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7905684 No.7905684 [Reply] [Original]

Is it necessary to study syntax to become a good writer? Up to this point, I've mostly gone by feel and intuition, but I feel like my writing is somewhat limited by my ignorance of English syntax. Will learning about syntax help me make my writing more varied and interesting? If so, what are the best resources that you guys have for learning about syntax?

>> No.7905691

You have to know the rules of grammar so you can see which ones you can logically ignore.


Fuck you.

>> No.7905698
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>will learning how to properly write english make me better at writing english properly?

>> No.7905702

Nah mane, fuck YOU.

You got any good books for this shit?

>> No.7905707

just find a college writing handbook to learn the ABCs of syntax, and then you should be good.

also, look out for phrases and words that you rarely see so you can add them to your arsenal n sound smarter

>> No.7905710

Yes OP you will if you want to get the most out of your prose, same with poetry, it helps you get a feel for sound nad rythm

>> No.7905735

Anyone know if this book is any good?


>> No.7905967


There was a book written by an AI that nearly won an award in Japan, I had read excerpts of this book and let me tell you that I thought it was perfect syntax, absolute mastery of grammar and spelling was included, aside from that it was complete and total shit. Stick to your guns and work from there.

>> No.7905980

>>7905684 >>7905967
To further that point, if you aren't a fucking robot and your audience isn't totally autistic, isn't a robot themselves, or completely retarded in the sense that they lack basic conceptual ability, you should be fine. That in mind I would also advise to keep the conceptual limits of others in mind as well, lest you write something that no one of your generation could decipher, many works are probably masterpieces but they were written with a strictly internal vision of their projection; which practically just doesn't work.

>> No.7905992

I think it would be better to just read more English books

>> No.7905996

Yeah I'll probably just do that tbqhwy

>> No.7906530

"Green ideas sleep furiously." Perfect syntax, as Chomsky showed, but utterly meaningless.