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/lit/ - Literature

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7915230 No.7915230 [Reply] [Original]

>myriad reasons
>haunting performance
>rate of speed
>speaks volumes

>> No.7915234

Your post is a tour de force

>> No.7915238

usually the mark of a pseud, i am guilty

I''ll use dashes all day, though

>> No.7915239

>and but so
>blind loquacious pruriency
>offwall entailed at such short notice the pftjschute of Finnegan

>> No.7915252


em dash masterrace —

>> No.7915260


>> No.7916985


I'm pissed that other people are using the emdash now.

>> No.7916988
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>Oxford comma

>> No.7916995
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>f a m
>i m o

>> No.7917273

Begs the question

'Somewhere, a dog barked in the distance..."

>> No.7917281

>retards too stupid to know how to properly use semicolons claim they're only for pseuds

>> No.7917287
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If you see this while browsing the front page, you have been visited by The Herpes of Conjunctions.

Freedom from this cursed word will come to you, but only if you post "albeit" in this thread to get it out of your system.

>> No.7917294


>> No.7917309

Having said that, at the end of the day not for nothing it literally is what it is.

>> No.7917864

Am I the only one who actually finds a proper grammatical and stylistic use for the semicolon? Some times I seek to maintain a hasty rhythm; other times I don't. I like the direction that a semicolon gives. It feels unique to me.

>> No.7917872
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>Ever so slighty
I swear my risk for brain cancer doubles everytime I see this abomination of a phrase.

>> No.7917911

Patricians use the full plethora of punctuation, including the irreplaceable semicolon.
Plebs who have never read anything written before 1960 stick with the staccato style since it is more forgiving of ineptitude.

>> No.7917913

they rode on

>> No.7917954


>> No.7918023

the verb "screw"
to hightail it, meaning to flee
italics to represent thought process, especially if the thought process is brief and adds to a piece of dialogue just before

>> No.7918031

You didnt see that in this thread

>> No.7918147

>"ahh" used to indicate a scream (rather than "aah")
>"aah" used to indicate a sigh (rather than "ahh")

>> No.7918161

I have used this word (sorry) in some of my writings. I'm writer.

>> No.7918165

How retarded do you have to be to actually think that certain words can't be used in writing.
The only people who put words on a blacklist are people who are too dumb to properly use a word in its good place.

>> No.7918167


>> No.7918172


I'm a cuck

>> No.7918235

problematic is ok as a noun. but problematic as an adjective

>> No.7918236

hate the word highfalutin

>> No.7918248

>frequently hilarious
it never is

>> No.7918844

how the hell do you use problematic as a noun

>> No.7918855

If you don't know, then you're the problematic.

>> No.7918945

>a tour de force

>> No.7918953


>> No.7918970

It's basically the same word as problem, but has the connotation of methodology. ie. the problematic of utilitarian ethics refers to the intricacies and/or issues in their being carried out.

>> No.7919149

>no t b h


>> No.7919151


>> No.7919163

Other people?

People have been using em dashes for years now—you're not the first.

>> No.7919176

>diametrically opposed
>inextricably linked
>to do so
>unrequited love
>maritime law
>kingdom come
>perfidious constables
>bane of my existence
>crash test dummy
>'president' of the united states

>> No.7919187

tfw used the first two a few times

>> No.7919203


You mean funny. You thought it was funny.

>> No.7919205


>> No.7919214

>what is connotation huurr duuurr

>> No.7919226


I'm trying to help you, anon...

>> No.7919231

>in a comical manner
in a funny manner
>his comedic qualities
his funny qualities

Do you see why you are wrong?

>> No.7919232

Comedic implies intentional humor. Comical implies inadvertent humor.

Would you prefer your work to be comedic, or comical?

>> No.7919237


"He was imitating the person in a comical manner"

Yeah, you totally don't sound like a cringey pseud at all when you write that...

"Bill was well-liked for his comedic qualities"

You mean Bill was well-liked because he was funny.

>> No.7919238

Shit I say "a myriad of reasons" all the time. I just like the word. Rolls off the tongue nicely.

>> No.7919243

>thinking "comical" is a pseudo intellectual word

kek could you be any more pleb?
any other scary 3 syllable words we should avoid?

>> No.7919248

I think you must have grown up in a pretty low-bow environment to not understand why you would use the words comedic or comical instead of 'funny'. They signify different things. Maybe for you the meaning really is 'because he was funny' but the meaning is different for people raised in the culture that uses these words.

>> No.7919267

Take a step back, think about your choices - who you are - and try to figure out if you still want to be that person.

>> No.7919292


I just want you to know that normal people know they're dealing with pseuds when they hear you use those words. That's all.

>> No.7919301

You realized that you made a mistake and instead of taking the manly way out and graciously admitting that you spoke in error and have learned something, you go full jew and try to voodoo shame us as a parting shot. Go back to plebbit.

>> No.7919352

>sent shivers up my spine
>my blood ran cold

>> No.7919365

>to do so
As opposed to what other term?
>unrequited love
As opposed to what other term? It is the simplest way to get the meaning across.
>maritime law
What the fuck? How is this overused or objectionable?
>perfidious constables
Name one piece of published media that contains this phrase
>crash test dummy
>'president' of the united states
Again, what the fuck?

>> No.7919401

>tfw use the first two in virtually every essay I write
>tfw destined to forever be a garbage writer

>> No.7919472

>As opposed to what other term? It is the simplest way to get the meaning across.
A person loved one person but the other person did not love them back.

Yea, pretty shit list.

You do realize maritime law is a thing right? It's not just some buzzword some author threw together to sound cool.

>> No.7919576

That was genuinely great.

>> No.7919615

Wrong. Some words and constructions make you sound amateurish and pretentious, i.e. utilise instead of use, or prior to instead of before. Also, clichés make writing trite.

>> No.7919620

>>bane of my existence
>>crash test dummy

>> No.7919625


>As opposed to what other term?
How about 'it'?

>As opposed to what other term? It is the simplest way to get the meaning across.
If you have to use this term then it means you're writing cheesy cliched garbage.

>What the fuck? How is this overused or objectionable?
Clearly you don't know a thing about naval jargon.

>Name one piece of published media that contains this phrase'
Umm, War and Peace, Blood Meridian, A Tale of Two Cities, Dirty Harry...the list goes on

>Again, what the fuck?
They're antiquated and overused terms.

Of course maritime law is a thing, but so are overplayed tropes throughout literature that necessarily require expulsion.

>> No.7919647
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>it was x yet y

fuck that.

>> No.7919665

You're an autist rife with status-anxiety and you probably have no sense of rhythm. If you have a black list of words you're not a good writer period.

>> No.7919671


He's right, though.

>> No.7919688

It's autistic to make blanket statements like "utilize is pretentious." It isn't how writing works and it doesn't even make sense. A word cannot be pretentious. You guys are so deeply pseudo-intellectual that you are spooked by words.

>> No.7919702

>risk for

>> No.7919788


>> No.7919956
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I don't get the last one. President should not be capitalized(depending on the context), and US should be.

What are you getting at here?

>> No.7919987

>implying something
>spell it frankly in the following sentence

>> No.7920022

>ctrl + f
>"stretch his legs"
>zero mentions

C'mon, family. We can do better than this.

>> No.7920608

why are "voracious" and "reader" always used together?

>> No.7920721
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>ctrl+f "sprawling"
>0 results

I expected better, /lit/.

>> No.7922094

>he hasn't read foucault

>> No.7923091

being a snob about punctuation is an easy substitute for real stylistic criticism

>> No.7923138


I started to use double-em dash a couple years back and recently I've seen a bunch of people imitate this. As much as I love being a trend-setter, make up your own bullshit trademarks.

>> No.7923659

The amount of ego and delusion needed to think you set the 'trend' of using em-dashes is mind-blowing. No one has or wants to imitate you anon. If anything, you're the imitator. (See: Gaddis, Joyce, Auster.)

>> No.7923669

Because the use of a 'big' word such as voracious as opposed to, say, 'avid,' illustrates the hopefully robust vocabulary that such frequent reading has given you—i.e. the proof is in the pudding.

>> No.7923704

I haven't read anything by Foucault but you're the problematic.

>> No.7923723

>I invented something thats been around since before I was alive!
You're delusional, you see this right?

>> No.7923811

We should make an em dash essential reading list

I submit the works of Laurence Sterne and the letters of Byron for consideration

>> No.7923923


adverb clauses, which do all that semicolons do, additionally go beyond than that, forever stringing clause upon clause, that sentences might go punctuated and roll on without end, forever meandering

>> No.7924109
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>> No.7924545

What do you even look like in rl?
R u a qt3.14?