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File: 58 KB, 850x400, johngreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7903735 No.7903735 [Reply] [Original]

Don't deny that this was a good line.

>> No.7903739

Any writer who uses a semicolon deserves to be hanged

>> No.7903756

LOL, I like the line and was going "Godamn so many years hating John Green with a passion and the dude can actually write some.", then, thanks to you my friend, I notice the semicolon. I can sleep easy again.

>> No.7903955

What's wrong with the semicolon?

>> No.7903963

To bad he was writing in the first person and ruined the sentiment

>> No.7903987

>every single 19th century French writer deserves to be hanged
Yeah, fuck you.

>> No.7903989
File: 230 KB, 1216x1878, 1443148855867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't deny that these were good tweets.

>> No.7903990

"Why are breakfast foods breakfast foods?" I asked them. "Like, why don't we have curry for breakfast food?"
"Hazel, eat."
"But why?" I asked. "I mean, seriously: How did scrambled eggs get stuck in with breakfast exclusivity? You can put bacon on a sandwich without anyone freaking out. But the moment your sandwich has an eggs, boom, it's a breakfast sandwich."
Dad answered with his mouth full. "When you come back, we'll have breakfast for dinner. Deal?"
"I don't want to have 'breakfast for dinner,'" I answered, crossing knife and fork over my mostly full plate. "I want to have scrambled eggs for dinner without this ridiculous construction that scrambled eggs-inclusive meal is breakfast even when it occurs at dinnertime."
"You've gotta pick your battles in this world, Hazel," my mom said. "But if this is the issue you want to champion, we stand behind you."
"Quite a bit behind you," my dad added, and Mom laughed.
Anyway, I knew it was stupid, but I felt kind of bad for scrambled eggs.

>> No.7904004

God, why do people find this interesting

>> No.7904036

>parroting hack vonnegut's writing advice

kill yourself

>> No.7904039


>> No.7904046

Did you know it's from White Noise by Don DeLillo?

>> No.7904051

Except it's not.

>> No.7904139

Brilliant deconstruction on how SJWs think.

>> No.7904150

I mean desu that's a decent sentence but any writer could have pulled it off

>> No.7904165

This specific meme is the cringiest one on this board.
What idiot would actually believe that DeLillo wrote the sentence "Anyway, I knew it was stupid, but I felt kind of bad for scrambled eggs"?
Please. He would never be so trite.

>> No.7904173

Are you kidding? DeLillo is the king of trite pseudointellectual garbage literature. He's maybe worse than Green, who is at least vaguely charming.

>> No.7904179

I wish I wasn't the only person on the planet that knows how to use a semicolon
Nothing. Some of the best stylists use semicolons.

>> No.7904289

You're an idiot but that is a pretty egregious misuse of the semicolon.

>> No.7904308


>> No.7904314

The Ratatouille principle: not everyone can be a good writer, but good writing can come from anyone.

If anything, the next sentence should not start with a capital, but that's probably an oversight of whoever made this image.

>> No.7904326

That's a pretty ridiculous judgement of DeLillo. But whatever, let's not talk about that.

Take this example:
Green qualifies Hazel's sympathy for the eggs by saying she felt "kind of bad" for them; he can't even invest fully in the idea that the character feels bad for the scrambled eggs. Green is totally cloying for the love of his readers. He refuses to say that Hazel feels bad for the scrambled eggs, because if a reader thinks that it's stupid for her to feel bad for the scrambled eggs, it'll reflect poorly on Green himself; the reader will think that he's stupid. So he hobbles the sentence by adding a conditional. He's afraid to make any kind of declarative statement that might be even a little bit "controversial". Yes, he acknowledges that it's "stupid", but if you read the dialogue itself, it doesn't register as self-aware. It's as if he wrote a bunch of stupid dialogue, then looked back at it, realized it was stupid, and decided to add that bit in order to feign intentionality.

If DeLillo wrote that sentence, he would be much more declarative. The main difference between Green and DeLillo's dialogue is the fact that DeLillo is aware of its alienating effect, and ultimately takes advantage of it. Green's dialogue is similar in some ways, but totally un-self-aware, and therefore bad. But DeLillo wouldn't stuff the sentence with conditionals, because DeLillo isn't afraid to make a statement, whether that statement is sincere/endearing or insincere/alienating.

tl;dr: you can tell the difference between Green and DeLillo based on the fact that DeLillo's prose is reflexive and self-aware and Green's is formulaic and sincerely stupid. You can also judge DeLillo as superior to Green based on the fact that when DeLillo says something stupid and weird, it's typically meant to be insincere and alienating, whereas when Green does it it's meant to endear you to the quirky protagonist

>> No.7904332


Is this for real?

>> No.7904334
File: 86 KB, 500x499, john-green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was drizzle and she was a hurricane.

>> No.7904338


Anon, your mission, should you chose to accept it, is to rewrite this excerpt in the style of your favourite writer. Or whichever writer you can think of that might result in something interesting or funny.

>> No.7904341


This is actually a pretty good question, in its own way. We, as humans, must classify and label everything. It's like how "weeds" are classified as weeds simply because of landscaping and landscaping companies/products. The irony being that a "nice lawn" does absolutely nothing for you, but the weeds you don't want to grow are actually useful for a multitude of things.

Crazy, I think.

>> No.7904347


And at the same time I also think now that whilst breakfast used to mean simply "breaking of the fast" basically that all standard meals are technically breakfast. Whether it's a fast of an hour or a fast of twelve, what's the difference? Most people don't snack on stuff before they eat, instead doing the meals and being, in a way, slaves to mealtimes. At the same time though, couldn't someone's "breakfast" be someone else's supper? What if I wake up at 8:00PM EST and must be at work at 10:00PM or so, but I choose to eat eggs, bacon, and toast at 9:00PM. What is it then? Is it breakfast food? Do we even need labels for times of food? It's food, it truly can be eaten at any time.

>> No.7904348


Except that weeds are invasive and destroys gardens and flower beds. It's not interesting how John Green thinks egg philosophy is intellectual, it's really funny though.

>> No.7904354


I'll give you the garden thing but as for flowers they and weeds are able to naturally grow together. Of course, at the same time, grass could be considered a weed when it comes to gardens since it will also suck up the nutrients and whatnot necessary for a successful garden.

>> No.7904362
File: 57 KB, 640x360, gene_green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"She has great breasts," the Colonel said without looking up from the whale.
>Now he looked up. "Sorry. Perky breasts."
>"That's not any better!"

>Colin believed that the world contained exactly two kinds of people: Dumpers and Dumpees. A lot of people will claim to be both, but those people miss the point entirely: You are predisposed to either one fate or the other. Dumpers may not always be the heartbreakers, and the Dumpees may not always be the heartbroken. But everyone has a tendency.

>Margo always loved mysteries. And in everything that came afterward, I could never stop thinking that maybe she loved mysteries so much that she became one.

>Lacey takes the bar from me and reluctantly bites into it. She has to close her eyes to hide the orgasmic pleasure inherent in GoFast-tasting. "Oh. My. God. That tastes like hope feels."

And then pretty much just all of "The Fault In Our Stars"

>> No.7904363

>I'm in love with you," he said quietly.

>"Augustus," I said.

>"I am," he said. He was staring at me, and I could see the corners of his eyes crinkling. "I'm in love with you, and I'm not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things. I'm in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we're all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we'll ever have, and I am in love with you.

>> No.7904365
File: 43 KB, 1310x286, greenvsdelillo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have read neither Green nor DeLillo yet but I feel like this post taught me something about writing nonetheless. Thanks, anon.

Is an addition like 'I feel like' already too conditional for this to be a good comment? Or is the fact that I am making this spoiler making the post self-aware enough?

>> No.7904367
File: 51 KB, 500x333, 44262008807726347WRYOErxwc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't even use a semicolon. This is what it looks like in the book: he used a colon, and then a lowercase "s."

>> No.7904389


>Tfw we are all dumpees and there's nothing we can do about it

>> No.7904394

Stay away from academic writing if you're this triggered.

>> No.7904407

Sometimes I want to sell out and copy his style and become like him, like a typhoon of words exploding out onto the page and even sex can't compete: I know it's stupid, but I kinda feel bad for those who don't feel this way, you know, in the sense of the word, we are all humans, but only some of us are really humane.

>> No.7904432

nice quote t bh

partisan contrarians ought to kts

>> No.7904452
File: 50 KB, 355x236, 09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whenever you read a cancer booklet or website or whatever, they always list depression among the side effects of cancer. But, in fact, depression is not a side effect of cancer. Depression is a side effect of dying

What did he mean by this?

>> No.7904462

Guys, he uses a colon in the real quote. The picture is wrong.

>> No.7904464


>implying actual mental disorders can be side effects like a cough or a stomach ache

>> No.7904480

I thought this was a brilliant parody of John Green until I looked up the quotes and found that they were actually his. The man never ceases to lower the bar for the low opinions I have on him.

>> No.7904483

pretty obvious m80

>> No.7904486

Anyway, I knew it was stupid, but I felt kind of bad for weeds.

>> No.7904489

Can someone explain what makes it bad? I'm pretty new, but I can still tell it's obviously bad writing. I just don't know how to articulate it.

>> No.7904563

perhaps see >>7904326

>> No.7904608


>> No.7904626
File: 150 KB, 491x367, ya lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Why are breakfast foods breakfast foods?" I asked them. "Like, why don't we have curry for breakfast food?"
>"Hazel, eat."
>"But why?" I asked. "I mean, seriously: How did scrambled eggs get stuck in with breakfast exclusivity? You can put bacon on a sandwich without anyone freaking out. But the moment your sandwich has an eggs, boom, it's a breakfast sandwich."
>Dad answered with his mouth full. "When you come back, we'll have breakfast for dinner. Deal?"
>"I don't want to have 'breakfast for dinner,'" I answered, crossing knife and fork over my mostly full plate. "I want to have scrambled eggs for dinner without this ridiculous construction that scrambled eggs-inclusive meal is breakfast even when it occurs at dinnertime."
>"You've gotta pick your battles in this world, Hazel," my mom said. "But if this is the issue you want to champion, we stand behind you."
>"Quite a bit behind you," my dad added, and Mom laughed.
>Anyway, I knew it was stupid, but I felt kind of bad for scrambled eggs.

>When adults say, "Teenagers think they are invincible" with that sly, stupid smile on their faces, they don't know how right they are. We need never be hopeless, because we can never be irreparably broken. We think that we are invincible because we are. We cannot be born, and we cannot die. Like all energy, we can only change shapes and sizes and manifestations. They forget that when they get old. They get scared of losing and failing. But that part of us greater than the sum of our parts cannot begin and cannot end, and so it cannot fail.

>> No.7904749


>Cheesy forced dialogue
>"this and this and this and this and this" sentences
>Forced and stupid metaphors/similes
>Impossibly unrelatable characters

What else?

>> No.7904764

>he thinks it's White Noise
> It's actually Infinite Jest

>> No.7904770

I start the day with a bottle of water, a PBJ, and a tin of Vienna sausages. The concept of meal specific foods baffles me.

>> No.7904798

Passages like these function for Mr Green as a form of "child grooming":


"You and me, kid, we're special. We don't recognize society's silly conventions."

Next thing you know, he is enjoying a blowjob from a 12 year old.

So appalling.

>> No.7904806

It actually is a good sentence, I will admit.

>> No.7904817

This is pretty similar to a passage in White Noise, right? I'm not even memeing.

>> No.7904841

A lot of the dialogue in White Noise consists of the characters exploring pointless and weird subjects. I don't think they ever talk about breakfast specifically. There are key differences though, of course.

>> No.7904851

that line is inspired by this exchange from the sun also rises:

“How did you go bankrupt?” Bill asked.
“Two ways,” Mike said. “Gradually and then suddenly.”

>> No.7904866

whats the passage from white noise this reminds me of? I can't find it, and now its annoying me.

>> No.7904894

It's a good chunk of the book, really
Just flip through the pages until you find a big stretch of dialogue. If they aren't talking about fear of death, odds are it's one of those passages

>> No.7904904

to have a better digestion, your body has a clock

>> No.7904964
File: 274 KB, 1500x1000, seinfeld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

George: "Why are breakfast foods breakfast foods? Like, why don't we have curry for breakfast food?"
Elaine: "George, eat."
Goerge: "But why? I mean, seriously: How did scrambled eggs get stuck in with breakfast exclusivity? You can put bacon on a sandwich without anyone freaking out. But the moment your sandwich has an eggs, boom, it's a breakfast sandwich."
Jerry (rolling his eyes): "When we come back from the movie, we'll have breakfast for dinner. Deal?"
George: "I don't want to have 'breakfast for dinner. I want to have scrambled eggs for dinner without this ridiculous construction that scrambled eggs-inclusive meal is breakfast even when it occurs at dinnertime."
Elaine (sarcastically): "Welllll George... ya gotta pick your battles in this world. But if this is the issue you want to champion, we stand behind you." (sarcastic smile)
Kramer: "Quite a bit behind you," (Snaps his fingers, and makes a weird clicking sound)

>> No.7904975

It would be an alright line if that 'he' was changed to an 'I,' although it'd still be a little cliched given the terrible maiming of the Kunstlerroman in the 20th century. But it would be a good line coming from, say, Oscar Wild.

>> No.7904988

So many people falling for the bait. Yes, this is from white noise but edited.

>> No.7904999

You nailed it.

>> No.7905007

It's from "The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green, you illiterate moron.

>> No.7905010

You're not funny. What you're saying isn't funny. Your attempt at making a meme is pathetic.
You honestly deserve to read "The Fault in our Stars" for the rest of eternity.

>> No.7905037


I accept:

See that fellow in Barnaby's eating a breakfast platter at. What time? Yes three bong just now so perhaps a quarter past. Funny we don't do that more often. Full Irish breakfast bad for kidneys they say; too much protein. But good for soul. O, O, O, the boys of Kilkenny, O. Suppose he smells like a full Irish all day. But after all why not? He crossed O'Connell, skipping at cracked intervals. Skip. Break your mother's. Don't do that now people are watching, bloody fool. Last one's a rotten egg. But on the egg subject, why not eat them at lunch? Dinner, even? Cheap and nutritious, hens packed together tight as matches pumping them out day in day out. Give them to poor, start an initiative. Which came first, the British or poverty? Haha

In an alley a ragged boy was making chalk designs, boy and chalk standing out against the dark in a uniform pallor. Egg plan could help him, for example. Give him a coin? No, do him no good. Just be respectful. Now there's a cracked egg. Doomed before he was born. Predestination, into the streets or into the frying pan. Out of the frying pan, into. But what am I saying sympathizing with eggs?

He sighed heavily.

>> No.7905041

i think he misread david wallboy

>> No.7905073

The point is that, as people have less practical experience, they lack understanding about the meaning and cause of distinctions rooted in reality and begin to think "everything is just arbitrary words, man."

>> No.7905078

Who is that supposed to be?

>> No.7905082


I tried to make it pretty obvious, but I guess I failed: it's Ulysses.

>> No.7905097

Nothing. Some of the best smilies use semicolons.

>> No.7905100

It was

haters need not apply

>> No.7905130

It's obvious to anyone who's read Ulysses

>> No.7905177

anyone who doesn't find this post funny hasn't read white noise recently

>> No.7905189
File: 213 KB, 1500x1000, Jim Carrey pallbearer 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He definitely has some good lines. Hopefully reality will hit him hard and his wife and kids will leave him and take his money and eventually produce literature that's not only sensitive, but also realistic, culturally valuable, and mature! I actually sortuv believe in the dude.

>> No.7905197

Ulysses is itself devoted to aping the styles of others.

>> No.7905211


Nobody else ever wrote or will write anything close to "Circe." Even "Eumaeus," my least favorite episode, is totally inimitable.

>> No.7905215

Read more.

>> No.7905225

Well, they're all already dead, so at this point them being hanged would more likely mean having their portraits hung in a museum.

>> No.7905232

this actually works

>> No.7905235

Fuck that. Dig up their graves and hang their skeletons.

>> No.7905237
File: 106 KB, 800x800, Has-anyone-ever-gone-so-far-as-even-to-need-more-t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't deny that this was a good line.

>> No.7905256


>he hasn't read The Fault in Our Stars
>he's the moron

Good one

>> No.7905261

judging from the insipid shit he's written, that really isn't surprising.

>> No.7905274

fucking why!!!?

>> No.7905277

this is what counts for a New York times best seller... fuck my life.

>> No.7905280


>> No.7905284


>> No.7905292

spoken like a true Sylvia Plath impersonator.

>> No.7905295

old pasta dipshits

>> No.7905297

Are you seriously trying to pass this off as your own
You should kill yourself

>> No.7905298

No its not.

>> No.7905342

"The Fault in Our Stars" is a steaming turd of a book riddled with horrendously unrealistic dialogue, and seemingly written by an autistic 12 year old who'd just finished reading twilight for the first time, and was attempting- and failing- to make something even more trite. it is a half-ass excuse for literature that has only succeeded by appealing to the excessively over-sized ego of retarded teenage girls with so little intellect that they can't even tie their shoes.

>> No.7905352

fuck you, and everything you stand for.

>> No.7905357

the best.

>> No.7905369

OK, who has written a Circe other than Joyce? Please, point them out to me, because even a shallow imitation would be a masterpiece.

>> No.7905376

wow hes a stupid cunt

>> No.7905377

yea, you didn't actually read it, did you?

>> No.7905394

It really is though. They should only really be used for joining two independent clauses without using a conjunction or for complex items in a list where the things in the list contain commas.

He could have used a colon or an em dash or really just a comma.

>> No.7905395

Oh ohohoho lolololol, Virginia Woolfe is a fucking BITCH.

>> No.7905399

I bet john green says "is comprised of"

>> No.7905405

What's wrong with this one?

>> No.7905412

And he capitalized the first word after the semicolon. Jesus fuck.

>> No.7905416

Aside from it being stilted, the "I said" and "he said" are redundant when such things can be gleaned from context.

>> No.7905490
File: 326 KB, 848x474, jihadi john.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I truly don't like this man.

>> No.7905491

Just ignoring the absolutely stupid shit his writing is not even syntactically bad, y'know? It's very readable. This is the worst part.

>> No.7905502
File: 48 KB, 375x375, costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7905503

and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and

Stylistic genius

>> No.7905509
File: 1.41 MB, 750x932, Latza Laff.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7905516


I really like this line, but the syntax annoys me. I think it should be "I fell in love the way one falls asleep". Having he, I and you in the same sentence just comes across as awkward

>> No.7905525

saccharine babble

>> No.7905533

reading is for nerds.

>> No.7905537

He's an extremely good writer. His works and themes are catered toward early teenagers. You can't criticize him for not being high literature because he has never tried to be.

>> No.7905540
File: 9 KB, 350x490, bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7905545

>getting mad at shit written for middle schoolers

Typical /lit/.

>> No.7905564

/lit/ is largely populated by middle schoolers, so it's not that surprising.

>> No.7905579

he styles himself after DFW. his writing is sincere to the point where /lit/ the irony machine can't appreciate it

>> No.7905601
File: 216 KB, 1920x1080, 89e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't criticize him for not being high literature because he has never tried to be.

Look at this anime face. I'm the guy who posted it.

Do you really think there's anything I won't do?

>> No.7905602

>Kramer: "Quite a bit behind you," (Snaps his fingers, and makes a weird clicking sound)
Its still shit

>> No.7905749


My sides

>> No.7905771

This reminds of the time a girl said he came off like a creeper when he interacted with his underage female fans and his reaction was to freak out, and proclaim how he isn't a child molester.

>> No.7905779
File: 369 KB, 661x429, john green's true colors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't doubt this for a second.

>> No.7905782

Isn't this essentially that one Hemingway quote?

"How did you get so poor?"
"Two ways. Slowly, and then all at once."

>> No.7905789
File: 47 KB, 450x600, 1433279849322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enjoying a blowjob from a 12 year old
>implying that's bad

>> No.7905805


Good eye. John Green doesn't just suck, he's also a plagiarist.

>> No.7905809

>girlfriend owns like 3 of his books

how do I dump her gently?

>> No.7905813
File: 24 KB, 317x432, 1457161401471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Die suddenly.

>> No.7905833

cum on her books.

>> No.7905871

The semicolon is indespensible. You probably judt don't know how to use it properly.

>> No.7905875

Die slowly, then all at once.

>> No.7905884


>> No.7905915
File: 57 KB, 1281x676, scottch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wanna know why I love these John Green threads so much?
because I know every single person here read him in their mid-to-late teens, and now that they've been coming on 4chan for a few months, maybe a year, and have learned how cool it is to hate everything they used to like, attack him with completely unneeded and unwarranted viciousness. it's so funny to watch you be so vulnerable, so fragile, so salty, desperate to impress the wall you stare at all day every day, desperate to prove you're all grownded up

>> No.7905924
File: 92 KB, 550x774, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except depression isn't a mental disorder, you pedantic nub. It's a natural psychological response to stress, trauma, etc. You're thinking of major depressive disorder, which is what it is called when it begins to interfere with daily functioning.

The way he used it was perfectly valid.

>> No.7905931


>> No.7905944


>> No.7906194

what's your opinion on hemingway

>> No.7906195

Thanks for that thought bubble me from the past

>> No.7906203

it reads like bad slam poetry

>> No.7906210

is there a word for "air quickly shooting out your nose"

>> No.7906236

autistic laughter
its two words but i'm making fun of you

>> No.7906267
File: 91 KB, 640x932, 1458376310475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7906430

You are openly unanimously retarded ;

>> No.7906733

best post in the thread

>> No.7906939

100% correct. People are fucking sheep for just shitting on those movies. They are perfectly fine for what they are and there's nothing wrong for girls to like them, since it's just a continuation of shit like Beauty & the Beast etc.

>> No.7906981


Normally I'd agree but it's dialogue. The rules change some for dialogue. It definitely could have been written better but there's nothing particularly wrong with that. People do tend to use 'and' in conversation a lot.

>> No.7907028

I've read this sentence over about 10 times and I still can't understand it. How is it that teenage girls can find profundity in something a grown man well-versed in the canon can't even decipher?

>> No.7907035
File: 65 KB, 1300x866, 4636250-Old-home-film-projector-running-and-projecting-blank-movie-on-a-screen-with-visible-beam-of-light-Stock-Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7907042

I've never read him, I just think his writing is really fun to hate.

>> No.7907049

what's actually wrong with this considering who his target audience is?

>> No.7907075

ntn (noise through nose).

>Anon1: *joke*

>Anon2: ntn noice

>> No.7907079

You sound fat

>> No.7907177

I could have sworn that breakfast thing was some shit heinrich says in White Noise but now I don't know what to believe.

>> No.7907448
File: 91 KB, 480x479, betaAsFuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7907454

You just know that all the male protagonists are either John Green in high school, or John Green as he wishes he was in high school.

>> No.7907463


>> No.7907474

it's fine if it's used correctly; it isn't in op's image.

>> No.7907492

she was hurricane, i'm writer

>> No.7907530

You have shit views on aesthetics just like Green. No one cares what you think.

>> No.7907565
File: 648 KB, 557x695, Poldy (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't fail. You imitated Poldys voice perfectly, nicely done.

>> No.7907597

Holy shit, this is incredible. 10/10, anon.

>> No.7907621

Does anybody else feel that it's really creepy that a grown man is writing this shit?
Gives me some nasty pedovibes.

>> No.7907627

Ooooh, feisty!

>> No.7907638

Maybe you've just been browsing lolicon for too long and have lost touch with the fact of life that is that some adult people write books for kids without having some pedophiliac agenda behind it.

His prose is perfectly apt for the target audience he goes for. I started my career as a reader with Rowling and Coelho, kids today with Green. Everyone here gets their panties in a twist over a completely harmless, old phenomenon.

>> No.7907645


No you're just autistic.

>> No.7907658


>> No.7907747


I would have been better as "As he read to me, I fell in love the way one falls asleep; First slowly, and then all at one".

>> No.7907749


Alright I'll play . Not favorite author by the way, just one I thought would be fun.

So I remember being at a diner close to Central Park that morning. Real nice lady as my waitress. "Why do we eat this stuff for breakfast and all?" I said.
She gave me a weird look and all, so I said "I mean, naturally, we eat eggs and stuff like that for breakfast, you know? I mean any bastard can put a goddamn slice of bacon on bread and call it a sandwich? But as soon as you add in some eggs in all breakfast and all"

"Well hun, we serve dinner food too if that's what you want." I didn't really like her much after this. I mean labeling things, like food and all, just makes you look so phony. I swear these bastards who run restaurants just love for everything to be "this food" or "that food". I just want to have food be food and that's that, but goddamn everyone has to make sure everything has a label. The waitress, her and I just kinda stayed our own way for a while but she ended up speaking up. "Well kid, I guess you gotta point, but is it really a big deal to you." I was kinda caught off guard, her and I agreed on this and it made me happy, hell, I was smiling a bit even and all. I mean, having that small connection and agreement can do a lot for a guy. I left her with a pretty swanky tip even though my dough was running pretty dry. I'd say it was a good breakfast, but that be pretty phony of me and all, so I called it a good meal.

>> No.7907752
File: 574 KB, 1080x1920, John Green is a pervert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He definitely has a thing for teen girls. Anyone who writes this for teen girls to read has problems.

>> No.7907765

The Catcher in the Rye is the only good young adult novel ever written, and that's because it's not for young adults and you're supposed to think Holden's a whiny punk. But of course, John Green thinks it's disturbingly misogynistic.

>> No.7907771


Does he really? What a faggot.

>> No.7907775

>"Also, I would like to see equal attention given to the sexism in popular work by men, from Nicholas Sparks to for instance J. D. Salinger. Catcher in the Rye—although I like it very much—is profoundly and disturbingly misogynistic and yet seems to get a critical pass both online and off. This happens a lot, I think, with books by men, and I don't want male writers (including me!) to get that pass."

>> No.7907782

>An author describes a completely normal, realistic scenario of kids discovering their sexuality.
>I guess he must be a pedo.

What's with the clenched up puritanism there, matey? Does desire scare you?

>> No.7907788

Did you switch from Tumblr to 4chan, John?

>In 2015, a Tumblr post from user virjn generated media controversy, as it claimed Green is "a creep who panders to teenage girls so that he can amass some weird cult-like following."[43][44] Other users commented on the post, criticizing his writing and tagging Green to bring the post to his attention.[43][44] Green responded to the post, defending himself, stating, "Throwing that kind of accusation around is sick and libelous and most importantly damages the discourse around the actual sexual abuse of children."[44] Green added that he would use the social media website less often, stating, "I'm not angry or anything like that. I just need some distance for my well-being."[37]

>> No.7907805


Who the fuck goes and asks someone how to give a blowjob in the middle of one? John Green is probably a Virgin tb h

>> No.7907806


>describing an orgasm as a "little death"

where have i heard that before, i wonder? unoriginal cunt

>> No.7907809

I have to repeat to make myself completely clear:

Someone who thinks describing a scenario involving oral sex in a YA novel automatically implies pedophilia or other types of perverted sexuality is either himself a creep confused by puritan upbringing and fapping to the most deviant things on 4chan, or stuck in the sexual morality of the 1800's, or both.

Get off 4chan and into real life.

>> No.7907819

He's a pretty bad reading, he can't into anything deeper then surface level.

>> No.7907833

I like how he says this about the movies and not the books.
The movies (well, at least the first one) are just kinda boring and forgettable, but watchable enough during the experience. The books on the other hand are fucking awful.

>> No.7907844

I think its been used in classic resistance sonnets. Since sperm and spirit are like a pun or something in that time. Might have been Shakespeare, Spenser or Sidney.

>> No.7907855

He's obviously just jelly.

>> No.7907862

ty 4 screenie anon <3
saved me 1 minute of my time

>> No.7907863
File: 89 KB, 1160x860, 1385896531519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get what's so terrible about this. It's nothing super profound, but it's pretty good food for thought for teenage girls. It cultivates curiosity and questioning of conventions.

Do you expect 15-year-olds to be reading Pynchon and Heidegger instead?

>> No.7907870

There's nothing wrong with hedging your statements.

>> No.7907871

If you think people move on from YA you should understand that very few do. Its best to not care about what others read tho.

>> No.7907878

That depression is caused not by the symptoms of cancer but by the fear of impending death.

>> No.7907883

It actually works. How?

>> No.7907892


>> No.7907897

That's the point. You have a beta protagonist to relate to, and then he gets the girl.

>> No.7907903
File: 102 KB, 1264x471, 1444964901529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what exactly is wrong with that?

>> No.7907916

I'm not the kind of person to say that it doesn't matter what crap people read as long as they're reading, but that passage is good entry-level stuff. It's still upward progress, even if it peaks there.

It's like you have a PhD in mathematics and you're making fun of people who are learning basic algebra. Yeah, maybe they'll get bored after that, but even that is better than the initial point.

>> No.7907939

I get your point and I agree with you mostly, they could also read worse. (I recall that the novel version of the movie Frozen was a best seller a few years back). I think a lot of hate for John Green centers around himself as a person, since he doesn't encourage readers to look beyond surface details and tends to come off as a hack. He's read "harder" stuff but you can tell he doesn't really "get it."

>> No.7907954

It was common in renaissance poetry and music (specifically madrigals). An orgasm was referred to as a "little death" because it was a release of part of your "spirit" or your "life-force".

>> No.7907971


>> No.7907981

I'm going to use that last line. Shitty writing, but oh boy I'll bet it'll impress some vapid women.

>> No.7908396


Dear god it takes a special kind of autism to use a post from tumblr in an attempt to prove your point and think it will have a positive effect.

Get off the internet and seek the aid of a psychiatrist before your autism cripples you.

>> No.7908408

There is if it means diving this deep into quirkiness and then immediately defending yourself against the possibly of having to account for anything you just said

>> No.7908415

>the moment your sandwich has an eggs, boom, it's a breakfast sandwich."
>Not knowing the delicious lunch of champions that is a turkey burger with lettuce, tomato and a fried egg
Fucking disgraceful

>> No.7908416 [SPOILER] 
File: 589 KB, 770x800, 1460329667876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy knows what's up.

>> No.7908428

this desu. my bad habits lead to a shitton of stress in my life which has left me with bipolar depression. but i'm working on it with a therapist and taking medication for it. Shit's kinda interesting but overall not a fun experience.

>> No.7908443

I can hear the pauses for the laugh track

>> No.7908448

>You aren't allowed to have a negative opinion on stuff! Popular opinion is always right! The group knows best!
This is why nobody takes romantic writers seriously

>> No.7908457

As soon as he implied that films are art I couldn't make it any further. That is absolutely awful.

>> No.7908478

You beat me to it, and did a much better job than I would have. Perfect.

>> No.7908483

Everyone else is a retard; it should be a regular comma

>> No.7908616

It's from Wikipedia.

>> No.7908669

Here's my attempt. Not my favorite author since >>7905037 already did him, but a good one nonetheless :

Yon hen upon her nest in the morning lays her egg,
To be picked and cook'd, served at break of fast ;
Unworthy is he who plucks the pearl
To decide the fate of that hen's unborn.

Per precedent doth he, the cook, prepare
That egg at such a dawn,
When just as easily could it be served
At noon or e'en fall of night.

Perhaps would th'unhatch'd hen's son
Wonder at this queer wont
Of man to fry him at this time of day
And wish'st he it another way ?

Such a thought indeed is quaint,
And entertaining to the mind,
Or lyre of the poet's verse,
Though unpractical it may be.

Eh, I could finish the rewriting but that seems like it's enough. In case you couldn't tell, the poet I was imitating is William Cowper.

>> No.7908696
File: 415 KB, 702x555, egg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, I accidentally added an extra syllable. Read that as pick'd.

>> No.7909035
File: 1.93 MB, 235x240, 235 x 240.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>An Abundance of Katherines
>Looking For Alaska
>The Fault In Our Stars

My bookshelf is full but want to keep one for memes sake, which two should I remove?

>> No.7909114

keep Looking for Alaska

>> No.7909935

Is because they're generally easier on the pallet and digestive system first thing in the morning
Most people wake up with their body still groggy and not ready for more complex foods
Also Korean cuisine features eggs in their meals throughout the day

>> No.7909938

It wouldn't be bad if he was a homosexual talking about another man
But as a hetero it's beta male pussy shit, and stupid
No woman wants a man that thinks he's pathetic, especially if she inspires him to feel pathetic. Women want strong protectors who become stronger by thinking of protecting them

>> No.7909988

That first part looks like a parody of John Green. Not even a subtle one, but like the sort of thing someone here would come up with.

>> No.7909993

No one fucking talks like that

>> No.7910159

fucking macfag.

>> No.7910167
File: 37 KB, 480x208, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do we call it "Young Adult" fiction, or whatever, when "Juvenile fiction" is much more fitting?

the implication is that it's not only that's it's for juveniles, but it's the fiction itself that's juvenile

>> No.7910178

I think this is sweet, if unrealistic.

>> No.7910191

What's wrong with being stuck in the sexual morality of the 1800's?

>> No.7910195

Read Foucault

>> No.7910200

He's mad that you're invulnerable to his degeneracy. He wants to write sex scenes for children so he can corrupt them and bend them to his debauched will. Faggot and likely a jew.

>> No.7910269


>> No.7910279

sounds like a passage from white noise. don't understand why you all shower that book with praise but hate this

>> No.7910335

>appeal to novelty

>> No.7910345

"Why are breakfast foods breakfast foods!?" Ignatius thundered. "Like, why don't we have curry for breakfast food?"
"Ignatius, eat." Mrs. Reilly requested weakly.
"But why?" Ignatius insisted. "I mean, seriously: How did scrambled eggs get stuck in with breakfast exclusivity? You can put bacon on a sandwich without anyone freaking out. But the moment your sandwich has an eggs, boom, it's a breakfast sandwich."
Mrs. Reilly answered with her small mouth full. "When you come back, we'll have breakfast for dinner. Deal?"
"I don't want to have 'breakfast for dinner,'"Ignatius protested, crossing knife and fork over his mostly full plate. "I want to have scrambled eggs for dinner without this ridiculous construction that scrambled eggs-inclusive meal is breakfast even when it occurs at dinnertime."
"You've gotta pick your battles in this world, Ignatius," Mrs. Reilly meekly explained. "But if this is the issue you want to champion, I guess I'm gon' have to stand behind you."
"Quite a bit behind you," Patrolman Mancuso interrupted, reminding them of his presence, and Mrs. Reilly laughed.

>> No.7910416

>I'm an alpha, hear me roar

>> No.7910452

The next time you're in physical contact with a woman who is not your mom (if such a thing ever happens) try telling her that you're drizzle and she's a hurricane, and watch her pussy speed-dry before your eyes.

>> No.7910460

I was less referring to the passage itself (which is shite) and more your generalization about women wanting strong protectors. Also
>being near womemes

>> No.7910478

That wasn't my post. Furthermore it's not a "generalization", it's evidently obvious to anyone who has spent time in the company of the meme gender, even if they pretend otherwise.

>> No.7910483

Don't feed the virgins m8

>> No.7910488

I'll have you know I get my boipussy pounded on the regular

>> No.7910667

Isn't that the point of the writing: to convey that that character is beta?

>> No.7910840

Yes, but he's doing it as a beta himself, waxing philosophical about his betaness so that people will read his thoughts and finally understand him and appreciate him and all betas for being so pure and kind of heart and fall in love with their tenderness and nurturing personalities
It's faggot shit, they need to start taking cock or switch teams like Caitlyn

>> No.7910842


>> No.7910844


>calls everyone a retard
>doesn't know how to properly use commas

>> No.7911870
File: 1.64 MB, 360x270, 1430003579039.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw ; is the best punctuation

>> No.7912219

>Implying that /lit/ isn't full of autistic betas who would not even get his close to a female.

>> No.7912226

>/lit/ is for serious discussion of literature
>spends time meming DFW or shitposting about books meant for middle-schoolers.

>> No.7912242

The semicolon is my grammarfu.

>> No.7912246

Actually not a bad question, but I recall someone saying there's an actual reason for eggs being served as breakfast.

>> No.7912248

Is this real?

>> No.7912278

I honestly like this one. It describes what falling in love is really like. Maybe people around here are just too cynical and emotionally detached to feel otherwise?

>> No.7912285


>> No.7912324
File: 25 KB, 128x152, shockedKahn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's everything I dreamed it would be. Bravo, anon. Go out into the world and do great things, or stay here and entertain the plebes like me.

>> No.7912334


These tweets are strange because there is no reason to adhere to requests to be "not misogynistic".

>> No.7912349

maybe you're just a sappy simp

>> No.7912363

>maybe youre just a sap
for example, the last time I told a girl i loved her (for the first time) it went like this:

"i love you, maria"

"I love you too! I wanted you to be the first to say it"

she hugged me so tight I thought she would die

and I left her without saying goodbye

>> No.7912367

Nigger, I'm 25. I missed the YA train altogether. The first time I heard about Green was on 4chan.

>> No.7912388

That was perfect, anon. Whoever didn't get that hasn't read Ulysses. Damn, now you make me want to read the book again. Ulysses, not The Fault in Our Stars. Just making sure.

>> No.7912403

John Green's books, to me at least, seem like some sort of wish fulfillment. After reading these excerpts (which are totally cherrypicked, but I'm going to guess that if so many shitty excerpts exist, they must be representative of his whole works), with their shitty, unrealistic, quote bait dialogue, and characters who are almost exclusively unrealistic teenagers, I've concluded that John Green must have had a shitty adolescence. To make up for this, He writes what are essentially fanfictions, with the main character being an idealized version of himself : A quirky, snarky, witty female teenager (or a male friend of one).

>> No.7912748

>Maybe people around here are just too cynical and emotionally detached to feel otherwise?
Of course we are, but it still makes me cringe.

>> No.7912763

That's a pretty good analysis to be honest. But he's smart enough to throw in some coming of age themes, dialogue that appeals to teens who think they're smarter than everyone and write a functional story so his shit doesn't come off as twilight-tier.

>> No.7912767

It's possible that he's doing this because he knows it sells. I am positive that you're right about him being that type of adolescent, but he probably outgrew it, and is now using his insider knowledge to sell books. It's the anti-Catcher in the Rye.

Maybe he really is that retarded though

>> No.7912781

He basically stole the line from Hemingway, except Hemingway's made more sense. You don't fall asleep all at once.

>> No.7912836

George: It's stupid, but I feel bad for eggs.

>> No.7912930

I fell in love the way you take a shit: slowly then all at once

>> No.7912976
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>> No.7912996


>> No.7913306

>being this dogmatic about art definitions
wew lad

>> No.7913921

fucking 15 yo's is not immoral, 9 year olds is.

>> No.7913954

the semicolon is appropriate.

>> No.7913968

its a shit line wtf are you talking about;

>> No.7913970

Have to agree with the 4th one. Most of the people who shit on Twilight don't do it because of the aesthetic quality of them, but because the themes of love and fully revealed feelings are making them uncomfortable. I'd rather watch Twilight or a soap opera than a typical Hollywood action or superhero movie.

>> No.7913974

takes one to know one

>> No.7913991
File: 71 KB, 500x500, 14537180390364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lazy Town T-Shirt

>> No.7914019

Wait Americans don't have scrambled eggs for lunch or dinner without a breakfast connotation?

>> No.7914275

You're right. It would've sounded much better.

>> No.7914281

this applies to me, feels bad

>> No.7914286

Change "you" to "one"

>> No.7914302

So is they key to getting your work published having absolutely no self-awareness or sense of shame?

>> No.7914310

I fell in love the way you love in freefall: with the wind chafing your balls, and then ending up as a squished mess because you forgot to open your parachute.

>> No.7914386

This really is a good line.

Reply to this post with "I love that John Green line" if you really like it as much as me

>> No.7914388

I love that John Green line

>> No.7914403

The latter part of the sentence is referring to falling in love, not sleeping.

>> No.7914420

>MFW disingenuous post

>> No.7914615

Michel Houellebecq love semicolons.

>> No.7914625


>> No.7914841


>> No.7914857
File: 495 KB, 747x1143, send out the kite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shall never be ashamed of citing a bad author if the line is good.

>> No.7915146

films are art you dumbass
good to see your comprehension skills are terrible

>> No.7915235

I liked Looking For Alaska, but it would have been much better if Alaska wasn't a raging feminist.

>> No.7915982

Shakespeare uses it in Titus Andronicus if I recall correctly.

>> No.7916047

>teenagers having sex
Well now we know why you're such a miserable little bitch. Your high school years must have been one long lonely nightmare.

>> No.7916100

>tfw you become famous when you're relatively young writer in development as a person
>you get fans, the illusion of quallity and greatness of the content which is in fact shit
>your ego explodes and your personal development stops
>while other anonymous midwives, construction workers and students struggle and build as the people, you still write about kids falling in love
>world goes by, life goes by, meaningless existence goes by while you live in your posh apartment hanging out with celebrities thinking you made it
>you are 70 years old and there's a huge gap inside of your soul
>you're 85 in your hospital, dying and before you close your eyes for the last time you realize: 'I sold my soul to the devil'

i hope John Green will have a lot of fun burning in hell for all eternity

>> No.7916385

>not knowing about le petit morgue

I expected better of /lit/

>> No.7916399

did you do that on purpose

>> No.7916406

10/10 activated

>> No.7916831

>films are art
No, films are entertainment.

>> No.7916861

Art IS entertainment.

>> No.7916863

Absolutely disgusting sentiment you have there lad.

>> No.7916948

Besides the completely faggy subject matter, the word choice is great along with how it's written. I don't get all the hate; unless I'm missing the 'meme' here.

>> No.7916994

John pls go

>> No.7917176

>I'm special because I make an unnecessary distinction between "art" and "entertainment"


>> No.7917186

go to HELL

>> No.7917187

>i make fun of others to compensate for the poverty of my worldview

>> No.7917192

I realize that for people as regressive as yourself all opinions have to be reflections of your cult of self but there exist people who are genuinely interested in something other than the existential mirror, and most of them find that art occupies a very special place in the philosophical views they've been given and understood and developed, an almost religious significance even, which category I'm sure you know nothing about.

>> No.7917200

Because eggs used to be picked up from the hen houses in the morning and eaten fresh.

>> No.7917218

Art is the entertainment of the bourgeoisie you fucking pleb. The appreciation of art is an essentially classist act. Fuck I'm not even a marxist and i understand that.

>> No.7917236

I am 'essentially classist' so that would be the origin of our disagreement. It wasn't the bourgeoisie actually, it was the nobility that developed the Western conception of art. the bourgeoisie are just as populist as the socialists or communists or democrats.

By all means forget the art of the nobility and focus on your new more egalitarian art, I'm pretty happy with a world in which I don't have to learn of another of your interpretations of Dante.

>> No.7917267

The bourgeoisie are the heirs to aristocracy following their parasitic domination of the workers to cast off the chains of nobility. Again this is basic marxist history. It doesn't really matter who is holding the whip, the relationship is the same between master and slave. Art is inherently a form of entertainment whether directed towards nobles or the rich.

>> No.7917282

Yes yes your 19th century arbiter of truth changed the definition of every word that matters and forever changed reality, I'm well aware.

The point, which you seem incapable of grasping, is that the art of the person who holds the whip is real, and you don't and never will understand this, because you don't hold the whip.

For the person holding the whip entertainment is a laughable diversion for the weak, art is something quite different.

>> No.7917523

How does any of that exclude film from being an art form?

I'm sure you get some kind of smug teenage sense of satisfaction from pontificating about how film is beneath you, there's virtually no other reason to discard an entire field of art.

>> No.7917542
File: 41 KB, 493x387, 1391819321081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Top 10 most challenged books of 2015

>#2: fifty shades of grey
>#1: looking for Alaska

>> No.7917557

You didn't qualify any of that drivel you wrote. The distinction is functionally unecessary. You can make an argument for certain works or fields of art being aesthetically superior to others but that's not what you did, you rattled off some euphoric nonsense about how the people holding the whip make real art and the masses of sheep don't make real art.

>> No.7917571


I'll never understand why people criticize so harshly this man's writing. Its for ages appropriately like the sun makes blue skies. Right, ya know?

>> No.7917587

Imagine if you will a thousand want to be writers who hardly write who barely studied writing in school and nearly all if not most barely made it into college.

Thousands of these people. They congregate on forums, image-boards, and reddit talking the nonsense as if they had actually learned something instead of simply learned how to regurgitate influence.

They all dream of writing and how to be writers yet they hardly know the trade. And why shouldn't they be writers? They've read all the maximalist books. They've seen how writers have pushed boundaries of the past. Yet not a single one of them can remain current. And, god. All they want is that chance to break into publication for the first time.

However, they hardly write. Yet that false sense of superiority still remains. Then some perfectly average man, the nerdy man who even /lit/ probably made fun of in high school, married that super popular hot girl and fucked her. Not only did her fuck her, but he actually has books written and published.

People love these books. All the teenage and early 20's girls love these books so much that they flock to amphitheaters to see him speak. His books got sold to Hollywood and people love him, they love him, and he's published.

His writing is mediocre, but not bad. Still better than /lit/'s, who can't even manage to find that 'flow'. And this man probably doesn't understand Infinite Jest. And this man probably hasn't read the bibliography of Dostoevsky. He might not have even made it through Gravity's Rainbow and he might believe Pessoa is overrated and that philosophy just isn't his thing.

Well, that just pisses /lit/ right the fuck off.

>> No.7917597


>> No.7917601

This is a great post to show why /lit/ is retarded.

>> No.7917608
File: 73 KB, 267x200, thanks!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck. I must be a nerd. Better go rethink my life.

Thanks anon!

>> No.7917925

>His writing is mediocre, but not bad.

Bad pasta

>> No.7917952

ya the quote's fine but this fuckin typewriter shit??

>> No.7917961
File: 106 KB, 650x523, Aborted Giraffe Fetus&#039; Placenta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

except that it ignores the egg salad sandwich bc JG's a faggot

>> No.7918010

Then I came upon a querie that grasped so at my brain for all its comedy that I was loath to keep it unspoken. I spake unto my family and my brothers and the servants who danced between, and said: "wherefore are foods declared fit for breaking fast? How is it that we do not by custom eat curry upon the dawning of the day?"

The others were more interested in their feasting than my talking, and so one companion reminded me to eat rather than hurt thine ears with my philosophising. But this idea so shooketh my brain that I was like to burst if it remain unspoken. And speak I did.

"Do not mistake me for speaking in jest, friends; how is it that eggs, scrimbled on the peasant's pans, is by all the ancient unspoken laws of men damned to dawn? Yae, back of pig may be placed between two loafs of bread and eaten any time of day, yet the instant eggs are added, like a blast from petard it is proclaimed food for morning.

My father was at this time so tickled with the fancy I had constructed that he spoke as warriors on campaign are wont, although we were in our dining-hall within our own many-mountained lands, and said with mouth like cornucopia for it was full with food, "when thou returnest from thy travels and travails, and has done with adventure for a small time, at least, we shall have breakfast for sup and sup for breakfast. Is that to your satisfaction?"

But this was not to my satisfaction, and so I replied, my food cooling in the morning air. "It is not enough that we take supper in the morning and take breakfast in the evening: we must dispense with this idea most foul that breakfast is breakfast in any manner at all!"

At this my fair mother replied, with the wisdom of ages hanging like overripe medlars from a medlar tree from every word: "The great sages noted that this world requires the careful picking of ones battles, as a farmer fights off the slavering wolf but lets alone the starving wolverine." Her voice turned sardonic, as she continued with a manner falsely serious: "And yet I have not forgotten our bonds of blood. If this be your fight, if this be your calling, know that your house shall ever stand behind you." And at this my father could not restrain his mirth at adding that he should stand well behind me.

I knew well my folly, and yet I could not let alone my sorrow for the sad fate of scrambled eggs.

>> No.7918024

It's not at all.

It's literally blowing up nonsense and pretending you are some transcendent thinker for paying mind to something nearly everyone else has already recognized as too insignificant to consider beyond passing.

>> No.7918026

>Do you expect 15-year-olds to be reading Pynchon and Heidegger instead?
Well, yeah. Or maybe not them specifically, but you can certainly read real literature at fifteen. Borges, Kafka, fuck -- all that fantasy stuff, even the Greeks.

>> No.7918032

I knew exactly what this was even not having read Joyce.

That's how distinctive, and thus well done, it is.

>> No.7918042
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>> No.7918111

Nope, always hated Green. He writes about stuff I hated (and still hate) -- i.e. romance.

And as for stuff I *did* like...well, I don't like ASoIaF or Pratchett as much, now, but I don't hate them.

>> No.7918153

for a while i was only peripherally aware of him, & in general i like to encourage other people liking things bc liking things can only be good

my current partner read a couple books of his so i flipped through a few pages of the shit on her shelf and it turns out it really is shit

still, liking things can only be good
now i know i dont like him is all
let others you faggots

>> No.7918157

this is aight

>> No.7918158

applies to tao lin as well. /lit/ needs to be humbled

>> No.7918170

thats not even whats wrong with it asshole

>> No.7918174

This. I wonder what her reaction is.

>> No.7918204

yall describe this shit as unrealistic, but I couldn't've been the only one saying shit almost just like to my hs gf right? yeah it's shitty writing but teens are usually shitty writers and this is supposed to be a teen talking right

>> No.7918542

The young girl sat, raised a hand to her head
That was perched on small shoulders, as she looked up and said:
"The foods that we eat at the start of the day,
Well, when lunch comes around, we just turn them away!
What if I wanted to eat chicken curry?"
"You'd be running upstairs to the bog in a hurry."
Her dad told her, his old face was lit from behind
As her mum glared at him, in a way to remind
Him that people were eating, and were sat at the table.
"I want eggs for dinner, yet I am not able.
Oh father, pray tell me, why doth this be so?"
"I've told you before, Hazel, I do not know.
But if you're that worried, we'll have breakfast for dinner."
She gave him the look that a priest gives a sinner.
"Breakfast for dinner? Surely you jest?"
"Damn it Hazel, I'm trying my best!
You're harder to live with than a terminal illness
For at least that would promise an eternal stillness!
You take all I have, give nothing in return."
"Oh father," she laughed, "just when will you learn?
I'm entitled to those things, I read it in a book!"
"If you don't shut your whore mouth, you'll get my right hook.
Don't tell me 'bout John green, for I don't give a fuck
If he shat out a new book, the eternal cuck
Is still a shit author, and a shit person too.
I can tell by your eyes that it's rubbed off on you."

I stopped here, because it got too far away from the original version. I started off going for dr Seuss, but I'm not sure what the fuck happened.

>> No.7919453

>not "The young girl was sat"

yeah, that wouldn't work [current year]

>> No.7919453,1 [INTERNAL] 

hate tis fgot so much