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/lit/ - Literature

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7887291 No.7887291 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any song lyricists with literary merit?

>> No.7887298


>> No.7887311

I don't exactly know if you're asking if they're actual authors or whatnot, but check out The Decemberists' album The Hazards of Love.

It's a concept album with a really long, beautiful story and songs to match. Just reading the lyrics is like reading a Shakespearian work. Go for it.

>> No.7887328

song writers are poets

>> No.7887342

Bob Dylan at certain moments. Leonard Cohen on his first album.
That's all I can think of.

>> No.7887397

Morrissey was undeniably talented in his days with The Smiths. It shines through sporadically in his solo work and more prominently in passages of his autobiography. However his attempt at proper fiction writing was awful and should be avoided. Very few individuals can master writing prose or writing songs. Very few of those can do both and it tends to be those who focus on writing literature have more success at turning their hand to songwriting than songwriters do when attempting to write.

>> No.7887410

Huey Lewis and the News, Genesis, Whitney Houston.

>> No.7887414


>> No.7887421
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I have a nicer ass than both of those girls and there's something terribly sad and banal about that.

>> No.7887423

Scott Walker

>> No.7887449

La Dispute
Nick Drake

>> No.7887451

Don't forget the Talking Heads

>> No.7887457

This is not /lit/. Please delete this thread and take it to /mu/.

>> No.7887459

Lyrics are lyrics, they're made to be sung. Poems are poems. Literature is literature.

There are good lyrics, but the idea of "lyricists with literary merit" is kind of silly - like asking if Joyce has musical merit.

>> No.7887500

I stepped onto the midway.

>> No.7887506

Joyce has musical merit tho. Sirena episode, for one.

>> No.7887540

Most poems are meant to be spoken/sung

>> No.7887549

Yeah I mean, I intentionally picked one where you could answer, "Kiiinda," because you can frequently answer "Kiiinda," to OP's question as well.

>> No.7887588










>> No.7887592

>Leonard Cohen



>> No.7887598

>Poems are poems.
>Literature is literature.
>Implying poems aren't literature...
Are you sure you are ready for this board, anon?

>> No.7887604

Latin poetry is meant to be sung.

>> No.7887607


>> No.7887612 [DELETED] 


Singing is okay, background noise is borderline autistic, but good lyrics with some literary merit.

>> No.7887683

La dispute you whore

>> No.7887703

c-can I see it, a-anon?

>> No.7887801

Joanna Newsom' p. good

>> No.7887816
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>> No.7887824

also no

>> No.7887838

who's the semen demon on the right?

>> No.7887890

nice butte posts yours

>> No.7887972

Will Toledo of the band car seat headrest

>> No.7887979

Ian Anderson could be a bit of a pseud, but I think pic related has genuine literary merit. Like any song lyrics, it needs to be listened to as you read along, since the medium isn't meant to have the words in isolation.

Contains gems like,
>And your little sister's immaculate virginity wings away on the bony shoulder of a bony horse named George, who stole surreptitiously into her geography revision! The examining body examined her body!

>> No.7887984
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There's also Satan bragging about 'lighting up fags,' it's a trip

>> No.7888032
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>> No.7889085

>kendrick lamar - how much a dollar cost?
>the last poets - niggers are scared of revolution

>> No.7889120


I think this guy does, as well as a few folksingers. People already talked about Leonard Cohen and Bob Dylan.

>> No.7889128

Don't ever post on this board again

>> No.7889168

so fucking good.

>> No.7889172

This guy has the saddest story. Half of his face burned, almost never sold any record, lived in the streets for a long time, etc.

>> No.7889186

Lorenzo da Ponte?

>> No.7889187

Those are some of the most ill fitting pants i've ever seen.

>> No.7889191

Joanna Newsom is as close as I've found to having genuinely good lyrics

>> No.7889215

kevin barnes from ofmontreal

>> No.7889580

Leonard Cohen and I'd argue Tom Waits.

>> No.7891051

Elliott Smith

>> No.7891058

>Literary Merit

I like books too man, but you gotta stop pushing this meme.

>> No.7891063

shut the fuuuuck upppppp

>> No.7891087

>No Jim Morrison

>> No.7891089

You hatin' on K-dot bruv?

>> No.7891102
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genuinely good ass

>> No.7891265

what is this a picture of?

why does this get posted? what does it mean?

>> No.7891278

i dont want to be that guy but in the aeroplane over the sea is pretty well written.

>> No.7891290

Keith Buckley.

>> No.7891518

two hipster sluts that are a net negative man's efforts

i-i'm not bitter i promise

>> No.7891633
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>> No.7891640
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2pac desu senpai

>> No.7891644
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Neil Young for sure


>> No.7891647

Conor Oberst

>> No.7891660

Mountain GOATs

>> No.7891712

Zevon's Desperadoes Under the Eaves

>> No.7891789
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>> No.7891795


>> No.7891800

Honestly, I like Kendrick too, but his lyrics are really blunt and corny when compared to quality poetry. In the context of the music they're great though.

>> No.7891809
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First of all, this is asked too much.

Second of all, the only true answer is Townes Van Zandt.

>> No.7892103

Bob Dylan is considered a bona fide poet since "Boots of Spanish Leather" was included in The Norton Anthology of Poetry.

>> No.7892146

Isaac Brock

>> No.7892166

You will simply FOOL YOURSELF if you start to listen to stuff like Bob Dylan thinking it actually has any literary merit. It doesn't. It's poetry, I admit, but it's not particularly good poet. Morrissey is slightly ridiculous even.

Now there are great poets who were also great composers, but I'm not sure their style of music sound attractive enough for 21st century teenagers. Here's a version of Arnaut Daniels' sestina: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArrbdR_l4eo

In English, listen to he 16th/17th century composers - Thomas Campion is the best.

>> No.7892236

knopfler, zappa

>> No.7892258

Einsturzende Neubauten.

""Ah" says everyone. Just the birds are silent with surprise."

>> No.7892267

They did it to attract students, like they do with females and blacks. Anthologies, unlike art, have to lower themselves towards students. I have a book edited by two respected poets which contains Eleanor Rigby - does this mean Paul 'My girl she's no peasant she gives no me presents' McCartney is a poet now?

>> No.7892294

You realize that Cohen is just going along with the rhymes, right? I mean, it makes for pretty songs, but in terms of "literary merit", his music is worthless.

>> No.7892297

Lol.. Bro... That must've sounded good in your head, but please think things through before posting.

>> No.7892298

girl on the left has butt, girl on the right is pretty and will grow up to be a hot school teacher
their apartment is shitty but in a rich way
one too many plants
6.5/10 life

>> No.7892317


what's the photo from OP?

It made me think a little about what this aesthetic can tell us about our age.

The room is furnished with a colloquial scattering of recyclable bags, gadgets, books, and plants...
importing a metropolitan taste into an otherwise crude architecture. (gentrification?)

Pots, plats, tables, walls all feel quite bare. Whether through taste or negligence.
I'm not inclined towards minimalism because the aesthetic conveyed by this photograph leans more heavily on the designed clutter of the "studio". Whether or not they are artists I'm not sure.

But there is also a facet of anthropology conveyed by this arrangement that intrigues me. The sparse wires: a plug and a headphone, suggest some technologies are available. However the contents of the desk are overwhelmingly analogue: the contents of scrutiny appearing largely to be traditional art. And yet, dressed in black and faced away from the camera, the subjects do not appear to be engaged with this practice. Rather as curators and anthropologists sifting through visual and material culture.

The work space is fashionably littered with printouts, prints, and a palette. We could infer the worker/resident refers to it for her visual art, but it seems more likely it's imported as a performative fetish for print media rather than a utilitarian purpose.

The pocky is a nice touch.

>> No.7892328

this is a stupid question and i will tell you why.
lyrics are applied to melody and rhythm. poetry is not, arguably rhythm but not in the elasticity of rhythm that a vocal melody would have.

when you look at the lyrics of your favourite song you will always be reminded of the song itself you won't be looking at just the words and reading them as you do a poem. in fact, artists who have traditional rhythm patterns in the same way poems do are generally boring and they are paying a price musically, rhythm is where it's interesting and if your words look perfect on paper most of the time the music is passe.
so when anyone says you can just look at the lyrics and be moved that's just fucking stupid go read a fucking poem you fucking dolt.

>> No.7892330

mah nigga

>> No.7892398

Viper t.b.h

>> No.7892455

Trent Reznor's depiction of a man stripping away everything around him (lovers, society, God, identity) in the album The Downward Spiral is /lit/ as fuck. People will regularly write a thesis about the complexity and brutal honesty found in this album. Check it out.

>> No.7892462

Most of his early songs are ballads, like you would expect from a folk singer. They are what they are. It's technically uninteresting, sure, but they stand up on his imagery - poetry isn't just technical flourish. Much of his actual poetry is free verse.

>> No.7892463

You're not the first in this thread making this point but you're still wrong. Go look at Van Morisson's Sweet Thing lyrics for example, great symbolist stuff, very modern.

It can have literary merits.

>> No.7892544

>you're wrong because my opinion
yea no

>> No.7892550


>> No.7892556

You're not even willing to consider lyrics based on your initial position, what do I care.

>> No.7892562

>lyrics are applied to melody and rhythm. poetry is not
>artists who have traditional rhythm patterns in the same way poems do are generally boring and they are paying a price
>you can just look at the lyrics and be moved that's just fucking stupid go read a fucking poem you fucking dolt.
What a load of bs.

>> No.7892660

lyrics are meant to be heard not read, it is the combination of what the melody conveys, how the melody is sung, how the words are enunciated and then the words themselves.
to judge lyrics based on the words alone is incredibly stupid.

>> No.7892663

your music taste is probably bs

>> No.7892853


muh dik

>> No.7892868

Didn't Joyce have musical talent? Some of his poems are now songs so arguably they have musical merit

>> No.7892878

>your music taste is probably bs
Don't be so insecure. If you can't find, in your favorite poets, a clear music (both melodic and rhythmic) I think there's a problem. Music tastes has absolutely nothing to do with it.

>> No.7892885

>to judge lyrics based on the words alone is incredibly stupid.
Not considering these words simply because they satisfy you on a pure musical level can also be an error. Certainly doesn't mean you can't read into it.

>> No.7892927

chuck schuldiner?
For some reason I find a great connection between Empty Words and Hesse's Siddharta.

>> No.7892966

i wasn't talking about poets.
there's music in the way you're using the term and then there's actual music, don't conflate the two.
they could be, if you really wanted to. but ultimately lyrics shouldn't be judged on their literary quality it's like judging a dish as an artwork. are there any dishes with artistic merit? sure, but it's a stupid question.

>> No.7892988


>> No.7893063


>> No.7893069

Billy Joe Shaver

>> No.7893114
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Spengler tribute band

>> No.7893129

Confirmed pleb.

>> No.7893141

MC Ride :^)

>> No.7893234

>there's actual music
The poem is the partition ; there is actual music.

>> No.7893255

i don't think you have any idea what you're saying at this point

>> No.7893265

And I think you're too strict in the way you view these fences dividing the different artistic mediums (cooking excluded).

>> No.7893269

Sappho, Homer, Arnaut Daniel

>> No.7893279

>"Like a Rolling Stones Juhuuu XDD"

>> No.7893493

>ultimately lyrics shouldn't be judged on their literary quality it's like judging a dish as an artwork
How about "...lyrics shouldn't be judged solely...", instead? I think it's more like judging a dish on the amount of broccoli in it, or something along those lines. You can make a great dish without broccoli, and you can make a great dish that uses broccoli heavily, just so long as you make it well.

>> No.7893519

they are divided.
you can enjoy lyrics on their own but that's not the way they were meant to be consumed or judged.
good poetry =/= good lyrics

>> No.7893551
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Another pic of the bitches in OP. Girl on the left has a booty but that's about it. God I hate hipster chicks.