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7905919 No.7905919 [Reply] [Original]

What books would you guys recommend to help me stop being such a cynical, pessimistic piece of shit?

>> No.7905921

Stop browsing the internet.

>> No.7905926

The Hobbit

dead serious

>> No.7905935
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Pic related or
*heavy breathing*
Infinite Jest

>> No.7905938

seconded. get away from 4chan.

>> No.7905950
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You guys are probably right, but it's hard to leave.
4chan's brutal honesty and filter-less humor is a welcome respite from my dull daily life.

The side effect however, is this permeating bitterness that has eclipsed any vestiges of altruism or optimism.

>> No.7905961

4chan is a containment site where people vent their frustrations because of their shitty lives. it's angry but i don't think honest because people aren't raging about what's actually eating them up.

>> No.7905987
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This guy knows what he's talking about.

>> No.7905989
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>people aren't raging about what's actually eating them up
I'm inclined to disagree. Sure oftentimes the magnitude of emotional response is heightened for comedic purpose, but the intent is true.
And what better place to spew unrefined and honest opinions than an anonymous forum?

>> No.7906008

Infinite Jest is anti-cynical,

>> No.7906011

the arguments about lit, vidya, music, etc aren't actually about lit, vidya, music, etc. 4chan is a place for people to kick the dog when they're angry.

>> No.7906012
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The Fateful Tales of the Good Soldier Svejk

>> No.7906013

I'm pretty sure they're going to discover there are incredibly cathartic properties in trolling and shitposting.

>> No.7906025

Well then what the fuck. I'm turning into this fucking facimile of a person and I don't know why.
I am a shallow and borderline sociopathic person, yet for some reason I'm always suprised when people treat me as such. I'm an insincere sycophant to an absurd degree and a common victim of my own self-destructive
tendencies. And my writing sucks. And I'm ugly.

And I wasn't so painfully aware of all this shit until browsing 4chan. Godammit fuckkiing captcha

>> No.7906028

Perhaps your ego is thence to great you expect to much?

>> No.7906062

Your diary desu

>> No.7906185

This book is becoming a meme
Read it before it's ends up like Stoner, A Confederacy of Dunces, or Don Quixote

>> No.7906249

I refuse to believe its' becoming a meme. What proof you have?

>> No.7906260
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>And I wasn't so painfully aware of all this shit until browsing 4chan.

Fuck dude. Same. Seeing every single character trait meticulously broken down and made fun of has left me thinking that they are all shit.
I see people eating in public, talking to random people, smiling, wearing any type of clothes, and all I can do is inwardly laugh at them.

I can't be sincere anymore. I even shit and eat ironically. I have killed the person I once was and have replaced him with a parody of self.
Even now as I write this truth about my life I'm being ironic. I'm laughing at the stupid situation this guy is in.

I would kill myself ironically, but I'm too ironically lazy to actually do it.

>> No.7906890
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This post is literally me

>> No.7906892

Read Steppenwolf

>> No.7906961


>> No.7906976

Just grow up jesus christ

>> No.7906978
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You people sound really weak-willed. If you are such an influentiable retard that a fucking website can make you feel bad, then leave.
>but but I needz my shitposting :( look at all this intellectual discussion and 'truth'
There's nothing intellectual on 4chan, there's no truth, its just a huge hivemind that repeats the same things over and over again, mostly contrarian bullshit.
Sadly, I believe that a lot of people think like OP, they feel this lack of empathy for most people, this is mostly caused by a sense of superiority, they feel so superior because they are able to 'see' the truth. This truth is nothing more than 4chan shitposting,extremist ideas and retardness. It's really pitiful. I hope you people grow out of it.

>> No.7906984

oh le irony

>> No.7906988

I want you to try a little mental experiment

what if "brutal honesty" can be a kind of affectation?

>> No.7906989


>> No.7906993

This OP.

That and just realize that there's nothing to be ashamed of in trying to be happy.

>> No.7907408

You sound pretty cynical yourself mate

>> No.7907420

cynicism is for children
just stop being a milquetoast chucklehead who lacks a real personality

>> No.7907542

>just stop being a milquetoast chucklehead who lacks a real personality

So just don't be cynical. Thanks senpai. Problem solved

>> No.7907680

>becoming a meme
Back in my day we just said "popular"

>> No.7907736

Stoner by John Williams. Perfect novel about facing the harshness of life without pessimism and cynicism.

>> No.7908085

powerful yet strong. and true.