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7897121 No.7897121 [Reply] [Original]

Just accidentally gleeked all over the pages of a new book while yawning.

I hate myself. I try to tell myself I just have a weird OCD when it comes to the condition of my books, but do other anons feel the same? For instance, I just moved house and bent the front cover of a reasonably new book. Now I've been googling book binders.

Do other anons ever feel the same about their books?

>> No.7897126

You've got autism. It's terminal.

>> No.7897136

I buy a book and also rent it from the library, so I don't ruin my copy.

>> No.7897153


I've never heard this anywhere else besides my friend who could do it on command.

>> No.7897154
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Well, I know it isn't normal. I think part of it is just how much the books cost, and the reason I buy them is not just for their content, but also because as objects they are pleasing.

I work hard to keep them in good condition when I read them, so when something like this happens, it it fugging upsetting.

But yeah, I guessed it was probably autism.

>> No.7897159

I always try not to break the spine of the book or crease anything.

>> No.7897160

When i really like a page of a book im reading i tear it out and paste it into another book where i keep my other favourite pages. Makes it so much easier to find my favourite bits.

>> No.7897167

I feel the same way, I've bought some books twice because I accidentally creased the cover or spilled water on them.
But right now it doesn't bother me as much as it used to.

>> No.7897170
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I do this


and have done this. I wish I was joking.

>> No.7897174
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OP here. I have also done this. Jesus Christ I'm not alone - and despite the contents of my OP I have definitely got better about it. I don't buy dustjacket covers for every hardback anymore.

>> No.7898799

I actually gleek on my books purposely from time to time. In fact, I gleeked in my fresh copy of Absolom, Absolom earlier. The soft, dry pattering sound of the spit shotgunning onto the unsuspecting page is just so satisfying and, indeed, the mark of a true patrician.

>> No.7899257
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Bumping for autismal care of books

>> No.7899788

I've done this before too.

For books by my favorite authors, I actually buy two copies. I buy the hardcover, and let it sit on my shelf, then I buy a paperback, which I read and try not to be too anal about. Sometimes I'll even order the paperback used.

>> No.7900287

>gleeked all over pages of a new book

I'd feel heartbroken as well; you're not alone.

>> No.7900636

what do you do with the paper back once you've finished reading it?

>> No.7900654

>tfw you do a lot of reading on wavy lakes and your book collection looks like it was scavenged from a shipwreck

>> No.7900672

I can only stand the extremes: either like new or beat to hell. A single dog ear or tear or something will drive me crazy

>> No.7900721
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I got a new paperback in the mail today and it's got a slight crease in the back. Like diagonally all over the back cover page, and noticeable, but not like it's been bent all the way. It's driving me up the wall. I feel like sending it back and demanding a new copy, but I know they won't take it back for this reason and besides, it's a book I've been wanting to read for some time now, so I don't think I'll have to patience to wait for a new copy to be shipped.


>> No.7900757

Yes. I honestly don't understand how peoples books "show wear with use". How? All you're doing is opening them, reading them and then setting them down, how does that cause them to wear out? My books are still as pristine as when I got them

>> No.7901294

keep it on my shelf, for potential rereading