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7903988 No.7903988 [Reply] [Original]

Schopenhauer was mistaken, art and fictions that are superior to life, do not make life bearable but rather the opposite.

Am I a pretentious idiot or pretentious genius?

>> No.7903998

A nonentity.

Fuck off.

>> No.7903999

So art makes life unbearable?

>> No.7904016

You are a retard who probably hasn't lived yet

>> No.7904235

>Schopenhauer was mistaken, art and fictions that are superior to life, do not make life bearable but rather the opposite.
>Am I a pretentious idiot or pretentious genius?
I agree with you, but I also find art edifying in how it enables us to see other lives.

>> No.7904935
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>Schopenhauer was mistaken, art and fictions that are superior to life, do not make life bearable but rather the opposite.
you're this >>7903998
what you just said is the argumentative equivalent to pic related. All you did was restate Schopenhauer's claim and then add "but rather the opposite"

>> No.7905085

t. Fahrenheit 451/A Brave New World

>> No.7905117

Art isn't even the coping solution he ultimately suggest m8. He says art doesn't suffice. It's acting morally that allows one to cope with the will.

You aren't a genius, but you might be illiterate

>> No.7905131

way to go Nietzsche

but yeah. If its possible to live this life not as a grouch wouldn't it be worth trying for?

>> No.7905142

Art of that caliber inspires me to action, to craft something, in my own way, to honor it.

>> No.7906258

just a pretentious glut

>> No.7906300

>Schopenhauer was mistaken, art and fictions that are superior to life, do not make life bearable but rather the opposite.
On one hand they're useful for distracting oneself from the despair of life. On the other they can make one more depressed since they're not being experienced in real life.

>> No.7906636

Not illiterate, I just choose not to read

>> No.7906639

Like you, my friend, I also get angry at things I don't understand.

>> No.7906647

Nice trips.

Art/entertainment makes life unbearable for the weak, because art coddles the emotions at no cost of action. OP, leave your basement before it's too late. Also Seneca.

>> No.7907020

being coddled at no cost of action is unbearable? you're stupidity strike my skull and makes me vomit

>> No.7907046
File: 64 KB, 600x450, maly-jenot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you even mean now? Fiction superior ro life? Are you insane?

>> No.7907051

lmao that is not at all how nietzsche argues against schopenhauer. In fact OP is even more pessimistic than schopenhauer and should probably just kill himself.

>> No.7907055
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Why would you say that? Do you HONESTLY wish him suicide?

>> No.7907096

OP here, I think about it alot, I assume it won't be long til I do but I'm kinda a coward and just keep on keeping on

>> No.7907103
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Don't. Or at least talk to me man. I'm kind of in a similar place.

>> No.7907124

You're just an aimless pontificator who's forgotten the full meanings of the words you're hung up on. Welcome to /lit/.

>> No.7907232

I don't think its a big deal

>> No.7907249

Art and fiction are part of life so they can never be superior or inferior to it.

>> No.7907327

No, it makes life unbearable because sitting in your comfy parents house you experience emotional pain and pleasure at a level that usually requires some kind of actual character-building experience, and then you have to go into the real world with that level of emotionality being your "normal".

Goth-tier. Also, careful with all that edge

>> No.7907334
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What? You don't consider your own death "a big deal"? What is a "big deal" for you then? Don't be ridicules.

>> No.7907340

Life contains art and fiction but art and fiction are not lives.

yeah thats more or less what I was saying. also stop with buzzwords please.

>> No.7907350

Stop listening to music actively. In fact stop listening to anything but dad rock. It's easy to get yourself mentally addicted to the ups and downs especially modern music gives you.

I found Sartre and Seneca extremely inspiring when I was getting myself away from whittling my life away inside my headphones. Think of something you were passionate about pre-suicidal thoughts (something active where you create or do something with your hands) and do it.

>> No.7907353

This. Good post.

>> No.7907376

Ridicules, like a silly Hercules.

Nothings really a big deal, some stuffs just really annoying. If someone wants to die they its whatever, genocide and shit is probably a big deal.

>> No.7907544
File: 83 KB, 1024x420, jagermeister_baphomet_by_caelwyd-d6oajii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What? Yes I don't deny anyones a right to kill oneself. I just want to talk as I am in a similar situation. What is wrong with that?

>> No.7907896

Nothing, talk away, I'm interested and I like goats too.

>> No.7907911

brahs i got free leech on a torrent site with hella scene shit what shud i download i don't watch movies or tv only programming training videos normally so recommend me something

>> No.7907934

At least you admit you're pretentious.