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/lit/ - Literature

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7905296 No.7905296 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ ruined my life.
How's your meme:literature ratio, and when did you realise how far gone you really were?

>> No.7905314

Apart from Brett Easton Ellis you got a nice shelf there m8

>> No.7905319

You fell for the "meme:literature" meme

>> No.7905403

>actually bought this is water

Just kill self

>> No.7905442



>> No.7905451

How much of Finnegan's Wake did you actually read.

In fact, how much have you actually read of this collection?

>> No.7905453

I actually finished a book last night. Felt pretty good. It's been a while.

>> No.7905454
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>all that DFW
>no Infinite Jest

>> No.7905466

Haven't read Everything and more, Finnegans wake, against the day, underworld, k, bonfire of vanities, Greek myths, Ill&odd -- but have finished/started/read most of the others.

>> No.7905469

I keep that one locked in the vault with my signed copy of The Pale King. They're my two most precious possessions.

>> No.7905470

1:(how many books I have - 1)
I actually bought The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra expecting something interesting, probably not well written, but nonetheless interesting. Instead I got the same two trips being spammed throughout the entire book and whatever the memes of the month were because newfriends don't know how fickle the popularity of new memes and trips are.

>> No.7905474
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>HD dfw screenshot
My negro, welcome to the superior club of rare HD Wallaceposters

>> No.7905477

Holy cow, you actually fell for the /lit/ meme. You literally only own books my meme authors from this webpage.

>> No.7905479
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>stolen Tao Lin book

>> No.7905489

Dostoy and Joyce aren't memes. David foster Wallace is

>> No.7905493
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I needed him for my meme collection, but didnt want to give that pleb shit.

>> No.7905494

Good god, you got memed. Never seen a case so bad.

>> No.7905495

this is what every english major's shelf looks like

critically acclaimed contemporary lit =/= a 4chan secret

>> No.7905497
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>not memes

>> No.7905505

This shelf looks bland as fuck. It's a terrible case of American memeing.

>> No.7905523

If I'm from Australia, can I tell people I'm into forign literature?

>> No.7905531

Of course not.

>> No.7905559

>Johnathon Franzen
>the most basic Post Modern authors
>No Goethe
>actually believing this

I need to stop coming on this board
So many fucking plebs

>> No.7905583
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I just want to enjoy my memes in peace.


>> No.7905645

I love those authors, what I don't get is why people jump on these guys that play with the literary tradition before even knowing what the literary tradition is or having read anything they are riffing off

>> No.7905657

Please kill yourself then. We will not miss you. I doubt anyone will because they are probably fed up with your NEET faggot ass always thinking you're superior to others.

>> No.7905756
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Same. my shit got meme'd up.
This isn't my book shelf, this is every meme I've acquired and read after two years of coming here. This doesn't even include my unread stack or the meme shit I read from the library.

>> No.7905777
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best in thread

>> No.7905787

this is actually a pretty good selection, i see at least 10 books i'd read

>> No.7906663

That's a good way of putting it. I agree.
>hating NEETs

>> No.7906666

>House of Leaves two books above Draconville's Cat
Do you just pick out books that people on here have told you are good but you really have no idea what they're about?
There is no way you've read, understood, and enjoyed people like Theroux, Barth, Hawkes and Gaddis and didn't immediately throw away House of Leaves
tl;dr your pleb is showing faggot

>> No.7906673



Literally the archetypal self-promoting careerist literary hack

>> No.7906689

>all that DFW shit
where's infinite jest
not a terrible shelf

>> No.7906692
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u wot m8

>> No.7906699

How's Libra?

>> No.7906805


>no science or maths related books


>> No.7906888

thank you

>> No.7907417

>Barth, Theroux.
>hard to understand

The memes have spread to your brain son.

>> No.7907430

How bland.

>> No.7907589

How banal*

>> No.7907593

How sad*

>> No.7907594

They said somewhere earlier that IJ is in their safe with a signed copy of The Pale King

>> No.7907661

>all those immaculate spines

>> No.7908037

>doesn't read a book more than once
>cracks his spines so the binding falls apart
>pats himself on the back for destroying his books
>look how Partrish I am

Some people like to keep their books looking nice and also can't afford to replace broken books.
Do you also like to key your own car so people think you drive it?

>> No.7908044
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>cars get keyed with use
disanalogy friend

>> No.7908054

Most of these were purchased second hand. Crack the spines and try to resell them and tell me how it works out for you.

>> No.7908057

Are you kidding? I have both bought and sold books with cracked spines. I don't sell books often, but probably 75% of used books I buy have wrecked spines.

>> No.7908060

Scratching your car and cracking your spines are both avoidable with careful use.

>> No.7908068

>this is what every english major's shelf looks like
Lmao. English Major here. Books I bought for class this semester:
Gargantua and Pantagruel - Rabelais
As You Like It - Shakespeare
Richard III - Shakespeare
Utopia - More
Gulliver's Travels - Swift
Joseph Andrews - Fielding
Essays - Montaigne
Huck Finn - Twain
Madame Bovary - Flaubert
Don Quixote - Cervantes
The Female Quixote - Lennox
Complete works of Kafka + Diaries + Letters

Not a single contemporary book lurks my shelves at uni

>> No.7908079

Where do you shop?

>> No.7908095

>not contemporary

>> No.7908102

Who's the best for Shakespeare?

I want some annotations, but I find some publishers to be a bit overkill.

>> No.7908114

Lurk/Google before posting
My uni orders penguin editions. The annotations are sufficient and perhaps overly informative, giving plenty historical background; I like them.

>> No.7908118

congrats for having pleb taste?

>> No.7908124

Someone can tell me what's wrong with getting books which are generally acclaimed in a board you go?

>> No.7908128

I teach Kafka you faggot

>> No.7908130

Fucking why, go read The Western Canon or something else.

>> No.7908145


>> No.7908157


Kafka isn't contemporary. His novels and stories are over 100 years old. I hope you're just a high school teacher.

>> No.7908173
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>I teach Kafka

>> No.7908175

Contemporary lit is generally the 20th century onward.

>> No.7908185

>I teach Kafka

>> No.7908199


Nobody considers Victorian or Edwardian literature to be 'contemporary'. What kind of old fucks are you teaching at this funhouse of yours?

You certainly wouldn't expect to focus on the modernists in a contemporary fiction class. That's the reason you take the fucking class. So you can read books written in the last 50 years.

>> No.7908207

>the contemporary novel from 1910-1945
>the contemporary novel from 1945 onward

>> No.7908213


I feel like I'm being trolled. How in the ever loving fuck could a class label itself as contemporary literature 1910-1945?

Do you all hop in a delorean at the beginning of each lecture?

I'm confident that basically every English department in the English speaking world will consider contemporary literature 1945 onwards.

>> No.7908224

>20th century

>> No.7908231
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You called?

>> No.7908232

It genuinely makes me sad that some people only read what /lit/ tells them to any never do any exploration of their own.

>> No.7908241

these are just canon authors though
where do you think lit gets their tastes? critics

>> No.7908259

Yeah you're right. Contemporary is generally post WWII

>> No.7908261

>I teach

>> No.7908278
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>> No.7908282

>signed copy of pale king

>> No.7908287

Do you enjoy the writing of William Gass, perchance?

>> No.7908296

I'm not saying they're bad books or anything. Just wished more people would venture outside of /lit/-core and be able to find books to recommend that everyone hasn't already heard about.

>> No.7908298
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he's ok

>> No.7908301
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>> No.7908377

Obviously OP has David's personal draft of the work.

>> No.7908391

fuk man u really love Stendhal

>> No.7908403

>every book in the same language
unilingual pleb

>> No.7908406

My God, it's like you bought every book you saw a thread about. Also
>perfect spines.

>> No.7908421

Are you actually fluent in French, German, and Japanese ?

>> No.7908429

Dosto maybe but not Joyce.

>> No.7908456

Just curious - is that even the entire bibliography of Gass? Or is it only a selection of it, in multitude?

>> No.7908485


>> No.7908525

Like what?

>> No.7908649

I'm wondering what you guys think of my wishlist. I'd buy them but I'm waiting for a check right now. Any other suggestions?

Wallace, Infinite jest
Salinger, The catcher in the rye
Proust, In search of lost time
Hemingway, The old man and the sea
Doyle, The complete Sherlock Holmes
Lovecraft, The complete works
Gaddis, The recognitions
Melville, Moby Dick
Tolstoy, War and peace
Dante, Divine comedy
Flaubert, Madame Bovary
Williams, Stoner
Whitman, Leaves of grass
Faulkner, The sound and the fury
Steinbeck, East of Eden
McElroy, Women and men
Stroker, Dracula
Lewis, The monk
James, The turn of the screw
Pound, The cantos
Bukowski, South of no north
Gass, The tunnel
Schmidt, Bottom's dream
Tindall, A reader's guide to Finnegans Wake
Hammond/Scull, The lord of the rings: a reader's companion

>Science fiction and fantasy
Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse 5
Vonnegut, Sirens of Titan
Wolfe, The book of the new sun
Dick, A scanner darkly
Strugatsky, Roadside picnic
Herbert, Dune
Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451
Huxley, Brave new world
Orwell, 1984
Adams, Watership down
Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

>In their original language
Virgil, Aeneid
Borges, Ficciones
Borges, El aleph
Bolaño, 2666
Cervantes, Don Quixote
Márquez, Cien años de soledad
村上, 海辺のカフカ
太宰, 人間失格
Hitler, わが闘争

Herodotus, Histories
Waterfield, The first philosophers
Plato, Complete works
Aristotle, The complete works of Aristotle
Augustine, The city of God
Feser, Aquinas
Aquinas, Shorter Summa
Ligotti, The conspiracy against the human race
Stirner, The ego and his own
Nietzsche, Thus spoke Zarathustra

>Language learning
Cowan, The complete Lojban language
LaFleur; Scribblers, sculptors, and scribes
Stout, Japanese hiragana & katakana for beginners
Conning, The Kodansha kanji learner's course
Nagara, Japanese for everyone
Oka, Tobira
Kondoh/Maruyama, Images of Japan

Simmons, Precalculus mathematics in a nutshell
Keisler, Elementary calculus
Schneider/Barker, Matrices and linear algebra

Chandler, How to beat your dad at chess
Hertan, Power chess for kids

>> No.7908689

hello gassposter

>> No.7908693

You won't get McElroy, use Mendelbaum for Dante, don't waste your time with Bukowski, you won't get the Cantos without a guide, Roadside Picnic is phenomenal, get Augustine's Confessions over The City of God, Ligotti is a bitch, you probably want some idealist background before Nietszche (also Descartes/Hume/Liebnitz), Precalculus is a joke; you don't need a book for it, and please, please forget Finnegans Wake for a few years

>> No.7908724

>Proust, In search of lost time
Be prepared to have a shitload of unrelated imagery and very little plot. That's a book to read if you want very detailed and analytical descriptions of things that have nothing to do with the story at all.

>> No.7908742

next level bait

>> No.7908755

Not bait

>> No.7908772

>Pound, The cantos
>Bukowski, South of no north
>Gass, The tunnel
>Proust, In search of lost time
>Gaddis, The recognitions
>Bolaño, 2666
>most contemporary lit

Don't, please don't. You're being heavily influencied by /lit/ top memesters right now, not saying they're bad works, but you will be better off reading classics and building your own taste around them (plus you get to gain a lot of references).

>> No.7908780

How is Proust not a classic?

>> No.7908791
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few memes here and there, these are mostly trophy books, i read 85% of my books on kindle.

>> No.7908804

It is indeed, I'm just afraid he would be intimidated by the length and prose of A la recherche.

>> No.7908812

Is that a wawa receipt? And what's up with the multiple things of deodorant

>> No.7908819

Add A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula Le Guin to your list

>> No.7908824

>building your library based on /lit/ memes
What have you done? Are you incapable of finding books on your own? Amazon even recommends books.

>> No.7908837

Why does one of the books say Rule 34 on it ?

>> No.7908849

>You won't get McElroy
Why do you think I won't get McElroy?
>don't waste your time with Bukowski
But why?
>you won't get the Cantos without a guide
So you would recommend Terrell's companion?
>get Augustine's Confessions over The City of God
I've already read Confessions.
>Ligotti is a bitch
I only wanted to read because of True Detective, honestly.
>Precalculus is a joke; you don't need a book for it
You're right.

Oh, I've been reading a lot of classics already. Of course I haven't listed what I've actually read, though.

Length and prose shouldn't be a problem for me.

Here's some books I've read to give you guys a better idea: Don Quixote, Paradise Lost, Blood Meridian, Gravity's Rainbow, KJV Bible, Shakespeare, Dubliners, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Chamber Music, Ulysses, The Odyssey, The Iliad, GEB, Anna Karenina, The Stranger, Lolita, LOTR, The Brothers Karamazov, The Trial, etc.

>> No.7908864

Because that's what it's called ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.7908869

I didn't mean 'get' in the sense of undertanding. Rather, you won't find a copy. Poor choice of words on my part.

As for the Cantos, get a guide.

>> No.7908872

I hope that's just a coincidence and not a reference to internet porn.

>> No.7908881

Ah, fine then, have fun. The list should keep you busy for years.

>> No.7908901
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>second one down
>YW /lit/

>> No.7908913

halfway through my philosophy BA I realized the meme is all consuming

>> No.7908951

all these faggots going 'ahhh muh lit core memes etc. and so on'

list your 10 favorite authors who aren't """""lit-core""""""

>> No.7908964


Nigger what?

>> No.7909028

I meant it as a prerequisite to the following books.

>> No.7909032

I think Thucydides is more important for Philosophy.

>> No.7909045

dude, most if not all people here are neets/students. get a hold of yourself

>> No.7909461

Walter Benjamin

inb4 Kafka and Schopy are lit-core

They aren't, but I'll raise you Andrei Bely and Barthelme

>> No.7909619

>Books I bought for class

You didn't already own these? are you sure "English" is the right major for you?

>> No.7909644

Walter Benjamin

congrats, you're a meme

>> No.7909703

>Penguin Shakes
>thinks he is qualified to have an opinion

kek, come back when you've read some books

>> No.7910316

There are books in Portuguese and Italian in that shelf as well.

>> No.7910354


>English major
>books I bought for class


lmao are there really colleges this fucked up

>> No.7910355

Wow, that thread is garbage.

>> No.7910379


>not owning a blood encrusted draft of Pale King

>> No.7910399

came here to post this

>> No.7910400


What's wrong with those authors?

>> No.7910419


Nothing, unless you're studying English Literature, in which case they're clearly irrelevant.

>> No.7910445

Joyce was hugely influenced by Rabelais and Montaigne; he also claimed to have read everything Flaubert has ever produced, including his personal letters.
All these authors are part of the Western canon, I don't see how that is irrelevant.

>> No.7910455

They're all jobless, Anon. Gotta feel justified somehow

>> No.7910459

What's the meme here

>> No.7910492


I mean yeah sure these authors are influential, but given the limited time available to try to impart some sort of knowledge of English literature in a bunch of kids can you really justify spending any of it on foreign language writers?

>> No.7910503

This is embarrassingly transparent. Any university worth anything teaches literature in translation. Thinking that literature in translation is worthless or not worth teaching is something imparted by pseudos on /lit/, not something actually believed by academics.

NEET or underage? Pick one

>> No.7910530


neither m8, just haven't attended an English Lit course and am surprised to learn that apparently they include French, Spanish and German lit as well. This is counterintuitive to me. I'm also not trying to say that literature in translation is worthless, just that running a course on 'English Literature' and then getting kids to read Rabelais and Cervantes is a puzzling approach from my point of view.

>> No.7910554

Is that a stolen library copy of Tai Pei?

>> No.7910561

kill yaself m8

>> No.7910691

If English literature classes were merely composed of works written in English, the knowledge imparted on the students would be insufficient and incomplete. Undergraduate literature majors are educated on how to analyze a text critically and manufacture and defend a compelling thesis. Part of this process can, and typically does, involve tracing influence or a prior literary tradition into a work. However, how can one trace the influences of Shakespeare without studying Machiavelli and Montaigne? How can one study Joyce without understanding Flaubert, as a previous anon mentioned? Even studying deceptively contained movements, like The English Renaissance, requires knowledge of, at least to some degree, of the major writers they were responding to, which, in most cases, are not entirely English.
How can one even study the picaresque outside of Spain?
How can one study the Female Quixote without Don Quixote? How can one even study the episodic narrative without Don Quixote?
The literary tradition is composed of so many languages that it is inevitable that one is reading works in translation. Surely you think that English literature majors should be acquainted with The Aeneid, The Odyssey, and The Illiad?

Thinking that English literature majors study exclusively English works is merely a fundamental misunderstanding of what that degree entails.This is why so many people become disillusioned with the major when they begin. They go into uni thinking 'I love to read and therefore English is for me.' This simply doesn't follow. An English major needs to be able to think critically and analyze texts and defend self-created notions of the text in order to succeed. A lot of people don't really enjoy this, so they drop the major after a few intro courses.

tl;dr English literature majors don't always spend their classes studying specific literary devices within exclusively English works.

>> No.7910854


>> No.7910865

It makes a lot of sense, really. If you were in a "US painting" class, would you study Sargent without having any notion of the French impressionists?

>> No.7911469

Goethe's Faust is rather good, assuming that's not a prose translation. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. There's lines of it that are still stuck in my head.

>> No.7911486

You've never read Gaddis if you think he's a meme author.

>> No.7911497

What do you mean? Any book that an anon has enjoyed that isn't regularly discussed on /lit/.

>> No.7911516

I think this board (and /his/) made me more austistic then I already was.

I sometimes imagine what it would be like if we gave each of the billions of words out there their own country and entire human followers and society to act it out and create new languages based off a single sound or phrase.

I also like spending ungodly amounts of times looking up thousands of fictional flags and alternate history or fictional countries mostly to daydream about conquest of all sorts.

>> No.7911519
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Actually quite proud of my shelf

>> No.7911526

>trophy books
>signet classics with bar code sticker still on them
>Fagles translation of Illiad
>Stephen Hawking
>Barnes and Noble Classics
>Dan Simmons
>trophy books
>everything's a paperback

You're either trolling or actually retarded.

>> No.7911837

By Trophy I meant I bought them after I've read them if I enjoyed them to borrow to my friends. A lot I did buy to read over the years

>> No.7911885

Why would you be afraid of porn while browsing a Mongolian hate machine board?

>> No.7912004

What a load of crap.

Until recently, English majors studied ENGLISH.

With respect to literary works, that would include Beowolf, Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, Chaucer, Le Morte d'Arthur, John Bunyan, the Elizabethan playwrights, Donne, Milton, Dryden, Congreve, Pope, Addison, Swift, Fielding, Johnson, etc etc etc.

French majors would study Rabelais etc. German majors would study Hildebrandslied etc. Comparative literature majors would study works in multiple languages.

Nowadays language students just jack off to translations of charlatan "theorists" like Derrida. It's fucking sickening.

>> No.7912289

>No Heinlein
>No Asimov
>No Clarke
These are considered the big three of Sci-Fi. You should have at least one on your list.

>> No.7912357

you probably don't need the complete works of lovecraft

i would recommend buying and reading The Call of Cthulhu and other weird stories and if you liked that get the complete works

also read The Unvanquished and Absalom, Absalom! before The Sound and the Fury.

>> No.7912382

lmao. "once upon a time english majors studied english works outside of tradition and influence and it was amazing"

sounds pretty amazing anon

>> No.7912396

I assume English is your second or third language.

>> No.7912494

I'm not afraid, but if someone actually wrote a novel titled "Rule 34" in reference to the meme, then I have lost a lot of faith in literature.

>> No.7912526

No. I speak English natively and French as a second language. Is studying exclusively English works a nationalist thing for you or what?

>> No.7912546
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>I teach Kafka

>> No.7912557

the banality of the banality of /lit/

>> No.7912558

Asimov is outdated, it's your father's scifi. Books are compiled short stories and are pretty shit desu. Revolutionary at the time and worth merit but dated and too naive.

>> No.7912588

I couldn't make heads or tails of your post. Assumed you were ESL.

>> No.7912596

i dont get the meme why shouldn't someone teach kafka?

>> No.7912743

Fuckin lol, this nigger thinks Thomas Wolfe and Tom Wolfe are the same person.

>> No.7912757
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What the fuck, the spine for the room diaries is the same in english and portuguese

>> No.7912780

I never bother with meme literature. Meme literature is popular authors and their works crowed about by pseudo-intellectuals under the pretence that reading the works of the aforementioned esteemed authors makes them 'learned' and intelligent as far as literature goes.

I simply read what I want, regardless of how writes it or what it's about or how high calibre it is - that is for faggots who sip coffee they don't like and who own DSLR cameras that they don't know how to use.

Being recommended meme literature from anyone, especially faggots on /lit/ is retarded as you must know you're being rused.

>> No.7912969

>With respect to literary works, that would include Beowolf, Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, Chaucer, Le Morte d'Arthur, John Bunyan, the Elizabethan playwrights, Donne, Milton, Dryden, Congreve, Pope, Addison, Swift, Fielding, Johnson, etc etc etc.
>etc etc etc.
Please continue.

>> No.7913007
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More like /Co/ ruined me, I have a bookshelf for /Co/ and just a small little one for /lit/ related stuff. Pic is /Co/ next pic I'll show my /lit/

>> No.7913010
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I'm sorry to show off my shit taste

>> No.7913013

>Bookshelf arranged like its for a sitcom set
>Books stacked in front of other books
>Books stacked vertically
>Books flat against wall
>Stupid knick-knacks blocking books
>Meme books

Why don't you just get a big sign that says "I don't read"
Would be a lot easier to dust.

>> No.7913014


>I simply read what I want

No you didn't. You just stated otherwise: you read what you wanted as long as it wasn't "meme literature".

What you have done here in an effort to distance yourself from those you believe to have naively chosen a "meme" approach to literature is fallen into your very own self-made trap of disingenuous posturing.

If you use meme logic to reason you will always end up being just another memekid as well.

>> No.7913024

Anon whats the WoW book

>> No.7913073

I was thinking about picking up twilight company. Was it any good?

>> No.7913079

Yes top 3 in my opinion

>> No.7913093

Sweet. I'm a fan of Karen Travis's Republic Commando series. Is TC similar?

>> No.7913105

I never read commandos sadly but I'll give ya quick rundown

>Main character is a bit bland (Battle hardened basic protagonist)
>Makes some of the game modes canon like supremacy and droid run if I remember correctly
>All the characters are great
>Progressive Empire with female troops
It's a good war story and actually made me sympathize with the rebels

>> No.7913114

Sorry but one last question: Is it gritty?
>Progressive Empire with female troops
not a good sign

>> No.7913118

Yes, blaster wounds are bloody and at one point I think a bomb goes off and someone looks in horror at burn marks

>Progressive Empire is good
They pull their wait from what I've read in this and a New Dawn and Aftermath. Admiral Sloane is an example that women can be a great source for the Empire.
>But that's my opinion

>> No.7913124
File: 9 KB, 199x296, le french reactionary man of islam and essence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all that modern crap
Truly plebeian

>> No.7913128
File: 1.88 MB, 400x260, K.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, anon

>> No.7913131

I'm no reviewer so sorry for shit explanation. It's a good read I recommend it.

>> No.7913140

Fuck off back to /co/ genre-pleb watchmen-spamming trash.
Fuck off

>> No.7913184

>Books stacked vertically
this is spatially practical sometimes

>> No.7913322

how's reddit these days

>> No.7913325

that's pretty embarrassing. Maybe you should think about getting your own taste.

>> No.7913334

>he fell for the 'start with the memes' meme

>> No.7913350

Not if you want quick and easy access to your books. Which any literary man would.

>> No.7913360

I'm not putting my books on the floor, also you've just been confirmed for never even entering an academic's office