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/lit/ - Literature

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7899340 No.7899340 [Reply] [Original]

Recommendation Charts:
Selected: http://i.imgur.com/3v2oXAY.jpg
General: http://i.imgur.com/igBYngL.jpg
Flowchart: http://i.imgur.com/uykqKJn.jpg
Selected: http://i.imgur.com/A96mTQX.jpg
General: http://i.imgur.com/r55ODlL.jpg / http://i.imgur.com/gNTrDmc.jpg
>What are you reading right now?
>Your favourite ye old fantasy

>> No.7899358

Let me just take the opportunity to recommend the novel "Spin" by Robert Charles Wilson. The ideas are great, the prose is smooth, and the plotline is rip-roaring.

>> No.7899418
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Bumping my request from last thread

Any fun military sci-fi with a waifu protagonist?

>> No.7899430

Ivory Javelin

>> No.7899457
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Late 2014, someone on /lit/ linked "117 short stories" by Philip K Dick. 2,729 pages on default SumatraPDF and around 1,800 on my e-reader. I've read around 2 short stories a week in addition to my regular reading and finally finished it. It was one of my most pleasurable reading experiences and I'm eager to start on his novels now. Any recommendations? Don't have much sci-fi yet.

>> No.7899471

A Scanner Darkly, Valis 1,2 and 3, Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep, Man in the High Castle and Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldrich. Those are his best ones, outside of these you get a similar, but less interesting experience. He's a repetitive authors novel wise if you read a lot of him.

>> No.7899495

thanks, I'll get started!

>> No.7899499

I personally loved The Name of The Wind

>> No.7899554

In addition to the list provided by >>7899471, I think Dr. Bloodmoney is an underrated PKD novel and worth a read. I agree entirely that his novels start to feel very repetitive rather quickly.

>> No.7899578

>Philip K Dick
Could you link these short stories?

>> No.7899591

That's because you are either a pleb or just mentally challenged.

>> No.7899608

have u ever said "rip-roaring" in real life and if so what did ppl do

>> No.7900038

Does anyone have a PDF of Fledgling by Octavia E Butler?
I cant seem to find it.

>> No.7900133

I wouldn't call it rip-roaring, it was really a slog at times. Lots of neat ideas though, and the red heifer plotline was better than it looked.

Are the sequels good? I just couldn't get into them.

>> No.7900134

Perhaps you should read the sticky.

>> No.7900445

>What are you reading right now?
The Ghost King

>Your favourite ye old fantasy
don't exactly know what you mean, so I'll settle for Nibelungen Saga.

>> No.7900461

can't think of one. and keep your hands off of that Honor Harrington business, it's absolutely bad.
if you want fun, you'll probably have to hit comics.

add "Flow my Tears, the Policeman said"

>> No.7900467
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forgot pic

>> No.7900574

Mind hosting that short story collection somewhere? Would love to check it out

>> No.7900583

I did too. The second book was unreadable though, with the fairy sex scene. I put it down upon getting to that part.

>> No.7900831

Hello friends.

I've run into a problem reading the Silmarillion.

I can't get the special characters to render on my ebook reader. It's a Kindle Paperwhite.

It's filled to brimming with Ill?vantars and Manw?s.

I've tried to download several versions of the ebook, and run into the same problem with each.

Does someone have a copy with simple text, or know of some way to get my kindle to recognize these characters?

>> No.7901260


Bumping for this

>> No.7901336

Get a kobo

>> No.7901399

I'm too indecisive for my own good, so I'll let you guys decide what I should read next of the books I own.
>House of Chains
>Guards Guards
>Goblin Emperor
>Jungle Book
>Consider Phlebas
>Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.7901476


>> No.7901499
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Just finished VALIS, and it was a pretty rad dad.

Should I read the next one in the trilogy? Is it as good?

>> No.7901570

I love Brandon Sanderson books but the feminist garbage in it just makes me want to throw up

>> No.7901572

yea, cant really go wrong with that one

>> No.7901587

What does /lit/ think of Narnia? I read them in "chronological" order as a kid and gave up about half way through Horse and his Boy.

>> No.7901608

I read them in chronological order as a kid and thought Horse and His Boy was totally rockin'. Every now and then I go back and reread one, they're really short and their allegories are really clever except in The Last Battle. It was powerful then, even still.

My favorites are still Horse and His Boy and Magician's Nephew, though. Lewis manages to paint entire civilizations so deftly we forget he didn't say much, which is how you get people saying Calormenes are racist stereotypes and such.

>> No.7901619

Go for it, just keep in the mind the other two aren't directly connected to the first.

>> No.7901627
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>complaining that books written by a conservative Mormon are too feminist

You are far gone, man.

>> No.7901637


He is trying to brainwash me, I can see it, all those subtle and very blatant things, different roles for men and females, and some character pointing it out, that's a blatant one, also about women being able to read and leaving notes that shouldn't be read to the men, that too, very blatant

Or saying how a portal to cities would make the world smaller and borders disappear being a good thing, it's so obvious he draw parallels to our world that we shouldn't have borders and that we should let everyone in and it would fix everything there's so much more but it's hard to filter out the brainwashing noise they all use when trying to brainwash me and make me receive commands via the brainwave radiowave transmission when reading the brainwash words

>> No.7901642

The Last Battle was probably the darkest out of the seven, which is one of the reasons why I like it.

>> No.7901673

I think you're reading into it to much

Sanderson novels are pretty shallow

>> No.7901698
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Shouldn't you be reading Ride the Tiger?

>> No.7901717

I read Ilium in high school but never read the sequel. Is it good?

>> No.7901775

Did you like That Hideous Strength? It was even darker, much more blatant social commentary, and overall I think it was his worst work. His worst work but it has his best scenes.

>> No.7901785

How do i keep my magic system from feeling like something out of video game or shonen manga

Aka how do i avoid being like mistborn

>> No.7901787

I haven't checked out Lewis besides the narnia series as a kid. I've heard of that trilogy from a friend. I'll probably give it a go later on if it's an easy read.

>> No.7901791

>How do i keep my magic system from feeling like something out of video game or shonen manga

not happening

>> No.7901797

The first two are good but That Hideous Strength is basically a collection of polemic essays. Which isn't bad but it's not a coherent novel.

>> No.7901801

This would be subtler if not for the last part.

>> No.7901807

The ilium is the superior aspect of the pelvic bone.

>> No.7901813

Just "explain" them by implication, don't sit the reader down to explain it like some tutorial

>> No.7901826

Magic is all practice, no theory.

>> No.7901842

God dammit. That image/title. If they'd removed the "I rebel" part of her line and just had her say "This is a rebellion, isn't it?" it would have been... not great, but perfectly fine. But they didn't. They made the "joke" and then explained it.

God. Fucking. Dammit. I was hype for this movie because DONNIE YEN PLAYING A BLIND FORCE-SENSITIVE BADASS WITH A SPEAR? FUCK YES.

But now I'm worried.

>> No.7901851
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I want a good fantasy book with a young protagonist that involves a lot of sailing/piracy/exploration.

Preferably a large book that I can sink a weekend to.

>> No.7901869

Out of the Silent Planet is actually a decent SF novel, even if you don't see the Christian allegory in it. Mostly a literate-traveler-meets-alien-world story.

Perelandra is good SF but shines as allegory, and is possibly his best fiction (I prefer Till We Have Faces by a hair). Blew me away, and I believe in a strong felix culpa.

That Hideous Strength - it's a mix of the two and neither? OotSP is Mars, where the Fall never happened because man never lived there, Perelandra is Venus, where man was placed but the Fall is prevented. THS is Lewis trying to give Earth a little bit of the same treatment he gave Mars and Venus, and it's where he tries to offer solutions to Earth's problems, typified in SJW university staff. Lots of people never finish it, and I guess I could call it "challenging." Merlin and the planet gods were 100% awesome though.

I wouldn't call any of them easy like Narnia. They were intended for adults of Lewis' time, which was sixty years ago, and sixty years before Lewis was writing Spain owned Cuba. If you're not familiar with pre-60s culture you'll miss a lot.

>> No.7901877

It's like you didn't listen to the dialogue in TFA. Cringier than the prequels.

Wizard of Earthsea. Sorry, it's short, and it's probably not what you're looking for. I dunno. Nation? Wakfu S2? Actually, I'll second your request. Who knows where we can get more Treasure Island?

>> No.7901888

Liveship Trilogy by Robin Hobb
The Scar by China Mieville
Red Seas Under Red Skies by Scott Lynch

>> No.7901892

Just read Star Maker desu. Lewis wrote his sci fi books in response to it but failed to surpass it any fashion.

>> No.7901900

Dragon In Chains by Daniel Fox

>> No.7901901

I read Liveship Traders. I absolutely loved it until the last book.


>> No.7901903

I'd say he did on a few points. I don't think he was trying to surpass it, it seems like he was just an Asimov fanboy. Voyage to Arcturus was another big influence.

>> No.7901929


Please dawg

>> No.7901974

Is Starmaker at all like Voyage to Arcturus? I'm loving Voyage, and Starmaker appears to be in my pile.

>> No.7901996

Similar the way most pre-Campbell SF feels similar.

>> No.7902032

Have it be unpredictable, mysterious, and leave it unexplained. Feel free to define rules for the system, which can force you to be inventive with all the possibilities it creates and prevent you from pulling deus ex machina endings, but don't explain those to the reader extensively. Tigana is the best example I can think of here, but no one has read that. Game of Thrones is another.

Sanderson treats his like natural sciences that just exist in their world, so his cultures are built around it and the characters aren't necessarily amazed by feats of magic, it's no different to them than electricity is to us. I'm a faggot and honestly like this approach as long as it's left to the reader to figure out, like Stormlight.

Your best bet is to have the magic still be something spectacular even to the denizens of your world. Have it be extremely powerful or rare, and for the love of god, make its capabilities unique. Don't just have armies of generic wizards throwing around fireballs because they can.

>> No.7902146

Yeah, Sanderson is a science fiction writer. He wants to be fantasy, though, which is why he tries to build up his magic system and then have something come along that's just magic. Except he explains that too, which just makes him a better science fiction writer. Poor guy.

>> No.7902169

It's less whimsical and mystical (still slightly mystical, but less so), and it has no characters or anything. It's a long universal history narrative with a disembodied narrator. Definitely rivals it in weirdness, if not trippiness. If you like Voyage I'd consider it a must-read, at least for comparison. Philosophically they're very similar, but at the same time very different. And the sheer variety of ideas and concepts he packs into one novel has to be read to be believed.

>> No.7902229

listening to Surface Detail at the moment

>> No.7902284

Just finished the First Law Trilogy. I don't know what to feel but i disappointed.

>> No.7902369

What's the easiest read that's still a good book? Real stressed out with school. Need something other than video games to distract me and it can't be a difficult read.

>> No.7902374

Yeah upload plox

>> No.7902387

The Hobbit

>> No.7902392

Hm, yeah that might do for a re read. I'd like something new then

How about this; whats the most entry level book on either of the OP selected charts?

>> No.7902400

I don't understand this. Is basically every form of magic that has any consistency or explanation now just science? Did metaphysics, religion, ritual, alchemy and other shitty "explained" occult ideas that have existed for centuries and inspire most systems suddenly become science fiction instead of regular old fantasy?

>> No.7902432

Is pickiness the ultimate curse when it comes to reading fantasy?

I feel like I used up about 90% of the books I'll take to heart in one summer, and everything else since has been a huge fucking letdown

>> No.7902439

Is there a single book that can compare to The Dark Tower series?

>> No.7902476

By 'easy read', do you mean something with simple prose that you can get lost in, or something light hearted?

Alternatively just grab some discworld novels. Thief of Time or Small Gods are good standalones. Guards Guards begins the series' best arc if you want more than one novel.

>> No.7902523

In what? TDT isn't particularly high quality.

>> No.7902530

Most of the books on the Selected chart are easy. First Law, Sabriel, Farseer, Locke Lamora etc

>> No.7902613

R scott bakker is literally the best writer of this century. His first trilogy is simply amazing. I must agree, it could have been edited better, add a few things here and there ( especially book 3). I wish he would release a special edition, like an "expansion". The first trilogy in a single book, with more content and edited a little.

In the second you begin seeing his technical skill. 10/10, no other writer comes close when it comes to depth.

>> No.7902637

his strength is in worldbuilding and conceptual rigor

with characters he's a little shakey, but he's vastly improved over the time. Looking frward to the next book

>> No.7902754

I'm about to go on a 2 week vacation. For some reason I've been off reading for a while and would like to start reading again while I'm away. I've been meaning to read the following, which should I take?
Tales from Watership Down
The Plague Dogs
Duncton Wood 1-3
Wind in the Willows

>> No.7903220

They always had an air of mystery about them. You were never sure if the rain dance worked.

>> No.7903230
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Has anyone ITT read pic?

How did you find it? I'm thinking of picking it up

>> No.7903237

nice pic for ants faggot

>> No.7903246

Malazoop Herp of the Derplan by Steven Redditson

>> No.7903616

I enjoyed it. Most of the antagonists can be a bit one dimensional, but overall it's a fun read. Has an almost three musketeers feeling to it.

>> No.7903764

I find it funny that you call a book/author redshit, when that book /author was hugely popular and has been around ages before that foul site was formed.

Is everything you don't like redshit? If so, Tolkien, Wolfe, Eragon, Stephenson, cook, and Rowling are all redshit. Now fug off.

>> No.7903790

>Recommendation Charts:
Are there the similar images for non-fictional recommended literature?

>> No.7903796

You realize you're in the SFF general? Read the sticky.

>> No.7903896

Illium was a nice location in Mass Effect 2

>> No.7903900

the ship arc of Berserk

>> No.7903906

Any good foreign sci-fi which isn't British or American? Been thinking of picking up Usurper of the Sun and Ten Billion Days, since they sound pretty interesting.

>> No.7903927

Stanislaw Lem

>> No.7903932

does reddit even like Malazan? and no it's hard to get into

>> No.7903967


Already well aware of Lem, Solaris is apparently pretty hard to get in English considering the rights are so difficult, I heard they were going with the Polish-English translation for a new release rather than the original Russian-English.

I'm looking for more European sci-fi similar to stuff like Karel Capek.

>> No.7903974

What are some stories like Dune or BotNS where you know then protagonist becomes something great from the get go so you see their journey towards that position.

>> No.7903976

The Name of the Wind

Better than both of those imo

>> No.7903981

Anything good recently came out with a nice, big, expanded universe with a lot of detailing which isn't along the lines of ASOIAF? I always like it when fantasy novels feel like reading history books a little, something kind of similar to Dune or Foundation.

>> No.7903983

Guy Gavriel Kay

Any book, just pick the setting you like the best. He writes historical fantasy.

>> No.7904012
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doesn't really look like it, at least they don't make threads centered around it as frequently as here

>> No.7904068

Any good dark fantasy/dark theme books?
im looking for something with a lot of suspense.
Are there also any good black comedy's/dark comedy?

>> No.7904077

Read the OP.

>> No.7904178

Thank you.
Any more recommendations?
I have a lot of free time and would like to spend most of it indulged in books,mostly dark comedy.

>> No.7904187


>> No.7904296
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I trusted the guide and read the carpet makers.
I shouldnt have

>> No.7904313

>If so, Tolkien, Wolfe, Eragon, Stephenson, cook, and Rowling are all redshit
>If so
lad your list couldnt be more reddit, save for Wolfeinstein 3D

>> No.7904466
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Are the sequels worth it?

>> No.7904475

Not really, no, at least Rama II wasn't (only one I read).

>> No.7904509

You will sink a lot more time into Berserk than a weekend... The waiting.. oh god the waiting

>> No.7904522
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I'm so shit at actually starting writing projects, /lit/. Tell me which of these sounds the most interesting:
>Man with healing powers helps other residents of a flying "cattle city" farmed by technologically sky pirates for slave labor, when his power is found out he's taken under the wing of the merciless pirate lord who keeps the city under his thumb
>a bitter mage who once helped save the world is forced out of retirement when his memories start to come to life
>NEET internet friends are despondent after one of their own streams his suicide, they soon become aware of a "Hikki killer" phenomenon, supernatural occurrences ensue
>fuck it, fun desert fantasy adventures with scorpion riding tribesmen, jackal men who own the wind, and cities on the backs of giant beetles

>> No.7904528

#3 > #4 > #1 > #2

>> No.7904540

Always 4

>> No.7904543

'Surface Detail' by Iain M. Banks
Other Banks books from the "Culture" series in particular have pretty tops waifus but I enjoyed 'Surface Detail" the most.
I recommend you read all of them lel

>> No.7904561

Sounds like a "first world problem".

Spend a few years in Darfur, then reassess how pressing that "issue" is.

>> No.7904599

What didn't you like about it?

>> No.7904605

4, maybe 2 if you can actually write that character.

>> No.7904641

Pretty bland, prosa was eh, "twist" was cringeworthy at most, most characters lack any kind of depth

but at least it wasnt as cringy as Dune, I honestly dont know how people can read that tripe.
>oh its the legendary sword XYZ
>I can sense the sword
>it is legendary because of [TEXT]
and this is just one example, the book is full of that shit, making it unreadable

anyways, got rec's for good scifi books ?

>> No.7904648

I often see 1984 by George Orwell classified as sci-fi, but is this really the most accurate genre to classify it as?

>> No.7904652

it isn't a genre novel

>> No.7904663

It's sf just as much as Dick.
Go through Lem, Wolfe, Dick and Le Guin for the best it offers.

>> No.7904683

Polaris (liked it), Cyberiade (mediocre in some parts, good in others)
None of his books ever grew on me; didnt even finish a single one. Might give him another try
Cant into drug-lit. Any recs where he doesnt go completely ape-shit ?
>Le Guin
Left Hand (liked), Disposessed (ok)

Seems just like I cant into lit.

>> No.7904688

Androids Dream? That one is pretty tame

>> No.7904691

Oh, forget to add, the Dick's I've already read
Androids Dream (Good), High Castle (Eh)

>> No.7904696

You read Dick because of drug lit.
Wolfe is very specific because you won't 'get' stuff in the beginning and it's supposed to be fun to piece it all together.

>> No.7904725


>> No.7904752

Ubik blows
Here's what you read:
Flow My Tears
Dr. Bloodmoney
Martian Timeslip
Published excerpts of his Exegesis

>> No.7905043

Desert adventures. Picaresque monster-of-the-week a la Carnivores of Light and Darkness. Publish a chapter a week on your blog.

>> No.7905045

Darfur is a "real world problem." Spend a few weeks in the spice mines of Kessel, then reassess how pressing that "issue" is.

>> No.7905052

Good thing you just proved your opinion worthless

>> No.7905057

I just read Firefall 1+2 (Blindsight and Echopraxia) by Peter Watts. I'm looking for something that can echo the feeling and themes of those books. I'm having a very hard time reading any other books right now (managed to finish The Martian Chronicles and it was good but not as satisfying as the Firefall books.)

>> No.7905106

Well, you could try the rest of Watts' bibliography. He has the rest of his novels and most of his short stories free on his website.

>> No.7905114


I suppose that is a good place to start. Thanks.

>> No.7905152

Personal reccomendations: Rifters is about equal to Blindsight, Maelstrom is lesser but still good, and Behemoth is very close to just bad. His best shorts are The Things and The Island.

>> No.7905205


Do they have vampires in them?

>> No.7905285

Playing with a concept for posthumans - humans with too much intelligence tend to go Galt somewhere on the beach, using their massive intellects to survive off of ocean lives while slowly adapting to the water. I don't know exactly why, I just know that females who have undergone this transformation try to lure normal humans to their lair through a mind-reprogramming song.

>> No.7905321

Just finished up the second book in The Night Angel Trilogy. It was pretty good but the magic is lame and I'm not too keen on the female characters.

Reading Metro 2033 right now and somehow I'm liking it more than the video games.

>> No.7905326

What do they do to their captives? Is it hot?

>> No.7905327
File: 506 KB, 900x506, end_of_evangelion_wallpaper_by_chr5d50-d37bm79.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The closest thing to Firefall tonally would be Evangelion.

>> No.7905328

The Lightbringer Series has a lot of this. There are currently 3 of them and they're fucking huge. Pretty fucking cool magic system too.

>> No.7905333

Probably just eat them, I dunno.

>> No.7905337

Aka how to write a shit magic system.

I love Sanderson's magic because it doesn't let him fill plot holes by say "oh herp derp magic fixed everything" Magic in his worlds have very specific purpose.

>> No.7905414

I remember readig the night angel trilogy when i was in highschool and loving it but havent reread it since.

Is it a good series or am i just remembering it as good because i was a teenager?

>> No.7905434

It's pretty decent. Brutal, that's for sure. I still need to read the last one, but it's on my list.
Had me on the edge of my seat pretty much all the time
Fast paced
Insanely brutal. Makes me squirm at parts.
All of the sex worker stuff, I find it facinating

My qualms with it are pretty numerous, however.

The magic system is too vague for my liking, the romance is done atrociously,
The prophecy stuff is annoying and a waste of time IMO
I seriously hate aspects of the main character. I've read 2/3 of the series and HES STILL A HUGE BITCH. MOTHER FUCKER YOU KILL PEOPLE FOR FUN, DON'T BE AFRAID TO FUCK A BITCH FFS

>> No.7905438


Interesting. The only Anime series I've ever watched is Cowboy Bebop. Mind shooting me some comparisons?

>> No.7905445

Mostly in the nothing-really-matters atmosphere, I'd guess. I keep recommending Hull Zero Three for something similar to Blindsight, but I guess that one anon didn't like it.

>> No.7905462


Is that the one where the woman he's programmed to love has become some sort of gigantic posthuman monster birthing machine?

I liked that one.

>> No.7905465

Shinji to Siri.
Sarasti to Gendo.
Mentions of third wave. Very, very heavy on the concept of the alien being unrelatable and yet somehow alive, Christian motifs and also the sense of futility that drenches both series.

>> No.7905473


Sounds right up my alley actually, I'll have to give it a .torrent. Thanks.

>> No.7905488

It was more like System Shock 2 than Blindsight to be honest. But with a poorer antagonist and way better monsters. You can't beat the polar bear horror astrogator or the titty lamia.

>> No.7905498


I like your taste. Give me some more recs bro, please.

>> No.7905512

Hey, I have a request. I'm looking for a story / series of more trickster type protagonist, that Mellibone / Anti-Conan type of character that in a sci fi setting.

You know, your Locke Lamorras, your John Constantines, the sort.

>> No.7905518

Look, I wanted to like Wolfe. But I'm three pages into Shadow of the Torturer and I get prose like this:
>Until a man is twenty-five, he still thinks, every so often, that under the right circumstances he could be the baddest motherfucker in the world. If I moved to a martial-arts monastery and studied real hard for ten years. If my family was wiped out by Ascian drug dealers and I swore myself to revenge. If I got a fatal disease, had one year to live, devoted it to wiping out street crime. If I just dropped out and devoted my life to being bad.
>Severian used to feel that way, too, but then he ran into Vodalus. In a way, this is liberating. He no longer has to worry about
trying to be the baddest motherfucker in the world. The position is taken.

>> No.7905527


I know it's Warhammer 40k, but the Ciaphas Cain books are pretty much this.

>> No.7905542


Thanks, but I'm not really into that whole franchise yet.

>> No.7905543

The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch, The VALIS Trilogy, A Scanner Darkly, and A Maze of Death are all good.

Also, could you upload that short story collection somewhere? I've never read any of his.

>> No.7905548

That's from Snow Crash, trollboi.

>> No.7905550

Jack of Shadows might be your type.

For creepy spaceship atmosphere or just generally underrated stuff? John Barnes is pretty unappreciated around here. The space Italians were crap but Orbital Resonance and the Jak Jinnaka trilogy are brilliant affectionate parodies of Heinlein juveniles.
Niven/Pournelle's Footfall has space shuttles retrofitted as orbital fighters and a joint US-Soviet nuclear strike on Kansas.
Adam Roberts takes on Le Guin's Dispossessed and Cory Doctorow's Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom with Salt and New Model Army. In Salt, there's a colony of post-scarcity anarchists, but they're so boorish and violent they make the fascists look good; in New Model Army, the internet makes true democracy possible, and the people turn into a better Leviathan than any dictator could be.
Wayside School is even creepier as an adult.
Pre-publication John Dies At The End had a pretty good atmosphere. It was much better as a web serial by some guy trying to cope with his rape.

I really want to find a story set in a dying O'Neill cylinder. Probably have to write one.

>> No.7905563


Fair enough, but if you can get past it being fucking warhammer 40k they're at least entertaining. Keep 'em in mind anyway.

>> No.7905591


I'll definitely look into all of those. I was not aware that Wong was raped.

>> No.7905593

b-but I actually liked that part of Snow Crash :(

>> No.7905595

I'm not either, but it's a logical assumption, and he ruined Cracked so it's all right to spread rumors about him on the internet.

>> No.7905597

So did I.

>> No.7905605


>He ruined Cracked

triggered by truth

>> No.7905612

I am getting so bored of Latro in the Mist. I'm half way through and story feels like it just isn't going anywhere. I gave up on One Hundred Years of Solitude like 30 pages in.

Maybe reading good historical fantasy just isn't my thing. I should stick to trash like The Golem and the Jinni or The Shadow of the Wind

>> No.7905619

Just got Book of The New Sun in the mail a couple days ago. Anything I should read before I start it?

>> No.7905620

I enjoyed this post

>> No.7905626

How is that the logical assumption? Also, was he the one responsible for making 90% of it's content pop culture garbage? I want to learn more biology and anthropology through cleverly-worded dick jokes

>> No.7905629

Preparatory reading is a lit meme

>> No.7905654

He's in charge and he refused to discuss it in a Reddit AMA. Also his articles were getting more and more smug.

Think about it:
>Wong (whatever his real name is) is some loser living in Clerks screwing around with PWoT
>Writes a really dark book about a loser video store clerk and his manic pixie best friend
>Fear of going insane, fear of losing close friends, fear of never getting over high school are the threads in the tapestry
>Book-Wong's dark backstory is he was raped in high school
>Meanwhile IRL-Wong watches PWoT turn into a success, then get bought by Cracked
>Loser transcends tropes 'cause he's so clever, gets a hot amputee girlfriend that he can whiteknight for, basically his life is great in the end, rape is never mentioned again
I think it's possible that he was writing JDatE to cope with his crappy life. Maybe he invented the rape to make his alter-ego more edgy, but pre-publication JDatE was some dark stuff.

>> No.7905722

Wind in the willows.

If your vacation is shared with someone, you could read parts of the book aloud for them.

>> No.7905732

I don't know what happened at the end of that Greg Bear novel. but now I have a smile and a set of perplexed eyebrows.

>> No.7905753

Chill bro, I was just shitposting.

Try KJ Parker.

>> No.7905829
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I picked this up today

pretty pricey for an old paperback, but I was really intrigued in it. Seems like it got a limited run. It's not even on amazon kindle or whatever.

>> No.7905908

Goddammit, I've done it! I've run out of books to read. I put down nearly every book I attempt within 10 pages. Everything seems either boring or painfully written

>> No.7905911
File: 38 KB, 403x648, Spin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright anon, I went back and got it. Previously considered and ultimately discarded due to its (lack of) age. I hold you responsible.

>> No.7905918


do i really gotta read this now?

i got genre-memed into "the mote in gods eye"

dont do this to me again

>> No.7905922

An old bookmark fell out. It appears to be a boarding pass stub for a flight from Frankfurt to Venice.

>> No.7905925

I have yet to read it. That aside, I liked Mote in God's Eye, so you'll get no sympathy here :3

>> No.7905947

I wasn't crazy about "The Mote in Gods Eye" myself. The prose is quite bad, for starters.

"Spin" is pretty good for a SF novel. You get "the sense of wonder", but without the cringe-inducing dialogue and clunky language that plagues much of SF.

>> No.7905970

>The prose is quite bad, for starters.
We need to dispel with this fiction that Asimov/Niven functional prose is bad. It does what it needs to and gets out of the way of the ideas, which are the real stars. Sure, flashy prose could show off ideas too, but these men are scientists, and their sciency world will be described in perfect clarity.

>> No.7906002

Eh, no. I would say the "workman-like prose" descriptor better applies to authors like Ursula Le Guin and Robert Charles Wilson -- journalistic and functional, but not lyrical or "literary" in any self-conscious way (as opposed to, say, Delany).

Asimov and Niven have a lot of great ideas (Asimov anyway), but the way they express them is sub-newspaper quality. They are just not very good with words.

>> No.7906004

>Just not very good with words

>> No.7906021

Are you an autist?

His dialogue is fucking stupefyingly awful.

>> No.7906026

>Are you an autist?
What, like am I trying to prove a subjective opinion? Yeah.

>> No.7906029
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>tfw getting free copy of White Sand

>tfw shit happens and you don't understand yet and you know shit is going to go down

is legit. I've heard bad things about its sequels, though.

>> No.7906039
File: 110 KB, 500x248, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need a good young protagonist book that doesn't involve assassins. Something like Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn.

>> No.7906044

It's really not that subjective. Asimov writes sentences like:

"Harroway had no doubts on the point of to whom he owed his job"

(see here: http://ask.metafilter.com/37305/Pick-the-best-science-fiction-book-for-the-uninitiated#578019 )

Don't get me wrong, Asimov was one of the greats. He's just not exactly a wordsmith.

>> No.7906049

>Taste is not subjective
Anyway my point is not that Asimov was a wordsmith. My point is that he was very good with words for the specific uses he had for them. Read some of his nonfiction if you don't believe me. He didn't want to write dazzling prose, he wanted to communicate logically.

>> No.7906053

Can someone recommend urban fantasy that isn't a crappy dresden clone?

>> No.7906054

>is legit. I've heard bad things about its sequels, though.

Yeah, I don't know about the sequels. I did enjoy a couple of Wilson's other novels - "The Chronoliths" and "Julian Comstock". But "Spin" remains my favorite.

>> No.7906061

Perdido Street Station. You deserve each other.

>> No.7906068

all art is by definition subjective. It cannot be anything other than subjective. At best you can construct some arbitrary definition of what "good" is and compare it to that model, but that model iteself is subjective because there is no model for what makes a good definition of good

Is it worth it if I genuinely didn't enjoy The Kraken?

>> No.7906184

Stop trying to impose your "subjective theory of art" on the rest of us. Your opinion is subjective, so keep it to yourself.

>> No.7906187

Azimov has shit prose, its not up to debate.

Feel free to like his stories, but lets call a spade a spade.

>> No.7906205

>based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions

this is the definition of subjective we humans have agreed upon. If common use changes sufficiently that a different definition of that word erases the current one, then perhaps taste will no longer be subjective, but until then it is, and you're only making an idiot of yourself for saying otherwise

For the record, I haven't read enough asimov to give an informed opinion (though I did name my cat after him out of respect), but from what I have read, I do think he sucks dangling balls at prose.

That doesn't make my opinion objective, it would be narcissistic to say otherwise. Only a complete ass thinks his view of the world is the only right one

>> No.7906225
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Can anyone recommend me scifi anthologies? looking for russian scifi but anything is welcomed.

>> No.7906338

It's not shit if the author uses it well. For example, unexplainable magic works well as something the villain uses or a source of conflict for characters, so long as none of the plot's conflicts are resolved using said magic.

Have you actually read the books mentioned?

>> No.7906541

You are the only constant

>> No.7906594
File: 45 KB, 334x499, 51cxxniwDjL._SX332_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my first post on /lit/

what do you think of pic related?

>> No.7906610


Is it a good book or are those meme reviews? It sounds like an interesting concept, but full of cliche

>> No.7906708

The Magicians qualifies.

>> No.7906709

meant for >>7906053

>> No.7906712

Mark Lawrence's current series.

>> No.7906715
File: 548 KB, 721x1082, LastMortal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else this?

>> No.7906754
File: 14 KB, 196x293, skylords.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any fun military sci-fi with a waifu protagonist?
The Skylords.

>> No.7906762

how can a review be meme?

>> No.7906769
File: 74 KB, 296x440, JohnWyndham_TheDayOfTheTriffids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fuck Josella!

>> No.7906913

your modern mind and body are merely lacking the manly arete to push on through. Latro makes the best boasts: When the King of Thrace forces a duel to the death on him with no quarter, he says, "I did not think I could kill a man who begged me for his life, but I would try." Modern culture is weak, effete, lowest common denominator, and soft, thus I expect difficulty in appreciating manly and heavenly glory.

>> No.7906920

u sound gay desu senpai

>> No.7906925

It is only when one sounds gay that the floodgate of willing women open, for they, too, worship the masculine.

>> No.7906928


>> No.7906933

though the women open, too.

>> No.7906958
File: 1.45 MB, 3800x2300, NPR-SciFi+100+Books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on NPR's guide?

>> No.7907019

Best short story ever written.

>> No.7907027

Can barley read that shit

>> No.7907057

Looking for a good printing of Lord of the Rings to replace these torn up paperbacks I've got. Any recs?

>> No.7907060

Yes. It was super fucking disappointing

>> No.7907085

It's pretty useless since it doesn't tell you anything outside superficial information so it's not useful at all. It's also a mixed bag of titles.

>> No.7907151

>no Bakker
>mistborn is about theives
>furies of Calderon outside of the YA section
>recommending Name of the Wind

Whew lad

>> No.7907212

Now read The Death of Grass.

>> No.7907318

Anyone got a The Goblin Emperor epub PLEASE?

>> No.7907451

I have access to a private tracker that has it. Why do you want to read it? Convince me and I'll get it.

>> No.7907525

Is there anything similar to Mistborn and the Stormlight Archives series?

Particularly the "magic" aspect kind of things

>> No.7907529

The Name of the Wind

>> No.7907622

Most video games

>> No.7907630

Where do you get your ebooks that aren't shitty copies/OCR?

>> No.7907640

Anything more than a couple years old will probably be a terribad OCR.

>> No.7907643

The sticky.

>> No.7907648


You buy them instead of stealing from an author

>> No.7907657

I'm just worried that the typos every 2 sentences will screw up my own spelling abilities.

>> No.7907684

OCR typos aren't the same a human would make. They're much easier to spot.

>> No.7907758

Does anyone ITT know of any Fantasy which has a female lead?

I''m looking for something like the powder mage trilogy; essentially 19th century Europe. Because I intend to write a fantasy with a female lead set in a 19th century Europe era.

>> No.7907764

How did you like Powder Mage?

>> No.7907769



>> No.7907814
File: 1.90 MB, 900x5476, Its_your_own_fault_really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does anyone ITT know of any Fantasy which has a female lead?

(correct version this time)
I'm beginning to feel foolish, posting this every thread. It's not even that good.

>> No.7907830

Mairelon the Magician/Magician's Ward.

>> No.7907834
File: 399 KB, 2000x1000, ursulakleguin6615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My color scheme was conscious and deliberate from the start. I didn’t see why everybody in science fiction had to be a honky named Bob or Joe or Bill. I didn’t see why everybody in heroic fantasy had to be white (and why all the leading women had “violet eyes”). It didn’t even make sense. Whites are a minority on Earth now—why wouldn’t they still be either a minority, or just swallowed up in the larger colored gene pool, in the future?

Is she right?

>> No.7907839

Nah. Just brainwashed by modern retard doctrine

>> No.7907847

>Whites are a minority on Earth now

Yeah, and the majority of blacks outside of western countries are barely able to wipe their own asses

>> No.7907848

She fucked up when she tried to link Global demographics with racial representation in a fictional novel.

>> No.7907850

No, 95% of people on Earth are white nowadays.

>> No.7907851

I didn't see why any author had to write for demographics that didn't write for themselves. I didn't see why European-descended authors had to make up for the lacuna caused by generations of literate minorities choosing to enrich themselves rather than build a lasting genre fiction legacy. It didn't even make sense. Whites are a minority on Earth, even now - why wouldn't they just be content writing stories for their children about people who looked like them?

>> No.7907956
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>> No.7907970

Isn't that Young adult?

>> No.7907976


>> No.7907986

I haven't read it yet.

Looks good. Is the girl the MC? The blurb is unclear


I'll check these out


Cheers thread

>> No.7907995

Get this /pol/shit out of the thread

>> No.7908004

But diversity for its own sake is modern retard doctrine.

>> No.7908005

Well because I read the synopsis and it sounds interesting. Ever since I learned about Lord of the Rings I used to had dreams of books with these kind of creatures, like Dungeons & Dragons, but most of them are shit ripoffs. But nevermind, I found it.

>> No.7908016

She isn't really wrong, it's just that some would rather she wasn't right. I'm happy she decided to go with something different, rather than just appealing solely to the generic self inserts or special snowflake personas with colorful eyes and perfect pale features that appeal only to vain teenagers.

>> No.7908035

>She isn't really wrong, it's just that some would rather she wasn't right.
I believe it's the opposite - many would rather she were right. I wish she was. I wish nonwhites wrote more SFF, I wish they participated more in our culture's collective imagination, I wish they would do the sorts of things that would someday get them off the Earth, but they don't. I'm not going to claim responsibility for their choices, so all I can do is grieve, and write what I want to write, where the skin color of the protagonist is determined by the needs of the story, which will in turn be drawn from my own experience, making them, for the most part, white.

Oh, and it's really hard for a white to write about non-whites in today's environment. Cultural appropriation, you know.

>> No.7908154

Lightbringer Series by Brent Weeks

>> No.7908160

His sentences often don't come off to be the most logical

>> No.7908174

Which books specifically are you asking that I've read?

And I can appreciate when some magic shit happens that's not explained yet. It just has to make sense with how the magic system works as a whole. Often I find authors just use the magic as a way to fill their plot holes and I hate that. At least in Mistborn you're figuring out the magic along with the characters, but there's still constants and unknowns thrown into a well structured system with laws.

Other time its all "OoooooOooo Look at me! I can throw fireballs! Oh but I can also see into the future! Isn't magic great"

Can't stand that shit.

>> No.7908215

Are there good books about Summoners? Fighting using summons, monsters, deities, creatures/whatever?

>> No.7908264

Because fantasy is often based on medevil Europe

>> No.7908265

"I bought you from a whore!" not your thing?

>> No.7908283

I've been reading the Kindle version, and though it's clearly a translation (it gets clunky at times) it seems to get the main themes nailed down pretty well. Minding the translation issues it's still really damn good.

>> No.7908431

How is Black Company? And why are there so many books in the series, how do they connect?

>> No.7908451
File: 123 KB, 960x431, rub a dub dub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are Daw yellow-spine paperbacks so comfy?

>> No.7908464

Anyone got Ariana?

>> No.7908491

I wouldnt know

>> No.7908501

that was pretty great to be honest

>> No.7908862

We're a minority and we still dominated everyone

>> No.7909197

I agree with you completely. That's how a lot of shit fantasy with less scientific magic works, but there is good magic on both ends of the spectrum.

The books I mentioned as good examples of mysterious magic were Game of Thrones and Tigana. There are countless other, but I found those handled it best.

>> No.7909282

how about read literature from the 19th century that has women and read a few history books about women

>> No.7909292

Well you should start learning Mandarin because China will be dominate in a couple decades.

>> No.7909316

you say non-white but it sounds like you're really just talking about black people

>> No.7909338

Whats some alt-history sci-fi about a more ancient/older people discovering or being given more advanced technology?

>> No.7909421

unfortunately youre just a manlet on 4chan, and live through the achievements of others. poor you.

>> No.7909434

China will always dominate in a couple of decades.

>> No.7909474

The Kindle versions are actually better translations than the paperbacks, as the paperbacks are translated from the French translations, whereas the Kindle versions are translated directly from Polish.

>> No.7909569

Anything like The Witcher?

Looking for character-centric stuff with with a grounded/historical setting, but also embraces a lot of classic fantasy elements

>> No.7909573

There's an American author named Martin that's pretty popular for that sort of thing.

>> No.7909581

Listened to the first book of The Kingkiller Chronicles, currently on the second
Is it only me, or does it feel very.. feminist? As in it feels like the author awkwardly tries to point out how good women are or how hard they have it.

>> No.7909597

Kek. I mean with even more fantasy shit

>> No.7909624

Mainstream modern society has a feminist bend. This isn't a new thing.

>> No.7909630


Don't worry man. I'm starting to write some alt-right fiction. I'll buy an ad on here when it's complete.

>> No.7909656

What about book of amber?

>> No.7909668

How many times do I have to point this out to this general?
The writing is terrible, Mary Sue protagonist, flat characters, absolute garbage
Also its not even feminist its something even worse. Its whiteknight fiction.

>> No.7909674

This is the sort of magic system I'm trying to build my own epic fantasy series on. If anyone here has read Pat Rothfuss' Name of the Wind, I borrowed heavily from his sympathy system, as in magic is a form of energy manipulation. The main difference from sympathy and the method I'm trying to develop (faecasting is what I've called it) is that it's far more spiritual than rational. Where Rothfuss' system depends on the user's skill and concentration, a faecaster's ability depends more on his spiritual affinity and understanding of the element or concept he is trying to manipulate. My world and plot are very intricately tied in with fae (magic in my world), and I want it to still be a fantastical and vastly unknown element, but for people to be accustomed to some form of it in their everyday lives (sort of how Rothfuss has sympathy-based machinery and devices be commonplace in his world, but commonfolk only use them and do not fully understand its principles. Some are even wary and suspicious of it.) I Love Rothfuss' magic system as I believe it is the perfect meeting point between logical functionality and fantastical supernatural ability, but I fear I'm taking too much from it. I don't want faecasting to be a cheap copy of sympathy, but I don't want to make it a mystical religious-esque superpower without a logical ruleset to follow. Any advice?

>> No.7909681

Bumping this but with a focus on the historical folklore aspect

>> No.7909704

Whoa whoa whoa, Ima have stop you right there my man. From a completely objective standpoint in which I picked up NotW by recommendation, I must say that Rothfuss' writing is some of the best I've seen in recent fantasy. Dude, the guy manages to make 2000 pages of a homeless kid going to college actually fucking interesting! And how is the protagonist a Mary Sue character? Sure, it's a different take on the classic hero, he's retired and already did all the deeds, he's just telling his life story (which so far has only included some 2 or 3 actually fantastical or heroic events), but that is in no way a Mary Sue character. That would be like arguing that Sapkowski's Witcher character is a Mary Sue simply because he's The Guy that Met The Warrior, or The Guy That Spoke to the King, etc.
Next up, please elaborate on how any of Rothfuss' characters are flat? I have not seen such a well written character-focused story since ASoIaF. Hell, the whole thing depends on character depth, as the plot is generally slow and uneventful! I'll admit Rothfuss handles some feminist themes quite often, but at no point do they feel excessive IMO. Really, this guy is some of the best fantasy lit I've read in the past couple of years, I can understand it not being some people's cup of joe but calling it outright shit? that's something I would like an explanation for.

Also, this guy came up with one of the most logical and well structured magic systems in modern fantasy. Can't ignore that.

>> No.7909711

Not him
Granted I'm only a little bit into the second book, but he's a mary sue for sure. He's good or amazing at basically everything. Girls seem to like him even though he's years younger than everyone else. His only real weakness seems to be that he doesn't get when girls like him.

I don't think the the series is bad so far, it's mildly interesting, but I wouldn't call it amazing.

>> No.7909732

I told you its not feminist writing
I have read many 'feminist fantasy' novels and like them, but Rothfuss is not feminist nor would I characterize anything I've read from his books as having feminist themes
As I said it is a whiteknight/beta fiction novel
Basically this
Also his intercharacter relationships are horrible and barely qualify as human
My favorite is when he threatens to violently kill a stablehand and the stablehand reacts as if he's been told to have a nice day
Also tell me about some of the other characters in this novel are like what are their personalities like? backstories? having trouble?
Because everything revolves around the Gary Stu
Also I don't really care about things like magic systems it always just reads like info dumps whenever it is put into fiction
Only thing I give Rothfuss is he has good technical writing
Just wish he would put it into better stories
I got into reading Kingkiller and then got progressively angrier but still read it and the sequel

>> No.7909773

I'll admit, it is fairly annoying at first that the protagonist is naturally talented at basically anything he sets himself to, but that's basically his entire premise. Kvothe is a natural at anything and everything, so his ego is off the roof and/or whenever he actually isn't able to dominate something in the first shot, it hits him like a boulder. If you look at most of the character's conflicts they revolve around this precisely. It may seem Mary Sue-ish at first, and I understand why you would consider it that way, but the character is purposefully written with this in mind to be his strength and his weakness. Does it alienate him from the reader a bit? Yes. But the conflicts it generates humanize and ground him exceedingly well.
As for intercharacter relationships, Kvothe's and Denna's relationship is one of the most complex (albeit frustrating at times) character relationships I have seen as of late, not to mention Kvothe and Abenthy's almost father-son like relationship. The enigmatic yet educating games of Tak Bredon and Kvothe shared in Vintas. The tension of being colleagues yet being in an abyssmal hierarchical gap with the Maer Alveron, all of these are just some examples of good character relationships to name a few.
And of course everything revolves around the protagonist! the series is called the Kingkiller Chronicle! It's basically his autobiography! He's the hero of legend telling everything he did and experienced, that's kind of the centerpoint for the whole novel.
As for the magic system, alright, that's fine, not everyone shares the same tastes in worldbuilding and detail. It can be tedious for some, but a well developed magic system is exquisite to me. Helps ground the supernatural powers and avoid deus ex machina scenarios.
That we can agree on, though. Rothfuss' technical writing is very good indeed.

>> No.7909781

I think a big misconception people have regrading Mary Sues is that they're "good at everything," when truly it just means they have no substantial growth and challenges, and are just there to look good

>> No.7909795


>> No.7909845

true, but that doesn't change my incredibly picky taste. If I could, I would, believe me.

>> No.7910054

Anything by Guy Gavriel Kay. It's all historical fantasy, so find one that has a culture you like and go for it.

>> No.7910060

>implying I'm not doing that

On the list is; Adam Zamoyski's Phantom terror, Peter Hopkirks 'The Great Game', David Saunders 'Russia in the age of reaction and reform', Richard Pipes 'Russia under the old regime', Peter.B.Golden 'Central Asian in world history', Giles Monton 'Russian Roulette'.

>> No.7910158

Your posts are too long m8, Rothfuss doesn't deserve so many words.

>> No.7910298

You shoud avoid books, they might give you ideas, and we all now where that leads to

>> No.7910307

Quite sure it's pasta

>> No.7910325

The Broken Sword - Poul Anderson

>> No.7910384

Not sure where you fellas think it's pasta from, but this was just my genuine opinion on the guy's writing. Just because I disagree with anon's comment's doesn't mean I'm copy pasting someone else's opinion on the matter for the sake of lulz. What I wrote was my own piece of mind.

>> No.7910392

It's a pavlovian response desu I've read that type of comment a dozen of times all over the internet.

>> No.7910418
File: 357 KB, 1280x1707, 621038-funny-hypnotoad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1st if you can make it a comedy.
Then 2nd if you are good with emotional stuff.

>> No.7910464

>Tfw haven't found a book as comfy as Dracula by Bram Stoker

I don't even know what made it so comfy

>> No.7910487

It's not pasta, it's autism.

>> No.7910625

How important is it to you that the world has a logical, mechanical reason for everything? What's your tolerance level for "it's magic, ain't gotta explain shit"? I'm in the planning stages and the basic idea is that the Earth has a will, decided that humans have taken too much control of it, and has rebelled by creating a creature that spreads parasites which can shapeshift into things that people desire. The parasites bring people back to the creature, which then either consumes them, or activates the parasites to give them powers. Humans are fighting back by capturing the parasites, turning them to mush and injecting them in people to give them powers of their own without being controlled. There's no scientific basis for it or anything, it's just "this is the way it works in this world," and I don't know if that's enough.

>> No.7910635

>How important is it to you that the world has a logical, mechanical reason for everything?

Not very, its all about the themes t b h

>> No.7910649

>How important is it to you that the world has a logical, mechanical reason for everything?
Not very.
>What's your tolerance level for "it's magic, ain't gotta explain shit"?
Pretty high honestly, assuming it's the greek tragedy type of magic where gods intervening are seen as internally consistent.
I'm in the planning stages and the basic idea is that the Earth has a will, decided that humans have taken too much control of it, and has rebelled by creating a creature that spreads parasites which can shapeshift into things that people desire. The parasites bring people back to the creature, which then either consumes them, or activates the parasites to give them powers. Humans are fighting back by capturing the parasites, turning them to mush and injecting them in people to give them powers of their own without being controlled. There's no scientific basis for it or anything, it's just "this is the way it works in this world," and I don't know if that's enough.
The best sff doesn't care at all about scientific correctness of it all. Neither should you. Work on themes and characters first.

>> No.7910660

>How important is it to you that the world has a logical, mechanical reason for everything?
Not very, as long as the setting services the characters/themes. That's the point of fantasy desu

>> No.7910687


You probably aren't a virgin and it shows.
The longer you take to lose your virginity, the more scarier it gets.

Remember your first time? Your heart beating fast as a motherfucker, sweating like crazy? Yea, same shit with Kayle.

>> No.7910755

What are you doing here if you don't read

>> No.7910821

Bump limit post best post

>> No.7910825

Kinda sounds like fifth season mixed with another book I can't recall.

>> No.7910909

Would you read a book with anime art on the cover?

>> No.7910913


I play a lot of video games and there's nothing similar to Mistborn.

I would actually love a Mistborn video game but it's apparently been cancelled or put on hold indefinitely.

>> No.7910920

>implying I don't read manga

Step it up anon

>> No.7910921

Yeah, I'm a fan of good light novels. But it should have a certain style in content if you use it, you can't put it randomly on any book.

>> No.7910978
File: 51 KB, 365x470, Dead_Man's_Letters_film.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished this and was wondering if you guys could rec some similar lit that isn't roadside picnic.

>> No.7911124


>> No.7911136

Any books that feel like pre history or early civilizarion? Like tribal germans or early mesopotamia or even earlier history that we dont know about. Something that feels primal and mysterious.

>> No.7911422

What the hell is Worm by J.C McCrea? I haven't heard of it before but people speak pretty highly of it. I also can't find it on goodreads..

>> No.7911441

Try Conan.

>> No.7911443


>> No.7911460

I was just reading this

And got excited

>> No.7911464
File: 800 KB, 1280x720, tmp_16140-1460162518071490395522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit that feels like this

>> No.7911477

Not what I'm looking for.

I want post apocalyptic settings with emphasis on a community/communities and their philosophical, emotional, and maybe religious and mythical changes.

>> No.7911489

If you're into anime check out Shin Sekai Yori.

>> No.7911504

The Postman maybe?

>> No.7911523

Wow thanks so much.

It's not like being on /lit/ in genre general I should expect you to know the best of Scifi let alone anime if that's you're thing.

Nope, that colorful cute girls doing cute things is exactly what I'm looking for. Thanks again.

>> No.7911529

>I'm a retard and I will let everyone know I'm a retard

>> No.7911530

>being a faggot

Wow thanks so much

>> No.7911550

Canticle for Leibowitz

>> No.7911574

Is there anything readable with a positive female protagonist?

>> No.7911580

None at all. I'm sorry

>> No.7911595
File: 63 KB, 706x1080, matter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so bad,

>> No.7911607
File: 56 KB, 332x499, cityofstairs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7911764
File: 179 KB, 825x1100, Szeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Sanderson himself considers the game vaporware.

>> No.7911865


Yeah, it does say to be released in 2016 but no updates since the end of 2014, so it's basically done for.

>> No.7912078
File: 1.36 MB, 854x480, ratfire.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cute girls doing cute things
And it's based on a novel, just read that senpai.

>> No.7912394

Someone make a new thread

>> No.7912430

Aye aye sir.