The human species. People. What are they, but a bunch of men and women? But there are times when one must learn to see things from a different angle. Not just men and women; women and men.

>> No.7919324

>His mother once again had packed him only a simple baloney sandwich without condiments: essentially a Naked Lunch.

>> No.7919344

More like Joseph Kek
"a nameless german bureaucrat is faced with the absurdity of the bureaucracy and society when trying to redeem his Photoshop account number and has to phone four different hotlines in a row operated by the same person, as his phone keeps ringing".

>> No.7919347

Why do people always start these threads with fake Catcher quotes when it is one of the instances where it really does namedrop the title? There is no need to make up a fake one:

>I mean if they're running and they don't look where they're going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. That's all I'd do all day. I'd just be the catcher in the rye and all. I know it's crazy, but that's the only thing I'd really like to be

p. 93 in the online pdf version I found

>> No.7919360

> You know, Linda. I don't need you, or the kids, or your mother. This is my struggle. My struggle alone.

I read six books of this shit?

>> No.7919372

Best so far

>> No.7919373

Memes have a basis in reality. They distort that basis, because stating only reality would get too repetitive, while slightly distorting reality is less repetitive, altough the repeating elemeny is the whole joke.

>> No.7919379
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>"He had finally seen what was on this side of paradise"

>> No.7919441

Sure this isn’t real

>> No.7919442
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>> No.7919531

>and that's when he realized the blunt weapon used to knock him unconscious was... the Guiness Book of World Records

Fucking garbage.

>> No.7919580

>wow, I guess this really is the heart of darkness!

really Conrad?

>> No.7919604

>During the bus journey back from the funeral home I must have fallen asleep on my arm, as I could no longer feel it once I awoke. After getting back to my apartment I decided to give myself the stranger

Uuh really Camus?

>> No.7919666


>> No.7919796


>> No.7919838

>Henry gazed down at the bandaged stumps just below his shoulders. "I guess this really is a farewell to arms", he thought.
Dammit Papa, everyone told me you were good.

>> No.7919914
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>From the light that emanated between the misty pillars of cosmic detonation, Pirate Prentice viewed the technicolor trajectory of an arc. Its path ended in sacrilege, nothing more profane than the nature of control, shades of beauty compassed in evil, the birth of GRAVITY'S RAINBOWSLKDSGMGFNHTGT BBXLNFKLSG BANANAS <3

>> No.7919919

guys can someone send me that shit scene from Jorge R. Martin who wrote GoT
(In text)

>> No.7919939

thank you

>> No.7919947
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>> No.7919963

My sides

>> No.7919979

>Well, anyhow, I guess that about sums it up. I hope you all learned a thing or two from my little collection of pensées.
Fucking hell

>> No.7919996
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>I entered through the ornate portal only to be greeted with an endlessly large space, filled with an incomprehensible amount of giggling court entertainers that spanned off into the distance. This truly was, an Infinite Jest.

>> No.7920028

>"How hot out is it"
>"Its about fahrenheit 451"

>> No.7920037

>William Stoner
fucking dropped

>> No.7920039

>And as Coldsteelopholes exhaled his final breath, he muttered, "Gotta go Faust."

>> No.7920048
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>Ace smirked. He went on: “Junior, seein’ you got that clown suit, why don’t you put it to work? Run an ad in the Clarion: ‘Have Space Suit—Will Travel.’ Yukkity yuk!

>> No.7920073

>As I walk through the flea market, I notice a cantankerous old woman holding a sign, on which was written For Sale: Baby Shoes, Never Worn, size four, only twenty dollars.

C'mon, Hemmingway

>> No.7920100
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The worst part is Oswald Mosley's 'Tomorrow we live' unironically ends with

>and tomorrow we live!

>> No.7920119

>I saw well why the gods do not speak to us openly, nor let us answer. Till that word can be dug out of us, why should they hear the babble that we think we mean? How can they meet us face to face till we have faces?

C.S. Lewis? More like C. Shit Lewis.

>> No.7920129

>Moe asked politely "shall I be Dick today or John"
>She knew this was the moment she had awaited her whole life
>"Moe, be dick."

>> No.7920146

Oh god, that was so bad I'm actually blind

>> No.7920154

ah great, this thread again. the same exact joke 100 times again. i love /lit/, the creative intelligent 4chan board

>> No.7920165
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>> No.7920667

who is gregory berrycone?

>> No.7920671


>he hasn't heard of Gregory berrycone yet


>> No.7920992

who is this qt

>> No.7920997
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>tfw Blood Meridian actually makes constant reference to a blood meridian and the redness in the West

>> No.7921156

That's a man, baby.

>> No.7921162

And that was when I realised I was The Life and Times of Hunter S Thompson: A Biography

>> No.7921163
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>απ-όλλυω: I kill, destroy


>> No.7921188

Sky ferriera.
She's got some top less but you're not missing much. Would be top tier if her music was any good.
I'd still berry

>> No.7921212


>> No.7921218

this is great, and I would read >>7919344

>> No.7921224


>> No.7921246

>And he knew that much like every sentence in English, a revolution must begin with a Capital™.
Fucking Marx.

>> No.7921252

go to bed

>> No.7921256

short story about a dude who wakes up with a doorknob on his head. pretty fuckin gnarly tale, brah

>> No.7921258

>Is it him? Aragon! Truly, The Return of the King of Gondor is upon us!

>> No.7921270

Are we really devolving to years old /tv/ memes?

>> No.7921271

This gets me every fucking time

>> No.7921277

>You know, Eva, I don't need you, or the kids, or your mother, or the Jews. This is my struggle.

>> No.7921321

>"He sat, pallet in hand, staring intently at what he had worked tirelessly through the night to finish -it was finally over. Suddently, a voice came over his shoulder, 'So, what is it supposed to be exactly?' 'It's simple,' he said, 'I call it, 'A Portrait of the Artist, as a Young Man.'"

Oh for fucks sake Jimmy Joyce!

>> No.7921835

>Helmholtz looked beyond the shoreline of his new island home. And her finally realized, it truly was a Brave New World

Come on Huxley, you're better than this

>> No.7921843
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>> No.7922338

>I spun around, hoping to catch the creature as it dashed behind me. "You've turned as white as the shirt they made the chicken wear, friend!" Jonas laughed. "That was just the shadow of the torturer!"
All you gaybirds kept going on about how subtle Wolf is, i got memed hard.

>> No.7922514

>As for the revelations about his family, I must admit it truly was an Oliver Twist
Dickens you absolute dick

>> No.7922572

>"I'll be back in a moment, I have to answer the call of the wild!" James laughed as he stumbled drunkenly outside to piss on a hydrangea bush.

>> No.7923273

the hydrangeas put this one over.

>> No.7923333

Who is this seed steed?

>> No.7924861

>But, Lord Elrond, let me ask this-how could The Two Towers fall if Nazgul fellbeasts can't melt steel beams?


>> No.7924892

He's called Zozzle.

>> No.7925158

You missed the meme, mate

>> No.7925168


>> No.7925316

>"We are the Brothers Karamazov," said the Karamazov brothers.
What a fucking hack

>> No.7925330
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>mfw early /lit/ memes

>> No.7925357

''But who is the stranger?' Mearsault asked himself The others or me?'

Really, Camus?

>> No.7925361

"Wow, Charles, that is some tale you have told about both Paris and London...a tale of two cities."

Kind of clumsy, Dickens

>> No.7925365

Don stepped outside
It felt good to be alone

>> No.7925383

'How far have we travelled, Nemo?
We have gone twenty thousand leagues...under the sea.'

oh, Verne.

>> No.7925464

>You are about to begin reading Italo Calvino's new novel, If on a winter's night a traveler.

>> No.7925485

Calvino you hack

>> No.7925504

>It's all true, Harry Potter. And the Deathly Hallows part too.

>> No.7925507

For some reason the ones with "truly" are always really funny to me

>> No.7925529

>And you say, ‘Just a moment, I’ve almost finished If on a winter’s night a traveler by Italo Calvino.'


>> No.7925556

>I have seen them riding seaward on the waves
>Combing the white hair of the waves blown back
>When the wind blows the water white and black.
>We have the love song of J Alfred Prufrack

More like we have pruf that Eliot is a fucking hack. Embarrassing.

>> No.7925565


Fucking really, Hawthorne?

>> No.7925576

You tried

>> No.7925577
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>...but he could imagine all too clearly what Setheris and his ilk would say about the goblin emperor

>> No.7925590

>And then he cried aloud "for I am The Old Man! and the Sea will not defeat me!"
Jesus Christ Hemingway

>> No.7925606

>"Slaughterhouse five? Slaughterhouse five. Slaughterhouse five."

Come the fuck ON

>> No.7925619
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> Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio, a fellow of William Shakespeare's Complete Works.

>> No.7925620

>V by Thomas Pynchon
>literally title drops on nearly every page, even inside words

Absolute hack

>> No.7925818

>gem posting

>> No.7926154

>"The system is crashing!!!!
>"This isn't any regular crash Hiro, this is a Snow Crash"

I burned my copy after this

>> No.7926161


>> No.7926168

>Y ellos fueron, en verdad, Los de abajo.

¿Es neta, Azuela?

>> No.7926221

>"I guess this is No Country For Old Men," Sheriff Bell muttered and drank his milk sadly.

>> No.7927557

>That's some catch, that Catch-22

Heller literally says this several times!!!
Dropped my book out the emergency door of a flight I was on.

>> No.7927686

needs a truly

>> No.7928090

>And that Mr Darcy, is (truly) the diff between pride and predjudice.

Break your hands and never write again, Jane...

>> No.7928133

>"Thank you very much for reading my Essays even though I don't know anything"
wow Montaigne

>> No.7928320


>> No.7928347

>and I will Yes
>and also Ulysses


>> No.7928403

>I sing the Song of Myself from between these "Emerson Approved" Leaves of Grass

Walt you great big bearded fruitloop.

>> No.7928434

>trying this hard to be an obnoxious tripfag

I just don't find this pretending-to-be-dumb persona of yours funny

>> No.7928448

>Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, I have come before you to tell you a tale. Not my tale, but the tale of the girl they call... Lolita

And you think you can get away with making fun of Corncob Nabocock.

>> No.7928512

>That was quite The Crossing but we managed to get All the Pretty Horses to The Cities Of The Plains