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/lit/ - Literature

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7890655 No.7890655 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, I have given myself one week to live.

What book do you consider a must-read before departing? I'll be choosing 2 at most, depending on the size of the book.

I have read most of the canon.

>> No.7890661

talk to your doctor about SSRIs

>> No.7890663

read the sticky and fuck off cunt

>> No.7890664
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The Old and New Testament.

>> No.7890665

De Rerum Natura

>> No.7890681


I can't find that one, who's it by?

>> No.7890686


Great pic, anon.

>> No.7890690
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>> No.7890707

Definitely The Brothers Karamazov. In fact, read every piece of literature that Dostoyevsky wrote. Then you can kill yourself because you won't be missing much else in this world.

>> No.7890721

The Apology by Plato kek,

not kek

>> No.7890744

Stop being an edgy faggot. If you were actually suicidal you would have just done it instead of begging for attention on a fucking anonymous image board.

Why the fuck would you care if you're missing out on any literature if you're going to kill yourself anyway? It won't matter once you're dead, and for all you know, the greatest book ever written could get published the day after your suicide.

>> No.7890751


> It won't matter once you're dead

Then why do you read? Are you not going to die?

> the greatest book ever written could get published the day after your suicide.

True, and the same goes for you.

>> No.7890798
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Read it. Hadji didn't give up.

>> No.7890838

Hey anon, i'm standing at the same crossroads. Do you have anything to recommend?

>> No.7890863

Try asking the nice folks at the Suicide Prevention Hotline this question. God bless.

1-800-273-TALK (8255)

>> No.7890867

what if i'm from a different country?

>> No.7890876


There are a lot of suicide resources online as well. There's a site called 7 cups of tea with support chat rooms.

>> No.7890878

The Consolation of Philosophy

>> No.7890879

There's no escape from life.

Suicide just means, from your perspective, that you belong to me sooner rather than later.

>> No.7890881

There is literally nothing wrong with suicide, its their life they are free to end it. All organisations like this exist for are normies going through momentary little spats so that they can stop being inefficient and mopey and get back to work.

The whole life is so precious that it should be forced upon others and demonisation of suicide like it is such a terrible thing meme needs to stop. It exist for the selfish fucks that care more about the idea of a person or their presence over what the actual person wants or believes is best for their own lives.

Stay strong OP, remember why you want this and why you need this. Life does not get better, it's not worth getting tricked into suffering more.

>> No.7890882

Don't kill yourself. Even if you subscribe to some cosmic-pessimism-nihilism there are still global conflicts, inventions and other carnivalesque stuff to look forward to.

>> No.7890885


To get out of the mindset or books to read?

>> No.7890893

It's not terrible, but unless you are in physical pain, or live in a third-world brothel with your mom, it's (hopefully) possible to get rid of suffering and enjoy yourself.

As cliche as that sounds, suicide is permanent, and your current predicament is (possibly) temporary.

>> No.7890894

Well both really. I really feel quite terrible to be honest.

>> No.7890898

Maybe that stuff isn't for everyone. It's op's choice to die, we should be supportive of that instead of forcing our own views and tastes in the matter upon him.

>> No.7890903
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>> No.7890906

>It exist for the selfish fucks that care more about the idea of a person or their presence over what the actual person wants or believes is best for their own lives.
cliché land
population: you

>> No.7890910



I agree. It was probably the biggest beef I had with Kantian ethics (the whole it's immoral to commit suicide thing). Complete nonsense.

Every human has the liberty to take his own life. It's in not choosing to take it that he can derive meaning from his life

>> No.7890919

The Anathemata, David Jones
Suicide, Edouard Leve - both short & apposite

>> No.7890920

"The Good, the Bad and the Irritating: A Practical Approach for Parents of Children who are Attention Seeking" by Nigel Mellor

>> No.7890921

Maybe we need some permanence. Any happiness you find will fade, just as any sadness or pain will be. While we can't garauntee happiness however, we can definitely garauntee pain. I'm not gonna try to convince you I am right or argue against you, because this matter is ultimately subjective, if you want to live and look forward to all of that you should be absolutely free to do so. But I'm also gonna support OP and suggest that people do not start enforcing their opinions and social(or worse yet, religious) memes upon him in order to satisfy their need to justify it to themselves.

It's not a competition about suffering, but the garauntee relative to each of us that we will experience it, either directly through events or through the simple nature of how events occur, through how temporary everything is. It's about personal preference of whether you want to constantly fight for temporary pleasure or to permanently rest in peace.

>> No.7890922
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The biggest enemy is rumination. Your greatest ally is productivity.

Do SOMETHING. Start small. Brush your teeth, floss, and rinse. Clean your room, do your laundry. Go for a walk. Do NOT sit in your room marinating in your thoughts.

Staying active is the single most important thing you can do. Physical exercise = god tier medicine

>> No.7890932

>But I'm also gonna support OP and suggest that people do not start enforcing their opinions and social(or worse yet, religious) memes upon him in order to satisfy their need to justify it to themselves.
And you are doing what, exactly? I'm an ardent antinatalist and pro-euthanasia activist, yet I still think it's pretty irresponsible to encourage such drastic actions to people we know absolutely fucking nothing about. OP might be a kid with emotional problems, for fucks sake. So consider visiting /his/ and sharing your ideas about rejecting Kantian ethics there.

>> No.7890934

Physical exercise = god tier medicine
I second this, even though it's quite well known now. Go for a walk OP, get some fresh air and sunlight, even 30 minutes will do.

>> No.7890941


I wrote that post.

>> No.7890942

i'm so tired man.

>> No.7890948

Just reinforcing.

>> No.7890961

Pure ideology tb h

>> No.7890962

Pure biology. Read up on neurotransmitters.

>> No.7890971

Le neuroscience meme face
Next trend already pls

>> No.7890973
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I know, man. But despite how you feel, I can guarantee you can manage a walk. It's a burden but you have to take care of yourself.

If you're not physically well, fix that first and then worry about deep /lit/ shit.

>> No.7890975

Yeah, scientists made up dopamine and serotonin so they can sell snake oil. Fucking kill yourself, uneducated faggot.

>> No.7890980


I hope you're joking. If not, let me be (at least) the second person on the Internet today to inform you you're a fucking moron.

>> No.7891002

Ofc not, but your reception of it/public reception to prop up your ideology is

>> No.7891008


> your reception

by "your reception" do you mean acknowledging neurotransmitters exist and play a fundamental role in mental illness?

>> No.7891013


Don't even try. These ppl are so cucked they can't even distinguish

>> No.7891018


Fuck off

>> No.7891021


Mhm mhm.

>> No.7891026

I don't want to make it another "don't do it" post, but don't do it. What are you going through? Is there really nothing/no one there to live for? Nothing at all? This is your only life, you won't be getting another.

Even if you already decided, I want you to just sit down and think again. And I want you to know that there's someone out there rooting for you and wanting you to make it.

>> No.7891029

T bqh famingo I don't think that anyone should make important choices when they're in an altered state of mind, which dopamine provides.

Then again, your could be solid advice for suicide. Don't ruminate yourself out of it, just get to acting on it! Be productive! Don't doubt yourself! Just do it!

>> No.7891036

Op start your physicsl workout by tying the noose

>> No.7891038
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could we get back to talking about books instead of flinging shitty relative philosophy about what to do?

>> No.7891039

what if you have anhedonia?

>> No.7891055

Don't worry about it man, it will get better! Think about all the things you will get to experience in the future! Imagine going on a huge adventure across the world or something amazing, and enjoying nothing! Oh oh, maybe get high, you'll totally be indifferent to that! all these wonderful things in the world, how could you ever throw away your one chance at suffering and miss all of it?!

Don't be suicidal... Smile! Enjoy life!

>> No.7891070

+go for walks and work out, i.e. Lift!

>> No.7891077

Man's Search for Meaning


>> No.7891093


Is it not unreasonable for those who experience chronic suffering to seek to alleviate their pain with a peaceful method? This book is the best resource on the subject. Even if you are healthy now it might be a good idea to prepare an escape plan if you ever find yourself losing your mind or having a painful illness develop.

>> No.7891101


>> No.7891118

Books like this are for weak selfish cowards who refuse to accept the violent consequences of their actions and twisted self centered desires. Do you ever think about the people you will be hurting? Or how much you're giving up? Everyone thinks their life is their own, it is not. you belong to the society that spawned and fed you, your parents and those who care about you.

Regardless of your situation it is wrong to kill yourself. all life is sacred and serves a purpose. There is no such thing as a peaceful death, please accept that and go on living.

>> No.7891130


> life
> sacred

haha, okay bud.

>> No.7891137

Paradise Lost

>> No.7891185

Dharma bums is a great read

>> No.7891293

I don't owe fucking shit to society.

My life is mine and mine alone.

obviously most people bred in toxicity are used to their parents always telling them that they belong to them. But you don't. you belong to no one. Only to yourself.

It's selfish for others to be upset over your suicide. This is your decision. Are you hurting your family because they want you to run the family business but you wanna be a journalist. No! it's your life you decision. They're free to ask of you to alighn yourself with what they want from you. But you are not required to.

True family and friends. Would accept your decision to leave this life just like they should accept your decision to go to college for sculpting because it's your passion. They don't have to agree with it. But they hve to accept it as your right and your decision.

IF everyone wasn't so afraid of death this wouldn't be a problem. Hell what's scarier then death? A guy who decides he wants to do it now. Tht idea doesn't sit right with normal people.It'll scare them more. Your life is no more than a blade of grass in the cosmic scale of existence.

ANyway on track. When I end I will be rereading:

Catcher in the Rye - Holden is great. So much emotion and confusion. Just wants to understand the world. But it won't happen. He's deeply kind and caring but the world made him course. but he's still there.

The Secret Garden - There's magic in that garden. Just one last look at magic and innocence before you go.

Harry Potter/Narnia/series of unfortunate events or the book of your childhood. I knew more about harry potter, his hopes dreams and fears then any real person around me. I'd see him off one last time.

books not to read:

classics- prob won't have any emotional meaning towards your personal life.

religious/philosphical- times change shit doesn't hold up anymore we move too fast.

good luck on the journey

>> No.7891330

>it's selfish for others to be upset over your suicide.

Wew lad. You're saying that it's selfish for people to naturally and uncontrollable feel a certain way about the death of another person? No matter what, unless you really are completely alone in the world with no family or anything, suicide is going to be an inherently selfish action. You are doing something for the benefit of yourself at the expense of the eminent pain of others. But, I'm not going to stand on a soap box here and tell you that you shouldn't do it. I'm probably going to kill myself pretty soon tbqhwy as well. Just don't think that you have this ultimate moral right to suicide and that you're not going to hurt anyone and that it's not your fault. Even though we're doing the same thing, at least I feel shitty about it and am self-aware about how much of a dick move it will be.

>True family and friends would accept your decision to leave this life just like they should accept your decision to go to college for sculpting because it's your passion.

Is this shit bait? No they wouldn't, because they care about you on an emotional level. Again, you can't fucking control your emotions when it comes to shit like a loved one dying. Sure, maybe they can think "maybe he's in a better place and maybe he wanted it," but that doesn't quell the pain of loss all that much.

This is bait, right?

>> No.7891336

>self immolation
I can't tell if this is this a joke or someone's honest opinion on appropriate music for self immolation.

>> No.7891340
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hehe don't worry about it OP, it all gets better! Just BEEEEE yourself!

>> No.7891417

What you have here is the classic problem of information. You are assuming that you have enough information to determine the probability of your finding life worthwhile. You do not. In order to know that you should kill yourself, you would have to know all the consequences of both killing and not killing yourself, which you cannot know unless you are fucking omniscience, in which case you would be able to reply to this post with my name, address, social security number, dick length (if I even have one, which you also don't know), etc. So, unless you can do that, then you don't know enough, and you therefore must wait until you do in order to actually truly know that killing yourself is your best decision.

Sorry to be glib, but I've literally had pretty detailed and severe suicidal ideations basically on the daily for about three years now, with medications, therapy, and institutionalizations, so I do know what you're going through, and for me nothing actually helped except this particular line of thought.


>> No.7891424

Thanks for the shitty chuckle my man

>> No.7891426

excuse my retarded spelling and grammar

>> No.7891438

Not that guy, but I disagree. Their feelings and problems are their own, just as mine are mine alone. People feel entitled to have or make everyone share in their problems and feelings, and often time it actually causes more depression than helps cure it. You are not responsible for the feelings of others, so please do not feel like you are and it hinges on you to act according to them.

Accepting a decision=/=feeling nothing over it. Sure they might feel sad, but if they think their sadness trumps your own right to your life, your very existence, and what to do with it, they are ultimately selfish. Sure, suicide is selfish too, but more in the same way trying to escape slavery is selfish.

If they fail to accept your decisions for your own life because it would inconvience them, they are selfish. I often wonder if people like this even view others like actual living consciousness, if they actually have a grain of empathy in them to consider that another person is suffering. Do they just view them as possessions? ideas? Almost like pets? Just enjoyable presences they're worried THEY don't get to experience anymore?

>> No.7891486

>I have given myself one week to live.
why tho?

>> No.7891501

While you might have a point you are also saying the exact polar opposite. All you are doing is creating unattainable information a reason to keep on living? After a certain point you can figure out whether or whether not living is going to be a net benefit to you and those around you.

The assumption here is that the person isn't experiencing emotional regulation issues, or severe clinical depression which induces a state of high stress. They are of a relatively sound mind and simply just wish not to exist.

A good quote of a heuristic for whether an experience is a net positive is, "Would you rather experience that again or would you rather be unconscious instead?".

>> No.7891505

Let's get a bit more into my personal beliefs. We live in this society where we just can't accept our own mortality. Why is it inherently selfish to kill yourself? I understand that we can't explicitly control our emotions to these things, nor should we. However it's also a part of life that we just flat out deny happening. Like I said, we can't control our emotions to these things but that doesn't mean we are unable to accept it. For whether it would be inherently selfish or not, the person killing themselves isn't just creating pain out of nowhere and putting it onto others. It must already exist for this problem to arise. It's selfish for anyone involved I think. The person who committed suicide and those that are unable to accept that persons free will. Some people are just as likely to override self preservation in order to avoid pain. That isn't inherently bad, just human nature. Something which we cannot control.

>> No.7891508

Procrastination. OP is on the basic stages, he probably thinks if he keeps extending the date or giving himself time something might happen that changes all the reasons he wanted to kill himself in the first place.

How much he has to learn.

>> No.7891665

Where did you buy your fedora from?

>> No.7891674

the myth of sisyphus

>> No.7891708

lol, a terribly written philosophy essay by one of the biggest hacks of the 20th century is going to help nobody with their imminent suicide

>> No.7891919

>commit suicide
>lol you fookin weak coward bastard kys

>> No.7891921

>classics- prob won't have any emotional meaning towards your personal life.
>religious/philosphical- times change shit doesn't hold up anymore we move too fast.
glad to see you go bucko

>> No.7891935

>one of the biggest hacks of the 20th century

OP should read your book then, fucko

>> No.7891946


>> No.7891996
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lets make our own

what books should we add

>> No.7892003

Stoner for marijuana overdose. C'mon anon, I'm disappointed in you.

>> No.7892004

>marijuana overdose
totalitarianism in a tundra
>illicit drugs
the nova trilogy (the soft machine, the ticket that exploded, nova express)
>vehicular impact
crash by ballard
>death by elder knowledge
the four zoas by william blake

>> No.7892069
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what else?

>> No.7893340


>> No.7893348

The stranger and the illiad for murder suicide.

>> No.7893360

hunger by knut hamsun for stravation

>> No.7893377
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Romeo and Juliet for poison
pic related for Seppuku

>> No.7893467

For firearm put something by Hemingway and for drowning put something by Woolf.

>> No.7893608

Seriously, if you can't force yourself out of bed, then talk to your doctor.

>> No.7893756

>self immolation
>atomizer nowhere to be seen

>> No.7893809

Why would you kill yourself?

I'm sure you haven't exhausted all the possibilities that can make you happy. If you want to leave your current situation, why don't you just pick up your things and go somewhere completely different, travel the world maybe. There's a endless array of possibilities on this planet, go after them.

>> No.7893867

Travesty by Hawkes could go in either vehicular impact or murder suicide. My Twisted World for firearms and/or Murder Suicide

>> No.7893889

Read Ulysses. You can't read that shit in just one week, you'll need more and that'll be an excuse for not-suicide. I'm saving your life here OP

>> No.7893936
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That's not how depression works normie

>> No.7893960

Anna Karenina - Vehicular impact

>> No.7893964

Please don't.

>> No.7893966

Old man and the Sea -- Drowning

>> No.7893971

Depressed people aren't functional at all. The truly depressed have a hard time getting out of bed, never mind traveling the world.

>> No.7893978

This. I often have days where I can't even face navigating the hallway of my shared flat.

It's like he's never seen piss bottles before.

>> No.7894100

Don't read a book, commit suicide by nature.

Go to the most convenient mountainous area (ideally inside a national park so that you can actually get away from civilization), and take with you a minimum number of supplies. Don't cheat by jumping off a cliff or something, let the wild kill you at its own pace.

It can really only go positively for you. Either you die as you intend to or you become a mountain man.

>> No.7894112

Please. Read your two favourites books.

>> No.7894137

The Divine Comedy

>> No.7895161

Aside from depression not working at all like that, another bullshit thing is "happy"
Happiness isn't some everlasting thing you find, there is no happily ever after. Humans aren't programmed to feel pleasure from certain activities more than they should, eventually everything you enjoy you will grow bored of. This is especially true if you're rich or well off, the satisfaction wears off quick when it is so easy.

So look at it like this, not only are you only tired all the time and feeling like shit, if you were to find something that makes you happy, it will be a one time thing and from then on it will just be another ineffective piece of background noise. That is assuming you're only in the early stages of depression, and there are things in the world that don't require cosmic amounts of effort to even make you feel anything at all. Why you normies can't seem to understand this or accept that some people will be better off in peace is a mystery.

>> No.7895227

For Whom the Bell Tolls for firearm.

One Day in the Life Of Ivan Denisovich for starvation.

>> No.7895231

>One week to live
>Decides to read a book

>> No.7895248

Suttree. I don't know how it will affect your decision but it will auger the course of your life in some way, given the stakes you're playing at.

>> No.7895305

possibly the best post in this world

seriously the anathemata

>> No.7895320
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>> No.7895322

That being said, there are degrees of depression. Some still function on a basic level, maybe out of habit, but tend to withdraw from their social lives and drop hobbies/interests they used to have. You can't just tell these people to start diet/exercise, or world traveling.

>> No.7895435
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Please anon :-)

>> No.7895461
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After this book, you will not need nothing anymore.

>> No.7895490

This. I just pulled myself out of 5 years of shit by simply changing my daily rabbits and moving my body more. Waking up early and walking somewhere with a goal in mind saved my life. Set an alarm and go buy something close by. Make your bed every morning. Routine is the death of fear.

Good luck.

>> No.7895502

"Ne souhaite pas, Nathanael, trouver Dieu ailleurs que partout."

Seconded, I love Gide.

>> No.7895510

These people literally don't care about listening. They're just there to tell you 'le don't do it!!' and feel better about themselves for it. Fuck suicide hotlines.

>> No.7895524

Don't be stupid

>> No.7896196

Wuthering Heights for Starvation
If this thread dies before we finish this, please make a thread

>> No.7896277

>changing my daily rabbits
You're writer.

>> No.7896354

I was suicidally depressed until I started prozac. It was only a matter of when and not if.

>> No.7896355

Lame. You didn't even add any of the suggestions.

>> No.7896373

>Marijuana OD
Did you actually read the book, or was it only for the title?

>> No.7896397

It must've been a joke about the title.

>> No.7896431

Pure ideology. Productivity is nothing but distraction.

>> No.7896437

It depends on what you do with it. If you just do something for the sake of keeping yourself busy then yes, it's a christfag protestant work-ethic slave spook. If you have a definite internal or external goal in mind and are working to materialize it and only it, then it's justifiable.