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/lit/ - Literature

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7889314 No.7889314 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that all great writers eventually kill themselves? Think it's related somehow?

>> No.7889321

Only in a manner of speaking. Joyce died from health complications that may or may not have been related to his boozing. Or probably just being poor.

>> No.7889322

No. Name one writer on the same level as Joyce or Gaddis that killed themself.

>> No.7889336
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>> No.7889338

Hmm well you can't deny that a lot more suicides happen in the famous writers department than physicists

Poe, Plath, Hemingway, DFW, Wolfe to name a few
E.A. Poe was more of an alcohol suicide though

>> No.7889341
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Normie tier: Have children, don't kill themselves.
Shit tier: Have children, kill themselves.
Acceptable tier: Don't have children, don't kill themselves.
Great tier: Don't have children, kill themselves.

>> No.7889357


>> No.7889363

I said on the same level, not several orders of magnitude lower.

>> No.7889370
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>> No.7889392

Joyce drank himself to death.

>> No.7889396

literally loling at Gaddis being on the same level as Joyce. Please stop with this meme. Not saying he's bad, but he nowhere near Joyce.

Virginia Woolfe and John Kennedy Toole, Stefan Zweig, and Hemmingway were all exceptional authors that surpassed Gaddis.

>> No.7889403

>John Kennedy O'Toole surpassed Gaddis
>Hemmmmmmmingway is worth reading


>> No.7889413



>> No.7889425

>Hemingway better than Gaddis
Just admit it: you haven't actually read Gaddis.

>> No.7889429
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>Hemmingway was exceptional
>better than Gaddis

>> No.7889433

>everybody that isnt postmodern SUCKS! WHOOOHOO PYCNHON

>> No.7889436

>memeing this hard

i dont even like pynchon. just admit you havent read gaddis lol. if you legitimately think hemmmmmmingway > gaddis you are hopeless

>> No.7889439

>"Have children, kill themselves."
>a life story somewhat associated with Sylvia Plath
>not the lowest tier
there are some very patrician, very obscure literary forums which would collectively cringe right now

>> No.7889446

Just admit you haven't read him, anon.

>> No.7889479

What forums do you have in mind?

>> No.7889714

it's pretty underground, you've probably never heard of it

>> No.7889733

pls enlighten oh obscure great literary forum one

>> No.7889738

I was joking, the other guy is pretty pretentious though
or maybe he was joking too

>> No.7890101

it is the lowest tier in that list. lrn2read

>> No.7890109

duh. i dont read, faggot

>> No.7890114

Borges lived into his 80s and he's greater than nearly everyone in this thread.

>> No.7890118

>Hmm well you can't deny that a lot more suicides happen in the famous writers department than physicists
Do you have any sort of source on this claim?

>> No.7890258


>> No.7890286

Thank you.

>> No.7890297

>doesn't know about the obscure literary forums

>> No.7891279

I feel like Hemingway is one big meme. I've read a few of his novels and I've hated all of them. There is hardly anything likable about them.

>> No.7891287

It's patently false because Ruggles Pynchon will never die.

>> No.7891299

You are right. He is pretty much rebuked among the most literary circles and he was also (apparently) a shit boxer.

>tfw when you could kick Hemingway's ass

>> No.7891306

i just finished beware of pity. one of my all-time favorites

>> No.7891498

Fernando Pessoa

>> No.7891732

maybe you just aren't a romanticist

people who like pomo don't really mesh with romanticism you know

>> No.7891807

>if you legitimately think hemmmmmmingway > gaddis you are hopeless
This. If there's such a thing as a test to weed out plebs, you've definitely failed if you rate hemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmingway over any author /lit/ talks about a lot (except maybe Tao Lin).

>> No.7891817

Memeingway is the Kurt Vonnegut of literary fiction. Probably even more cringeworthy because he took himself seriously as an "artiste" while Vonnegut admitted that he was just writing dumb sentamentalist sci-fi satire.

>> No.7891848

I honestly feel bad that you all can't appreciate Hemingway. He speaks to a very primal part of me that I feel most writers never tap into. Just because he's popular doesn't mean he doesn't have merit.

>> No.7891853

This. Papa is not a postmodernist. And your friends aren't going to be impressed when they see you smugly reading him at your local coffee shop. He's an romantic modernist with an understated style. Just because a work is more accessible doesn't mean it has less literary merit. I'm a fan of postmodern fiction, but if you pretend to only like Gaddis and Gass just to show strangers on a Afghani image board how clever you are, you are the reason /lit/ has turned into a board of memes instead of a place for actual discussion

>> No.7891855

Hart Crane

>> No.7891861

Damn you basically said what I was trying to say.

>> No.7891863

What little merit he does have is negated by how much of a normie pleb meme he is. It's hard to not resent the regressive effect veneration of him has exerted over literature.

>> No.7891873

Why they as tall as the house?

>> No.7891876

On the contrary, smug coffee shop types idolize him and consider his books absolutely essential. They won't be "impressed" in the sense of thinking you've one-upped them, but they will nod and acknowledge you as "one of the boys" for being in on the meme. You don't realize just how much milquetoast pseud hacks idolize him.

>> No.7891878

You sound like a miserable person, and not in any kind of interesting way.

Why don't you go fishing or fight in a war instead of caring about "normies" and "memes." Go outside so maybe you'll get over yourself.

>> No.7891880

I go outside and chat these types of people up every day, anon. How do you think I know this stuff?

>> No.7891896

Name a writer on the same level as Proust that didn't die of pneumonia.

>> No.7891904

kek name an author on the same level as Kafka and Lawrence that didn't die of Tuberculosis.

>> No.7892017

Just finished reading 'A Farewell to Arms' the other day (the only Hemingway novel I've read so far) and I wasn't too impressed. Not hating, actually liked his style of writing, got immersed in the story and its delivery was nice, but it lacked a bit of "punch" as a whole. It didn't send me to any kind of contemplation state and pondering over the events. Maybe because the story itself was too familiar and predictable for me (whom it may have inspired in other works). Afterwards I felt "well that's an alright book", while e.g. after reading Moby Dick, I had to take two weeks off reading just to recover from the impact it had. Anyway will check out some of his other novels in the future.

>> No.7892039

In many ways I think he is a better short story writer than novelist.

>> No.7892111

>Fernando Pessoa
[citation needed]

>> No.7892132

kicking in open doors there eh laddie

>> No.7892138

You people really are white niggers.

>> No.7892139

i like pomo and i also like hemingway woo