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/lit/ - Literature

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7894779 No.7894779 [Reply] [Original]

What would you define "middlebrow" as?

>> No.7894783

Between highbrow and lowbrow.

>> No.7894788


>> No.7894793
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>> No.7894795
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>> No.7894796


>> No.7895182

Nice one.

Personally, it's entry level stuff. Chuck and all his mates.

>> No.7895189


Finnegans Wake (sic)

>> No.7895193

Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett

>> No.7895512

Murakami is the fist author that came to mind.

>> No.7895523

Cormac McCarthy

>> No.7895539


>> No.7895544

Woolf defined it as people who need direction to read the good shit and can't get there on their own.

>> No.7895561

People who read "classics" or what is deemed by society to be "good books".

They usually have Dostoevsky in their top 10.

>> No.7895563
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>> No.7895577
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>People who read "classics" or what is deemed by society to be "good books".

Since I haven't read all literature, I sometimes rely on other people's recommendations so that I can filter out the good stuff for myself. Time is short and i can only read a finite number of books so it is a gamble that I'm taking and hoping that eventually, I will develop enough taste and time to discover other obscure works on my own.

>They usually have Dostoevsky in their top 10.

I have dostoevsky in my top 10 right now. maybe there are hundreds of others who are better and not as well know. but from all the stuff I've read I'd definitely justify dostoevsky being in my top 10.

At this point your complaint boils down to "so well then why haven't you read more?". To which I'll tell you that my circumstances have not been the same as yours and that due to them my priorities and behavior were different.

Does that make me middlebrow? If so then everyone is middlebrow. You, I and everyone else. If everyone is middlebrow then the word itself becomes vacuous, meaningless and as a consequence loses its pejorative connotation. It also loses the definition that you gave it. Your post is a contradiction.

in short: DELETE THIS.

>> No.7895580

no, just you are middlebrow

>top 10

>> No.7895581

Wew lad

>> No.7895586


>GRR Martin higher than Kierkegaard and plath
>alan moore higher than knut hamsun
>salinger higher than hamsun

>STEPHEN KING AT 38 higher than pessoa, chekhov, moore, hamsun, huxlet ...

>kurt vonnegut higher than nietzsche and tolkien

what is this retarded bullshit?

>> No.7895588

An arbitrary categorization important to those filled with status-anxiety.

>> No.7895589

Hesse, Marquez, Calvino

>> No.7895602

the top 10 are good
it goes downhill from there

>> No.7895610

>picture of Bach to make himself look cultured

>I have a top 10

>Dostoevsky is in my top 10


>> No.7895622


nah. i posted that picture because i had it lying around and didn't care what was attached.

>>I have a top 10

what's wrong with having favorites? have all authors influenced you equally?

>> No.7895625
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>> No.7895629

7 non-whites and/or women
8 if you count Tao Lin

>> No.7895644

You honestly sound pretty middlebrow and try hard

>> No.7895658
File: 119 KB, 500x687, jaden-smith-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7895675

Pynchon, McCarthy, Wallace, Franzen, Dostoevsky--authors undergrads read to feel special.

>> No.7895678

>lumping Pynchon in with all those memes

shiggy diggy doo

>> No.7895689

I like Pynchon, but he doesn't really compare to highbrow authors like Joyce and Gaddis, who, in both style and content, are able to run circles around him.

>> No.7895701

Orwell, Hemmingway and Murakami are the holy trinity of middlebrow fiction.

Pynchon punches way above his weight content wise.

>> No.7895780

Do I count as undergrad if I read Dostoevsky in the 8th grade? And then reread Crime and Punishment every subsequent year? Will you call me special?

>> No.7895798

NYT best sellers.
Oprah book club books.

Basically Franzen.

>> No.7895812

>NYT best sellers.
>Oprah book club books

That's low brow you dip

>> No.7895859

I would say the greatest post on 4chan was almost middlebrow, if that makes sense.

>> No.7895865

I never needed somebody to change my diaper.

>> No.7895866


>> No.7895876


You should work for some dictionaries I have seen ...

>> No.7895877


>> No.7895891

> Tolstoy and Faulkner are middle-brow

kill yourself, my man

oprah is as patrician as they come

>> No.7895896


>> No.7895912

Showmen are vile

>> No.7896167

'one characterised by earnestness, friendliness and ethical concerns'
JB Priestly on Middlebrow.

>> No.7896169

Thoughts on this line I just copied from wikipedia?
'Slate Magazine suggests that the late 2000s and early 2010s could potentially be considered the "golden age of middlebrow art"—pointing to television shows Breaking Bad, Mad Men, The Sopranos and The Wire and novels Freedom, The Marriage Plot and A Visit from the Goon Squad.'

>> No.7896175

>Does that make me middlebrow?

He cares what other think, truly middlebrow.

>> No.7896181

above mainstream, beneath niche intellectual specificity

>> No.7896185

Mid brow would be like Vonnegut. Something that's more then simple escapeism, but that isn't quite high art.

>> No.7896250

>le niwaka face