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/lit/ - Literature

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7914990 No.7914990 [Reply] [Original]

Post reading lists from other boards

>> No.7915008

/v/ dosent read

>> No.7915042

They should, they might get past babby's first existential crisis

>> No.7915046

yes the do, they read shitty game adaptations and dollar store fantasy, thought.

>> No.7915053
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>> No.7915056

/g/ doesn't read anything but the sales listings on newegg and amazon. vapid consumerwhore board.

>> No.7915061

/mu/, /b/, /fit/, /co/, /mlp/ doesnt read too

>> No.7915071
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>you need to read to have a reading list
If that was true 99% of /lit/ wouldn't have reading lists

>> No.7915074


What a bunch of try hards. No wonder they are all still virgins.

>> No.7915076

Surprised The Idea Factory isn't on there. It was not-so-required reading before my first year of college. I never read it, might eventually though.

>> No.7915077


Based on these descriptions, I still think /fit/ doesn't read.

>> No.7915078

Not really, they just
>read for plot

>> No.7915080

>Implying every /fit/izen doesn't have a heavily read copy of starting strength

>> No.7915102


>he read starting strength instead of practical programming for strength, which is a far superior book yet written by the same authors

>> No.7915152

>he doesn't just go out into the quarry and lift rocks

>> No.7915158
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>> No.7915163
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Biz should make a sticky and edit out some books because although I haven't read all of them, most of them seem like crap.

>> No.7915164

Also can anyone tell me why The Idiot is on that list?

>> No.7915166

I haven't read it, but the idiot is about a guy who everyone use as their advantage. Probably something about not letting people use you as a doormat.

>> No.7915174


>he doesn't understand that lifting rocks is an inferior method to incremental increase with a barbell

You would need to constantly find new rocks as the more you lift and the stronger you get, the more weight you will need to lift to keep progressing.

Finding 250kg rocks is implausible, and even if you did find one, it would be impractical to lift it due to the shape it'd have.

>> No.7915182

Yes it would be quite hard to find rocks in a quarry. What was I thinking.

>> No.7915188

>he didn't start with carrying a calf each day on his back as it grew over the years.

>> No.7915190
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well, there's a pattern I didn't know I had in my tastes

>> No.7915194

Nothing wrong with liking depressing literature, anon.

>> No.7915197


Eventually you will find a rock that you won'the be able to lift simply due it's dimensions. Even if you could lift its equivalent in weight with a barbell.

You're not going to squat, deadlift, or a bench a rock of any significant weight. You'd be lifting rocks in an inefficient manner and most of the important muscles will not be trained. Your progress will stagnate in no time and the person using a barbell will surpass you.

Don't be dumb.

>> No.7915217

At that point why would you need to lift more? If you can lift all but the heaviest rock in the quarry you're certainly strong enough. Anything else is just masturbation.

>> No.7915225

Are you blind? Half this board is from /mu/.

>> No.7915232


That's entirely subjective. Compared to someone training with barbells you'll be a weakling.

And you can't deadlift, squat, bench press, power clean, snatch, and clean and jerk rocks. Not in any meaningful way.

Stay mad, non lifting faggot.

>> No.7915233

This is some scintillating discussion lads

>> No.7915249
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>The Black Swan

>> No.7915254

Look man masturbation is fun, but you've gotta draw a line in the sand somewhere.

>> No.7915271


It isn't sufficient because it's an inferior method. Do you still read scrolls instead of books and write on century old paper with an ink and quill?

>> No.7915278


Reaching a high physical level in your youth through training is something the likes of Socrates and Epictetus praised.

>> No.7915281

You could argue anything is just masturbation.

Shitposting is masturbation.

Reading is masturbation.

Philosophy is masturbation.

Sex is masturbation.

Wanking is masturbation.

>> No.7915284

And? That doesn't mean you need to go to the level you're talking about.

Yes. That's why it's good to seek the golden mean between complete abstinence and total indulgence.

>> No.7915299

>And? That doesn't mean you need to go to the level you're talking about.

Says who? I don't do anything half assed. Maybe you do things friviously. If I commit myself to something, I do it to the best of my ability.

>> No.7915300

This is the dumbest fucking conversation. Both of you shut up with your stupid hypothetical rock-lifting.

God damn /lit/, is this really what we've come to?

>> No.7915302

>Yes. That's why it's good to seek the golden mean between complete abstinence and total indulgence

Then enjoy never achieving anything above average.

>> No.7915307

Enjoy never knowing the taste of arete

Fuck off, cunt

>> No.7915318


Found the lazy shit that does things half assed.

>> No.7915325

>posts on 4chan

>> No.7915326


It's not theoretical. If lifting rocks was a superior training method, then athletes of everytype would be lifting rocks, not barbells.

>> No.7915330


>being lazy and not doing your best is moral virtue

Settle down there philosidorkus.

>> No.7915337

and half this board doesn't read.

>> No.7915343
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>all this salt with such little effort on my part
Arete in shitposting

>> No.7915409

better than /lit/'s reading list, jej

>> No.7915475

>the millionaire next door
>"more than one million copies sold!"

>> No.7915487

>The Art of Computer Programming

no-one on /g/ has ever read that shit, you need turbo-autism

>> No.7915508

is the /g/ list legit or just memes?

>> No.7915518

It's pretty solid actually. With the exception of TAoCP.

>> No.7915519

>he thinks arete means excellency

>> No.7915526

my bookshelf desu

>> No.7915530


where's trump

>> No.7915537
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you had one job, /biz/

>> No.7915541

how come?

>> No.7915550

have you even read those?

>> No.7915553

>he thinks it doesn't

>> No.7915558

No man could ever hope to read the sum total of human knowledge.

>> No.7915571

give me the summary

>> No.7915578

I can't summarize. Those two books contain all of human knowledge.

>> No.7915582
File: 1.01 MB, 3000x2000, pol recommended reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is /pol/'s

>> No.7915601

I'm ashamed to say I've read some of those. I'm unashamed to say they were complete garbage. The Fountainhead was truly Ayn Rand's only good novel.

>> No.7915603


>> No.7915604

You're both dumb as a bag of rocks.

Go die in a rockslide.

>> No.7915648

How fucking dare you. My father died in a rockslide. I've spent my entire life training in that quarry so I'll never face the same fate he did.

>> No.7915654


What did I say that's dumb? Or are you projecting again?

>> No.7915662

There is some good in it. At least as far as beginner to mid tier reading
>Politics of Aristotle
>Il Principe
>Brave New World

>> No.7915770

I believe in you anon, try your best!

>> No.7915793

>Finding the mesotes means averageness
Ari would be proud. Wow what a meathead you are please go back to fit.

>> No.7915817

When did I imply it's a direct average? Golden mean =/= average mean of two points. Golden mean is about finding the right point between the two extremes as determined by reason, the situation, one's character, etc. But go ahead and keep attacking that strawman.

>> No.7915857

I don't get why stoner is on there at all. Is it because they relate to Lomax and his protege?

>> No.7915895

There are some great books on that list, and some are bad but still worth reading. There still is a great deal of a solute garbage on it too.

>> No.7915922

Nice list. Maybe I should head over to fit

>> No.7915967

If you can lift the heaviest rock in the quarry then you're done, that's the definition of functional strength. Anything beyond that is narcisism and wankery

>> No.7916187

Lol fucking plebs

>> No.7916239


>competing in sports is wankerry

>> No.7916312

>you're a professional lifter
>you're a professional athlete

>> No.7916366

/v/-goer here. I'd say that the essential /v/ books are:
>Percy Jackson
>Chronicles of Narnia
>Scott Pilgrim
>Nintendo Power

>> No.7916378
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Where's /sci/'s chart of approved sci-fi?

>> No.7916422


>you have to be professional to compete in sports

>> No.7916434


Looks like we've got ourselves a jealous fatty that's insecure around men that are stronger and more muscular than him. Aww, cute.

>> No.7916439



If people took your attitude, nobody would become professional as you're arguing for people to give up and never reach their full potential.

Think before you type.

>> No.7916456

Just lift rocks in the quarry man

>> No.7916459
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Bill Gray doesn't use word processors.

>> No.7916480


Start reading scrolls and writing in scrolls with ink and a quill.

>> No.7916493

/pol/ here, which one of those will help me last longer than 3 seconds?

>> No.7916496

I can't because they don't publish in scrolls and I don't write.

>> No.7916514

If you're not working with cuneiform tablets, you might as well jump off a cliff as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.7916528


Scrolls and ink and a quill is enough. Everything else is just wankerry.

>> No.7916548

But anon I don't write and I physically cannot purchase scrolls. I must regretfully make do with such horrid masturbation.

>> No.7916551
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Predictably edgy.

>> No.7916614

This is a /lit/ user who occasionally browses r9k to vent about how stupid women are. Actual Robots don't read, they're like a gross mix between /v/, /mlp/ and /pol/

>> No.7916632

Not a /sci/-goer but Greg Egan's books are pretty good hard sci-fi. Of course the usual, Arthur C Clarke, Asimov, Poul Anderson, etc are all well worth a go too.

>> No.7916639

You would never catch a single /pol/ poster reading 80% of those in public. They talk a big game, but they know all their ideas are indefensible, not to mention detestable, trash.

>> No.7916850
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/x/ related.

>> No.7916916

Well like that anon >>7915662 said , some of them are actually pretty decend. I whould recommend animal farm,The art f war, the leviatan, and especially brave new world when it comes to books that are good literature. However from an political vievpoint you might try works by marks and Mein Kampf.

Its true most of them haven even read Mein Kampf. But its important to read stuff like this because its important to know your enemys.
So regardless of your political standpoint you should always bother different beliefs and there are certain works that just had to big of an impact to be ignored, regardless of their quality.

>> No.7916918

I'm not exactly your average /pol/ poster but I have no problem reading reactionary stuff in public and discussing it with people. I just do it tactfully.

>> No.7916930

I'm greatly upset that Campbell, Eco, Jung, Nietzsche and Joyce are in this list.

>> No.7916956

What's /tv/ reading list?

>> No.7916987
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That list was made on /r9k/ years ago. I remember the threads.

This and only this.

>> No.7917333


>> No.7917392

green pill is mostly based on Robert Anton Wilson and he mention them in a lot of his books. still why Lovecraft, and Kafka are not on this list I have no idea.

>> No.7917421
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>> No.7917457
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>> No.7917472

>especially brave new world when it comes to books that are good literature
Jesus FUCKING Christ.

>> No.7917488

"Thinking Fast and Slow" is really good. My roommate is reading it right now and has shared sections with me. It's fantastic.

>> No.7917490

>there are still institutions which take george orwell seriously

>> No.7917533

what's it about?

>> No.7917567

Problem solving in different ways. Pretty much the title. The idea is that there are two modes of thinking of things, your first. fast thought, then your secondary, slower, analysis. I want him to finish it so I can get my hands on it.

>> No.7917807

/pol/ and /fit/ both have better guides than /lit/

>> No.7918066


you have shit taste.

And anyway a /v/ list is easy, just do games based off books and mangas and a little bit more
>Roadside picnic
>The Last Wish
>Metro 2033
>The divine Comedy
>The Iliad?
>Atlas Shrugged
>Call of Cthulu
>The Man in the High Castle
>I Have no Mouth and Must Scream

Not that /v/ reads or anything, they're kinda stupid like /r9k/ now.

>> No.7918071

I also remember this classic Reddit post.

>> No.7918554

Why aren't I getting any upvotes friend?

>> No.7918582

>Foucault's pendulum

Did any of those tulpa-fuckers actually read it? I'm guessing no.

>> No.7918584


An actual /fit/ list would contain Marcus Aurelius, Dale Carnegie and Eckhart Tolle.

>> No.7918837

>Jung, Nietzsche
how are they not related

did they adapt the plane scene

>> No.7918921

Hackers and Masters Of Doom and especially Masters require little to no programming knowledge to be understood.
But great books, yeah.

>> No.7919032
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>mfw no donald trump

>> No.7919077

/tv/ is too fucking lazy but should have society of the spectacle, simulacra & simulation, some mcluhan, paglia, and of course zizek

>> No.7919098

>fiction: the stars my destiantion
wait, what?

>> No.7919380

most of these are shitty self-help books. Don't waste your time on these unless they're acclaimed classics.

>> No.7919411

>The C Programming Language
The only reason to read this is for it's historical value. There are better books out there.
Jung was a /x/phile.
What's wrong with Orwell? 1984 and Animal Farm were fun reads.

>> No.7919503

What the fuck are you talking about faggot ?

>> No.7919650

stop posting that meditations translation please

>> No.7919667

source for this pic?

>> No.7919674
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>> No.7919683
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>> No.7919695
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>> No.7919701
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>> No.7919731

What? Even if you disagree with them, Homage to Catalonia, 1984, and Animal Farm are excellent reads.

>> No.7919745

It doesn't teach modern best practices, but it's a good introduction to the elements of C and Kernighan has a great writing/teaching style

>> No.7919801

/r9k/ only reads forums and bad manga.

>> No.7919826

name some better books for C than faggot

>> No.7919840

I'm kinda surprised The Invisibles isn't on that list

>> No.7919859

It is.

>> No.7920029
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>> No.7920040
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Scalped from /his/

>> No.7920280


If I read this will I understand the autistic "Anglo scum" memes?

>> No.7920313

>The Kingdom of God is within you - Leo Tolstoy

Has anyone read this?

>> No.7920353
File: 476 KB, 874x1800, 4chan his recommendation guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/his/'s official reading guide

>> No.7920369
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>that last line

>> No.7920386

Almost subtle bait, 6/10 for effort.

>> No.7920399

/v/ reading guide

Plato's The Republic
Aristotle's Politics
Thomas Hobbe's Leviathan
Edmund Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France
Michael Young's The Rise of Meritocracy
B. F. Skinner's Walden Two
Frank Herbert's Dune
Frank Herbert's Messiah of Dune
Herman Melville's Moby-Dick
Robert A. Heinlein's Starship Troopers
Bob Chipman's SMB3 Brick by Brick
Frank Herbert's Children of Dune
Strugatsky Brothers' Roadside Picnic
Isaac Asimov's Foundation Trilogy
Suzanne Collin's The Hunger Games
Gene Wolfe's Book of the New Sun
Ernst Junger's The Glass Bees
John Brunner's Stand on Zanzibar

>> No.7920430

I was there for this thread and the last line, maybe the last two are absolutely lies and memes. One of the first things discussed when /his/ was made was a reading list.

>> No.7920465

Black Swan is GOAT for me
Where's Art of the Deal?

>> No.7920527
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>> No.7920549
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>guns germs and steel
How can a board pretending at intellectualism push a book that's been so thoroughly debunked, and laughed offstage?

>> No.7920560

What happened - did David Duke give it a bad review?

>> No.7920572

Probably fembots relating to Stoner's wife.

>> No.7920600

It's a bait image you dip. Gibbon, Shirer, Dawkins, holohoax literature and that shit edition of the gallic wars should have tipped you off.

>> No.7920607

If he wanted to contest racial neural differences, then he should have just done psych research on people, rather than trying to attack the concept from a roundabout way.

The reason he didn't do this is because the research frequently points towards great, non-cultural differences.

>> No.7920624

You clearly haven't read the book.

>> No.7920720

Nietzsche is about freeing oneself from the rules and modes of the past, effectively smashing the idols of our forefathers while Jung is about building off of them as a reflection of the collective human psyche? Also Nietzsche tends towards individualism while Jung takes a more collective minded aspect of humanity. They're pretty diametrically opposed.

>> No.7920725

Jung had supernatural leanings, certainly. He delved into the paranormal quite a few times (collective unconscious, synchronicity, etc) but he wasn't full blown /x/ like the other schlock on this list.

>> No.7920731

I actually reread All Star Superman recently. The page with Regan actually made me cry.

>> No.7920736

I just found out I'm r9k tier

>> No.7920742

kys famiglia

>> No.7920754

visual novels are literature!

>> No.7920810

Honestly, /r9k/ doesn't in any way have the ability to understand any of these texts. They'd take notes as proof that life is hopeless and you can't do anything about it if you're not already successful (which they already think).

They're in no way in the mindset to understand of this stuff properly.

Also, what >>7916614 said. Actual robots are the worst of 4chan, they don't really do anything of any merit, which includes reading.

>> No.7920816

>practical programming is better than starting strength

They're completely different texts, with completely different purposes. One's going into an insane amount of details on a few specific lifts that form the basis of any good strength program, while the other is designed to allow you to program your own routine, which is pointless for a beginner anyway, seeing as they all benefit most from the same shit.

>> No.7920868

Implying fit reads

>> No.7921061
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>william lane craig

>> No.7921067

What's wrong with Craig? He's a well-regarded theologian.

>> No.7921069


Any /g/ list that doesn't include Kidder's "Soul of a New Machine" is lacking.

>> No.7921075

He's terrible. But even with that aside, his message is completely contradictory to several of the best books on there.

>> No.7921079

>without order