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7915552 No.7915552 [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you cultivate an aesthetic in your life? A conduct of some kind? Do tell.

>> No.7915559
File: 57 KB, 500x500, yung lean aesthetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got an emotional squad and everything.

>> No.7915591

Yes I dress preppy and behave like a good WASP. I call it /Sixteen Candles/core.

>> No.7915607

Can you imagine how disgusting Venice must have been in the 16th century? Parts are nasty even now.

>> No.7915609


How is this a lifestyle? These are parodies of philosophy and aesthetic in appearance only, if at that.

You must think aesthetic means "subculture". And that "subculture" in our capitalist society isn't predicated purely on consumerism.

>> No.7915624

>Yung Lean

>> No.7915630

I had a Overman/Travis Buckle phase going on for a while before I got a full time job and girlfriend. Was dedicated.to exercising and writing. Even wrote a.manifesto for my life. Pretty sure I'd gone mad for a bit. Good times.

>> No.7915657

I drink two shots and eat a microdose of shrooms every time I go out in public expecting to speak to someone. It gives me the aesthetic of not being a sperglord.

>> No.7915664
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I was raised with a lot of land, money, travel, that sort of thing. We didn't really dress up, just wore clothes of high quality that we could also walk out the back door and go shooting in, and kept hair and grooming basic because we spend way more time outdoors or just relaxing than in boardrooms. I own one suit, and it's for funerals. My wallet, however, was bought in Florence.

I still speak with a distinct southern accent and am conscious of how strong I let it go. I can eliminate it, but never do.

Our cars are strictly utilitarian. Any asshole can buy a flashy car, so it means nothing except possibly pointing up insecurity.

People tend to think I'm a knuckledragger if they haven't had a serious conversation with me. This is perfect.

I work out because I think nature and the human body is beautiful, and being in shape makes it more fun to do other things I love. Despite all the hunting, I much less meat than the average, for my health.

People will be surprised if I ever marry, but I'm straight and sexually active.

Posting on 4chan is way out of character, but hey, sometimes things get slow and you start looking for a new kind of thrill online and then boom you're hooked.

>> No.7915720

I am devoted to Truth and Beauty. I listen exclusively to Western Art Music. I don't watch any films or TV. I read nothing but highbrow classical literature. I spend an average of 6 hours per day contemplating homoerotic neoclassical statuary. I avoid any contact with the unwashed proletariat, consorting only with my fellow NEET aristocrats. and I think we should bring back powdered wigs.

>> No.7915739

I am a middle class suburban whiteboi,right now im into ironic skinhead fashion. tho i'm also genuinely racist

>> No.7917007

You don't venture far beyond /lit/, do you?

>> No.7917356
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Unironic romanticist in search of sublime experiences

>> No.7917390

i am a dissolute expat living a life of sloth and degeneracy in a SE Asian country, half-heartedly recovering from heroin addiction and reading my way through the canon

teaching ESL can be pretty /lit/ if you want it to be

>> No.7917402
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>> No.7917408


yo I'm 3 semesters away from graduating with an English degree from a second choice state unversity. What do I do to teach in SEA after I graduate?

>> No.7917409
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>> No.7917422

Naturally I cultivate an air of intimidation and for some reason, most if not all people I meet and get to know refer to me as 'Smart' although what they really mean is 'He knows stuff most people wouldn't bother knowing anyway.'

The intimidation thing is simple really, natural frown, deep booming voice and tall (6'3). It's good for not getting started on by fags but it can make others insecure, manlets and 'alpha males' who want to be the best in the room. Once people get talking to me though and see past my frown (which many assume is a dirty look or me staring them out) they'll realize I'm not like how I appear.

I don't try for this aesthetic, that's just how it is in how I carry myself.

>> No.7917425
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Not really. I keep in mind some basic Buddhist ideas about avoiding material attachments and trying not to have strong expectations, but overall don't pursue Buddhism as any kind of ideal and dislike the indifference it idealizes. Haven't really read enough yet to claim I adhere to a philosophy but I'm definitely secular and behave based on humanist principles. Try to go out of my way to help people, am as honest as I can be, and try not to use people only as a means to increase my own pleasure and/or position.

I've basically been living in pursuit of novel experiences, trying to travel whenever I have the money for it and reading and writing in my free time. It doesn't seem like committing to anything else other than adventure, education, and a minimum standard of personal maintenance is really worth it.

I'm from a poor urban part of the US and talk and dress accordingly for the most part, though I try to dress as cheap and modest as possible and generally don't care about my appearance or fashion besides hygiene and not standing out as an entirely clueless sperg.

Pretty reserved socially in that it's not easy for me to meet new people and I'm intimidated by high pressure social situations, but I do have many close and rewarding relationships. Major depression that's been manageable for the most part but shit has been particularly bad with my family recently and I've just been sort of swallowing the feelings and drinking a lot and I'm hoping it's not a downward slope because having to give up drinking would really be a shame.

Biggest problem right now is sexual frustration and being simultaneously terrified of intimacy and loneliness.

pic related is from a trip a few years ago

>> No.7917449
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>> No.7917772


>> No.7917773

By living the hedonist lifestyle

>> No.7917810

Make as much money possible to get out of the system before 30.

I started trading stocks at 14 and skipped college to trade, I then joined a financial advisory firm by walking in and asking for a job and am on the trek to making money if I don't quit from being sick of work in general.

I really don't see how anyone can put up with the idea of retiring at 65 and acting as if that's acceptable, it's not that i'm advocating a neet lifestyle but if you have a brain you might as well use it to get out before you have no life left in you and pursue the TRUE /lit/ bachelor lifestyle.

>> No.7917815

By feeling the dread, listening to music and drinking.

>> No.7918704


I'm not that guy, but there are plenty of programs that will pay for you to go teach. I had a coworker who did that. They pay you a monthly stipend to teach English and pay for your room and board if you find a good program. Just google around.

>> No.7918991

Always Nice to meet a fellow gentleman scholar

>> No.7919640

This desu

>> No.7919645

Sounds quite cozy

>> No.7919662
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>and I think we should bring back powdered wigs.
this desu

>> No.7919681
File: 74 KB, 420x630, 2-JENNIFER_KOCH_JENNY_PACKHAM_FW13-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing personal, but between your description of yourself, this guy >>7917408 and all the other people I know who have gone to teach ESL abroad, I totally understand why some locals hate you guys.

Comfy as all get-out.
>pic related, strongly resemble my gf

>> No.7919693

>I totally understand why some locals hate you guys.
not those two, but can you elaborate? Teaching abroad interestes me but what behaviors do people hate in americans?

>> No.7919710

ESL teachers have a rep for being young guys without a ton of class and with mediocre intellects who don't have prospects in the first world but make way more money than most locals, and engage in varying degrees of sex tourism and debauchery.

>> No.7919714

Where did you take that picture? It looks nice.

>> No.7919768

Yukon territory in Canada

>> No.7919823

I will one thing like my man Kierkegaard told me to. Not doing a good job of it mind you

>> No.7919827
File: 64 KB, 560x560, 1456367891254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep an Apollonian-Dionysian dichotomy going in my life, along with other Nietzschean ideas. For example, if something bad happens to me emotionally I try to aestheticize it by seeing beauty in it vis a vis tragedy.

I try to center my life around ideas like enlightenment and self-improvement. I like to keep things my thoughts either very quiet and "secluded" or very loud and violent.

I also like smug anime girls because they embody perfection, cuteness, confidence, and superiority - pretty much everything good rolled into one nice little package.

>> No.7919834

I strive for perfection in everything, knowing full well I'll never achieve it. St. Catherine of Sienna tells us that there is glory in the striving.

>> No.7919850

Elaborate please, this is interesting.

>> No.7919854

take my upboat

>> No.7919858

Rousseauist approach towards people and things. I think that they are good and reasonable people until I see otherwise.

>> No.7919881

I don't see what's wrong with this. I come to Asian and teach English better than the locals, I should be paid better than locals. If I happen to secretly fetishize their women and don't act in harmful or debaucherous ways, then this seems like a pretty ideal life. I've always this kind of Nabokovian fantasy teaching in Korea and making my living there, doing my own reading and writing on the side.

>> No.7919882

please stop

>> No.7919895


>> No.7919921

Oh, there's nothing actually wrong with it. It's just that it would be easy to hate you if I were a villager from Vietnam who knows you creampied his oneitis.

>> No.7919930

How the hell did you start trading stocks at 14?

>> No.7920001

I was being sincerely ironically supportive. I think what anon did was really cool. :)

>> No.7920059

Having read Nagel and Kierkegaard I infused concepts which I found very useful.

Knowing from Nagel that in order to do anything with direction you eventually need to come to something which justifies itself for its own merits I.e. you do it for the sake of doing it, otherwise it leads to an infinite regress of 'why?'

And with kierk's notion of subjective truth vs objective truth knowing that someone can believe things but not live subjectively through those beliefs... I came to the conclusion based on meaningful past experiences to attempt to embody subjective truths for their own sake which instinctively feel like they would be and ought to be valuable to me.

These include many things but diverge on love. The more I think about it though, the more I realise the extreme amount of effort and struggle required to non-superficially pursue love as a manifestation of self in a way I deem to be true.
I've started slow but am excited to have transitioned from 'why do I direct my life' to 'how do I direct my life' albeit the two are intimately linked

>> No.7920158

I strive for frugality and simplicity in everything, for a large part as the result of my desire to be free from obligation. So that means second hand clothes, a buzzcut, a minimal amount of possessions, celibacy, unemployment, lots of dried beans and rice and things like that.

>> No.7920260

Generally my mind will be occupied by the 5-10 things I am engaged with at the time, and my aesthetic will naturally form from the similarities between those things.

>> No.7920281

>Our cars are strictly utilitarian. Any asshole can buy a flashy car
glad you dodged that bullet