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/lit/ - Literature

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7896995 No.7896995 [Reply] [Original]

How badly did I get meme'd?

>> No.7897000

all good books but your lumping them together proves you are a mindless drone who probably didn't read any of them

>> No.7897004

did you read any of them..?

>> No.7897009


>> No.7897011

then yea you got memed pretty hard. tough luck bro.

>> No.7897012

I've read all of them except A Frolic of His Own.

>> No.7897016


>> No.7897022

>this is 95% of /lit/

>> No.7897025

>all first editions
>all unread
please fuck off and never come back here

>> No.7897028

fuck me(me) you got meme'd hard

>> No.7897030

>reading anything post-1900
You're wrecking yourself there, m8.

>> No.7897036

That's a ridiculously expensive collection, provided they're yours and they aren't book-club editions.

I have a 1st Ed. Crying of Lot 49 and it's easily the most expensive book I own.

>> No.7897050

holy shit, google image search returns nothing else

either it's a well-read legitimately highbrow book collector condescending to /lit/ or a rich teenager who actually ordered hundreds of dollars worth of books to troll

either way it's unusual

>> No.7897054

I'd say Sebastian's, CAPSGUY's, or Ravens goodreads lists are more impressive than /lit/ regurgitation like this

>> No.7897056

ÔP here, I have read them all save A Frolic of His Own. It's taken a long time to find them all at reasonable prices.

>> No.7897161

Absolute madman

>> No.7897177

how much did you pay for GR?

>> No.7897227

70 USD. It's a book club. I've been on the look out for a true first edition but I don't want to pay over 100

>> No.7897240

i hear that, nice find anyway.

>> No.7897435

Thanks, if you're looking for one just keep an eye out. Local book stores, abebooks and eBay

>> No.7897569
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Herodotus, Histories
Waterfield, The first philosophers
Plato, Complete works
Aristotle, The complete works of Aristotle
Augustine, The city of God
Davies, Aquinas
Aquinas, Shorter Summa
Descartes, The philosophical writings of Descartes
Spinoza, Complete works
Leibniz, Philosophical essays
Rescher, G. W. Leibniz's Monadology
Locke, An essay concerning human understanding
Berkeley, Philosophical writings
Hume, A treatise of human nature
Hume, Enquiries concerning human understanding and concerning the principles of morals

Wallace, Infinite jest
Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse 5
Salinger, The catcher in the rye
Wolfe, The book of the new sun
Proust, In search of lost time
Hemingway, The old man and the sea
Doyle, The complete Sherlock Holmes
Lovecraft, The complete works
Stirner, ...
Gaddis, The recognitions
Melville, Moby Dick

>In their original language
Borges, Ficciones
Virgil, Aeneid
Cervantes, Don Quijote

Cowan, The complete Lojban language
LaFleur; Scribblers, sculptors, and scribes
Bühler, Gauss
Hardy, A mathematician's apology
Kanigel, The man who knew infinity
Rudin, The way I remember it
Souza/Silva, Berkeley problems in mathematics

Knuth, The art of computer programming
Cormen et al, Introduction to algorithms
Hunt/Thomas, The pragmatic programmer
Petzold, CODE
Kernighan/Ritchie, The C programming language
Friedman/Felleisen, The seasoned schemer
O'Sullivan et al, Real world Haskell
Lipovaca, Learn you a Haskell for great good!
Barski, Land of Lisp
Pierce et al, Software foundations
Gamma et al, Design patterns

>> No.7897583
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>> No.7897594
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>> No.7897623
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Reposting because nobody bothered to reply in the last thread for whatever reason

>> No.7897659

Do you study computer science? If so, how do you like it? I've been considering it heavily myself

>> No.7897669
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>gook shit
>books sideways to show off the cover

>> No.7897695
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>> No.7897708
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nothing wrong with this

>>gook shit


>books sideways to show off the cover

How else would I place them, retard? I need to see them myself.

>> No.7897715

Is everyone on /lit/ an e-reader or library user? I feel like every time these bookshelf threads come around, no one has any books. I have 2.5 wide, 5 shelf bookshelf that is filled up and then some, and I feel like I have basically nothing. Then I come in here and people have like 10-15 books. Who are you, and what is your method of consumption?

>> No.7897720

Yes, I'm in college for computer science right now (1st year). It's usually easy, sometimes interesting, sometimes boring. Learning about machine code and architecture was extremely dull for me but algorithms, coding, and robotics was fun. My personal interest is in evolution programming/algorithms where the program learns a task over generations, though that's something I learned outside the classroom. I would recommend it as a vocation. Philosophy is personally my avocation.

>> No.7897721

Back to /tv/.

>> No.7897738

Very memed but in this case it's a good thing.

I like how if you glance at the BLEEDING EDGE spine it kinda looks like it says PYNCHON LITE.

>> No.7897746

a fellow Trotskyite I see?

>> No.7897756

Is The Pale King worth reading?

>> No.7897819

If you've read most of DFW's other stuff and want more.

>> No.7897823
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>P&V karamazov

>> No.7897827

You spent all that money of first editions...

>> No.7897855

it's pretty good
DFW's most mature work, some very interesting points on politics and the culture of shaping one's own image/identity
also has a fucking great chapter that is pretty much a self contained novella about a young adult loser
and lots of pretty weak shit in between

its a quick read though. it looks big, but it's about 1/4 the word count of infinite jest and way more readable

>> No.7897871

Keep seeing P&V's translation getting shat on on here. What's better?

>> No.7897883

Definitely not Magarshack

>> No.7897895

don't get memed
p&v are fine, garnett is fine too
(mcduff is probably best, but the difference really isn't all that vast)

>> No.7897902

Constance Garnett

>> No.7898240


meme supreme

>> No.7898336

Most people either

1. Just show the part of the collection they think will get replies/praise

2. Read many books in library/ebooks

3. Are at college or something and only have part of their collection.

>> No.7898364
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I'm actually pretty happy with my shelves.

I think I need Spinoza, Schopenhauer, Rawls, more Aquinas, and more Strauss to be fully satisfied. Maybe some Arabic philosophers too. Also another copy of Aurelius's meditations because I gave that to a girl a while back.


>> No.7898368
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Oh, and I'd like to eventually have Mandeville, though he doesn't have as much priority.


>> No.7898374

Doubt that you've read more than 50% of this, but indeed it looks nice, lacks good literature though.

>> No.7898385

I don't think I'll ever be able to read all the books I want to, but I try. As far as fiction goes, these days I read more plays than anything else. Shakespeare can be infinitely revisited. I would definitely like to have more Ibsen.

>> No.7898388


>> No.7898398

Good stuff. You should try actually reading some of it though. Lots of unbroken spines and shelf ready covers there.

>> No.7898404

Can I have your copy of JR?

>> No.7898408

By no means have I read all of it, but I've read a good deal of it. Those Kierkegaard books, the Liberty Fund books, and the Cambridge books all stay in really good condition. Spines can be deceptive.

What's a shelf ready cover?

>> No.7898415

>showing off your stacks of crumpled dollar bills

>> No.7898446
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Eh. It's just where I keep my fat stacks.

And to prove that spines can be deceptive, look at my copy of Leviathan. It's annotated to hell, but the spine has remained in a good condition.

>> No.7898610

gaddis's two best books were recognitions and agape agape- and you don't even have agape agape

>> No.7898670

lol no

the correct answer is barely anyone her reads and the board is largely "entry level" readers

>> No.7898757


>> No.7898768

i dont think you know what that word means

>> No.7898802




You could just have an ebook collection that takes up the size of 1 external HDD?

>> No.7898841

my bookshelf is like this, almost identical, except unironically and my copy of IJ is in horrible condition

>> No.7898851

Name 1 book that you have that isn't entry-tier.

>> No.7898906

Shitty /mu/ meme. Something being well known or accessible doesn't make it bad. You're the real pleb if you think that.

>> No.7899190


>Augustine, The city of God

How much of a drag was it to read this?

>> No.7899200

This is literally Meme'd: The Bookshelf.

Buy some fucking John Updike or some John Wyndham and have some fun bro. You got meme'd.

>> No.7899201

That's my wishlist. Also, I've done some updates to the wishlist which I'll post here after around 10 hours from now.

>> No.7899223

I try to rend most books at my local library. I only buy books that I couldn't find i.e. shit like Infinite Jest

>> No.7899225

>but your lumping them together
huh, is this a meme or what, how does this make sense?

>> No.7899229

Am I the only one being autiaticly careful with his books to make sure it keeps looking as good as new?

If I am going to pay fucking 15 bucks for a book it better stay in good quality.

>> No.7899308
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Why do people do this?

>> No.7899387
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Look, oh ye mortals and tremble.

>> No.7899539

I used the library for a few years, when I had easy access to a good one. I've read ~400 books not on my shelves through libraries/ebooks. But I buy more often now. I'm at 4.5 Billy's, hoping to pick up three more half size ones this weekend.

>> No.7899545

No Ovid? Wondering why, I absolutely love the bits I've read from him.

>> No.7899574

I used to think like that, then I realized that it's not like I'm ever going to sell them, so as long as I'm not completely destroying them what's the harm in annotating them? A book that appears to have been read is no less aesthetically appealing than a book that looks brand new, and in some cases the read book looks even better.

>> No.7899789

because its a shit picture and you're covering up most of the books.

>> No.7899816

to take a picture and put it in /lit/

>> No.7899822

>Programming books

Like engineer that I am, I give you an advice:
don't buy them.

>> No.7899835

solidly memed. but if i walked into your house and saw your shelf i would tell you

>> No.7899844
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OK here you won't have any trouble reading the titles of the books.

>> No.7899849
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>> No.7899866

Nothing wrong with P&V at all, in fact I quite like their translations. I have different Dostoevsky books in different translations. All are fine, except I don't really like my C.J. Hogarth translation of The Gambler.

>> No.7899923

leave this board anon, you're not wanted here

>> No.7899924

samefag. fuck off.

>> No.7899936

>external HDD

you can fit every book in exostence in a moderately sized usb. which tells me you dont actually know what youre talking about m8. eat shit.

>> No.7899954

You mean, why do people buy valuable sought after items that will more than likely increase in value, or at least not depreciate, over time?

>> No.7899957

Goodness man, don't be afraid to go beyond the horizon

>> No.7900107
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I await your harsh scoldings, faggots.

>> No.7900110
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Feels good knowing I'll never run out of classical collected works to read.

>> No.7900117
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>> No.7900139

Are you some sort of trust-fund baby? How much did all those first edition Pinecones cost?

>> No.7900140

No, go fuck yourself. Even if he's a pseud, those are all decent to excellent books that are lots of fun to read.

>> No.7900249

Nope, Paid less than 100 for each of these. GR is book club. None of them are 1st edition / first printing

>> No.7900645

Wishlist v2.

Wallace, Infinite jest
Salinger, The catcher in the rye
Proust, In search of lost time
Hemingway, The old man and the sea
Doyle, The complete Sherlock Holmes
Lovecraft, The complete works
Gaddis, The recognitions
Melville, Moby Dick
Tolstoy, War and peace
Dante, Divine comedy
Flaubert, Madame Bovary
Williams, Stoner
Whitman, Leaves of grass
Faulkner, The sound and the fury
Steinbeck, East of Eden
McElroy, Women and men
Stroker, Dracula
Lewis, The monk
James, The turn of the screw

>Science fiction and fantasy
Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse 5
Vonnegut, Sirens of Titan
Wolfe, The book of the new sun
Dick, A scanner darkly
Strugatsky, Roadside picnic
Herbert, Dune
Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451
Huxley, Brave new world
Orwell, 1984
Adams, Watership down
Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

>In their original language
Virgil, Aeneid
Borges, Ficciones
Borges, El aleph
Bolano, 2666
Cervantes, Don Quijote
Marquez, Cien anos de soledad

Herodotus, Histories
Waterfield, The first philosophers
Plato, Complete works
Aristotle, The complete works of Aristotle
Augustine, The city of God
Davies, Aquinas
Aquinas, Shorter summa
Ligotti, The conspiracy against the human race
Stirner, The ego and his own
Nietzsche, Thus spoke Zarathustra

Cowan, The complete Lojban language
LaFleur; Scribblers, sculptors, and scribes

>> No.7900692

not printing out the covers of first editions on copy paper and folding them over your penguin classics editions like dust jackets

>> No.7900767
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I did this for you, /lit/.


>> No.7900774
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>> No.7900785

whats your fave gaddis?

>> No.7900797

Hard to pick between The Recognitions and JR. If I had to though I'd pick The Recognitions solely for the fact there is more than just dialog and Gaddis' writing is so great. Even the small parts in JR that isn't dialog are truly amazing.

>> No.7900804

am also computer science major. we enjoy many of the same books

>> No.7900811

i have a large bookshelf but i also read/return a lot of books at the library

>> No.7900815

Post your bookshelf.

>> No.7900818
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Pls no bully, just moved so I'm still filling things in

>> No.7900861
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Because the impressions on the hardcover are cash

>> No.7901222

>dark souls official strategy guide
Gets me every time

>> No.7901553


>> No.7901558

where did you study

>> No.7901640

the first few books are a slog because he's arguing against paganism, and nobody is a pagan anymore

>> No.7901743

I actually just found that copy of GR at a thrift store. Are the typos and missing parts crippling to the text?

>> No.7901749

not at all, james murphy has all those books and he's lit as fuck

>> No.7901838


>> No.7901876

Does the unfinishedness cause a lack of payoff?

>> No.7903021
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Needs organising, but how'd I go?

>> No.7903045


For having so many books it looks like your taste isn't very varied at all.

You need a lot of help.

>> No.7903073

"The Pale King" twice. Nice. Did you read both in parallel?

>> No.7903078

Its true that I stick to certain eras and within specific literary circles yes -- but I don't see anything pertucarly wrong with that...

This isn't all of my books, it's just the stuff I've got on my studio shelf. I've got boxes and boxes more -- I just don't find the other stuff of much interest anymore.

>> No.7903111


There's nothing pertucarly wrong with it if you're a hobbyist, but if you consider yourself a serious reader I don't know why you wouldn't branch out , this goes for anyone.

>> No.7903118
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>serious reader
>browses /lit/

Choose one

>> No.7903189

Fair enough.

>> No.7903383
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All very nice, but surely that's not your complete collection? This is going to piss you guys off but...

>> No.7903542
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>> No.7903544

Get rekt faggot

>> No.7903548
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It's not even a neat pile

>> No.7903553
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>> No.7903657
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> books
> increase in monetary value over time

>> No.7903746

That's cause I didn't tidy it?

>> No.7904023

Nice Joyce and Pound collection. Iirc, Stephen Hero was like a prototype Portrait, no? Is it interesting as a read or just as a study in Joyce and his development?

>> No.7904054

>like 3 authors in pic
>you're lumping these books together


>> No.7904160

Speak for yourself.

>> No.7904168

I read most of it but didn't finish it, it's unfinished and was never meant to be published so it's more of a curiosity, good but still different from portrait.
If you don't read it you're missing very little

>> No.7905320
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>> No.7905437

how's that plutarch book "on sparta"

was thinkin bout getting it, dawg

>> No.7905439


>> No.7905468

hahahahahaha why?

>> No.7905737

This looks like it smells awful.

>> No.7905774

c-c-chicago? Or is discourses on livy and the M-E reader from other places?

>> No.7905786

These are beautiful and deserve their meme status.

>> No.7905793

I bet you don't remember a single damn thing either.

>> No.7906465

I did until I realised I wasn't ever going to sell them and that keeping separate notes is too much of hassle, and the only books I spend real money on are the books for my courses anyway.

>> No.7906589

I'm no guitar expert, it was a gift, actually.

>> No.7906838

Discourses is the Mansfield translation published by University of Chicago. Marx-Engels reader is published by Norton.

>> No.7907126
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>Stephen Colbert

>> No.7907134

I was a kid.
Sue me.

>> No.7907168
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Rest of my books.
The familiar is awful though.

>> No.7907170
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>> No.7907442


damn, you definitely have the best taste on /lit/. vintage contemporaries are such great editions

>> No.7907473

They're so 80s, I love it. Some really great novels in there too. Crumley and Erikson are awesome.

>> No.7908593

how's dirty old man?

>> No.7908677
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Not as big as I'd hope, but eh, could be worse

>> No.7908700

Boy am I glad I fell for the Greeks meme instead of those. I did read the crying of Lot 49 though, I thought it was pretty neat.

>> No.7908870

It's Bukowski. Love it or hate it. If I remember though it has the story with the angel who plays baseball which is one of his best stories

>> No.7908882
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'straya cunt!

>> No.7909019

Both Both Flesh and Not and Consider the Lobster are much better essay collections that A Supposedly Fun Thing. Highly recommend.

>> No.7909060

how do you guys organize your shelves? I go alphabetical by author, then by title

>> No.7909076

I try to do alphabetical by author and then chronological.

Best as I can, anyways.

>> No.7909376

Author, title, publisher. With the exception of guide/companion books of course.

>> No.7909404

>all those pynchon first editions
cums everywhere

>> No.7909410
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>Spending hundreds of dollars on books you could've read for a dollar fifty in late fees at the local library.

>> No.7909435

Category, Author, publisher, title

>> No.7909450

>many of them clearly used, beat up, shitty looking
>hundreds of dollars

yea nigga?

>> No.7909708
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>inb4 getting bullied for not having enough classics and shit

>> No.7909834

>Stephen King
>Dummies guides
>Ken Follett
>Richard Dawkins
>Les Miserables
>Stephen Hawking
>The Da Vinci Code
>The Appeal of Fascism
>Essential India

Get the fuck off this board now you fucking loser.

>> No.7909862

my god....

>> No.7909877

> figure skating for dummies
is this a thing

>> No.7909896


>> No.7909901

Hack of a writer, but patrician edition

>> No.7910210


Not even mine

>> No.7910226

You're completely wrong. Books are the best way to learn programming and computer science

>> No.7910257

You mean the ones in OP? Very funny. Enjoy accumulating objects that you will never in your lifetime sell to use that "increased value". And neither will your heirs. It will just be a burden on them as it is on you.

>> No.7910261

I've never read a single "learn this language" programming book that was worth its money more so than any online tutorial. Knut, Cormen, books about algorithms and design patterns are a different thing.

>> No.7910292

Original language and chronologically inside it.

>> No.7910302

Separate fiction/non-fiction/anthologies. Sort fiction geographically (usually by country), then chronologically by author's date of birth.

Non-fic is something that looks right to me--goes from religion/spirituality to myth & folklore, philosophy, aesthetics, literary criticism, books about books, personal essays, grammar and composition, travel literature, hobbies, food books, memoir/autobiography, biography, history, art and one book on science.

Anthologies by size, but separated by content (mostly poetry, mostly theater, etc.).

>> No.7910430


There are 129,864,880 Books in the world

If on average they took up 100kb, or 0.1mb, they would take up a total of 12986488 MB, or 12986.488 GB, or ~13 TB

If they on average took up 10kb, it would be 1.3TB, if on average they took up a mere 1KB, it would be 0.13TB, or 130GB.

I don't believe you can fit 130GB onto a moderately sized USB.

>> No.7910499

Are you fucking serious?
You get usb drives at 250gb+.

>> No.7910510


That's for 1KB average book, I have so far not downloaded any that was less than 200KB. Maybe very short ones.

>> No.7910527

I was talking about the biggest usb pen drives.
As far as external travel drives you easily get those in multiple TB.

>> No.7910536


Me too, I wasn't aware how far the usb sticks have come, looks like they can have 1 TB now.

But regardless, I now think you couldn't even fit all of the books onto a single external HDD, even though they can go to multiple TB.

>> No.7910547

16 tb.
And that's a commercial drive. Not some ultra special industry storage thing.

>> No.7910672

Fiction, non fiction, author.

>> No.7910677

Eh, not my taste, but nice collection, I guess.

>> No.7910700



Honestly, I bought most of those books when I was in middle school or high school. I travel and work a lot now and don't get much time to read any more. I want to get a bit more into philosophy but don't know here to start and don't have a few spare months to begin fresh from scratch.

>> No.7910930

>herodotus, histories
I hate you

>> No.7910937

>he bought the P&V meme meme

>> No.7910965

I'm torn. On the one hand I'm jealous of your collection of folios. On the other I hate literally every title you have

>> No.7910969

And this is why I avoid buying Penguin. Their spines are atrocious

>> No.7910976

Yeah, Anon, people can be retarded in any day and age. Just look at >>7904160

>> No.7911000

I've ordered and reconstructed my house to be like a certain great Benedictine library. As such I order the authors geographically (even correcting for errors in their birth) as determined by their writings and their style, then chronologically. It makes it a bit treacherous when I get up at night to go to the bathroom (the toilet being deep within the recesses of the Spain section), but the vapours I light each night certainly help in aiding my sleep and letting me know my library is safe.

>> No.7911369

according to length measured in inches across the back

>> No.7911381

This is the most pathetic bookshelf I've ever seen and that's saying something.

>> No.7911383

>I have a 1st Ed. Crying of Lot 49 and it's easily the most expensive book I own.

>> No.7911520

That isn't a first edition. Lippincott published the first edition not bantam.
The value is also dependant on whether or not it's a first edition first printing or second printing, whether it has the dust jacket or not, etc

>> No.7911522

Garnett's Karamazov was the most tedious overlong piece of shit I ever read in my life.

>> No.7911535

What condition is your Pinecone in?
I've a 1st edition Viking Press Grapes of Wrath, it holds up but is far from mint condition so it's not really worth what you might expect. Dust cover is gone as well.

>> No.7911548
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>> No.7911555
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>> No.7911561
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>> No.7911568
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>> No.7911572
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>> No.7911592

A patrician's Hesse, friend. Narcissus and Goldmund might be the lewdest book I've read though.

>> No.7911613

I bought mine cheap, don't plan on selling it either so I don't know the value. It's a first edition second printing in really nice condition with the jacket.

>> No.7911655

Did you read the Pale King?
If so how was it?

>> No.7911658

If you like DFW I'd check it out. More of a collection of stories than a novel but I thought it was worth the read.

>> No.7911662

My niggas

>> No.7912295
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Am I /lit/ enuff

>> No.7912346


>> No.7912358

not even close

>> No.7912366


>> No.7912376
File: 20 KB, 240x230, 1450405544508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you've read those you're more /lit/ than most people on this board.

>> No.7912385


The worst part is you have entry level pleb taste in film as well, looks like you went on /reddit/s top 100 list and grabbed a few criterion and then some "obscure" foreign language films.

Man embarrassing, desu, you have bad taste in /lit/ as well, i wouldn't say this to your face though cause you have a black glove and a shaving knife with you.

>> No.7912395

>le entry level is bad taste meme

>> No.7912402


no no, see you're trying to defend him or yourself but the problem isn't in with the movies itself, it's the individual who seeks to obtain patrician hood and an "intellectual" state of understanding of cinema or /lit/erature or what have you, but in reality he can only grasp the basics and will hardly ever move beyond that.

It doesn't show any individuality having 8 1/2, 7 samurai, good bad ugly, das boot, fear and loathing, lawrence, all it shows is someone desperately trying to obtain something without putting in any effort, and it's embarrassing. It might impress his girlfriend or his college friends but it's a waste of time.

>> No.7912409

Film is not even art. It's just movies - entertainment. Stop 'watching' like a loser and start living your life.

>> No.7912423


Once again what are you trying to get at, movies can trascend being simply entertainment, the whole point of art/literature/film is using it as a vehicle for the author, whether it's to portray perfect beauty or some half baked political message.

You should never defend someone who happily comes onto this board and has tastes like that guy, if he wants to just have "fun" and live his "life" he can go outside and do it. If no one tells some people how bad a start they're off to how will they ever get past it.

>> No.7912425
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>watching films out of a false sense of social status
>not just watching what you enjoy

I thought /lit/ was generally above this level of plebshittery

>> No.7912437


Wer're on a /lit/ board, i'm sorry you take offense to people criticizing bad shelfs. You confuse social status with hampering personal growth by only dipping your toe in the water and then patting yourself on the back for it.

>> No.7912450
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>produces a 4 post long wall of text rant because a shelf wasn't to his liking
>I am somehow the offended one here

>> No.7912454

>all these implications

>> No.7912457 [DELETED] 
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>picture posts cause has bad shelf

>> No.7912472


Don't go too off the rails now, anon. Uncalled for flaming violates a global rule

>> No.7912473
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>projecting this hard

>> No.7912506

Thrown on my desk.

>> No.7912540

no, you are /tv/

>> No.7912548

>doesn't like jadorowski, bergman, tarkovski or kurosawa
you joyless faggot

>> No.7912579
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Is the whisky guide any good?


>> No.7912586
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>> No.7912589
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>> No.7912595
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>> No.7912598
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>calling them legos and not LEGO bricks.

>> No.7912601
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>And neither will your heirs. It will just be a burden on them as it is on you.

>> No.7912603

Yeah. It's decently comprehensive. I suspect it might be of more interest to people who already have some knowledge of the subject which works for me but maybe not as a starter guide.
Kek. Got those same editions of The prince and Dracula.

>> No.7912610

>not listening to your parents

>> No.7912624

That sounds pretty decent for me.
I honestly need some more books on wine and whisky because I enjoy wine and whisky, friendo.

>> No.7913156

sup nz fag, where u studying

>> No.7913263

Wellington at weltec
Barely anyone I know reads or they do but it's all YA shit

>> No.7913298

same here in dunners my man, what are you studying?

>> No.7913389

Comp servicing, sorry for the late replies my dude I haven't been keeping an eye on this tab.
In my second trimester at the moment and it's the easier half of the course, feels like a breeze.

What course are you taking?

>> No.7913420

>Not having all volumes of the HANZAB

>> No.7913477


good selection but you should really consider reading more than one book per author.

>> No.7913509

did it go out of publishing or something, why are they so expensive?

>> No.7913620

fresher, doing english & phil, it's pretty chill, only doing 3 papers this sem so i get lots of free time. english is pretty average at the moment tho, just a bunch of people not knowing how to pronounce borges and chaucer