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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 3.38 MB, 3543x2109, IMG_3167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7896410 No.7896410 [Reply] [Original]

Post recent cops

>> No.7896416

10/10 OP. I've been searching for the Immoralist forever.

>> No.7896420

My band supported the Sea and Cake once. Nice guys

>> No.7896423
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>> No.7896447

That sounds pretty cool mate. Recently saw Sam supporting Tortoise, he did a neat synthesizer set.

>> No.7896465
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Blue one is an illustrated Folio Ulysses as my trusty paperback has disintegrated.

More people on here should read Meades, he does that intellectual posturing better than anyone, and he's funny.

>> No.7896469

How were tortoise? SeING them in a couple weeks

>> No.7896494

Very solid. Pretty amazing jams all around.

>> No.7896502
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Just picked this up. Did I get memed?

>> No.7896522
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Reading Zeno's Conscience at the moment and I have to say it is one of the funniest books I've read

>> No.7896526

beau signet

>> No.7896535
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Reposting from last thread since I got it kred and no senpais noticed me :'(

R8 h8 appreci8

>> No.7896537

How's about you try reading it and decide for yourself? You may even take some pleasure from it.

>> No.7896575

good God no. it's his best book and actually makes a lot of sense. it's a really easy read. very sweet book. will make you laugh and will make you cry.

>> No.7896611
File: 47 KB, 552x336, 1444480716605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Complete works of Shakespeare
Richard Adams' Watership Down
Aristophanes' The Birds and Other Plays & Frogs and Other Plays
Joseph Conrad's Nostromo
Philip K Dick's Ubik & Valis
Aldous Huxley's Brave New World

How pleb am I?

>> No.7896622
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Second hand book Stores Are my weakness

>> No.7896656
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>> No.7896668
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Each was a dollar at San Francisco's big book sale.

>> No.7896684

> A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius

But… is it?

>> No.7896690

>under the volcano
my nigga

>> No.7896691
File: 658 KB, 1500x2000, 20160407_195313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new 2nd hand shop (all kinds, not just books) around the corner. they also had a complete set of Heinrich Böll, but I'm out of book money for this month so I'll pick it up next month instead (considering the people that entered and left that shop I'm pretty sure it'll still be there)

if anyone's interested this contains 8 Pirx stories, original titles are:
>Opowiadanie Pirxa

Original German Democratic Republic translation.

>How pleb am I?
it's a good starter kit.

>> No.7896694
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>On the Marble Cliffs
enjoy fammy

>> No.7896726

>Did I get memed?
go fuck you are self

>> No.7896734

>I, Claudius
Main Nigger.

>> No.7896956
File: 64 KB, 414x533, Bild 2016-04-01 kl. 02.12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomas Tranströmer 'Samlade dikter och prosa 1954-2004'
Roberto Bolaño 'De vilda detektiverna'
James Joyce 'Ulysses, the 1992 text'
Jostein Gaardner 'Sofies värld'
Umberto Eco 'Rosens namn'
Gabriel García Márquez 'Hundra år av ensamhet'
André Gide 'Den omoraliske'
Franz Kafka 'Amerika'
Roberto Bolaño '2666'

>> No.7896965

>James Joyce 'Ulysses, the 1992 text'

>> No.7896996
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Pleb and proud

>> No.7897005

That edition of Briggflatts w/ the documentary is wonderful.

>> No.7897021

Yeah, that was a typo. Sorry about that.

>> No.7897037


>Author's name large than title

>> No.7897053
File: 105 KB, 400x400, GetsIt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ian Smith

>> No.7897055

the author is the only selling point

>> No.7897143

Your books are upside-down m8

>> No.7897152
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>> No.7897155

not his fault, he's from australia

>> No.7897215
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Posted in last thread so the pic is a few days old, but still recent in my mind.

>> No.7897242


>> No.7897257

Cool Lovecraft cover

>> No.7897316
File: 58 KB, 510x389, Bild 2016-04-08 kl. 00.05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also got this one yesterday.

>> No.7897394

should i kil myself

>> No.7897402

my nigga. Good pick

>> No.7897408
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>> No.7897428

most books are check OPs image

>> No.7897443

It's literally impossible to not be categorized by insecure tumblr girls
If you're not projecting one form of masculinity you're projecting another
Such a stupid post and you're an idiot for sharing it

>> No.7897484

"I swear it’s like there’s some underground black-book we women have never seen for how to style oneself into a straight white male artist. I guess it’s called the Internet, lol"
Hilarious considering all the artsy girls on tumblr wear the exact same fucking clothes. Jeans and either a black or white shirt or a stupid graphic tee with a matisse print on it or some other shit. This person obviously has tunnel vision and only focuses on guys cause her heart was probably broken by some "art fuccboi".

>> No.7897496

Read Fruits of the Earth if you haven't, it's his best.

>> No.7897504

nice books. have you read hayek?

>> No.7897528

I have, only the Road to Serfdom though (of course) which I thought was fantastic. Are there any of his other books that you'd recommend?

>> No.7897547

i guess constitution of liberty should be next on your list. i consider myself more of a marxist now but had a hayek spell which i consider formative

>> No.7898032
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I scored on this copy of the odyssey, it only cost me a buck because it had some water damage on the bottom of the pages that you can't even see when reading it.

>> No.7898094
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Just found a folio society Odyssey at my local used book store for 10 dollars.

>> No.7898183

jealous as fuck, but I never sifted through my local one for the prettier German versions

>> No.7898206
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Just a few

>> No.7898211
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>> No.7898237

Did you read any of these already?

>> No.7898253


You should read Oblomov when you finish those.

>> No.7898262
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How'd I do?

>> No.7898278 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7898285
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>> No.7898290

one more folks

>> No.7898320
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Found this gem at the local book store. 8 bucks and the footnotes have been great.

>> No.7898326


Nick Cave the musician? Is he any good as a writer?

>> No.7898347
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Emily please go

>> No.7898437
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Reposting some of the ones I got earlier this week, along with the ones I found today. Anyone ever read Vollmann or Ozick? I'm super excited to reread Mutis soon.

>> No.7898582
File: 241 KB, 900x1147, WP_20160405_19_53_30_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really happy with mine.
What should I read next? (I'm already reading Octavio Paz)

>> No.7898613

Süskind and Cortázar would go great together, and I can't recommend V. enough on this board.

>> No.7898619

My bad, I thought that was Cortàzar.

>> No.7898877

I just purchased The Oxford Shakespeare as well. See >>7897583

>> No.7898926


I'm almost done with Fathers and Sons, I read nabokovs description of turgenev since i wasn't quite "getting it" so to speak, or what made it unique that is. Really enjoying it. It's a pleasure to get a background on all the different cultures and what with the serf releasing going on in russia during the time of the novel.

Also done with Middlemarch almost, just need 90 more pages, great book.

I'm really nervous about starting eugene onegin, a book in prose seems like a real treat, so I'm not sure whether to start it next or after lemontov.


I'll read oblomov when I get some more cash and finish these, I want to cover all the russian Authors, gogol, chekhov, thanks for the rec though.


It looks nice in your collection, I've been reading a few individual shakespeare plays with all the annotations to help plebs so i'm disappointed they don't have those on every page but i'm getting used to it.

>> No.7898941

is lapham good?

>> No.7898942

What could ever possess you to purchase the Sot Weed Factor??

I wrote a paper on another book my freshman year of uni, I can't remember which, where I compared the plot with that of the Sot Weed Factor, which I've never read and the professor liked it. A fond memory.

I'm writer.

>> No.7898963

You the guy that created a Turgenev thread these days?

>> No.7898991

how is this book? looks interesting.

>> No.7899076


Ya i only made 1 m8 2 days ago.

>> No.7899095
File: 390 KB, 916x1632, fun stuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catch 22 in two books by Joseph Heller from 1977 (I just heard too much good stuff about the book here on /lit/, so I had to get it)
Fantastic Voyage by Isaac Asimov from 1967

5€ all three of them.

>> No.7899096

Glad that you've read Nabokov's lesson then, it's really an eye-opener.

>> No.7899103

Found a perfect condition 1964 hardcover of Hegel's political writings. $1.50

>> No.7899107


Oh ya I downloaded it from online, i've always seen nabokovs opinions on threads here and while i've never read him he's supposed to be near genius as far as literature goes and butterflies, I really enjoy everything he has to say and how he mixes the criticisms with the compliments.

>> No.7899113
File: 354 KB, 916x1632, curious stuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basic of first aid for everybody by Mirko Derganc from 1982 with really nice illustrations.
War/Army surgery by the Yugoslavian national army from 1950 . A bit "dated", but with first hand experience right from the war. It's really nice to see the old style of isolation protocol, triage and most common shrapnel treatment.
A leaflet on first aid turned bookmark from 1980 in Croatian, Slovenian and Serbian.

>> No.7899177

idg what your problem with barthes is? the article only mentions french theory not barthes specifically. if you have something to say then try to say it instead of cryptically linking an article in such a knowing beta bro manner

>> No.7899202
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Really love the cover

>> No.7899404
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inb4 pleb

>> No.7899514
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yes im a fag

>> No.7899516

It's a good way to pass the time. I'll keep it in my car or in my kitchen and read 2 or 3 passages at a time. It's pretty much like Reader's Digest with a more academic mindset.

>> No.7899541

10/10 would read that

also are those akg?

>> No.7899558

Not only pleb, but the seies is actual trash. Why not get some good pulp like Leiber or Howard?

>> No.7899567
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reposting for attention
so far giliad is the loveliest thing ever

>> No.7899738

Looks like dated meme shit desu

>> No.7899770

I can't remember when I heard that Prekop album or what it sounded like. But I liked it at the time. I'm more into Ellie Goulding now.

Don't much care for the books but I'm sure there's neat stuff in there

>> No.7899973

>Suicide by Leve

>> No.7899976

go fuck yourshelf buddy

>> No.7900211

hesse is my hero

>> No.7900371

How is it? Since the split from Norton and all.

>> No.7900398

haven't read abercromby, but Howard/Conan is pretty great and you can pick up the complete HC for around €30/$35

>> No.7900426

nice job on getting the vollmann

>> No.7900443

trash dosto translations man

>> No.7900986

senny hd25's lad

it is a good book with poems that are 4 thousand years old from a people who are no longer around. a treasure

>> No.7901045
File: 73 KB, 420x672, A_Memoir_of_the_Warsaw_Uprising_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last week I grabbed:
>A Memoir of the Warsaw Uprising by Miron Białoszewski
>Voices from Chernobyl by Svetlana Alexievich
>Diary of a Man in Despair by Friedrich Reck
Just finished Białoszewski, currently making my way through Voices from Chernobyl.

>> No.7901081

>Robert Service
Bad choice, comrade.

>> No.7901095

Not OP, but I've been taking a post-1917 Russian history course with a garbage text (Marples) and could use something better. What would you suggest?

>> No.7901111

I don't know if Jean-Jacques Marie has been translated in English ?

>> No.7901126

I know French, so it's not a problem -- I'll check his stuff out. Thanks anon.

>> No.7901298


All of you reading Fathers and Sons, not to say that there's anything wrong with it, but... check out A Sportman's Sketches. That's Turgie's real shit.One of the best short story collections/novel-in-short-stories ever done.

>> No.7901485

I'm loving Fathers and Sons and I'm already halfway through it even though I only started yesterday. I might finish it today.

How do you think A Sportman's Sketches compares to Dead Souls?

I was thinking of reading Dead Souls next but you've intrigued me.

>> No.7901527

fuck off Franzen

>> No.7901541

>pope iliad

>> No.7901565

Lol.. What the fuck did I just read? Do people like this exist irl or did the internet become sentient and generate this? This is great.

>> No.7901566
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>> No.7901604


>> No.7901609

that did not work out at all, wtf, let me try again


>> No.7901644
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>> No.7901649

I'm stuck at 21% on Oblomov. It's been sitting on my Kindle like the last perogie on the plate.

>> No.7901660 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7901683

> The work as a whole actually led to Turgenev’s house arrest (part of the reason, the other being his epitaph to Nikolai Gogol) at Spasskoye. It was also partially responsible for the abolition of serfdom in Russia.

Both Sketches and Dead Souls, go for the two of them. I just found it funny that everybody was reading Fathers and Sons, when Sketches is clearly the better book. Is it because of all the press FaS gets for using the term "nihilism" for the first time?

>> No.7901868


Pope's Illiad is fucking sick

>> No.7902216


Sketches is about life of peasants right? It's supposed to be very down to earth realist, but nabokov also says its his best, the problem is, it receives almost no widespread acclaim nowadays like F&S and doesn't have many publications.

It's forgotten, technically like a lot of russian authors are compared to tolstoy and dostovesky in the public eyes.

>> No.7902430
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Gonna start on Atlas Shrugged first

>> No.7902674
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>mfw reading Voices from Chernobyl

>> No.7902971
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>> No.7902993
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Nice Wallace, bro!

>> No.7903008
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This is gonna trigger so many people here

>> No.7903144

>very down to earth realist
No, not really, it is realist, but there's a strong lyrical effort in his prose, and it's not the nitty-gritty realism of Dosto or Gorky, it's mostly focused on the beauty of nature, the beauty of the peasant life, though it makes you see the hardships of such life in the background. It really is his best, and it's extremely beautiful.

One of the stories is a peasant's singing contest at the local bar in some small village, and he describes their singing, their emotions, in such a delicate way... Nobody else could do that. You can tell he loved the people he was writing about.

btw, here is a link for the penguin edition, if anybody's interested.

Sketches from a Hunter's Album - Ivan Turgenev.epub

>> No.7903151
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Solid pick

>> No.7903470
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>> No.7903491

I fucking love people who actually put some effort into posting funny stuff on /lit/

>> No.7904096
File: 528 KB, 1881x1440, IMG_20160409_205145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A monty python interview book.
And the Tibetian Book of Death.

>> No.7904107


>> No.7904113
File: 212 KB, 597x798, WP_20160409_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had to get it

>> No.7904195


I was just trying to describe it from what I've read, I'll buy it next chance I can, I never like just reading an authors most "popular" work, feels bad man.

Reading fathers&Sons for the nihilist themes, which are light anyway considering bazarov isn't a real one, is like reading the stranger for the existentialist ones when its the writing that shines through and always should.

>> No.7904211

>my trusty paperback


>> No.7904223

You got memed.

>> No.7904263


Today only the person who no longer believes in a happy ending, only he who has consciously renounced it, is able to live.

>> No.7904497
File: 137 KB, 1080x1080, zoe.kazan 2016-01-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7904560

>Stefan Zweig
His writing is nice.

>> No.7904568
File: 1.22 MB, 2560x1536, 20160409_224244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate me

>> No.7904602

going to make as much effort as you did photographing that

>> No.7904612

didn't read atlas shrugged but fountainhead is a great inadvertent masochistic novel

she's a pretty shit writer from what i've seen, but the book was fun.

great editions

>> No.7904644


>> No.7904895

Chile actually, but yeah, opposite hemisphere. Sorry for that.

>> No.7904897
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>> No.7904962

vacuum your floor before you read those.

>> No.7905103
File: 472 KB, 2232x1728, IMG_20160402_133833_352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jelly of those books, where do you get english books from? I have to use amazon and it kills me because I'm Venezuelan

>> No.7905120

Yeah, you have to appreciate when someone spends $100 bucks on their bait effort.

>> No.7905216

>tainting an otherwise decent haul with trash like Pynchon and Wallace

>> No.7905234


Great choice my man

>> No.7905239

>Different sizes


>> No.7905254

why is barthes considered fuckboyish again? its just literary theory holy shit

>> No.7905384

bookdepository my friend

>> No.7905413

Not that guy but South American

I literally get English books at the E. lit section of my city's gargantuan bookstore. I online ordering, too, but not Amazon (I don't have credit card) just local e-bookstore.


>> No.7905421

Belle quesh

>> No.7905426

>Bitter Harvest
Nice. I've been wanting to get that book myself for quite some time now.

>> No.7905428

Fellow sudaca here. What's the life of a NEET in south america like? Live at home with parents, no money from the govt? Why don't you go to uni? How old are you? Genuinamente interesado, senpai.

>> No.7905449

this should keep you busy for a year

>> No.7905464

Is this satire, or post-post-ironic neo-ironicism

>> No.7905576

>tfw caught in the "I can think of good female artists but I don't use my advantages to help people" paradox

>> No.7905586

It's metamodernist post-corporeality

>> No.7905632


This board has such bad fucking taste.

>le the more complicated le more better

Fucking shit taste.

>> No.7905634

>boney hands
>skinny arms
>greasy frizzy uncut unkept hair
>childrens small shirt still too big

top fucking lel beta

>> No.7905641
File: 296 KB, 360x360, 1448426730285.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you payed somewhere between $60 to $120 for a bunch of (you)s?

>> No.7905644

"bony hands"
"skinny arms"
I'm not really an expert on humans but isn't this just genetics? Something a person cannot change? I understand the other things you have mentioned though.

>> No.7905650

>Something a person cannot change

It's called fucking eating healthy and actually fucking exercising and leaving your goddamn room.

Goddamn, not only are you beta physically, but you're beta mentally.

>> No.7905658

Some people like to be skinny.

>> No.7905674

Surprisingly clever response for someone defending such pleb tastes.

>was it a typo?

>> No.7905709

No real man enjoy being bullied by the wind.

>> No.7905750

Wonderful books.

>> No.7905763

But what if you are a fake man or a girl?

>> No.7905821

>How old are you?
24 and surviving

>What's the life of a NEET in south america like?
I basically pass my earthy human life drinkin coffee, reading and watching MLB matches

>Live at home with parents, no money from the govt?
Only real low-rent people get aided by go. here.

I was a federal employee for some time and I quit because that job = petty people, psychosomatic disorder and 21st century gulag.

>Why don't you go to uni?
I tried.

>> No.7906160

Go away retard, I'm condescending.

>> No.7906347
File: 2.69 MB, 4160x2340, 1460277065610-434171073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About a £15 haul here, from two separate bookshops.
> inb4 18 yo senior
These are all books I've been meaning to get out of the way for a long time, but was only willing to pay cheap for.

>> No.7906365
File: 87 KB, 250x203, eb0a4-cyehzsl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha. Dick.

Are you gay or something!


It gets me every time.

>> No.7906391
File: 68 KB, 900x1200, ^37008A20A30B85EA345717C52E032187F7CBB382AED9DA0B83^pimgpsh_fullsize_distr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really enjoyed the writing in this one. It was stupidly expensive, but still enjoyable.

>> No.7906416
File: 694 KB, 2048x1152, 20160410_110101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know i know, translations...

>> No.7906428

that's beautifu thank you

>> No.7906435

Engelse boeken zijn in elke winkel te krijgen. En op bol.com. En op Marktplaats. Je hebt letterlijk geen excuus. Sommige boeken mag je op zich vertalen (andere talen dan Engels, oudere Engelse boeken die vooral om het verhaal draaien zoals Dickens), maar dit kan je gewoon echt niet maken.

>> No.7906454

amico francofono ti do un abbraccio tutto italiano

>> No.7906463

JF Powers

mio negro

>> No.7906498

Geen excuus, goeie grap. Kan ik niet maken, in welke wereld leef jij?

>> No.7906531

Actually, in the sho I told my girlfriend, "I'm glad we came in here, I got this anf this and this, and there's a whole section if Philip k Dick's". Turn round, I'm talking to a tiny Chinese girl and my girlfriend is at the other side of the shop wetting herself laughing.

>> No.7906573

Ik zal niet zo'n extreem standpunt innemen als de andere anon, maar ik sta sceptisch tegenover de vertaling van Joyce. Daarbuiten wel mooie keuzes.

>> No.7906577

Ik snap het. Het is mijn eerste joyce en een koopje, dus leek mij een mooie manier om van zijn werk te proeven en te bepalen of ik er serieus tijd aan wil besteden. Ik zal er aan denken om een engelse variant aan te schaffen. En bedankt!

>> No.7906844

Jealous. I'm enjoying Invisible Cities in English ATM.

>> No.7906895

>Reading Lolita In Tehran

>> No.7906897

Are Franklin Library a good publisher?

>> No.7906953
File: 781 KB, 1000x624, purch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not trying to shill the Kindle here but getting an ereader was a damn good choice.

>> No.7907052


Hey sudacas, escribanme aca, tengo algo para ustedes.

>> No.7907056



>> No.7907061
File: 22 KB, 510x768, graeber-book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this one today

>> No.7907146

No, fantastic book start to finish.

>> No.7907153
File: 8 KB, 350x305, szkoly_end_cnztp6et_1_ciekawe_dziecko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go fuck yourself. Who are you? A Philosopher or an archivist? Who are you people?

>> No.7907159

The Angel Esmeralda and The Body Artist by DeLillo. Did I get meme'd?

>> No.7907173

Grazie! Ho cercato di trovare 'La coscienza di Zeno' in italiano ma non ho potuto sfortunatamente, ma é formidabile anche in francese!

>> No.7907182
File: 682 KB, 1399x942, modern american women.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i regret nothing

>> No.7907230

bruh i pity you, some pretty mediocre jordan books ahead of u but trust, it picks up by end of 11/start of 12

>> No.7907278
File: 8 KB, 608x991, reclam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one

>> No.7907975

penguin lmao

You wasted your money on two of those books.


good picks

Mostly good, except for one. You'll know which when you read it

18 senior, hope you move onto better lit soon

Good books, bad copies

l m a o

>> No.7908072
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How'd I do?

>> No.7908121

Lowry is the best thing in there. Vonnegut and Hesse are ok. Forget the other two.

>> No.7908136

>Forget the other two.
have you read either of them?

>> No.7908179
File: 52 KB, 300x464, k9508.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought one on the bottom left was this for a second. No clue why.

>> No.7908238

l o v i n g this comment! do yo thang!

>> No.7908348
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>> No.7908360

I've heard of some editions of Shogun were divided into two volumes, is that the complete book? It's great btw, but the japanese is a bit off in some parts. Like Thank you and Here, take this.

>> No.7908384

Its ~1100 pages so i assume its the complete book. Didnt realize there were split up versions though so guess i got lucky

>> No.7908400

You should read this after reading Shogun


>> No.7908499

I can guess which two you mean.
>AHBWOSG was a suggestion in return for them reading High-Rise
>Atlas bc Atlas

>> No.7908590


I'm 12 and what is this?

>> No.7908615


>> No.7908655


>> No.7908777

Jeez, Norton will make a Critical Edition out of anything these days.

>> No.7908783
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>> No.7908796

I love Willa Cather. So underrated.

>> No.7909151
File: 1.02 MB, 1520x2688, IMAG0537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm Still a plebian

>> No.7909202

Hope you enjoy Being and Time.

>> No.7909240

I'm not him but I'm also reading it, do you hope I enjoy it as well?

>> No.7909273

Yeah, I hope everyone who reads it finds something important in it. Heidegger and Kierkegaard made me feel happy again in philosophy so I hope anyone who's frustrated studying Anglo philosophy finds something relieving in him. Heidegger is important

>> No.7909490
File: 1.50 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been looking for a copy of JR for a long time and I finally struck gold at a used bookstore.

>> No.7909567
File: 5 KB, 187x293, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got a copy of Cinema 1 By Gilles Deluze.

>> No.7909632

>The Savage Detectives
I hope you enjoy being bored out of your mind for 700+ pages

>> No.7909638

cool cool
cool cool cool

>> No.7910031

I agree with this anon. All the main character did was go to shitty cafes and somehow (deus ex machina) end up fucking all the cuties

>> No.7910055

fuck you the jealousy is too much to bear

>> No.7910107

I disagree with these anons. The Savage Detectives was an entertaining and quick read. The mosaic storylines of the second part were great and full of emotions
>Ulises talking to Octavio Paz
How can you not enjoy it?

>> No.7910763
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>> No.7910774

That nitzchy volume looks awesome

>> No.7910775


>> No.7910897

I'm the one who posted the pic, and I've read it before and really enjoyed it. It was the first Bolaño I had read and I wasn't disappointed.

>> No.7910903

I'm sorry anon. You'll find a good copy someday :(

>> No.7910927

Ford and cather are both hugely important authors. Ford is half a step below joyce anf woolf for the modern (movement) novel and cather is generally regarded as -the- author for the americsn frontier and midwest.

>> No.7911401

I don't even give a shit anymore

>> No.7911451
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>> No.7911661

/fit/ needs to gtfo

>> No.7911670
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>> No.7911725

I can attest to Cather's fame- I live in Nebraska and work at a public library and she is probably the most featured author we have

>> No.7911791

>"Delightfully twisted and evil" - The Guardian

you paid for this

>> No.7911797

I've never read any J. F. Powers but I really like that cover

>> No.7911923

Sounds like a comfy life. Yes/no?

>> No.7912020

How much did you pay for that copy of JR? If you don't mind my asking.

>> No.7912035

That's the best part- it was only $9. Like I said, I struck gold finally

>> No.7912039

Yes and no; I'm moving soon because I don't like the town very much, and while the job is nice the pay is awful. I'll be going to a larger city for college. I will say that working at a library is actually great, but I can't stay forever.

>> No.7912042


>> No.7913000

i... I almost almost almost get this. What's the difference between a fuckboy and a softboy? Why not just call them assholes? I see where they're coming from, and kinda agree, but it's confusing

>> No.7913825

No, it's new-ironic post-sincerity.

>> No.7913843
File: 2.24 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought these like a month ago

Haven't bought anything really for the longest fucking time

>> No.7913898

Leopardo is a meme

>> No.7914787
File: 877 KB, 2448x3264, happy dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i find a place near me that has tons of like new everyman classics for £2-£4.50

>> No.7914826

Covers with depictions like that are automatically shit-tier, anon.

>> No.7915011
File: 10 KB, 255x200, 1458500957493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally judging a book by its cover

>> No.7915031


Don't have pictures as I've just ordered them.

The Illiad by Homer
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
Enchridion by Epictectus
Moral letters by Seneca

Am I a pleb or a /lit/rician?

>> No.7915086

>he fell for the oldest meme

>> No.7915090

He's judging the cover by the cover, dumbfuck

>> No.7915092

That dog has a skin disease look at that nose

>> No.7915136

He's beautiful, shut your mouth

>> No.7915193

I don't read. I want to and I like collection threads elsewhere. But the whole judge a book by its cover thing is true. I have no idea what any of this shit is. Most of you seem to prefer non-fiction historical books about Zimbabwe and things like that. Where all the good stories at?

Feel free to crucify me but like seriously it's like /tv/ in here with its "patrician" French films from the 30s.

>> No.7915581
File: 1.04 MB, 997x1500, 2666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my life a meme now?

>> No.7915642
File: 3.25 MB, 5312x2988, IMG_20160412_163000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got these books today. I hope they are good.

>> No.7915646

>historical books about Zimbabwe and things like that. Where all the good stories at?

Read that fucking book. No story is more interesting than a real one.

>> No.7915680

Sorry, I was hanging upside down when I took this picture.

>> No.7915706

Fucking baguettes invading Australia.

>> No.7915711

>non-fiction historical books about Zimbabwe
The fuck are you talking about? I've never seen /lit/ threads about shit like that. At most it shows up in people's shelves. Any threads about history are about european/western or asian history. The only African history I've seen has been about European colonization of Africa.

>> No.7915724

Non fiction and history are my vices.

>> No.7915751
File: 1.26 MB, 1312x2117, 365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7915757

I'm not French, though.

>> No.7915759

It's actual great novel. 4chan is not real life. also
>reading it in english

>> No.7915764

Mijn neger

>> No.7915772

>has books in french
>claims he's not French

>> No.7915809

lol lemme guess, you're american, right? Well, in other parts of the world, people are fluent in more than one language.

>> No.7915829

I'm going to murder you.

>> No.7915893

Guy who posted pic here and I'm actually American myself. I just know 4 languages and currently working on 2 more.

>> No.7915907

lol that's good. What 4 do you speak, and watcha working on?

Main learning method?

>> No.7915945

Currently I can read and speak English, French, Ancient Greek, and Latin. Working on Biblical Greek (not really that different but has some nuances) and Biblical Hebrew (I know these aren't really "full" languages like French). Together I consider these 1 language, Biblical. The other language I plan to learn afterwards is Dutch. I use textbooks, torrented audio files for speaking, and Memrise for more vocabulary.

>> No.7916118

I fucking hate you and I hope you burn in hell for eternity I'm so goddamn jealous

>> No.7916172

Why Dutch? What audio lessons are you using?

>> No.7916352

have you had a chance to read the original japanese texts?
Learning 日本語 here so curious how they compare

>> No.7916357

what a contributive post

>> No.7916453

Dutch because of how similar it is to English, I heard it would be easy to learn as well. There's books I'd like to read in Dutch and video games that I play have a strong Dutch community so it would be nice to interact in the Dutch language.

I will likely use Michel Thomas for Dutch speaking; Michel Thomas was what I used for French speaking. For speaking Greek, Speaking Greek was what I used. And Latin, Evan Der Miller's lessons on YouTube were sufficient.

Certain Memrise courses had audio with the vocabulary. Watching a lot of French cinema, (La grande illusion, La règle du je, À bout de souffle, etc), Greek plays, and Latin poetry/music helped too.

>> No.7916474

How'd you get the Michel Thomas stuff?

>> No.7916525

kickass torrents

>> No.7916562

None of them look complete. baka

>> No.7916570

Eindelijk iemand die pragmatisch is als het taal leren aankomt.

"michel thomas complete" how hard can it be, m8

>> No.7916592

looking at the files in it, it's clearly missing a couple cds and some cds don't look complete even

>> No.7916599

wait fuck i was just looking for the french course

>> No.7916694

Anybody here read BS Johnson? I just bought The Unfortunates, enjoying it.

>> No.7916728
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Pretty cheap too

>> No.7917225

well there's not much of quality there so it's hard to gauge whether you paid too much or not

>> No.7917237

Kill yourself.

>> No.7917240

This is expensive bait. Bravo, if only for laying out the money.

>> No.7918447
File: 3.03 MB, 2732x1830, 20160413_105405-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My high school library was giving away some free books. How many of these are good?

>> No.7918472

you were overcharged

>> No.7918490


t. Jacob Rosenberg, Bernie Sanders donor and phonebanker, LGBT rights advocate, and male feminist.

>> No.7918504


Free? Can't really go wrong, but at least some of those are outstanding - my pick would be the Hopkins.

>> No.7918544

>y-you're just a [political opponent]!
It's objectively shit. Even the good books are shitty editions.

>> No.7918549
File: 769 KB, 1095x842, 20160413_162644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got these in the post. Will be reading them and rereading them constantly over the next year, along with Epictectus.

>> No.7918569


I agree comrade :), my wife's son does as well

>> No.7918604
File: 113 KB, 1024x768, arthur-schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>letting children exist

>> No.7918606


>being a liberal scum

Basically the equivalent of a child desu senpai

>> No.7918611

>dems being triggered.jpeg

This board is garbage m8

>> No.7918626

>i'm a liberal

>> No.7918648
File: 106 KB, 506x677, IMG_20160413_170251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7918652


Spotted the pedophile

>> No.7918656

the girl in the stockings in like 22 dude get a life

>> No.7918663


I think anyone reasonable should be triggered by O'Reilly. He's the right-wing equivalent of SJWs in terms of obnoxiousness and disregard for intellectual honesty.

>> No.7918670


>tfw I told a self-proclaimed bookworm girl that my favorite book was Lolita, and she stopped talking to me forever

>> No.7918683

>Robert Conquest.
Fucks sake.

>> No.7918695



>> No.7918708


why would you buy The Grand Inquisitor and not the actual book it's featured in?

>> No.7918714


also, pretty terrible books. Good job, I'm triggered.

>> No.7918716

Spotted the libtard

>> No.7918726


It's for a collection, I have the Bros of Karamazov already

>> No.7918728


xddddddddddddddddddddddd guilty as charged xdddddddddddddddd my wife's sons XD LMAO i'm a cuck hahaha

>> No.7918733


Not even that guy but you are coming off as such m8

>> No.7918740


I wasn't kidding, I genuinely fantasize about my future wife getting spit roasted by two black men.

>> No.7919260
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>> No.7919771


>> No.7919806

/hey guys how do i get 'back into' reading/-core

>> No.7919816
File: 53 KB, 614x345, esq-nathan-fielder-0213-xlg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what? He chose good intro books.

>> No.7919844
File: 1.98 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20160413_230812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1938, limited edition, original print, and signed to boot

>> No.7919973

pretty much. no shame here though, I'm just happy to have rediscovered my love of reading.

>> No.7920118
File: 49 KB, 444x589, WALL-E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and that's all that matters anon, have fun

>> No.7920338

Get to Faulkner as soon as you can. You won't regret it.

>> No.7920472

They're all great aside from the postmodern one which I can't speak for.

>> No.7920910
File: 1.04 MB, 1031x1600, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of these