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/lit/ - Literature

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7907797 No.7907797 [Reply] [Original]

What other online communities do you use?

>> No.7907800


>> No.7907803


>> No.7907807




Look up the term Das Man in Heidegger's philosophy.

>> No.7907812

look up the term spook in Stirner's philosophy

>> No.7907822


I'm too stupid to understand what that's supposed to mean, but I'm interested. Can you explain or direct me to a primary source?

>> No.7907824

/r/ anarchism

>> No.7907825

i'm writer

>> No.7907840

I use reddit sometimes, but I get downvoted for the stupidest reasons. I asked a question that the show runners called a very good question in an interview and I got downvoted because the viewers can't answer that question. It was speculation, god damn it. It had to do with god so maybe that had something to do with it. Another instance is when I posted an authour's opinion on one of the adaptations of his work. I got downvoted for that. Apparently they thought V for Vendetta was a good adaptation and my opinion was the same as Moore's. Then I got downvoted for saying that I knew the ending of a movie because Agatha Christie done something similiar three times before. It's quite ridiculous.

>> No.7907846


>complaining about reddit bullying on 4chan

this is reddit behavior right here, this is like pretty meta, and in a bad way.

>> No.7907854

Yeah usually I don't talk about reddit on 4chan but this is the first or second time I've posted about it here.

>> No.7907858

>/r/ anarchism

Ah yes, I remember being 15.

>> No.7907866

>Ah yes, I remember being 15.

Why wouldn't you, it was only a year ago after all.

>> No.7907869

reddit, HN

>> No.7907872

It is the most acceptable online community of dog owners I have found.

>> No.7907874

9gag, FK

>> No.7907880

EJMR Motherfuckers

>> No.7908078


>> No.7908183

reddit users are even more elitist than 4chan users, which is very bizarre

>> No.7908201

8ch, dailystormer, rebbit

>> No.7908205


>> No.7908206

8ch's lit isn't as active as 4chan's though.

>> No.7908209

Yeah I just go to /pol/ and /waifuist/ there. This /lit/ is good enough form me.

>> No.7908226
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ITT: reddit
Fuck this place.

>> No.7909760

There is literally nothing wrong with reddit along as you don't identify as 'redditor' and stay out of most comment sections

>> No.7909765

reddit is 90% shit
4chan is 70

>> No.7909769

they think they made up all the fucking memes and shit on the internet and take credit for all of our hard work, while shunning us as "lol those 4chan trolls" as if pre-cancer /b/ is representative of 4chan. it's like when fucking eurotrash reads an online article about Florida Man and figures that every american is an irresponsible gun owner high on bath salts

honestly reddit is great in a lot of ways but they're such fucking pseudo egalitarians dyed with preconscious condescension.

>> No.7909776
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>take credit for all of our hard work

>> No.7909782

I wreck nublets in my game of choice

>> No.7909787
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>memes are dreams

>> No.7909792

i think op was hoping to learn about other ok literature communities. He got a reddit/4chan pissing contest

>> No.7909858

deviantart :^)

>> No.7909895


Flickr, Reddit, Ello, a few groups on Facebook, Goodreads.

I'd like to find a good intellectual online community, but most are closed cliques or full of trolls. Of course, /lit/ has both, but it's not oo bad here.

>> No.7909974


>> No.7909996

Anyone here use Wattpad? Considering using it, as I've seen some of the stories there and they're absolute trash yet attract fame

>> No.7910001


>> No.7910023


>> No.7910034
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>take credit for all of our hard work
>hard work

>> No.7910156

I hang around the bay12 forums (about the game Dwarf Fortress). It's the comfiest place around and i've yet to see one insult in two years of posting.

>> No.7910163


They do it behind your back

>> No.7910170

Many do but I charge extra.

>> No.7910172

Ah, yes I remember being the "smart" 17-year-old and acting according the unwritten manifesto of what a pseudo-intellectual teen should act like to the letter. Except I don't, because I didn't, unlike you.

>> No.7910190

None other than this really, haven't really found anything I enjoy.

Sometimes go to https://www.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism to laugh and despair.

>> No.7911119


>> No.7911122


>> No.7911160

Goodreads dot com is kinda ok if you can be bothered with it. Alot of fags who use it seem to like participating intellectually through reveiws and criticisms.

>> No.7911172

I have a blog on wordpress and I also use goodreads.

>> No.7911384

you're fighting the good fight my fellow anon lol upvoted!!!!

>> No.7911397

xvideos desu

>> No.7911403

What's the WordPress blog?

>> No.7911410

badphil modmail

>> No.7911420
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I'm gonna pretend this thread never happened so I don't have to hate this board, as great as it is, for being filled with Redditor subhumans

>> No.7911442


>> No.7911528

This anon knows what's up.

>> No.7911538


> reddit is where dumb people go to act smart
> 4chan is where smart people go to act stupid

>> No.7911575

none, really. about a decade ago i was on a bunch of fairly small forums with various e-buddies of mine, but as the years went by the communities all either dissipated, went to shit, or shut down permanently. there's still one place i check semi-regularly but it only gets a few posts a week.

i miss the internet from 2004-2011

>> No.7911579

Reddit users are passive-aggressive little twatlips.

>> No.7911588

It's all shit, I hate people.

>> No.7911638

Stop taking memes so seriously and you'll be fine

>> No.7911903

I absolutely love that game.

>> No.7911914

i read fyad but fear i will never be funny enough to post there myself

>> No.7912074

I only use reddit for /r/the_donald

>> No.7912077

No one posts there any more so why do you care?

>> No.7912079

Kill yourself.

>> No.7912089

You shouldn't tell people to kill themselves.

>> No.7912104

everything is meaningless

>> No.7912106

I really really really like that Wojak

>> No.7912109

That's not true though

the entirety of a specified or implied class: she lost everything in the War
a great deal, esp of something very important: she means everything to me

>> No.7912111

Vine (just to laugh at black ppl)

>> No.7912116

You shouldn't tell people what to do.

>> No.7912119

I disagree. Maintaining certain moral standards in society is necessary.

>> No.7912121

Dictionaries are pleb-tier sources of meaning.

>> No.7912124

They are, however, largely adequate.

>> No.7912133

Adequate for the likes of you, going about your filthy pleb lifestyle? Probably.

>> No.7912141
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>> No.7912152

>insulting Hubbard tech word clearing
stupid man-animal

>> No.7912556


>> No.7912590

*golf clap*

>> No.7913531
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>parroting common narrative
newfag detected

>> No.7913538

Chomsky is 87, noob.

>> No.7913551

- okcupid
- tinychat com/4chanlit
- /r/futurology
- /r/historyofideas

>> No.7913982

Discord. There's a /lit/ group on there and it's fairly active. You need an invite to get in.


>> No.7913986

It's /'ɛv.ɹiː.θJŋ/

>> No.7914050

Here it is,

>> No.7914074

Are you schizophrenic?

>> No.7914080

This is exactly why reddit is complete shit. The whole upvote downvote system creates an environment where you can't have an actual conversation. The posting restrictions are pants on head retarded as well.

>> No.7914085

They attract fame because they're trash. Trash is what most people like.

>> No.7914173

8ch /cuteboys/
some slow subreddits
an obscure forum about an old strategy game

>> No.7914241


>> No.7914267


Please go, Orpheus.

>> No.7916443
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What hard work? Memes are for autistic faggots anyway. When was the last time 4chan created anything funny or original? Its just aping niggers from twitter.

You would be a better fit on reddit than you think.

>> No.7916561

seems like such a cool board. wish i'd known about it in it's heyday, i think it would have helped my writing

>> No.7916572


>> No.7916573

Nothing beats the FuckedCompany boards in their prime.

>> No.7916578

Reddit is like the lamest totalitarian system ever devised.

>> No.7916589
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isn't this one big schizophrenia safe zone?

i went there once and there were mentalists everywhere. i don't say that lightly. they genuinely seemed certifiably crazy.

>> No.7916999

4chan is closer to 95%, but reddit is vast enough it's small percentage is waybigger than 4chans

>> No.7917010


>> No.7917177

fuck off svid

>> No.7917690


>> No.7917703

Great little sub

>> No.7917725

Jesus Christ. I just enter here and the first ting that i read was this bullshit list. Li,ke OMG, kys.

>> No.7917742
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Yeah, this entirely. I used to browse it for the content. Then I made the mistake of frequenting the comments. It ruined it for me. They're all such fucking massive pussies about everything.

Worst of all, their humor is absolute shit. Worthless, boring, garbage tier puns get upvoted to oblivion. Self depricating humor and sarcasm function to attempt hiding the extent of their apathy. Inside jokes are also widely upvoted and function as a kind of salve for said apathy.

And the irony is that actually good comments get downvoted.

However, special mentions go out to the wallstreetbets subreddit. Those guys are often pretty hilarious.

>> No.7917753

You forgot to mention the strange degree of political correctness among a bunch of people who do nothing but hate themselves and typically eachother.

>> No.7917756

You keep it tidy. Saluted.

>> No.7918055

I doubt it

>> No.7918061

You shouldn't want for people to die.

>> No.7918065

The only good sbu is /r/the_donald, which is the most 4chan subreddit on the site (way moreso than /r/4chan lol)

>> No.7918906


You obviously never went to a state university.

>> No.7919416


>> No.7919430

>/r/ anarchism
>Fictional Cops I Love, Ranked By How Guilty I, As An Anarchist, Feel For Loving Them
>4 of the five of them were a fedora

I'm not implying anything, I just found it funny.

>> No.7919612

Tumblr, Twitter. I attempted Reddit but gave up. There are probably decent subreddits out there but I'm far too lazy to seek them out when I have easy access to a varied set of opinions and entertainment already.

>> No.7919783

i frequent the website but the community is awful

>> No.7921152


is there a /lit/ irc channel? If not, there should be.

>> No.7921178


>> No.7921201

kill yourself

>> No.7921211


They are fucking awful. Such fake cunts all for internet points. It's annoying that you can't just be straight up. No, you have to fluff your comment to make sure some fucking fairy doesn't get an anxiety attack.

>> No.7921223

No man, I was being sincere. I literally found anarchism through that subreddit. Went on it a lot. I'm just a 20 year-old in college now, not trying to front lol. Kinda nostalgic about anarchism to be honest. Stuff seemed a lot simpler then.

>> No.7921227

>real anarchist

>> No.7921237

Of course he's a 'real anarchist' - you ignorant child.

>> No.7921242

kill you're self

>> No.7921244

I want reddit to be useful, so much. If fewer people posted, most subs would actually be good. As of now it's intolerable.

>> No.7921245

hahaha no

>> No.7921251

Initially I agreed with you, but upon further thought, he's as close as you can be while still remaining mainstream in today's society.

>> No.7921253

>kill you're self

Hilarious. Quoted for posterity.

>> No.7921259

Luelinks was fun but got banned because they're a group of people who were never in a real clique so they take them way too seriously.

>> No.7921263

Godwin, Proudhon, Kropotkin, et. al. all "remained mainstream in their society" (whatever that means). You don't have to live naked in the woods to take a position on political economy.

>> No.7921264

The problem is anarchism isn't mainstream. If you're in the ideological mainstream, as Chomsky is, you're not an anarchist. If he's an anarchist, he's the most bourgeois fucking anarchist I've ever seen.

>> No.7921267

But anarchism isn't mainstream. If you're in the ideological mainstream, you're probably not an anarchist. If Chomsky's an anarchist, which he's not, he's the most bourgeois anarchist I've ever seen.

>> No.7921268

twitter regularly.
facebook occasionally to see what my qt friends are up to.

plebbit is shit.

>> No.7921273

Oops, double post, my bad. First one wasn't showing up and now it is.

>> No.7921278

Complete and utter hogwash. Anarchism is simply the common sense view of societal organization. The idea that you cannot critique the state without self-expulsion from society is retarded.

>> No.7921299

I literally never said that. Don't pin that primitivist trash on me.

>> No.7921795

Heroes of Might and Magic

>> No.7921812

I use reddit because it has communities for subjects that 4chan does not.

>> No.7921820

Thomas Ligotti Online (quality khantent, but slower than /lit/), some dedicated ethics forums.

>> No.7921832

The invite appears to have expired. Could you or someone else make a new invite?

>> No.7922970

mobileread for various lit related reasons

>> No.7923352
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>> No.7923766
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I know that a few of these posts are trolling, But fuck, I think my leaving this shitty board has been long overdue. I guess i'll make one last blog post.

After "/lit/'s top 100 books" gained millions of views from Reddit, this entire board has become completely overrun. There's nothing inherently wrong with users from Reddit posting here, the real problem is when they make up the majority. Nobody took the time to "lurk moar" and as a result, the quality of discussion plummeted immensely.
What's most ironic is that by displacing and outnumbering the non-reddit community of /lit/, the very reasons for coming here (discussing literature with the very people who made that handy chart!), is pretty much moot.

Shame my last post here had to be a shitpost.


thanks for reading my blog

>> No.7923858

Seconding the motion to post a new link, please. I wouldn't mind chatting with some lit folks.