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7896936 No.7896936 [Reply] [Original]

>read the apology
>socrates actually dies
>no happy ending

explain this dotards?

>> No.7896963


>read The Republic
>its a dictatorship

wow what a hack

>> No.7896972

>not realizing that the point is that the ideal benevolent dictatorship of the philosophers is impossible and therefore the philosopher should seek to exist outside of earthly society in the realm of ideas

>> No.7896976

It was pretty happy desu senpai. Socrates didn't fear death because of the DOCTRINE OF RECOLLECTION

>> No.7897303

His death IS the happy ending. Socrates stood by his principles and Athens got to regret killing such a citizen that embedded democracy's crucial elements (and therefore never again going against them), such as subjective freedom and loyalty to what is right and true.

>> No.7897309

He went back to the cave

>> No.7897319

Socrates was a spooked retard.

t. Stirner.

>> No.7897330

Socrates went out like a straight gangsta.

>> No.7897527

>In fact, no soul returns to the place from which it came for ten thousand years, since its wings will not grow before then, except for the soul of a man who practices philosophy without guile or who loves boys philosophically.


>> No.7897540

Well his death inspired Plato to hate democracy and write the Republic which influenced plenty of other people.
And he was 80 years old, you would think he would've died long before then

>> No.7897559

>his death inspired Plato to hate democracy

The chaotic state of democracy at his time made Plato hate democracy.

>> No.7897638

>read the apology
>socrates actually doesn't die
>read phaedo
>socrates actually dies

>> No.7897676

There is a month between Socrates trial and execution.

>> No.7897733
File: 104 KB, 481x599, 481px-Dore_woodcut_Divine_Comedy_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read the divine comedy
>socrates is in hell right now

that's what u get for being passive agressive autistic fedora tipping atheist scum

>> No.7897754

Limbo seemed comfy to be honest.

>> No.7897755

Christian resentment at its finest.

>> No.7897778
File: 89 KB, 469x960, 1421855421438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he get wrecked by his own philosophy. Is a philosophy that ends in you loosing your life really worth following?

>> No.7897792

Yes, because he is not a faggot that keeps worrying about himself all the time, and delivered his being for the truth.

>> No.7897801

so he lost his life for a spook?

>> No.7897804

did you just claim the king of pederasty is not a faggot?

>> No.7897820

You Stirnerists are just impossible to discuss with, it's like trying to argue who is illiterate about Philosophy. This 'everything is a spook' attitude is just your vanity showing, as if you are the master of everything that has objectivity and certainty, it is your loyalty (take that) to your own Ego which pulls you into destroying everything that is fixed valued by other people so the positive result is the 'I' itself.
One thing I can concede you: in the end you'll have nothing but your own personal ghosts alright.

>> No.7897852

still rather be alive than die to an idea

>> No.7897877

Socrates 'idea' was subjective freedom itself you idiot.

>> No.7897890

So you're a spook, I see. Move along, fellow spookists.

>> No.7897916

It was a happy ending, anon.

Socrates' knew he was a child of Athens and its laws, and instead of turning and running as soon as it was convenient for him to do so, he remained true to the laws and accepted his fate.

He knew that by escaping his judgement, everything he taught would be rightfully dismissed as the ramblings of a hypocrite and a coward.

By submitting to his death, Socrates was able to show the true nature of the Athenian assembly - democracy gone wrong. In his death, the truth of Athens' failure was so evident that it inspired an intellectual revolt which gave us the works of Plato.

Socrates was the first to realize that, in an unjust state, the true place for just men is prison. And if their ideas are resilient enough to stand that test, then those men will not have been imprisoned in vain.

The litmus test of a great idea is how far it can alter its context without violence.

Revolution is the last resort of the coward to inspire great political change.

Good philosophy achieves the same end without firing a single shot. See Plato, Hobbes, Nietzsche.

>> No.7897976

Did anyone else cry when Socrates died?

>> No.7898053

but i quit dota op

>> No.7898067

explain how

>> No.7898396

I did.

>> No.7898409

He died serenely. The point is that Socrates wins mate. Happy ending for me anyway.

>> No.7899148

He was right in the end, fascism is objectively the best government system

>> No.7899153

quit shitposting

>> No.7899159

Yeah well that's a fucking spook

>> No.7899175
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>> No.7899182

See >>7897540

He was an old man near the end of his life. Why would he have wanted to live the last three years not being able to do what he saw as his mission in life, or in exile?

>> No.7899777

it's not a perfect translation of the Greek politeia, a more suitable translation would maybe be The State.

>> No.7900294

>being a Straussian
>being taken seriously by anyone

>> No.7900296

A better translation would be "regime."

>> No.7900326

Naw it got spoiled for me.

>> No.7900614
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>Caring about the opinions of the soul crippled non-Straussian sophists who inhabit the universities

>> No.7900635


What's with this seeming division regarding Strauss? Someone explain this to me.

>> No.7900706

Basically, Strauss is the only Plato scholar worth reading at all.

Everyone else is a revisionist, a Rawlsian, or a cultural Marxist. (or any combination of the 3)

>> No.7900715

Sorry, correction: CONTEMPORARY Plato scholar.

Read his lecture on Symposium - it'll blow your mind.

>> No.7900729

Strauss was a professor at UChicago who thought that Plato meant us to take Socrates' ideas for the state as absurd. He thought that the real meaning of The Republic was something like this

Most interpreters think that we are meant to take Socrates' description at face value as what Plato thought the state should be like.

Strauss' colleague Alan Bloom wrote an interpretive essay included with his translation of the Republic expounding on these ideas.

I may be really off track with this, it's what I've gleaned from reading Bloom's essay and Wikipedia, I haven't studied it in depth.

Here is a criticism of their interpretation.


>> No.7900750

>Read his lecture on Symposium - it'll blow your mind.

Where can I read this?

>> No.7900761

If you're a university student - check out your library. It'll be there, and I guarantee it hasn't been checked out.

If not, try a public library.

If you still can't find it, just buy the electronic version on Amazon. Not at all meaning to insult you, anon, but I'm shocked how many people have just forgotten that libraries exist.

>> No.7900772

I live in a small town in South America, foreign philosophical books are kind hard to get on my hands.

>> No.7900783

Ah, I see.

Try looking online for an electronic copy. Amazon will definitely have it. I wish I could help more, but I inherited my Strauss books from my father. First editions too.

>> No.7900855

Myles Burnyeat
Gregory Vlastos
Terence H. Irwin
Michael Frede
Jonathan Barnes
G.E.L. Owen
Julia Annas
John M. Cooper
Sarah Broadie